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Catalog recovery from an online backup

This topic explains how to recover a catalog that was backed up using the online, hot catalog backup method that is described in the following manual: You can recover the catalog from an online, hot backup in either of two ways: Recovering the entire catalog from an online backup This procedure is the recommended method for recovering the entire catalog and recovers the NetBackup relational database as well as NetBackup policy files, backup image files, and configuration files. Recovering the catalog image file This method recovers only the NetBackup policy files, backup image files, and configuration files. Use this method if the NetBackup relational database is valid but NetBackup policy, backup image, or configuration files are lost

Recovering the entire catalog from an online backup

The entire catalog can be recovered by using the Catalog Recovery Wizard or the text-based bprecover -wizard command. Recovering the entire catalog using the Catalog Recovery Wizard This procedure shows you how to recover the entire catalog using the Catalog Recovery Wizard. You must have root (administrative) privileges. Note: During the catalog recovery process, services may be shut down and restarted. To recover the entire catalog 1. Your configuration may include an Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) server that is separate from the master server. If so, start NetBackup on the EMM server before starting NetBackup on the master server. 2. Start NetBackup by entering the following: install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpup The NetBackup Administration Console appears. 3. If the necessary devices are not already configured, configure them in NetBackup. 4. Make available to NetBackup the media that contains the catalog backup. 5. Click RecovertheCatalogs on the NetBackup Administration Console to start The Catalog Recovery Wizard.

The Welcome screen appears. 6. Click Next on the Welcome screen to display the Catalog Disaster Recovery File screen.

This wizard relies on the disaster recovery information that is generated during the online catalog backup. Part of the online catalog backup configuration that is included indicates

where the disaster recovery information file was to be stored and-or sent. In most cases, you specify the most recent disaster recovery information file available, unless some form of corruption has occurred and you want to restore to an earlier state of the catalog. If the most recent catalog backup was an incremental, use the disaster recovery file from the incremental backup. (There is no need to first restore the full backup that is followed by the incremental.) Indicate where the disaster recovery file is stored by entering the fully qualified path to the disaster recovery file. More information is available on the email that is sent and the attached disaster recovery file. 7. The wizard waits while NetBackup searches for the necessary media sources, and then informs you if the necessary backup ID of the disaster recovery image is located.

Or, if the media is not located, the wizard lists which media is needed to update the database. Follow the wizard instructions to insert the media that is indicated and run an inventory to update the NetBackup database. The information that is displayed on this screen depends on whether the recovery is from a full backup or an incremental backup. If an online catalog backup policy includes both full and incremental backups, the disaster recovery email may indicate either a full or an incremental backup for recovery.Anincremental backup recovery completely recovers the entire catalog because it references information from the last full backup. You dont need to first recover the last full catalog backup, then subsequent incremental backups.

8. When the required media sources are all found, click Next to display the Disaster Recovery Method screen. The Recover entire NetBackup catalog radio option is selected. Note: In case of Netbackup relational database is valid, but Netbackup policy, backup image, or configuration files are lost, part of the catalog is recovered. In that case the second option Recover only Netbackup Catalog Image and Configuration files is selected.

9. With the Recover entire NetBackup catalog radio option selected, click Next to initiate the recovery of the entire NetBackup catalog. NetBackup restores the entire NetBackup relational database, which includes The following: NBDB database (including the EMM database) BMR database (if applicable) NetBackup policy files Backup image files Other configuration files

10. The wizard displays the recovery progress. If the recovery is not successful, consult the log file messages for an indication of the problem.

11. The final screen announces that the full recovery is complete. Each image file is restored to the proper image directory, and the NetBackup relational databases (NBDB and optionally BMRDB) have been restored and recovered. If this step is part of a server recovery procedure, complete the remaining steps in the appropriate Server Disk Recovery procedure. 12. NetBackup does not run scheduled backup jobs until NetBackup is stopped and restarted. Before you restart NetBackup, protect the media that contains any backups that were successfully performed after the catalog backup that was used to recover the catalog. This recovery can include the following: importing the backups from the backup media into the catalog write protecting the media ejecting the media and setting it aside freezing the media 13. You can manually submit backup jobs before you stop and restart NetBackup. Be aware that if you have not protected the media containing the backups done after the catalog backup, the media may be overwritten. 14. Stop and restart NetBackup on all the servers. install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpdown install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpup If you have recovered from removable media, that media is now frozen. Unfreeze it now.

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