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Abrasive Wheels


*All Forth Valley College Health, Safety and Welfare Procedures are covered under the overarching Health, Safety and Welfare Policy.

Status: Date of version: Responsibility for policy: Responsibility for implementation: Responsibility for review:

Approved January 2010 Director of Estates Development Health and Safety Manager Health and Safety Manager


1 INTRODUCTION Abrasive wheels are used for the purpose of grinding materials. The College recognises the use of this equipment within the work shop areas of the learning environment. All reasonable steps will be taken by the College to ensure the health and safety of staff and students who work with grinding machines that incorporate abrasive wheels. When properly used, abrasive wheels serve an important purpose. However, the College acknowledges that health and safety hazards may arise from the use of this equipment. It is the intention of the College to ensure that any risks are reduced to a minimum.

The main hazards associated with abrasive wheels are:

struck by flying particles; struck by the wheel if it bursts; entanglement and entrapment caused by contact between the wheel and the operators hand /hair or clothing; abrasion from skin contact with the wheel.

PROCEDURES 2.1 Risk Assessment Abrasive Wheels can only be used after a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been carried out by a competent person; Measures should be taken to reduce the risks found as a result of the assessment, as far as is reasonably practicable; All risk assessments and safe systems of work for abrasive wheels must be completed and passed to the Head of Department.


Ensure the following: all abrasive wheel users must be adequately trained to a recognised level and trained on the safe system of work; select the right abrasive wheel for the job (the best advice can often be obtained from the manufacturer or supplier); make sure that grinding wheels are not operated at excessive speed. Both spindles and wheels must be marked with their maximum operational speed (over-speeding can cause wheels to burst or disintegrate); faulty mounting can also cause wheels to burst. Ensure that trained, competent persons mount all abrasive wheels. Damaged wheels should be rejected and fully disposed of to prevent re-use;

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guards should be securely attached to the body of the grinding machine and be strong enough to withstand the impact of flying fragments should a wheel burst; No person shall use an unguarded wheel / machine at any time; all required personal protective equipment (PPE) identified through the risk assessment exercise shall be worn at all times by all individuals using abrasive wheels, recommendations impact goggles, overalls; all abrasive wheels must be visually inspected for defects by the user prior to its use; Defects should be reported to your Head of Department; ensure that all-grinding machines, cutting machines and abrasive wheels are maintained, suitable for the task and in good working order; all records of maintenance are kept for a minimum of 2 years for quality and audit purposes.


Reporting Issues Defects should be reported to your Head of Department in the first instance. Where a student or member of staff raises an issue related to the safe use of abrasive wheels, the College will: take all necessary steps to investigate the circumstances; take corrective measures where appropriate; advise the employee or student of actions taken.


Immediate Action if an Incident Occurs Where an issue arises in the use of abrasive wheels or machinery, staff or students are instructed to adopt the following: turn off the machine immediately; inform a responsible person (usually a line manager or Head of Department); the abrasive wheel or machinery shall remain switched off and instructions issued on its non-use (both verbally to individuals who may use the abrasive wheel or machinery as well a written instruction placed in clear sight of the equipment; the electrical supply must be isolated to prevent others using the equipment); the line manager responsible for the equipment in question shall ensure that the local standard operational procedures are then carried out as concerns having the abrasive wheel or machinery repaired;

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in the case of an accident or emergency, First Aider can be contacted on 3500 for Falkirk and 3501 for Alloa and the Head of Department must be notified; the Health and Safety Manager is to be contacted immediately in the event of a serious accident; if appropriate, the Health and Safety Manager shall inform the appropriate Trade Union Safety Representative of any incident that has significantly affected the health and safety of their member(s).


Information and Training The College gives sufficient information, instruction and training to ensure the health and safety of staff and students who use abrasive wheels. This includes ensuring that relevant, easily understood, safe systems of work are readily available to all individuals using abrasive wheels. The provision of information and training also applies to persons not in direct employment such as contractors. The College therefore only use contractors it considers competent to use repair or replace abrasive wheels.


Maintenance All maintenance and repair work shall only be carried out by a competent person appointed by the College. Under no circumstances shall staff attempt to repair damaged equipment.


Record Keeping The College has appointed competent persons to mount abrasive wheels through the use of trained members of facilities staff and Technicians. All records relating to training are to be kept by the Human Resource department. The Head of Department retains all records relating to the repair and or planned maintenance of equipment containing abrasive wheels. All risk assessments carried out in relation to abrasive wheels are kept within the Department and are accessible to all staff via the Staff Intranet.

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RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 All users of abrasive wheels must ensure they are authorised and follow the safe system of work. The Head of Department will arrange for the regular planned maintenance of grinding machines that incorporate abrasive wheels and retain records of maintenance. The Head of Department shall ensure that all risk assessments and safe systems of work are up to date and appropriate. The Health and Safety Manager to ensure that information on Statutory Compliance is made available. All users to report any faults to the person in charge who will then notify the Head of Department.





Associated Documents The Health, Safety and Welfare Policy

Additional Information: Health and Safety Executive Website:

This Procedure has been screened to determine equality relevance for the following equality groups: race, disability, gender, pregnancy or maternity, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, religion or faith. The policy is considered to be equality relevant for people within these equality groups. This Procedure has been equality impact assessed to evaluate compliance with the College Equalities Policy.

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