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Manning 1 Jeremy Manning English 1010 Nov.

30, 2013

Issue exploration of What a Genius is?

I have started out on an adventure to finde out what a genius is? As I start out on this adventure I have an idea that a Genius is a person who is extremely intelligent. Exceling in all things they do. That a genius has inherited, somehow better than normal genetics then the rest of us. That there gens have made them this way. Their efforts have little to do with the way they have become a genius. Because of the way there inherent brans work, threw gens, and the different environments they grow up with somehow have helped them become a genius. Threw the research that I have done, I hope to take you threw my process of lerning. Showing that threw that process I have come to a new conclusion, with some new thoughts on what a genius is. Every person is born into this life with genetics, circumstances, environment, parents, and different support systems that help to develop attributes or not develop attributes that make a person inclined to be a genius, or not. The Websters dictionary defines genius as: the ability to do something easily, a person with very great intelligence.

Manning 2 Jeremy Manning English 1010 Nov. 30, 2013

As I read about genius. The fierst book that I read was a book by Malcom Gladwell, Outliers, he writes about talent stating that it takes 10,000 hours of hard work to become great. (Malcolm Gladwell 41) Mozart did not compose his masterworks until he was twenty one, and had been composing for ten years by that time. (Gladwell 40 -41) So the first point of my research I found that we are not born with genius. Genius is made threw lots of hours of practice. I would say that the more we do something the better we become at it. That some believe that there is proof that 10,000 hours is the magic number. (Gladwell 41) The point that I found threw research is we are all born in to this life with parents, and circumstances that are part of our environments. Our environmental circumstances make us who we are. By teaching us ways good or bad to react to our circumstances. That is what make us who we are, letting us when we are young become who we are by giving experences that push us to the limits of our ability. Thus helping us be better able to get what we want in life. The following story I think illustrates this concept this is a story from Outliers of Oppenhimer. Dreading the thought of having to talk to an audience of adults, Robert begged his father to explain that they had invited a twelveyear-old. Greatly amused, Julius encouraged his sun to accept this

Manning 3 Jeremy Manning English 1010 Nov. 30, 2013

honor. On the designated evening, Robert showed up at the club with his parents, who proudly introduced their sun as J. Robert Oppenheimer. The startled audience of geologists and amateur rock collectors burst out laughing when he stepped up to the podium: a wooden box had to be found for him to stand on so that the audience could see more than the shock of his wiry black hair sticking up above the lectern. Shy and awkward, Robert nevertheless read his prepared remarks and was given a hearty round of applause. -Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers I think this story of a boy named Oppenheimer, illustrates how our parents have an influence on us, by letting Oppenheimer accept the award on his own the father was helping him to be able to stand up for himself. Our environment will determine who we are and thus if we become a genius or not. No one inherits education. The education the teaching and the way we see are selves affect if we have a high IQ or not. Ted Williams gifted baseball player said about his gift. Nothing except practice, practice, practice, will bring out that ability, the reason I saw things was I was so intense I was so disciplined. (David Shenk 1-2) Originally IQ was to find

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out who needed help. (Shenk 172) Now it has become a states. A way to measher how you will do in life I think. Reading about Einstein he was kicked out of school and never graduated from high school until he moved from Germany to Sweden. Why? Did he graduate in Sweden and not Germany? Because he liked the Swedish school he went to better thene the German school his mindset changed he decided to graduate, and go to college, going from a flunky to the beginning of a genius. Now there is an exampl of a genius that no one thought would ever be anything. (21, 22, 24, 25) Although my thoughts about genius is still evolving and my ideas will continue evolving each time I read about this subject. As of now my opinion of what a genius is, comes down to the fact that in everything that Ive read about, in my research no one rely knows 100% what it takes to be a Genius. The little bit of research that I was able to do led me to the conclusion that, we all have the potential to be a genius despite genetics, the environment that you were born in to and how you choose to cope with challenges. Our ability to lern and deal with challenges that come your way in life are part of your growing experences hear in this life. The attention and the time we give to something, in some degree also will determine the outcome of your genius. We all have the potential to be a

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genius in anything in life, it is a matter of how much time, how much effort, and the focus that we put in to that something that will make the difference of being a genius or not.

Manning 6 Jeremy Manning English 1010 Nov. 30, 2013

Works cited
Gladwell, Malcom. Outliers; The Story of Success. New York: Little Brown and Company, 2008. Print. Shenk, David. The Genius in All of Us. New York: Doubleday, 2010. Print. Brallien, Jess. Who was Albert Einstein. New York: Girosset & Dunlap, 2002. Print.

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