SI520 Homework 3 Conference Materials

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Thc Bvzan|inc S|udics Conlcrcncc is an annual lorum lor
|hc prcscn|a|ion and discussion ol papcrs cmbodvin
currcn| rcscarch on all aspcc|s ol Bvzan|inc his|orv and
cul|urc. Two i|cms lrom Inivcrsi|v ol Michian collcc|ions
will bc discusscd in papcrs ivcn a| |hc conlcrcncc: |hc
smallcr ol |wo lramcn|s ol an carlv papvrus roll wi|h a
la|cr Bvzan|inc codcx (Ms. 50i.
Gradua|c s|udcn|s ivin papcrs a| |hc Bvzan|inc S|udics
Conlcrcncc who do no| rcsidc in |hc arca ol |hc
conlcrcncc arc cn|i|lcd |o par|ial rcimburscmcn| ol |ravcl
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Kclscv Muscum ol Archacolov
4`4 Sou|h S|a|c S|.
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
%&&'() +,-(&./&0 1.'2/03 45&6070&80
The Byzantine Studies Conference is an
annual forum for the presentation and discussion of
papers embodying current research on all aspects of
Byzantine history and culture. Two items from University
of Michigan collections will be discussed in papers given at
the conference: the smaller of two fragments of an early
papyrus roll with a later Byzantine codex (Ms. 50).
Graduate students giving papers at the Byzantine Studies
Conference who do not reside in the area of the
conference are entitled to partial reimbursement of travel
View this email in a browser
This material is produced as design exercise and is not intended to advertise an actual event.
Annual Byzantine
Studies Conference
Conference Website:

Register Now
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Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
434 South State St.
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
December 15-20
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor
R: 179
G: 142
B: 91
C: 29
M: 42
Y: 73
K: 5
R: 60
G: 68
B: 57
C: 69
M: 54
Y: 69
K: 49
R: 101
G: 129
B: 129
C: 63
M: 38
Y: 45
K: 8
R: 161
G: 166
B: 164
C: 39
M: 29
Y: 32
K: 0
Split Complementary Harmony
Week 4 Name: __Hillary Hampton_______________________
Homework 3 Checklist
Submit on 10/07
Design a postcard (double-sided, 8.5X5.5), and mockup for HTML invitation (width 600px for
active content) for Annual Byzantine Conference.
Use the le from cTools. Reuse text, image (s) and logotypes for each of the
promotional pieces maintain unity. Follow USPS requirements for back panel for the postcard.
Front panels for cards orientation is up to you. On your postcard, you may include QR code.
Deliverable %
Deadline met 10
Paper copy submitted:
Page 1 submission checklist
Page 2 sketches for postcard, html invite, and for the logotypes area
Page 3 1 html invite mockup
Page 4 1 postcard (front and back on the same page, some downscale is OK)
Page 5 color palette with harmony type indicated, RGB and CMYK values listed
Concept developed. Unity in the design is maintained. 20
Photos and colors used for design are coordinated. Alignment is maintained and Rule of
thirds / Grid is applied. Emphasis is added to the important information (title, dates,
location, hyperlinks).
All sponsor logotypes are included, set to consistent size and alignment, and organized
for consistent appearance in term of grid-based layout.
Postcard: bleeds and trim marks are set and are visible on your print, safe area is
maintained, CMYK color model is used. Back of the postcard has place for indicia and
address (USPS standard). QR code has legible but proportional size and position.
Images are color corrected brightness, contrast adjusted with Photoshop 5
.pdf binder is uploaded to Scribd (do not upload the checklist) 5
Total 100

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