Qverolvs Sive Avlvlaria: Characters Personae

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Characters LAR (FAMILIARIS) - Household god QVER(OLVS, EVCLIONIS FILIVS) - Querolus, the son of Eu l!o MAN"(RO#ERVS $ARASI%VS) SAR"(ANA$ALLVS $ARASI%VS) S&CO$H(AN%A $ARASI%VS) $AN%(OMALVS SERVVS) AR'(I%ER VICINVS) FORWARD 1. Rut!l!us, (ou should )e honored fore*er +!th h!gh ,r-!se, for (ou ,ro*!de .e res,e t-)le le!sure so th-t I .-( )r!ng forth ,l-(s, honor-)l( /udg!ng .e +orth( to )e ounted -.ong (our losest olle-gues -nd onne t!ons0 I -. dou)l( - 1no+ledged2 (ou do .e gre-t honor )( (our estee. -nd )( (our o.,-n(2 th!s !s true gre-tness0 2. A ord!ngl(, ho+ sh-ll I re,-( (ou for these 1!ndnesses3 Mone(, th-t )eg!nn!ng -nd end of +e-lth -nd +orr!es, !s ne!ther -)und-nt +!th .e nor !.,ort-nt to (ou0 No s.-ll l-)or h-s (!elded th!s l!ttle l!ter-r( ende-*or to .e4 fro. th!s sour e o.e .( reno+n -nd .( re+-rd2 th!s +!ll redound to (our )enef!t0 And to !.)ue .( +or1 +!th -n -!r of ref!ne.ent, I h-*e )orro+ed su)/e t .-tter fro. th-t ,h!loso,h! -l d!ssert-t!on of (ours0 "o (ou re.e.)er (our h-)!t of r!d! ul!ng those +ho de,lored the!r f-tes, -nd the ,le-sure (ou too1 !n -rgu!ng the the.e !n the )est - -de.! st(le3 'ut ho+ .u h .-( I re-son-)l( )orro+3 5h-t .-( - tu-ll( )e fro. th-t sour e, then, onl( he +ho 1no+s +!ll 1no+4 I h-*e +r!tten th!s l!ttle t-le for f-)le -nd t-)le0 3. %he ,lot !s th!s4 %he f-ther of our Querolus +-s the .!ser Eu l!o0 %h!s Eu l!o on e g-thered u, h!s gold !n -n urn, -s !f !t +ere the -shes of h!s f-ther, -nd ,oured !n ense o*er !t -nd -ff!6ed -n e,!t-,h on the outs!de0 5hen he +-s -)out to e.)-r1 on - n-*-l *o(-ge, he )ur!ed the urn, -nd told no one -)out !t0 'e o.!ng de-thl( !ll +h!le tr-*el!ng, he e6e utes - se ret do u.ent -,,o!nt!ng - gr!fter, so.eone he h-s /ust .et there, -s o-he!r +!th h!s son, !f he +!ll re*e-l the tre-sure to the son +!thout -n( tr! 1s0 Forgett!ng ho+ he h-s on e-led the tre-sure, the old .-n rel-(s onl( !ts lo -t!on0 %he gr!fter t-1es sh!,, goes to Querolus, -nd )re-1s the -gree.ent, des r!)!ng h!.self -s -n en h-nter -nd - .-the.-t! !-n, -nd +h-te*er else - th!ef -n !n*ent0 L!1e - fortuneteller, he tells Querolus the ,r!*-te -nd !nt!.-te th!ngs he h-s le-rned fro. h!s ,-tron0 4. Querolus t-1es h!. -t h!s +ord -nd -s1s for h!s hel,0 M-s7uer-d!ng -s -n Personae LAR (FAMILIARIS) QVER(OLVS, EVCLIONIS FILIVS) MAN"(RO#ERVS $ARASI%VS) SAR"(ANA$ALLVS $ARASI%VS) S&CO$H(AN%A $ARASI%VS) $AN%(OMALVS SERVVS) AR'(I%ER VICINVS) PROEMIUM 1. Rut!l!, *ener-nde se.,er .-gn!s l-ud!)us, 7u! d-s honor-tu. 7u!ete. 7u-. d! -.us lud! r!s, !nter ,ro6!.os et ,ro,!n7uos honore d!gnu. ,ut-ns, du,l! !, f-teor, et !ngent! .e don-s )ono4 ho test!.on!o, ho olleg!o, h-e *er- est d!gn!t-s0 2. Qu-en-. ergo h!s ,ro .er!t!s d!gn- refer-. ,r-e.!-3 $e un!-, !ll- reru. soll! !tud!ne. -us- et -,ut, ne7ue .e u. -)und-ns ne7ue -,ud te ,ret!os- est0 $-r*-s .!h! l!tterul-s non ,-r*us !nduls!t l-)or4 h!n honos -t7ue .er es, ho .-ne)!t ,r-e.!u.0 At7ue ut o,er! nostro -l!7u!d -dderetur gr-t!-e, ser.one !llo ,h!loso,h! o e6 tuo .-ter!-. su.,s!.us0 Me.!n!st!ne r!dere tete sol!tu. !llos 7u! f-t- de,lor-nt su- -t7ue A -de.! o .ore 7uod l!)!tu. foret destruere et -dserere te sol!tu.3 Sed 7u-ntu. l! et3 H!n ergo 7u!d !n *ero s!t, 7u! solus no*!t, nouer!t4 nos f-)ell!s -t7ue .ens!s hun l!)ellu. s r!,s!.us0 3. M-ter!- h-e est0 $-ter Querol! nostr! fu!t -u-rus Eu l!o0 H! Eu l!o -uru. !n orn-. ongess!t ol!., 7u-s! )ust- ,-tr!s, odor!)us !nsu,er !nfus!s t!tulo7ue e6tr-dd!to0 N-ue. -s endens orn-. do.! fod!t, re. null! -,eru!t0 H! ,eregre .or!ens ,-r-s!tu. !)!de. ogn!tu. f!l!o oherede. !nst!tu!t t- !t- s r!,tur-e f!de, s! e!de. thes-uru. o ultu. s!ne fr-ude ostenderet0 Lo u. t-ntu..odo thes-ur! sene6 ostend!t o)l!tus dol!0 $-r-s!tus n-ue. -s end!t, -d Querolu. *en!t et ru,!t f!de., .-gu. .-the.-t! u.7ue sese f!ngens et 7u! 7u!d .ent!r! fur ,otest0 E- 7u-e ,-trono d!d! er-t Querol! se ret- -t f-.!l!-r!-, 7u-s! d!u!nus, lo7u!tur0

4. Querolus f!de. - o.od-t -u6!l!u.7ue ,os !t0 $-r-s!tus .-gus do.u.

en h-nter, the gr!fter ,ur!f!es the house -nd -t the s-.e t!.e str!,s !t le-n2 )ut, +hen he h-s the o,,ortun!t( to e6-.!ne the urn, he !s fooled )( the old .-n8s tr! 10 He )el!e*es th-t !t !s the )ur!-l urn th-t !t -,,e-rs to )e -nd th!n1s he8s )een .-de the )utt of - /o1e0 %hen, so th-t he .!ght -t le-st g-!n - ,-rt!-l re*enge, he ree,s -refull( -nd se retl( u, to the house -nd ,!t hes the urn through - +!ndo+ -t Querolus0 As !t sh-tters, the -shes -re tr-ns.uted !nto gold0 And so, ontr-r( to -ll log! -nd o..on sense, he h-s re*e-led !t +hen !t l-( h!dden, -nd returned !t )( los!ng !t0 5. %hen, h-*!ng d!s o*ered the truth, the gr!fter d-shes )- 1 to get h!s sh-re0 'ut )e -use he -d.!ts the th!ngs he h-s stolen )ut -nnot ,rodu e -n(th!ng th-t he h-s returned, he !s f!rst - used of theft -nd then of *!ol-t!ng - to.)0 %he out o.e, therefore, !s th!s4 )( f-te -nd through the!r o+n *!rtue the .-ster -nd the gr!fter )oth re e!*e the!r /ust deserts0 6. %o (our n-.e, therefore, O !llustr!ous Rut!l!us, th!s l!ttle ,l-( !s ded! -ted0 M-( (ou l!*e s-fe -nd sound, f-*ored through our ,r-(ers -nd (ours0 $ROLO#9E 7. Our ,oet! -l d!s ourse -s1s ,e- e -nd 7u!et of (ou, O s,e t-tors, rel-t!ng !n )-r)-rous l-ngu-ge the te- h!ngs of the #ree1s -nd re -ll!ng to .!nd !n (our t!.e the gre-t old d-(s of the Ro.-ns0 Moreo*er, !t ,r-(s -nd ho,es, !n ultured +ords, th-t he +ho offers h!s l-)or to (ou .-( re e!*e (our f-*or0 8. %od-( +e -re go!ng to ,resent :%he $ot of #old,: )ut +e +!ll not follo+ !n the footste,s of the rough old *ers!on +r!tten -nd ,resented )( $l-utus0 %he stor( !s th!s4 here +e !ntrodu e - h-,,( .-n s-*ed )( h!s o+n f-te, -nd there - tr! 1ster +ho !s outfo6ed )( h!s o+n s he.!ng0 Querolus, +ho +!ll -,,e-r soon no+, +!ll )e the .-!n h-r- ter0 5e f!nd h!. rude4 )ut he +!ll )e the lu 1( one0 On the other h-nd, M-ndrogerus +!ll e.erge -s roo1ed -nd +ret hed0 %he Household #od, +ho +!ll -,,e-r f!rst, +!ll e6,l-!n e*er(th!ng0 %he su)/e t .-tter +!ll reg-le (ou, e*en !f the del!*er( !s +e-r(!ng0 9. For our ,r-tf-lls, no+, -nd our l!nes, +e -s1 -n old-f-sh!oned !ndulgen e0 No one should th!n1 th-t +h-t +e s-( to e*er(one -,,l!es to h!.2 nor should -n(one onstrue h!s o+n -se fro. - gener-l /o1e0 "o not loo1 too losel( -t -n(th!ng4 +e -re .-1!ng !t -ll u,0 10. 5hether th!s stor( should )e -lled :Querolus: or :%he $ot of #old: !s (ours to de !de, (ours +!ll )e the *erd! t0 No+, +e should not undert-1e our t-s1, h-lt!ng -nd l-.e -s +e -re, e6 e,t th-t !n th!s +e -re follo+!ng +here gre-t -nd f-.ous .en h-*e led0

,ur!f! -t et ,ur-. f- !t, sed, u)! ,r!.u. l!)ere orn-. !ns,e6!t, uetere de !,!tur dolo0 'ustu. 7uod s!.ul-)-tur red!d!t -t7ue !nr!su. se ,ut-t0 Inde, ut -l!7u-tenus sese ul !s eretur, orn-. Querol! !n do.u. -ll!de et o ulte o)re,ens ,er fenestr-. ,ro,ul!t0 Qu- e6,los- et o..!nut-, )ustu. !n ,ret!u. *ert!tu0 It-7ue thes-uru. ontr- r-t!one. et f!de., u. l-teret ,rod!d!t, u. ,er!sset redd!d!t0 5. $oste- re o.,ert-, ,-r-s!tus reuol-t et ,-rte. ,et!t0 Sed 7u!- 7u! 7u!d -)stuler!t onf!tetur, 7u! 7u!d rettuler!t non do et, ,r!.u. furt! ,ost et!-. se,ul r! *!ol-t! est reus0 E6!tus ergo h! est4 !lle do.!nus, !lle ,-r-s!tus denuo f-to -t7ue .er!to onlo -ntur s! -.)o -d su-0 6. %uo !g!tur, *!r !nlustr!s, l!)ellus !ste ded! -tur no.!n!0 V!u-s !n olu.!s -t7ue fel!6 *ot!s nostr!s et tu!s0 $ROLO#9S 7. $- e. 7u!ete.7ue - uo)!s, s,e t-tores, noster ser.o ,oet! us rog-t, 7u! #r-e oru. d!s !,l!n-s ore n-rr-t )-r)-ro et L-t!noru. uetust- uestro re ol!t te.,ore0 $r-etere- ,re -tur et s,er-t, non !nhu.-n- *o e, ut 7u! uo)!s l-)ore. !nduls!t, uestr-. refer-t gr-t!-.0 8. Aulul-r!-. hod!e su.us - tur!, non uetere. -t rude., !nuest!g-t-. et !nuent-. $l-ut! ,er *est!g!-0 F-)ell- h-e est4 fel! e. h! !ndu !.us f-to seru-tu. suo -t7ue e ontr-r!o fr-udulentu. fr-ude de e,tu. su-0 Querolus, 7u! !-. nun *en!et, tot-. tene)!t f-)ul-.0 I,se est !ngr-tus !lle noster4 h! fel!6 er!t0 E ontr-r!o, M-ndrogerus -der!t fr-udulentus et .!ser0 L-r F-.!l!-r!s 7u! ,r!.us *en!et, !,se e6,onet o.n!-0 M-ter!- uos.et ref! !et, s! f-t!g-t le t!o0 9. In lud!s -ute. -t7ue d! t!s, -nt!7u-. no)!s *en!-. e6,os !.us0 Ne.o s!)!.et -r)!tretur d! ! 7uod nos ,o,ulo d! !.us, ne7ue ,ro,r!-. s!)!.et -us-. onst!tu-t o..un! e6 !o o0 Ne.o -l!7u!d re ognos -t4 nos .ent!.ur o.n!-0 10. Querolus -n Aulul-r!- h-e d! -tur f-)ul-, uestru. h!n !ud! !u., uestr- er!t sentent!-0 $rod!re -ute. !n -gendu. non -dere.us u. lodo ,ede, n!s! .-gnos ,r-e l-ros7ue !n h- ,-rte se7uere.ur du es0

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