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Exercise 1 (Reinforcement of ing form and modal verbs)

1) Read and discuss the new theory on modal verbs and -ing form. 2) Read the extracts below and underline all the -ing forms and modal verbs you can find 3) Work in grou s and use a dictionary to hel you find the translation of all underlined hrases. !) "heck with the whole class.
(Taken from ASME B16 !"#$$% &age !)

'A(T)R*"MA+E ,R)-./T B-TT,E0+12. '1TT12.S

1 S()3E 1 1 .eneral #his $tandard covers overall dimensions% tolerances% ratings% testing% and markings for wrought factory-made buttwelding fittings in si&es '($ 1)2 through !* +,' 1- through 12..). 1 # S&ecial 'ittings /ittings may be made to s ecial dimensions% si&es% sha es% and tolerances by agreement between the manufacturer and the urchaser. 1 % 'abricated 'ittings /abricated laterals and other fittings em loying circumferential or intersection welds are considered i e fabrication and are not within the sco e of this $tandard. /abricated la 0oint stub ends are exem t from the above restrictions% rovided they meet all the re1uirements of the a licable 2$#3 material s ecification listed in ara. -. 1 4 Standard -nits #he values stated in either metric or 4.$. customary units are to be regarded se arately as standard. Within the text% the 4.$. customary units are shown in arentheses. #he values stated in each system are not exact e1uivalents5 therefore% each system must be used inde endently of the other. "ombining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with this $tandard. #he designation for si&e is '($ for both metric and customary dimensioned fittings. /itting ressure rating is associated with the connecting wall thickness of i e of e1uivalent si&e and material. 1 5 References 1 5 1 Referenced Standards $tandards and s ecifications ado ted by reference in this $tandard are shown in 3andatory 2 endix 66. 6t is not considered ractical to identify the s ecific edition of each standard and s ecification in the individual references. 6nstead% the s ecific edition reference is identified in 3andatory 2 endix 66. 2 roduct made in conformance with a rior edition of referenced standards and in all other res ects conforming to this $tandard will be considered to be in conformance. 1 5 # (odes and Reg6lations 2 fitting used under the 0urisdiction of the 2"37 8oiler and (ressure 9essel "ode% the 2"37 "ode for (ressure (i ing% or a governmental regulation is sub0ect to any limitation of that code or regulation. #his includes any maximum tem erature limitation% or rule governing the use of a material at low tem erature. 1 6 Service (onditions "riteria for selection of fitting ty es and materials suitable for articular fluid service are not within the sco e of this $tandard. 1 7 ,elding 6nstallation welding re1uirements are outside the sco e of this $tandard. 1 8 96alit: S:stems 'onmandatory re1uirements relating to the fitting manufacturer:s ;uality $ystem (rogram are

described in 'onmandatory 2 endix 2. 1 ! (onvention /or the ur ose of determining conformance with this $tandard% the convention for fixing significant digits where limits +maximum or minimum values) are s ecified shall be rounded off as defined in 2$#3 7 2<. #his re1uires that an observed or calculated value shall be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand digit used in ex ressing the limit. ,ecimal values and tolerances do not im ly a articular method of measurement. 1 1$ 3ress6re Rating +esignation "lass% followed by a dimensionless number% is the designation for ressure-tem erature ratings. $tandardi&ed designations for flanges er 2"37 81=.- referenced in this $tandard are "lasses 1-.% 3..% =..% <..% 1-..% and 2-... # 3RESS-RE RAT12.S # 1 Basis of Ratings #he allowable ressure ratings for fittings designed in accordance with this $tandard may be calculated as for straight seamless i e of e1uivalent material +as shown by com arison of com osition and mechanical ro erties in the res ective material s ecifications) in accordance with the rules established in the a licable sections of 2"37 831% "ode for (ressure (i ing. /or the calculation% a licable data for the i e si&e% wall thickness% and material that is e1uivalent to that of the fitting shall be used. (i e si&e% wall thickness +or $chedule number)% and material identity on the fittings are in lieu of ressure rating markings.

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