Computer Engineering Is

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1. Software means computer instructions or data.

Anything that can be storedelectronically is software, in

contrast to storage devices and display devices which are called hardware.

2. Software engineering is the engineering discipline through which software is developed.

Commonly the process involves finding out what the client wants, composing this in a list of requirements, designing an architecture capable of supporting all of the requirements, designing, coding, testing and integrating the separate parts, testing the whole, deploying and maintaining the software. Programming is only a small part of software engineering. 3. Computer engineering is You will learn about working with people

(communication, management, working with non-technical customers), processes for developing software, and how to measure and analyze the software product and the software process. and computer science You will learn
how to make them do very sophisticated things (e.g. graphics, robotics, databases, operating systems). You will also learn about the theory behind how and why computers and software work. In your senior project, you will tackle a problem at the frontier of computer science. 4. Software engineering deals with designing and developing software of the highest quality. A software engineer does analyzing, designing, developing and testing software. Software engineers carry out software engineering projects, which usually have a standard software life cycle. For example, the Water Fall Software Life cycle will include an analysis phase, design phase, development phase, testing and verification phase and finally the implementation phase. It deals with logistics, team coordination, automatic machinery control, work processes and similar tools. Most of the times, System Engineering overlaps with the concepts of industrial engineering, control engineering, organizational and project management and even software engineering. System Engineering is identified as an interdisciplinary engineering field due to this reason

5. Software process deals with getting and maintaining control over processes and their evolution. Becoming
acquainted with existing software process models is not enough, though.

6. software process model maybe defined as a simplified description of a software process,

presented from a particular perspective. In essence, each stage of the software process is identified and a model is then employed to represent the inherent activities associated within that stage. Consequently, a collection of local models may be utilised in generating the global picture representative of the software process.
concerned with concepts, processes and tools that support the timely and cost effective development of quality software. Central problems in Software Engineering involve the management of large and complex software systems that are continuously being modified and enhanced to evolve in response to changes in user requirements and changes in the hardware/software environment in which they operate.


Common methodologies include waterfall, prototyping, iterative and incremental development, spiral development, rapid application development, and extreme programming. A methodology can also include aspects of the development environment (i.e. IDEs), model-based development, computer aided software development, and the utilization of particular frameworks (i.e. programming libraries or other tools).

9. Using CASE allows designers, code writers, testers, planners, and managers to share a common view of where a project stands at each stage of development. CASE helps ensure a disciplined, check-pointed process. A CASE tool may portray progress (or lack of it) graphically. It may also serve as a repository for or be linked to document and program libraries containing the project's

business plans, design requirements, design specifications, detailed code specifications, the code units, test cases and results, and marketing and service plans. 10. 1. stable - doesnt crash - does what its meant to do reliably and dependably
2. adequate features for the task where 'adequate' is determined by what comparable software offers in terms of features 3. has an intuitive user interface - user is able to figure out how to use the software without the necessity of having to reference a manual 4. does not require the user to perform any tasks (mouse clicks, menu selections, key presses) than are absolutely necessary for it to perform a task. All processes are designed for straightforwardness and simplicity of use. The software does the work for the user, not the other way around. 5. efficient - uses no more computer resources than is absolutely essential. This means it is low on cpu and ram use, and that it only installs features it needs to run. When its not running it has no additional installs which affect on the performance of the machine.

11. Coping with legacy systems, coping with increasing diversity and coping with demands for
delivery times.Legacy systems - old, valuable systems must be maintained and updated. Heterogeneity - systems are distributed and includes a mix of hardware and software..Delivery there is increasing pressure for faster delivery of software.

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