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State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) Andhra Pradesh Government of India Ministry of Environment & Forests

A-3, Industrial Estate, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad- 500 018. Lr !o SEIAA"AP"#SP$%%"&'('$ To Shri A , Shrivastava- Group )irector M"s ,ai.en Po/er Ltd Landmar0 1uildin2- 3th Floor4amdaspeth- 5ardha 4oad!a2pur 66''(' '+(&$%'((6'' Fa7 !o '+(&$%'((6'8 Sir, Su9* SEA: ; :oal 9ased <hermal Po/er Plant of M"s ,ai.en Po/er Ltd - Plot !o %&- %% & %6- APSE=- Atchutapuram (# & M)- #isa0hapatnam ; Environmental :learance ; 4e2 1. Your lr. dt. !.0". 010, 1#.0#. 010, ".08. 010 . T.$. lr. dt. 31.05. 010, !.1 . 010. )t*(+ '($&'((


In %ontinuation o& the abo'e, the (ro(osal )as e*a+ined in the +eeting o& the State E*(ert A((raisal ,o++ittee -SEA,. held on 0#.01. 011. The SEA, obser'ed as &ollo)s/ The representative of the project proponent Sri. Harshad Phopali and Sri. Suresh Kumar, and Sri. Ch. Babu Reddy of !s. Sri Sai anasa "ature Tech Pvt #td., Consultants, attended and made a presentation before the S$%C. &n partial modification of the resolutation ta'en in the S$%C meetin( held on )).*+.,*)*, the project is e-empted from public hearin( in vie. of the public hearin( already or(ani/ed for the entire S$0 by %P&&C on dt. ,1.*2.,*)*. The $&% of the project .ill be appraised based on the activities permitted in the %PS$0 3multi product4 by the o$56, 78&. The proponent shall submit a copy of the recommendations of the %PC0 % for obtainin( necessary clearance from o$56, 78& under CR0 Rules, for layin( the inta'e and marine outfall into sea. The chan(e of location of the project from plot no9 1,, 11 and 1: to plot no9 +2 to ;, .ith in the %PS$0 is approved. The sea .ater shall be used for coolin( purpose to conserve potable .ater. They are e-plorin( the possibility to use 1*< imported coal in addition to indi(ineous coal. This is a coal based thermal plant. %s per the circular dt. *).)).,*)* issued by the o$56, 78&, copy of firm coal lin'a(e and copy of the $C and 6orest Clearance of the coal mine incase of &ndian coal= copy of firm 8> incase of imported coal are re?uired to process the application.

Hence, the project proponent has to submit the $&% alon( .ith above mentioned documents!information. This is &or in&or+ation. You are re0uested to (re(are the dra&t EIA re(ort, along )ith abo'e +entioned in&or+ation and sub+it to the SEA, &or e*a+ination.

Yours &aith&ully, Sd1SE:4E<A4>- SEA:- A P <:F1? @?I!< :AIEF E!#I4?!ME!<AL E!GI!EE4 (:FE)

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