A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England

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01385 James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Volume 2, D-J

(Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1965).

[page 148]

FAWER, or FOWER, BARNABAS, Dorchester, came 1635, in the James from Bristol as comp. with Rev.
Richard MATHER [see Young=s Chron. of Mass. 450], was an assessor in 1638; by w. Dinah wh. came perhaps
from Eng. with him, he had other ch. but we kn. only Eleazer, b. 18 Sept. 1642. His w. d. 9 days after; and for sec.
w. he took 10 Mar. 1643, Grace, sis. of Jonathan NEGOOSE; rem. to Boston, and d. 13 Dec. 1654; in his will, pro.
2 Feb. foll. ord. that his s. Eleazer be brought up at Mr. CHEEVER=s sch. His wid. m. John JOHNSON of
Roxbury. Great variety is exhib. in spell. this name; the rec. of Watertown, where he owned some ld. calls it
FARR; Boston ch. rec. has it FORE; Blake=s Ann. FOUR; Dr. Harris, FLOWER; but Farmer, or his corresp. made
it HAWES by mistake of the old T. ELEAZER, Dorchester, s. of the preced. m. 28 May 1662, Mary, d. of Daniel
PRESTON, had Gibson, b. 1666. He made his will 13 Nov. 1665, "bound to sea," prob. never came back. His wid.
m. it is said, Samuel JENKINS of Scituate, 6 July 1670. But I find no such person at S. Possib. it was S.J. of
Greenwich, two yrs. later. [...]

[page 361]

[HARRIS, ... ] JOHN, Rowley, may have been that passeng. in the Christian from London, 1635, aged 28, freem.
1647, and by w. Bridget had Ezekiel; Nathaniel; both prob. d. young; John, b. 8 Oct. 1649; Thomas, 8 Sept. 1651,
prob. d. young; Timothy, 9 Mar. 1657, and Mary, who m. Wil-

[page 362]

liam ALLEN of Salisbury. His w. d. Aug. 1672. He is call. cous. of Nathaniel ROGERS, by him, in his will, July
1655, wh. names Mary, and three other ch. of J. H. and HARRIS supposes him to be br. of Anthony; and he left
wid. Alice. His will was pro. 27 Mar. 1695. JOHN, Charlestown, by w. Amy had Samuel, b. 10 Oct. 1658; John,
bapt. 17 Feb. 1661; Thomas, b. 26, bapt. 31 Aug. 1662, d. next yr.; Thomas, again, 18 Mar. bapt. 29 May 1664;
Joseph, 17 Oct. bapt. 19 Nov. 1665; and perhaps more. JOHN, Boston, m. 10 Sept. 1657, Hannah, d. of William
BRIGGS, had John, b. 8 Aug. 1658. JOHN, Boston, had w. Joanna in 1671, possib. may be the same as preced. but
it is not likely; nor that JOHN of B. who m. 20 Mar. 1675, Susanna BRECK of Dorchester, was; or a mariner
JOHN of B. who by w. Eliz. d. of William LANE had sev. ch. and d. 1682. JOHN, eldest s. of Robert, liv. prob. at
Muddy riv. m. 20 Sept. 1670, Mary, eldest d. of Richard SANGER of Watertown, and with his w. join. in Apr. 1673
to the Roxbury ch. had there bapt. Mary, 21 Dec. 1673, d. young; and Mary, again, 31 Jan. 1675; Sarah, 27 Mar.
1681; and Abigail, 16 Sept. 1683; beside ano. d. and s. Robert; and town rec. of R. adds John, b. Apr. 1686. He
perish. on the mad. expedit. 1690, of Sir William PHIPS against Quebec. JOHN, Ipswich 1673, had w. Esther, was
freem. 1685. JOHN, Marblehead, a fisherman, had, in 1673, w. Sarah. JOHN, Rowley, perhaps s. of first John, m.
24 Oct. 1677, Eliz. WELLS. JOHN, Marblehead 1674, weaver, had w. Hannah, in 1692. JOHN, Middletown,
youngest s. of the first Daniel of the same, m. 18 Mar. 1703, Susanna COLLINS, had Sarah, b. 9 Jan. 1704; Jane,
23 Sept. 1705; and Rachel, 22 June 1707. His w. d. 10 Feb. 1748; he had sec. w. 11 May 1749, Mindwell
LYMAN; and d. 29 Nov. 1754; and his wid. d. 5 Feb. 1758. [...]

[page 364]

[HARRIS, ... ] TIMOTHY, Rowley, s. of John of the same, m. Phebe PEARSON, d. prob. of John, had Joseph, b.
1686; John, 1695; and Stephen, 1700; beside seven ds. He was rep. 1720-2.

[page 473]

HOWE, ABRAHAM, Roxbury, freem. 2 May 1638, had Abraham, Eliz. and Sarah, one or more perhaps,
b. in Eng; Isaac,, b. here 24 June 1639; Deborah, 4 Sept. 1641; and Israel, 7, bapt. 14 July 1644. His w. of whose
bapt. name we are ign. d. the first week of Dec. 1645, "the most sad mortal week that ever Roxbury saw," says
ELIOT=s ch. rec. and he rem. to Boston, perhaps, however, to Dorchester first, and d. 20 Nov. 1683. He had prob.
other childr. certainly Esther, nam. in his will, as w. of Henry MASON. That instr. made 26 May 1676, pro. 2

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Nov. foll. calls Abraham his eldest s. to him, and Israel, and Isaac gives est. in D. ds. Esther, and Deborah, beside
childr. of d. Eliz. and childr. (Joseph, Isaac, and Sarah), of d. Sarah; excors. s. Israel, and s. Thomas PIERCE; and
Thomas TOLMAN sen. with Thomas TILESTONE, sen. Overseers. Of his ch. little is kn. ABRAHAM, Roxbury,
s. of the preced. prob. b. in Eng. may have liv. in Boston of Dorchester some yrs. had at R. Abraham, bapt. 25 Sept.
1653; and Isaac, 30 Mar. 1656; but I find not any other ch. of his, or the m. tho. others may have been b.
elsewhere. ABRAHAM, Watertown, m. 26 Mar. 1658, Hannah WARD, had Mary, b. 30 June 1659; Joseph, 9 Apr.
1661, prob. d. soon; and again, Joseph, 12 Feb. 1662; rem. to Marlborough, had Hannah, 1663; Daniel; Eliz. 1665;
Deborah, 1667; Rebecca, 1668; Abraham, 1670; Sarah, 1672; and Abigail, 1675; and d. 1695. The preced. yr. he
kept the inn, at wh. the Commisnrs. of Mass. to treat with the Mohawks, lodged the first night of their journey.
Mary m. a BOWKER; Hannah m. 1684, Eliezer

[page 474]

HOWE; Eliz. m. Samuel BRIGHAM; Deborah m. 1688, John BARRETT; Rebecca m. Peter RICE; and Sarah m.
Joseph STRATTON. Bond, 303, thot. him the same as the preced. but I could not concur with him bec. near six
mos. after the m. of Watertown Abraham to Hannah WARD, Eliz. HOWE, w. of James of R. is call. his ch. by will
of the first John DANE of Roxbury. ABRAHAM, Roxbury, s. of the sec. Abraham of the same, had Sarah, b. 8
Dec. 1676; Eliz. 23 Nov. 1678; and Abigail, 27 Mar. 1682; d. 12 Jan. 1684, and, I think, the wid. m. next yr. Thus
f. s. and gr.s. are little separat. in d. ABRAHAM, Lancaster, by w. Mary had Abigail, b. 1702, and was k. by the
French and Ind. 31 July 1704. He was prob. s. of Abraham of Marlborough. [...] DANIEL, Marlborough, s. of
Abraham of the same, m. 1686, Eliz. KERLEY, had Martha, b. 1687; Hezekiah, 1690; Daniel, 1692; Jonathan,
1695; Eliz. 1697; David, 1700; and Zeruiah, 1702. [...]

[page 475]

[HOWE, ...] ISAAC, Roxbury, s. of Abraham, prob. the sec. of the same, m. 11 May 1685, Deborah HOWE,
perhaps a cousin, but wh. was her f. or where, or when she was b. I find not, had in R. Abraham, b. 24 Oct. 1689;
Abigail, 4 Feb. 1692; and, perhaps, he rem.

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