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Real Brotherly Love A Traditional Korean Folktale

Image from The older brother worried about his younger brother, so at night he took some grain and secretly put it in the place where his brother stored his grain.

Retold by Yun Seok Kim from Korea

In this heartwarming story, two brothers in a village show their

A long, long time ago, there lived two brothers in a village. They were both very poor. The older brother had a little more than the other one: however, he had a larger family to support than the younger brother. One autumn, they harvested their grain, but the older one worried about his younger brother, so at night he took some grain and secretly put it in the place where his brother stored his grain. The next day, even though he had done this, his own grain supply was not reduced. The next night he did the same thing, and again the next day. Still, his grain supply was not diminished. It stayed the same. He thought it was strange, so he hid in the field to see what happened. A few hours later, he saw a person approaching. He went out to see who it was. The stranger was his brother who was also worried about his older brother. Each night he had been taking grain to his older brother to help him! This was true brotherly love. After that, they lived happily the rest of their lives

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Outwitting a Crocodile A Traditional Malaysian Folktale

Retold by Chok Yoon Foo from Malaysia

Image from Sang Kancil stepped on each crocodile, crossing to the other side.

Sang Kancil is a clever, tricky mouse deer who is always finding himself in predicaments with animals that want to eat him or harm him, but he cleverly manages to escape each time. In this story, Sang Kancil outwits a big, bad crocodile.

Sang Kancil was a clever mouse deer. Whenever he was in a bad situation, he always played a clever trick to escape. In this story, Sang Kancil outwitted Sa Buaya, a big, bad crocodile, who wanted to eat him. There were many trees where Sang Kancil's lived along the river, so he never had trouble finding food There were always lots of leaves. He spent his time running and jumping and looking into the river.

Sang Buaya, the big bad crocodile, lived in the river with other crocodiles. The were always waiting to catch Sang Kancil for dinner. One day when Sang Bua was walking along the river, he saw some delicious fruit on the trees on the other side the river.

Sang Kancil wanted to taste the tasty-looking fruit because he was a little tire eating leaves. He tried to think of a way to cross the river, but he had to be careful. He didn't want to be caught and eaten by Sang Buaya. He needed to trick Sang Buaya.

Sang Kancil suddenly had an idea He called out to the crocodile, "Sang Buaya Sang Buaya!" Sang Buaya slowly came out of the water and asked Sang Kanc why he was shouting his name. He asked Sang Kancil, "Aren't you afraid I wil eat you?" Then he opened his big mouth very wide to scare Sang Kancil.

Sang Kancil said, "Of course, I am afraid of you, but the king wants me to do something. He is having a big feast with lots of food, and he is inviting everyo including you and all the other crocodiles. But first, I have to count all of you. needs to know how many of you will come. Please line up across the river, so can walk across your heads and count all of you."

Sang Buaya was excited and left to tell the other crocodiles about the feast w all the good food. Soon, they came and made a line across the river. Sang Ka said, "Promise not to eat me because or I can't report to the king how many o you are coming. They promised not to eat him.

Sang Kancil stepped on Sang Buaya's head and counted one. Then he stepped the next one and said, "Two." He stepped on each crocodile, counting each on

and finally reached the other side of the river. Then he said to Sang Buaya,"Thank you for helping me to cross the river to my new home."

Sang Buaya was shocked and angry. He shouted at Sang Kancil, "You tricked There is no feast, is there?" All of the crocodiles looked at Sang Buaya angrily They were angry because he let Sang Kancil trick all of them.

Sang Kancil loved his new home on the other side of the river because he had lot of tasty food to eat. Poor Sang Buaya was not so lucky. After that, none of the other crocodiles ever talked to him again. Return to: More Folktales | It's International | Home Page
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The Story of the Coconut Tree

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A Traditional Malaysian Folktale

Retold by Nurhayani Abu Bakar from Malays

This is the story of a beautiful moon princess, but it is also story about bamboo, a plant which was once believed to be sacred.
Image: Wikipedia He opened the box and at once he turned into a tall treea coconut tree.

There was once an old man. He was very, very old. Some people said he was a thousand years old! He was also very wise and he knew many things. Many people came to visit in his cave near the sea. They always asked him to help the

One day, a young man came to see this wise old man. "O w father," said the young man, "I want to be useful to people. I want to serve th all my life. How can I do this?"

"That's very good," said the old man. "Here is a magic box. Do not open it un you reach home. If you open it now something will happen to you.

"Thank you, wise father," said the young man. He took the box and left. Whe was out of the cave, he stopped. "I wonder what is in the box?" he said to himself. "I'm going to look."

He opened the box and at once he turned into a tall treea coconut tree. Tha was his punishment for disobeying the old man, but his still had his wish beca the coconut tree is very useful to people.

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Kaguya Hime - The Tale of the Bamboo Princess More Folktales It's International Home Page
Image: After several years had passed, the baby grew up and was a young and beautiful lady.

A Traditional Japanese Folktale

Retold by Chifuyu Omma from Jap

This is the story of a beautiful moon princess but it is also a story about bamboo, a plant which was once believed to be sacred.

Once upon a time there was an old man and his wife. One day he went to a bamboo grove to collect bamboo shoots, where he found a bamboo tree illuminated in the middle part. He wondered why and then became curious ab what was inside. He carefully cut the bamboo and was astonished to find a pr baby inside. He decided to pick her up and bring her back to his home. He consulted with his wife how to handle this baby, and they made up their mind raise this baby as a gift from God.

After several years had passed, the baby grew up and was a young and beau lady in the town. Everyone knew her because she was graceful and beautiful. Hearing about her reputation, there were so many gentlemen who proposed marriage to her that the old parents were now very proud of her and tried to make her choose a candidates. She, however, declined any proposal. She became very sad and was crying everyday. The old parents couldn't understa why and couldn't get the daughter to answer.

On a full moon night, she decided to tell why she was crying and to say she h to leave home and go back to the moon. She was frustrated for a long time because the time for her departure had come. The moon beams arrived to transport her back to the moon. She said good-bye to her old parents and ga

them an elixir of life as a good-bye gift. The old parents lived a long life after that. Return to: More Folktales | It's International | Home Page
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Jang Hwa and Hong Ryeon

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A Traditional Korean Folktale Retold by Jin Taek Lee from Korea

This is a traditional folk tale Korea. It includes the idea that beautiful girls are nice and ugly people are bad. Generally speaking, most Korean stories include that idea. I think it's extremely natural.

Once upon a time, there were two girlsJang Hwa and Hong Ryeon. They we sisters. They were very beautiful and nice. One day, unfortunately, their moth died and their father remarried. Their step mother who was very ugly and bad gave them pain all the time. Finally, she made a wicked scheme, and she kille them.

Image: Once upon a time, there were two girlsJang Hwa and Hong Ryeon. They were sisters. They were very beautiful and nice.

Jong Hwa and Hong Ryeon became ghosts, and everyday they approached a country leader. The country leader asked why they appeared to him ev day and they told him the facts. When he heard th story, he had the step mother arrested.

This is a traditional story in Korea. It includes the that beautiful girls are nice and ugly people are ba Generally speaking, most Korean stories include th idea. I think it's extremely natural.

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While Kongi was doing the house chores, a frog appeared in front of her. It did all the house chores for her.

Kongi and Potgi, A Korean Cinderella Story Retold by Youngil-Seo from Korea

This is a Korean "Cinderella-type" story. A beautiful young girl is mistreated by her ugly step-mother and ugly step-sister.

A long, long time ago, there were two sisters. The older sister's name was Kon and the younger sister's name was Potgi. Kongi had a stepmother. The stepmo and Potgi disliked Kongi because she was so beautiful and kind; she was a love person.

Potgi was very ugly; she was also a greedy and selfish person. The stepmothe and Potgi always made Kongi do house chores, but she never complained abou that.

One day, a rich, young man held a party to look for a girl to be his bride. All o young girls were invited to the party, but Kongi couldn't go because the stepmother ordered her to stay home and do house chores and told her not to there.

While Kongi was doing the house chores, a frog appeared in front of her. The f did all the house chores for her, so despite the stepmother's orders, she atten the party.

As soon as the young man saw her, he fell in love with her. He wanted to know more about her, but she left the party because she had to get back home befo her stepmother came back home.

Leaving the party hurriedly, she lost her rubber shoe. When it came off and sh lost it, they young man picked it up. He was able to find the beautiful Kongi because of her rubber shoe. They got married and lived happily ever after. Explanation of this story Beauty can be very important in life. Watch a group of Korean school children act out this folktale: Return to: More Folktales | It's International | Home Page
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A Beautiful Lady Saves the King

A Traditional Taiwanese Folktale

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Retold by Yu-Ling Hsieh from Taiwan

This is the story of a kind who was saved when a loyal staff officer sent a beautiful woman to the palace.

Thousands of years ago, there was a country that was rule by another country. The king was a slave who worked for the foreign ruler of this country. His staff officer was trying to save the kind and his country.

Image: The staff officer sent the beautiful lady to the palace, hoping the foreign ruler would fall in love with her.

While the staff officer was walking along the river, he saw beautiful lady washing clothes. He thought maybe because she was so beautiful, the foreign ruler would fall in love wit her, so he sent her to the palace. Once she was there, the foreign ruler fell in love with her and didn't care about anything else, not even ruling the country. So, the lady and the staff officer saved their king and their country. In the end, they went away with their king and lived together at a place no one knew.

Explanation of this story If the lady hadn't been beautiful, the staff officer wouldn't have sent her into th palace, and the foreign ruler would not have fallen in love with her. If the ruler hadn't fallen in love with her, they wouldn't have been able to save their country. So, is beauty important? I think so, even if we always deny it. Return to: More Folktales | It's International | Home Page
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