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Operating Instructions for BUCK-500 Infrared Spectrophotometer

1. Turn on BUCK-500 IR. Switch located on right rear of instrument. Allow instrument to warm up for 30 minutes prior to use. 2. Turn on and log on to the computer connected to the BUCK-500 IR. 3. Double click the EZScan icon. In a few moments (this software is slow), a dialog box labeled Buck Model 500 EZ Scan Software Version 2.10 11212003 will appear.

4. Double click on that dialogue box. A new dialog box labeled Customization will appear. Select Axis tab. 5. Under X Axis select Min/Max. Clear numbers from Min and Max boxes and click OK to return to initial dialogue box (Buck Model 500 E Z Scan, etc). 6. On the initial dialogue box, click Instrument. Select Scan Mode. Beside Scan Type, click Change button until Reference appears. 7. Click the Cancel button. This should return you to the original dialogue box. 8. Click Instrument and select Scan. A dialogue box labeled Scan Sample should appear. 9. Under Filename, replace BUCK-500 with a name you select to represent the reference sample. (For liquid samples, air will be the background). Any further description of the sample can be typed into the Comment box. 10. After the background scan is complete (the instrument makes a clunking sound), click Instrument, select Scan Mode. Single should beside Scan Type. If it does not, click the Change button until Single appears. Then click Cancel. 11. Under Instrument, select Scan. Change the BUCK500 under file name to a name that will represent your sample. Click OK. 12. Once sample scan is complete, click Data and select Ratio Background. Enter background file name and sample file name to respective boxes. Click OK. A final spectrum should appear. 13. To print final spectrum, double click on the graph. Customization dialog box will appear. Select Export. Under Export Destination, select Printer. Click Print. Click OK. 14. Print can be picked up from the printer located in the library across the hall.

15. For a bolder line on the graph, double click on the graph, Customization dialog box will appear. Select Style tab. Under Line Type, select a bolder line from the options.

For samples other than liquid samples, an appropriate background must be run. 1. For solids imbedded in a KBr pellet, a KBr pellet not containing sample must be run as a background. 2. For Nujol Mulls, run plain Nujol as a background. 3. For solids run using the ATR attachment, run a background scan with the empty attachment in place.

Shutting down the BUCK 500 1. Please delete your background and sample graphs from the instrument when you are finished. Close dialog box. On desktop, double click My Computer icon. When dialog box opens, double click Local Disk (C:), double click Documents and Settings, double click All Users, double click Shared Documents, double click Shared Programs, double click BUCK500. 2. Click and Drag any icons representing your background and samples to the recycle bin. 3. Close dialog box. Shut down computer. Turn off BUCK 500 IR.

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