Annotated Bibliography

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Collin Ermi Period.

Annotated Bibliography
Since 1917, the influence of the British Empire, and later the United Nations, stripped Palestine of their rights to occup and control their homeland! furthermore, the responsi"ilities gi#en to "oth Palestine and $srael ha#e "een undermined to ensure the Palestinian oppression. %or m pro&ect, $ 'ill "e ma(ing a 'e"site to portra m argument. )e"site U*+, http,--1.4199/1.nhd.'ee"l .com-

01 2ecade of 1merican %oreign Polic 194131949 3 *eport on Status of the 1rmistice Negotiations and 4ruce in Palestine, 5ul 61, 1949 7E8cerpts9.0Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -decad176.asp 4his document states the needed inter#ention from the United Nations Securit Council to help "ring a ceasefire and to negotiate an armistice to "ring an end to all the fighting. 4he 'or( is directed at the Palestinian go#ernment, calling for them to step do'n and accept 'hat the United Nations has to off. 4his is useful to m argument "ecause it sho's Palestine as the aggressors in a situation 'here the are onl tr ing to reclaim the land that 'as ta(en from them. Arthur James Balfour and Declaration. 2igital image. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'peng-'p3 content-uploads-6;1<-11-Balfour=portrait=and=declaration.&pg Balfour, 1rthur 5ames. 0Balfour 2eclaration No#em"er 6, 1917.0Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. )e". 1; :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -"alfour.asp 4he Balfour 2eclaration 'as a letter sent to the British go#ernment " 1rthur 5ames Balfour, stating that he "elie#ed that the should esta"lish a homeland for the 5e'ish >ionists in Palestine. 4his is useful to m argument "ecause it mar(ed the "eginning of the conflict "et'een Palestine and the 5e'ish people o#er their lands. 4his source ma onl "e a ?uic( letter, "ut the effects it had 'ere #er profound. Haifa E odus. 194@. )i(ipedia, Aaifa, Palestine. !he "ree Encyclopedia. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--en.'i('i(i-%ile,Aaifa=E8odus=1.png 4his photograph sho's Palestinian citiBens "eing forced to lea#e the cit of Aaifa during a 5e'ish occupation. 4his photo depicts another case 'ere the PalestinianCs are losing their land " "rute force for the in#ading 5e'ish arm . 4his picture is useful to m argument "ecause it sho's that the Palestinians lost a lot during these times of e8treme conflict.

Collin Ermi Period. 4

Annotated Bibliography
0$sraeli 1ttac(s in the DaBa Strip, United Nations Securit Council *esolution, Earch 69, 19...0 Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. )e". 1< :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -mid;1;.asp 4his document ac(no'ledges a "rea( in the ceasefire agreement "et'een $srael and the 1ra" states, made 'hen $sraeli forces "egan attac(ing Eg ptian forces. )hile it is called a #iolation to the treat in this document, the United Nations chose to as( $srael to refrain from further #iolations rather than ta(ing decisi#e action. 4his is useful to m argument "ecause it not onl sho's that the $sraelis 'ere not interested in a ceasefire, "ut that the United Nations did not feel it 'as necessar to inter#ene 'hen a #iolation occurred against the 1ra" states. $sraeli Do#ernment. 02eclaration of $sraelCs $ndependence 194@.0Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. )e". 1; :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -israel.asp 4he declaration of $sraelCs independence is the official statement from the 5e'ish state that sa s the are no longer &ust part of Palestine, "ut are no' their o'n people and land. 4he document features statements on the histor of the 5e'ish people up until this time, and has a section 'here the as( for assistance from the United Nations to esta"lish their nation. 4his is useful for m argument "ecause it mar(s the time 'here $srael trul separated from Palestine and 'here tensions "egan to trul s( roc(et. 4his declaration is short, "ut the effects of it are still "eing felt in this region to this da . 0$srael3Palestine +i"eration :rganiBation 1greement , 199<.0 Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -isrplo.asp 4his document is an agreement "et'een the go#ernment of "oth $srael and Palestine to tr and "ring an end to the decades of fighting that has plagued their homelands. 4he document esta"lishes 'hat negotiations 'ill tr and recei#e as 'ell as the aim of the 'hole process. 4his is useful to m argument "ecause it sho's that at one point, the Palestinians had reached out in attempts to end the ears of conflict. 4he document is not #er large, "ut sho's that tensions had once lo'ered to a point of possi"le peace. +eague of Nations. !he Palestine #andate. 4he 1#alon Pro&ect, 2ocuments in +a', Aistor , and 2iplomac , n.d. )e". 1; :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -palmanda.asp 4he Palestine Eandate 'as an official order from the +eague of Nations to the go#ernment of Palestine, to "e used as a guide to allo'ing the >ionist 5e's to esta"lish their place 'ithin Palestine. $t consisted of 6@ articles and esta"lished the rules for land, language, and rights. 4his is useful for m argument "ecause it sho's ho' outside forces pla ed a ma&or role in ta(ing of land and po'er from the Palestinians. 4his document is long, and pro#ides man details on 'hat 'as e8pected of the Palestinian people during this time.

Collin Ermi Period. 4

Annotated Bibliography
#a$eshift Palestinian %efu&ee 'chool. 2igital image. (i$ipedia, !he "ree Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--upload.'i('i(ipedia-commons-6-6.-Bo =sister=school=na("a.&pg 0Eourners Carr Bod of Palestinian Eilitant.0 )P* Photo +ollection. 6;1;. E panded Academic A'AP. )e". 1; :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http, H7CC44;999;6;.4I#G6.1IuGl#ccld=mainIitGrIpGE1$EIs'G'IasidG1;4.1"/<<1"a9664dc799 6fee/d4/d/f 4his picture sho's Palestinian people protesting and mourner the loss of four men 'ho 'ere (illed for fighting for the li"eration of Palestine. $t sho's people 'ho are #er angr and outraged as the "odies of the fallen are marched through the streets. 4his picture is useful "ecause it sho's ho' the people are reacting to this ongoing conflict "et'een the t'o nations. Palestinian *ntifada. 2igital image. Blo&spot. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. (e,site )%L- http-../0,p0,lo&spot0com.-!1B"Lwv"2l).!3%ps"#PE*.AAAAAAAAve#.4&5)61h+hv7.s788.intifada0jp& Palestinian #an and +hild. 2igital image. (i$ipedia, !he "ree Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. (e,site )%L- http-..upload0wi$imedia0or&.wi$ipedia.commons.e.e3.6lddman9,oy9na$,a0jp& Palestinian Protest. 2igital image. Alah$,ar En&lish. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. (e,site )%L- http-..en&lish0ala$h,ar0com.sites.default.files.ima&ecache.:cols.leadin&9ima&es.;8<:</-8=-8;0jp& Palestinian %efu&ees. N.d. 4he %ree Enc clopedia, Palestine. (i$ipedia. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--en.'i('i(i-%ile,Palestinian=refugees.&pg 4his picture sho's a group of Palestinian refugees out in the desert after "eing forced to flee from in#ading 5e'ish forces. 4he in#asion caused man men, 'omen, and children to lose their homes and ha#e to mo#e in order to sa#e their li#es. 4his photo is important to m argument "ecause it depicts the common occurrence of Palestinians losing their land to e8panding 5e'ish forces. Palestinian %efu&ees in +amp. 2igital image. (i$ipedia, !he "ree Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--upload.'i('i(ipedia-commons-.-./-:ldman=girl=na("a.&pg Palestinian (atchin& 6ver %efu&ees. 2igital image. (i$ipedia, !he "ree Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--upload.'i('i(ipedia-commons-a-a/-Ean=see=school=na("a.&pg

Collin Ermi Period. 4

Annotated Bibliography
Palestinian (omen and +hild. 2igital image. (i$ipedia, !he "ree Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--upload.'i('i(ipedia-commons-9-9.-)oman=na("a=dress=&ug.&pg Sher'ood, Aarriet. 0$srael stripped 14;,;;; Palestinians of residenc rights, document re#eals )orld ne's J 4he Duardian .0 Latest news, world news, sport and comment from the >uardian the&uardian0com !he >uardian. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--''''orld-6;11-ma -11-israel3palestinians3residenc 3rights 4his article re#eals truth from documents that $srael has re#o(ed the residenc rights of thousands upon thousands of Palestinians. 4he documents sho' that since the occupation of the )est Ban(, the $srael go#ernment has "een re#o(ing the right to li#e in these areas. 4his is #er useful to m argument "ecause it sho's that the $srael go#ernment has chosen to continue to (ic( people from their homes and force them to lea#e their land. State., the 2epartment of. 0UN Deneral 1ssem"l *esolution 1@1.0 Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. )e". 1; :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -res1@1.asp 4his document is a resolution from the United Nations that called for the termination of the Eandate of Palestine, "ut enacted ne' restraints on conditions to the conflict. +a ing the 'a for the separation of $srael from Palestine, this resolution states the ne' plans are "oundaries that 'ill "e put in place for the future of the region. 4his document is large, and pro#ides a lot of useful information regarding the effects that the United Nations in#ol#ement 'as ha#ing on the Palestinian state. 04he Palestinian National Charter.0Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. )e". 1< :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,'.;th=centur -ploco#.asp 4he Palestinian National Charter is a document that the land that that $srael occupies is rightfull PalestineCs, and that it is their legal right to regain their homeland from these intruders. 4he document contains << articles that descri"e the rights of those 'ho are Palestinian, and that the are e#en 'illing to allo' the 5e'ish people 'ho li#ed in their land "efore the >ionist in#asion to remain. 4his is important to m argument "ecause it sho's that the Palestinian li"eration mo#ement had #alid argumentation and compromises to ensure that their attempts to reclaim their land are recogniBed.

Collin Ermi Period. 4

Annotated Bibliography
0$sraeli and Palestinian Aomes 2emolished since Sept. 69, 6;;;.0 *f Americans ?new - what every American needs to $now a,out *srael.Palestine. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--'''.ifamericans(ne'.org-stats-homes.html 4his article sho's the statistics for the num"er of homes that ha#e "een destro ed on the $srael, and on the Palestine side. 4he $sraeli forces ha#e destro ed 'ell o#er 6.,;;; homes during their occupation of Palestinian land, "ut the Palestinians ha#e destro ed none during their attac(s. 4his article has useful information "ecause it sho's the dar( actions that ha#e "een committed during times of 'ar "et'een the t'o sides. 0$sraeli Confiscation and Settlement on Palestinian +and.0 *f Americans ?new - what every American needs to $now a,out *srael.Palestine. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--'''.ifamericans(ne'.org-stats-settlements.html 4his article descri"es the situation of illegal 5e'ish settlements on the Palestinian lands. $srael has o#er 6/; settlements on illegall confiscated Palestinian land, 'hile Palestine has no settlements on $srael appointed land. 4his information sho's ho' $srael has further #iolated a #ariet of treaties and agreements, and goes to support m argument. 0Palestinian and $sraeli Children Killed.0 *f Americans ?new - what every American needs to $now a,out *srael.Palestine. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+,http,--'''.ifamericans(ne'.org-stats-children.html 4his article descri"es the death of Palestinian children 7(illed " $sraeli forces9 compared to the deaths of $sraeli children at the hands of Palestinian forces. $n the last 1< ears along, $sraeli forces ha#e (illed o#er 1<;; Palestinian children, most of 'hich 'ere li#ing their dailies li#es 'hen the 'ere "rought do'n " unchec(ed gun fire or air stri(es. 4his information is useful to m argument "ecause it sho's the carelessness that $srael has 'hen it comes to fighting the Palestinian li"eration forces.

Palestinian and *sraeli Deaths. 2igital image. @isualiAin& Palestine. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. (e,site )%L- http-..visualiAin&palestine0or&.sites.default.files.ima&es.infor&raphics.vp-violencetimeline-/8=/-==-/3980pn& Palestinian Loss of Land. 2igital image. *f Americans ?new. N.p., n.d. )e". ;. 2ec. 6;1<. (e,site )%L- pg Palestine - *srael +onflict. N.d. N-1, N-1.!he @iewspaper. )e". . 2ec. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--the#ie''p3content-uploads-6;;9-;1-$srael3Palestine3Conflict.&pg

Collin Ermi Period. 4

Annotated Bibliography
04he %irst $ntifada.0 *f Americans ?new - what every American needs to $now a,out *srael.Palestine. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--'''.ifamericans(ne'.org-histor -firstintifada.html 4his article descri"es the e#ents that lead to the first Palestinian $ntifada in the )est Ban(, DaBa areas. 2uring these times, $srael 'as "ecoming more and more oppressi#e of the Palestinians as the occupied the area. )hen Palestinian citiBens "egan to hold stri(es, "o cott $sraeli productions, and protest their rule, $sraeli forces responded #er "rutall . 4his article is useful to m argument "ecause the cruel actions of the $srael go#ernment ha#e caused the Palestinians to tr and uprise, onl to "e forci"l put do'n in their o'n lands. 0UN *esolutions 4argeting $srael and Palestinians.0 *f Americans ?new - what every American needs to $now a,out *srael.Palestine. N.p., n.d. )e". 19 :ct. 6;1<. )e"site U*+, http,--'''.ifamericans(ne'.org-stats-un.html 4his chart and article descri"es ho' $srael has "een the target of o#er 77 United Nations resolutions 'hile Palestine has onl "een the target of one. 4he article e8plains ho' $srael has constantl made un3 la'ful actions against the Palestinians, and the United Nations has not ta(en an serious action in tr ing to stop them. 4his is #er useful for m argument "ecause it sho's e#idence for the #iolations $srael has made o#er the ears against Palestine.

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