Career Research Interview Part 2

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Natalie Walker Criminal Justice 1010 Robert N.

Burns 12,03,2013

Career Paper I have been doing research on the different fields of law enforcement mainly focusing on the Narcotics Unit and Vice Squad out of SLCPD. Unfortunately I was not able to reach SLCPD to conduct an interview with a member of their Vice Squad. I was however given a reference to Unified Police department. I took advantage and was directed to a female detective who works the narcotics unit. I was very pleased to have the opportunity to interview a female Narcotics Unit officer. In 2012 the Salt Lake City Vice Squad was disabled. Late last year the department reinstituted the vice squad under the umbrella of the organized crime division. The new squad plans to target more heavily on the pimps and customers. In addition to internet and street crimes a major focus of the new vice squad will be human trafficking. Most vice cops advance to their ranks after completing several years of probationary duty as uniformed officers. Following your rookie year on the police force, you could then be approached as a recruit based on your personality or ability to assume an appearance. Experience in foreign languages will also increase your chances for recruitment. There is never a shortage of crimes for undercover or vice officers to investigate. There is an imminent danger involved with performing the duties of a vice cop. There is the perceived excitement, which is often replaced with the lengthy stakeouts. These stakeouts can last weeks, months or even years. These

surveillance projects often bring little to know pertinent information for the case. The daily grind of this position is considered to be quite stressful and is often the blame for early job burn out. Many law enforcement agencies require a narcotics enforcement officer to have a two to four year college degree. A major in police science or criminalology is recommended. Narcotics officers are also required to complete training in the use of firearms, detection devices and investigation equipment. Certification is also necessary in some states to become a narcotics enforcement officer. Narcotics officers use a few techniques and resources during their course of work. A few of these resources include video surveillance, wiretapping and K9 units. They can also work undercover to gain informants. Narcotics officers also work long hours in many dangerous situations. Proper stress management is important to maintain along with physical fitness.

Education Requirements
A career on the police force does not require college education. However this line of work does involve a great deal of training and on-the-job training. Although higher education is preferred and having a degree can greatly influence your pay and status. Applicants must have a high school diploma and pass a written test to be eligible to become a police officer.

Application Process

Salary and Benefits

The salary and benefits vary because of the amount of experience, education and also location plays a big part. Police officers are eligible for paid vacation, sick leave and medical and life insurance. Police officers get paid time off and over time. Some officers can also receive an allowance

for their uniforms. Police officers also receive a guaranteed pension. Some officer are also able to retire after just 25 or 30 years of service at half of their annual pay.

Opening statement
Hello I am Natalie it is so nice to finally meet you. I am excited to get a personal view into the life of law enforcement from such a highly recommended female Detective as your self.

Orientation The reason for this interview is to acquire information about your personal duties and experiences as a female Detective. This interview should only take about a half hour however, if it runs over the 30 minute mark are you ok with proceeding with and additional 10 minutes if I was not able to obtain the information needed to complete this interview within the first half hour? Closed ended questions How long have you been in law enforcement? How many years did it take you to become a Detective? Would you still consider new promotion opportunities? If you could go back in time and choose another career field would you? At what age did you decide you wanted to join law enforcement? How many hours and days a week were you assigned after your initial training period?

Opened ended questions

Primary: Tell me a specific reason or experience that made you decide you wanted to work in law enforcement. Primary: What did you think of the police academy? Secondary: Do you have an experience you would like to share while you were in there? Primary: What was the most dangerous call you had to go on?

Secondary: Was your life put in serious danger? Primary: What is a narcotics investigation like for you personally? Secondary: What was one of your most satisfying arrests you made while working the narcotics unit.

Primary: How does your job affect your life at home? Secondary: What is your best coping mechanism? Primary: What do you like the most about your job?

My interview process involved starting off with a firm hand shake and introducing myself by first name. My objective was to give her the impression that I was not just a young blonde dreamer but a very goal driven woman. I intended to bring her down to a personal level and break threw her shell a bit. I lead this interview in exactly that direction although I was able to get some personal information she still had her limits like most people do. I kindly thanked her for taking the time out of her schedule to allow me to conduct this interview. I shook her hand again and left. I had a very interesting interview with Denise and got to know her while she was in her domain at the station. I was thinking conducting this interview at her police station would keep me from taking her out of her comfort zone but was I wrong. I started off with the closed ended questions to get her warmed up. I am not very fond of closed ended questions because they can provide useful information but on the other hand am a very relational listener. I was very impressed Denise has been in law enforcement for 16 years. It took her 10 years to become a detective all with

just an associates degree in criminal justice. Denise didnt stop there she is about to complete her degree in sociology. Denise has four kids and is also married to a police officer so she says it is extra tough on the kids as far as quality time goes because they both have such a demanding job. I feel like her kids have an advantage and disadvantage to their parents job, on one hand they have a mother and father who set a great example which I would assume plays a big part in how they are raised however on the other hand I know the effects of absents of parents in the home often. One of Detective Denise Ikes most satisfying narcotics arrests was when she busted a drug dealer that was not only in possession of cocaine and heroin but he was also a known violent pedophile. Denise really opened up to me and I also opened up to her for instance she disclosed it was a miscarriage at 19 that changed her direction in life.

Pay scale median salary

Police or Sheriffs patrol officer 45,043 or $19.07 per hour FBI agent 59,255 or $27.50 per hour Correctional officer/ Jailer 33,602 or $14.73 per hour Police detective 52,877 or 25.55 per hour

The pay scale for a city police officer or deputy sheriff varies with each department. Larger departments located in a big city do not necessarily have higher starting pay despite the higher cost of living. Also female officers only take up about 14 percent of law enforcement where as men take up the remaining 86 percent. It is so important to have primary and secondary questions it allows for more information and detail. Close-ended questions get right to the point and can offer

important right to the point answers. Knowing that the pay scale and crime level varies from location to location can make a big difference during someones application process. Being a police officer is a very demanding job and can cut into family time. It takes a really special person to take on the responsibilities and duties of a police officer. I was able to obtain a lot of information that will be of use while considering my position as a LEO. I was pleased to have the opportunity to interview Denise, she is a very hard working detective, wife and mother.

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