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These frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc. The two- or threecharacter source codes after each frequency are defined at the bottom. 0.16 - 10 NeuralgiasAT 0.18 - 10 Mod. therapyAT 0.20 - 0.26 Dental painAT 0.20 - 10 Post-traumaticsAT 0.28 - 2.1 Alcohol addictionAT 0.28 - 10 ArthritisAT 0.!0 - 0.1 DepressionAT 0.!0 - 10 "er#o$rachial syndromeAT 0.!% - 2.1 Drug addictionAT 0.&0 - 10 "on'usionAT 0.& - 10 Muscle painAT 0. #ery rela(ing) against headache M*) 'or lo+er $ac, painA0.. - 10 /hiplashAT 1-! Delta0 deep) dreamless sleep) trance state) non-12M sleep 1.0 3eeling o' +ell-$eing) pituitary stimulation to release gro+th hormone4 o#erall #ie+ o' inter-relationships4 harmony and $alanceM* 1.& Tri-thalamic entrainment 'ormat. According to 1onald de-trulle) creates entrainment $et+een hypothalamus) pituitary and pineal. May $ene'it dysle(ics and people +ith Al5heimer6s.MP2 2.1 - 10 Tendo#aginatisAT 2. pain relie') rela(ationM*. Production o' endogenous opiates.27 !.& -ound sleep !. 3eeling o' unity +ith e#erything) accelerated language retention84 enhancement o' recepti#ityM*

&-6 attitude and $eha#ior changeM9 &-% Theta0 recall) 'antasy) imagery) creati#ity) planning) dreaming) s+itching thoughts) :en meditation) dro+siness. & 2n,ephalins4 2(trasensory perceptionM* &.. Theta $rain +a#e .0 unusual pro$lem sol#ing8 . Mo#es $eyond ,no+ledge to ,no+ing) sho+s #ision o' gro+th needed 6.0 long term memory stimulationM* %.0 Mental and astral pro;ection) psychic surgery %. <nter-a+areness o' sel' and purpose) guided meditation) creati#ity) contact +ith spirit guides4 entry into meditationM* %.8! 2arth 1esonance) grounding8) =-chumann 1esonance.= 8-10 learning ne+ in'ormationM9 8-1! Alpha0 rela(ed) tran>uil and non-dro+sy) in+ard a+areness) $odymind 8-1& 7i *ong and in'ratonic 7i *ong machine7* 8.0 Past li'e regression8 8.! Pic, up #isual images o' mental o$;ects ..0 A+areness o' causes o' $ody im$alance and means 'or $alance8 ..&1 Pyramid 're>uency ?outside@ ..6 Mean dominant 're>uency associated +ith the earth6s magnetic 'ield27 10 enhanced release o' serotonin and mood ele#ator) uni#ersally $ene'icial) use to try e''ects o' other mi(esM*. Acts as an analgesic) sa'est 're>uency) especially 'or hango#er and ;et lag.27 Meg Patterson used 'or nicotine +ithdra+al.MA! 10.2 "atecholamines 10. 9ealing o' $ody) mindB$ody unity) 'ire+al,ing84 potent sta$ili5er and stimulating 'or the immunity) #alua$le in con#alescence.M* 10.6 1ela(ed and alert 12.0 "entering) door+ay to all other 're>uencies8

1!-!0 Normal +a,e'ulness8 1&-16 =associated +ith sleep spindles on 22* during second stage o' sleep=27 1&.0 A+a,e and alert 1 chronic painM* 16 $ottom limit o' normal hearingMP2 18-22 Aeta0 out+ard a+areness) sensory data 20 'atigue) energi5e. "auses distress during la$or.27 2%. lo+est note an a pianoMP2 !0 Meg Patterson used 'or mari;uana.MA! !0 - 1.0 Cum$agoAT !0- 00 9igh Aeta0 a 'e+ people a$le to replicate at +ill !2 Desensiti5er4 enhanced #igour and alertnessM* !! "hrist consciousness) hypersensiti#ity) Pyramid 're>uency ?inside@ ! - 1 0 3racturesAT ! - 1.! ArthralgyAT ! A+a,ening o' mid-cha,ras) $alance o' cha,ras !8 2ndorphin release/C &0 dominant +hen pro$lem sol#ing in 'ear'ul situations.27 &0-60 an(iolytic e''ects and stimulates release o' $eta-endorphinesM* &! - 1.! "arcinomatosisAT 0 dominant 're>uency o' polyphasic muscle acti#ity) mains electrical in D.E.27 0 -lo+er cere$ral rhythms Tantra) ,undalini8 60 electric po+er lines 6! Astral pro;ection8

%0-.)000 Foice spectrumMP1 %0 Mental and astral pro;ection %2 2motional spectrum 80 A+areness and control o' right direction. Appears to $e in#ol#ed in stimulating hydro(ytryptamine production) +ith 160 95. "om$ine +ith 2. 95.27 8! Third eye opening 'or some people .0 *ood 'eelings) security) +ell-$eing) $alancing 10 G#erall #ie+ o' complete situation 108 Total ,no+ing 111 Aeta endorphinsM1. cell regeneration 120- 00 P-<) transmutation) psycho,inesis 12 *raham potentiali5er4 -timulationM9 126.22 -un) !2nd octa#e o' 2arth year9" 1!6.1 -un0 light) +armth) ;oy) animus1F 1&0.2 Pluto0 po+er) crisis H changes 1&1.2% Mercury0 intellectuality) mo$ility 1&&.%2 Mars0 acti#ity) energy) 'reedom) humor 1&%.8 -aturn0 separation) sorro+) death 160 Appears to $e in#ol#ed in stimulating -hydro(ytryptamine production) +ith 80 95.27 18!. 8 Iupiter0 gro+th) success) ;ustice) spirituality 1.&.%1 2arth0 sta$ility) grounding 20%.!6 Dranus0 spontaneity) independence) originality 211.&& Neptune0 the unconscious) secrets) imagination) spiritual lo#e 221.2! Fenus0 $eauty) lo#e) se(uality) sensuality) harmony 2 0 2le#ate and re#itali5e

2%2 !!rd octa#e o' 2arth year9" !8& =*urd;ie'' #i$ration associated +ith root cha,ra. -i(th harmonic o' si() center o' the $rain+a#e spectrum.=1P !.6 * ?musical note@PC &0 FioletPC &20.82 Moon0 lo#e) sensiti#ity) creati#ity) 'emininity) anima &!8 <ndigo &&0 A ?musical note@ &%! Alue &. A ?musical note@ 2% *reen 28 " ?musical note@ 80 Jello+ .& D ?musical note@ .% Grange 660 2 ?musical note@ %00 1ed %0& 3 ?musical note@ 1000 "ere$ral neurons &)186 highest note on a pianoMP2 16)000 - 20)000 Dpper range 'or normal hearingMP2 -lo+er physiological cycles0"A 9eart0 %6 $eatsB min 1espiratory0 22 cyclesB min Eidneys0 2& hour cycle -tomach0 ! contractionsB min

<ntestines0 1 contractionB min Muscles0 proteins $ro,en do+n H $uilt e#ery 12 days G#aries0 28 day menstrual cycle 1ed $lood cells0 128 day li'e cycle Aone calcium0 200 day replacement Sources: 8 Michael 9ercules6 Nustar :en Player and A. *iles personal notes A- Alpha-tim ?research sur#ey@ AT Auriculotherapy de#ice in'ormation 'rom Aente, "orp. 2arlo$e type electrodes are speci'ied 'or some conditions) T2N- or 2"* type electrodes 'or others. De#ice has t+o channels) indicated 'or each ailment. CA "ompleat Astrologer) Dere, H Iulia Par,er 'or slo+er physiological rhythms. ! Gcta#es and +indo+s) 2>uino() April 88 "# Mega$rain *ermany "$% Mega$rain 1eport K!) p. 1. "& Mind 2(panding Machines0 "an the *P Do 'or the Arain /hat Nautilus Does 'or the AodyL) $y Michael 9utchison) Ne+ Age Iournal IulyBAug 8% *raham potentiali5er not in production. "' Mega$rain 1eport Fol 1 K2 "() "hant0 The 9ealing Po+er o' Foice and 2ar) an inter#ie+ +ith Al'red Tomatis) M.D.) $y Tim /ilson) in Music0 Physician 'or Times to "ome) an anthology $y Don "amp$ell "(* -onic 2ntrainment) $y Ionathan -. *oldman) in Music0 Physician 'or Times to "ome) an anthology $y Don "amp$ell (+ Po+er o' Cimits ?see Accords chart@ 'or colors and notes. !# "hina 9ealth+ays <nst. '( Astral Tra#el +ith Grgone 2nergy Machine) 1ay A. Proper) 3ry6s <ncredi$le <n>uiry

', Primordial Tones0 Meditation on the Archetypal 2nergies o' "elestial Aodies) Ioachim-2rnst Aerendt) 1eFision) -ummer 1.8% 'or planets. -+ /ol'gang Cud+ig &C 9ans "uosto) "osmic Gcta#e) Ci'e 1hythm Mortal oscillatory 're>uencies o' 1i'e radio instrument) see -uper -cience. 1adionic 're>uencies chart may $e o$tained 'rom C6G1D <ndustries. lectrical wa.e forms Gne o' the $ene'its o' +or,ing +ith electrical stimulation is the a$ility to generate precise and comple( +a#e'orms. <t is li,ely that speci'ic +a#e'orms ha#e speci'ic 'unctions. Arain stimulation) 're>uencies and +a#e'orms are a #ast and promising 'ield o' e(perimentation 'or alchemists.

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