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A Bill to Prohibit E-Cigs within the state of Michigan (Bill #1)

1. Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:

2. Section I: The usage of Electronic Cigarettes will be prohibited throughout the state
of Michigan.
3. Section II: Electronic Cigarettes are electronic inhalers meant to stimulate and
substitute for tobacco smoking.
4. Section III: This legislation shall take effect on January 1, 2014
5. Section IV: The Michigan Department of Community Health shall add this piece of
legislation to the Michigans Smoke Free Air Law and oversee its implementation as
6. Section V: All Laws, Policies and Mandates in opposition to this legislation shall be
declared null and void
Respectfully Submitted,
Shraddha Jadhav
Novi High School

A Bill to Ban the Practice of Trawling in U.S. Waters (Bill #2)

1. 8e lL enacLed by Lhe assembled congress LhaL:
2. !"#$%&' )* 1he flshlng pracLlce of Lrawllng shall be banned
3. ln all waLers regulaLed by Lhe governmenL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca ln order
4. Lo help decllnlng flsh populaLlons grow, lncrease blodlverslLy and sLablllLy ln
3. aquaLlc ecosysLems.
6. !"#$%&' ))* 1rawllng shall be banned Lhrough Lhe enLlreLy of all lnLernal WaLers,
7. 1errlLorlal WaLers, and Lxcluslve Lconomlc Zones regulaLed by Lhe federal
8. governmenL. 1rawllng shall be deflned for purposes of Lhls blll as, an aquaLlc
9. vessel, pulllng a Lrawl or neL ln lLs wake, Lo caLch marlne llfe as a meLhod of
10. commerclal or recreaLlonal flshlng. 1rawllng pracLlces, for sclenLlflc research
11. where all marlne llfe capLured ls reLurned llve Lo Lhe ocean, shall be allowed once
12. seml-annually per parLy wlLh clearance by Lhe u.S llsh and Wlldllfe Servlce.
13. vlolaLors wlll be flned Lwlce Lhe moneLary value of Lhe LoLal caLch of Lhe Lrawl ln
14. uS uollars.
13. !"#$%&' )))* 1hls blll shall be enforced and regulaLed by Lhe u.S llsh and Wlldllfe
16. Servlce. lundlng for Lhe enforcemenL of Lhese regulaLlons wlll be procured from a
17. 2 Lax on seafood producLs. Also, all revenue from any flnes procured from Lhls
18. blll wlll flnance Lhe regulaLlons llsLed ln SecLlon ll.
19. !"#$%&' )+* LnforcemenL shall begln on !une 1, 2014. lL wlll explre on !une 1,
20. 2019, and lL wlll be renewed on LhaL daLe for how many years Lhe Congress sees
21. flL on LhaL daLe.
22. !"#$%&' +* Any laws ln vlolaLlon of Lhls blll shall be declared null and vold.

Respectfully Submitted,
Samantha Sims
Portage Central High School
A Bill to legalize the sale of Human Organs (Bill #3)

SECTION 1. The selling of human organs is hereby legalized in the US. 2
SECTION 2. The sale of organs must be approved by two or more doctors practicing 3
internal medicine and aware of the patients medical history. 4
SECTION 3. The maximum price to be charged by the seller shall be determined on an 3
annual basis by the Department of Health and Human Services. This price 6
shall include the medical expenses incurred by the seller. 7
SECTION 4. The organs shall be sold to a central organ bank regulated by the 8
Department of Health and Human Services, from where they will be 9
distributed to patients. There shall only be one branch of the central organ 10
bank per state. 11
SECTION 5. No person under the age of 21 shall be permitted to participate in the sale 12
of his/her organs. 13
SECTION 6. This process shall be regulated by the Department of Health and Human 14
Services. 13
SECTION 7. This bill will be funded by a 5% tax on the sale of these organs. 16
SECTION 8. This bill will go into effect one year after passage. 17
SECTION 9. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 18
Introduced by Senator Grace Liu and Senator Javeria Khan, Adams High School 19
A Resolution to Remove All Restrictions on Women in Combat (Bill #4)
1. WHEREAS, women are currently excluded from several military positions;
2. WHEREAS, they are specifically barred from frontline combat; and
3. WHEREAS, this greatly alters the makeup of the militarys upper ranks;
4. WHEREAS, the Army already circumvents current restrictions by
attaching women
5. to combat units, rather than assigning them; and
6. WHEREAS, current restrictions support the idea of male superiority over
women; and
7. WHEREAS, this goes against the principle of equality and opportunity for
all; now,
8. therefore, be it
9. RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled supports the removal of
all restrictions
10. on women in combat, in all branches of the military, including the US
Army, Navy,
11. Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard.
13. Respectfully Submitted,
14. Senator Mahati Vavilala
15. Novi High School

A Resolution to Urge Further Action on Immigration Reform (Bill #5)
1. WHEREAS, Immigrants are required to travel a long and difficult path to gain
2. in America.
3.WHEREAS, Many immigrants are willing to work for a better life, in ways such as
learning 4.English, paying taxes, and passing background checks.
5. WHEREAS, Current hindrances include border security, and limitation by the quota
6. RESOLVED, By this Congress that: that we will work towards an immigration reform
that will give immigrants a greater opportunity towards citizenship in America.

Respectfully Submitted,
Eamaan Turk
Portage Central High School
A Bill to Move Presidents Day to the Monday After Superbowl Sunday (Bill #6)
1. Be it enacted by this Student Congress here assembled that:
2. Section 1. Presidents Day be moved to the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday
3. Section 2. In interest of promoting both national safety and national productiveness,
4. Presidents Day be moved from Monday, February 17
to the Monday
5. following Superbowl Sunday. If the NFL chooses to move the date of the
6. Superbowl, Presidents day will also move to correspond with said day.
7. Section 3. This bill will go into effect February 3
8. Section 4. The U.S congress will enact this change in date designated by this
9. legislation.
10. Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and
11. void.
12. Respectfully Submitted,
13. Alec Franks
14. Utica Academy for International Studies

A Bill to Freeze Minimum Wage for Ten Years (Bill #7)
Be it enacted by this congress here assembled:
1. Section I: The minimum wage laws of the United States of America are to remain the
2. same for the next ten years.
3. Section II: This bill states that minimum wage will stay as it presently is for the next ten
4. years with no raising or lowering until the deadline. At that time it will be reviewed by
5. Congress.
6. Section III: This bill will be enforced by the Department of Labor. The bill will have no
7. expenditures so will require no funding.
8. Section IV: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
9. Section V: This bill shall take effect upon passage and be subject to re
10. approval in the year 2023.

Respectfully Submitted,
Emma Hanvey
Holt Senior High School.

A Resolution to Extend the Training Period for Student Drivers (Bill #8)

,-./.0!, urlvers under Lhe age of 18 are responslble for many Lrafflc accldenLs and 1
near accldenLs, 2
,-./.0!, AddlLlonal experlence wlLh supervlsed drlvlng can lmprove a young 3
drlver's skllls, 4
/.!12+.34 1haL Lhe SLudenL Congress here assembled recommends LhaL no drlver 3
may quallfy for full drlvlng prlvlleges unLll Lhe age of 18 and Lhe 6
compleLlon of an addlLlonal 30 hours of supervlsed drlvlng. 7
56/7-./ /.!12+.34 1haL sLudenLs may recelve Lralnlng permlLs as allowed under Lhe 8
currenL sysLem and wlll hold Lhese permlLs unLll Lhey quallfy for full 9
llcenses aL age 18 10
Introduced by Senators Jessica Carleton and Nithin Weerasinghe, 11
Adams High School 12
The Education Specialization Act of 2014 (Bill #9)

1. Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:
2. Section I: The nationalized curriculum will be tailored to preparing
3. students for the field they wish to enter in college.
4. Section II: Mandates
5. A. Students shall no longer be required to take all core classes:
6. math, science, English, and history. Students will take classes that
7. are directly related to what they plan to study in college.
8. B. Those not planning to continue their education
9. through college will take classes related to what they plan to do
10. when entering the workforce.
11. C. This bill will not affect private, charter, or home schools.
12. Section III: This bill shall be funded by .5% of the national budget which
13. shall be taken from the yearly defense budget.
14. Section IV: This bill shall be enforced by the United States Department
15. of Education. Schools who do not adopt the nationalized curriculum shall
16. lose all federal and state funding until it is adopted. This bill will take
17. effect at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
18. Section V: Any law or act in conflict with this bill shall be declared null
19. and void.

Respectfully Submitted,
Malana Fisher
South Lyon High School

The Compulsory Vaccination Bill of 2013 (Bill #10)

8L l1 LnAC1Lu 8? 1PL CCnC8LSS PL8L ASSLM8LLu 1PA1:
SLC1lCn l: 1he recommended pedlaLrlc vacclnaLlon schedule shall now be made compulsory.
SLC1lCn ll: 1he recommended pedlaLrlc vacclnaLlon schedule shall be deflned as Lhe
LlmeLable for admlnlsLerlng vacclnaLlons as ouLllned by Lhe u.S. CenLers for ulsease ConLrol and
revenLlon (CuC):
A: LlsL of compulsory vacclnaLlons: PepaLlLls 8, Plb, lnacLlvaLed pollo, u1a,
neumococcal, 8oLavlrus, PepaLlLls A, lnfluenza, MM8, varlcella, menlngococcal, and human
8: 1he mosL commonly agreed upon LlmeLable wlll begln aL blrLh and wlll conLlnue
unLll Lhe age of 16. 8esldenLs musL recelve vacclnaLlons wlLhln slx monLhs afLer Lhe scheduled
C: 1he u.S. CenLers for ulsease ConLrol and revenLlon wlll lmplemenL Lhls blll.
All governmenL funded programs and prlvaLely owned pracLlces shall be requlred Lo admlnlsLer
all compulsory vacclnaLlons.
u: 8esldenLs wlLh medlcal condlLlons who are physlcally dlsabled or whose rellglous bellefs
confllcL wlLh compulsory vacclnaLlons are exempL from enforcemenL.
SLC1lCn lll: 1he CuC shall enforce Lhls leglslaLlon.
A: All resldenLs born before Lhls blll's enacLmenL shall be exempL.
8: A Lwo percenL annual Lax on gross lncome wlll be sub[ecLed Lo anyone who does noL follow
Lhe vacclnaLlon schedule.
SLC1lCn lv: 1hls blll wlll go lnLo effecL on !anuary 1, 2013.
SLC1lCn v: All laws or porLlons of laws ln confllcL wlLh Lhe prevlslons of Lhls leglslaLlon shall hereby be
declared null and vold.
8especLlvely submlLLed,
alge 8enard and Shlrley Llllshawy
uLlca Academy of lnLernaLlonal SLudles

A Bill to Change the United States Motto, Pledge of Allegiance, and U.S. Currency
to Remove Religious Prejudice (Bill #11)


Section I: The United States Motto, Pledge of Allegiance, Currency shall be changed to
remove religious prejudice.

Section II: The United States new motto shall be E Pluribus Unum, our Pledge of Allegiance
shall be modified to remove the words Under God, and the United States shall stop producing
currency with the words In God We Trust, replacing it with the words E Pluribus Unum.

Section III: The United States Treasury shall oversee the transition of the new currency

Section IV: The U.S. Motto and The Pledge of Allegiance shall be enacted immediately after
passage. The change in currency shall be gradually introduced into the system beginning in
the 2017 fiscal year.

Section V: All laws in conflict with this legislation shall hereby be declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted
Senator Roman Ford
Grand Ledge High School

A Bill to Regulate Amusement Park Rides (Bill #12)
SECTION 1: Because of the increasing amount of death and injury due to Amusement Parks: All
amusement park rides, including traveling carnivals, water parks, and permanent parks, will
no longer be exempt from standard Federal Safety Oversight by the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission.
SECTION 2: An amusement park ride is defined as any mechanical device or structure that moves people
to create thrill or enjoyment. A traveling carnival is defined as any travelling amusement
park operating in different locations. Federal Safety Oversight by the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission will include the
A. regular inspection of mechanical devices to ensure safety,
B. the practice of seatbelts and other protective devices in appropriate rides,
C. the authority to investigate serious accidents, and
D. the mitigation of hazards leading to potential rider injury.
SECTION 3: The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission will be responsible for implementing safety
standards, as well as conducting investigations and inspections when necessary.
A. Funding for this legislation will come from a 1% tax on all Amusement Parks operating under the
jurisdiction of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
B. Failure to abide by standards will result in the seizure of all operating licenses.
SECTION 4: This legislation will go into effect 12 months after passage.
SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Kornosky of Adlai E. Stevenson High School

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