Exercise 3 (Reinforcement of - Ing Form and Modal Verbs)

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Exercise 3 (Reinforcement of ing form and modal verbs)

1) Review the theory. 2) Read the extracts below and underline all the -ing forms and modal verbs you can find 3) Work in grou s and use a dictionary to hel you find the translation of all underlined hrases. !) "heck with the whole class.
#$aken from %&'( )31.3-2**+ age 11,)

A319.2 Concepts A319.2.1 isplacement !trains. $he conce ts of strain im osed by restraint of thermal ex ansion or contraction- and by external movement- described in ara. 31..2.1- a ly in rinci le to nonmetals. /evertheless- the assum tion that stresses throughout the i ing system can be redicted from these strains because of fully elastic behavior of the i ing materials is not generally valid. (a) 0n thermo lastics and some R$R and R1' i ing- dis lacement strains are not likely to roduce immediate failure but may result in detrimental distortion. (s ecially in thermo lastic i ing- rogressive deformation may occur u on re eated thermal cycling or on rolonged ex osure to elevated tem erature. (b) 0n brittle i ing #such as orcelain- glass- etc.) and some R$R and R1' i ing- the materials show rigid behavior and develo high dis lacement stresses u to the oint of sudden breakage due to overstrain. A319.2.2 isplacement !tresses (a) Elastic Behavior. $he assum tion that dis lacement strains will roduce ro ortional stress over a sufficiently wide range to 2ustify an elastic stress analysis often is not valid for nonmetals. 0n brittle i ing- strains initially will roduce relatively large elastic stresses. $he total dis lacement strain must be ke t small- howeversince overstrain results in failure rather than lastic deformation. 0n thermo lastic and thermosetting resin i ing- strains generally will roduce stresses of the overstrained # lastic) ty e- even at relatively low values of total dis lacement strain. 0f a method of flexibility analysis which assumes elastic behavior is selected- the designer must be able to demonstrate its validity for the i ing system under consideration- and shall establish safe limits for com uted stresses. (b) Overstrained Behavior. &tresses cannot be considered ro ortional to dis lacement strains throughout a i ing system in which an excessive amount of strain may occur in locali3ed ortions of the i ing 4an unbalanced system5 see ara. 31..2.2#b)6 or in which elastic behavior of the i ing material cannot be assumed. 7verstrain shall be minimi3ed by system layout and excessive dis lacements shall be minimi3ed by s ecial 2oints or ex ansion devices #see ara. %31..8). A319.2.3 Cold !pring. "old s ring is the intentional deformation of i ing during assembly to roduce a desired initial dis lacement or stress. "old s ring may be beneficial in serving to balance the magnitude of stress under initial and extreme dis lacement conditions. When cold s ring is ro erly a lied- there is less likelihood of overstrain during initial o eration. $here is also less deviation from as-installed dimensions during initial o eration- so that hangers will not be dis laced as far from their original settings. /o credit for cold s ring is ermitted in stress range calculationsor in calculating thrusts and moments.

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