The Mystery at Lilac Inn

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The Mystery at Lilac Inn


Mysterious Canoe Mishap


"NANCY DREW I How did you and Helen paddle that canoe up here so fast fro Hei"hts#" cried Doris Dra$e in astonish ent%

Nancy& an attracti!e titian 'lond& "rinned up at her friend% Doris was weedin" a flower "arden at her ho e alon" the ri!er'an$% "How do you $now when we left ho e#" Nancy(s 'lue eyes twin$led% ")y friend Phyl told e on the phone *ust half an hour a"o that she(d tal$ed with you& Nancy& at the Elite Dru" +tore in Ri!er Hei"hts%" Nancy loo$ed surprised% "+he couldn(t ha!e% Helen and I were on our way here at that ti e%" +lender& pretty Helen Cornin"& three years older than Nancy& frowned% "You ust ha!e a dou'le& Nancy% ,etter watch out"I can(t understand it&" Nancy ista$e#" ur ured% "You say Phyl talked to her and she didn(t say it was a

"That(s ri"ht& Nancy&" said Doris% ",ut Phyl was wron"& of course% After all& she doesn(t $now you terri'ly well% +ay& where are you and Helen "oin"#" "To !isit o!erni"ht with E ily Willou"h'y and her aunt at .ilac Inn% They(re fa ily friends% E ily and her fiance/we(!e ne!er et hi ha!e 'ou"ht the inn& and E tells e& plan to run it full ti e%" Helen added& "Nancy and I are to 'e E ily(s 'rides aids% We(ll tal$ o!er weddin" plans%" "How wonderful0" Doris e1clai ed% Nancy and Helen said "ood/'y and paddled off upstrea % The An"us Ri!er& a tri'utary of the )us$o$a& was 'an$ed on either side with dense shru''ery& willow trees& and wild flowers% "We(re al ost to ,enton&" Nancy said% "The old inn should 'e *ust 'eyond the ne1t 'end%" The ne1t second so ethin" ra ed the canoe !iolently% The i pact capsi2ed the craft& hurlin" Nancy and Helen into the chilly )ay waterl 3ortunately& the "irls were e1cellent swi ers% Each instincti!ely "rasped her 'uoyant& waterproof can!as tra!elin" 'a"& 'o''in" near'y& and swa to a "rassy 'an$% "Whew- said Nancy& as she dropped her 'a" to the "round% "Are you all ri"ht& Helen#" Her friend nodded& shi!erin" in her 'edra""led shirt and slac$s& despite the war ade us capsi2e#" sun% "What

Nancy shru""ed% +he $ic$ed off her occasins and plun"ed into the water a"ain to find out& and to retrie!e the canoe% It was driftin" upside down a short distance away% After ri"htin" the canoe& Nancy towed it to where they had o!erturned% +he duc$ed her head 'eneath the unruffled surface& 'ut saw nothin" unusual in the twenty/foot/deep water% "That(s stran"e&" she thou"ht% ")ay'e we hit a floatin" lo"%" ,ut this e1planation did not fully satisfy her% A driftin" lo" pro'a'ly would 'e still in si"ht& and there was none% Nancy pushed the canoe toward shore% Helen "ra''ed the stern& and pulled the canoe far enou"h up the 'an$ so the "irls could e1a ine it% To their relief& it was unda a"ed%

"Did you see that "No% Where#"

an with the crew cut in the row'oat#" Helen as$ed%

Helen pointed to a s all& hi"h doc$ fifty feet downstrea % +he said that while Nancy was swi in"& the an had cli 'ed fro the water into a row'oat& "lanced their way& then "one in the opposite direction% "He didn(t e!en try to help us- Helen said indi"nantly% "Do you thin$ canoe#" ay'e he upset our

"I don(t see how he could ha!e%" Nancy s iled% ",ut he has upset you% .et(s "oThe "irls stepped 'ac$ into the canoe and pad dled off% As they rounded the ne1t 'end& Helen cried& "There(s the .ilac Inn doc$When the canoe ca e a'reast of the doc$& Nancy secured it to a post% The "irls hopped out and started up the path that led to the inn% 4n 'oth sides of the path were "ro!es of lilac trees which displayed a profusion of 'loo s& fro crea y white to deep purple% As the "irls "a2ed in deli"ht& a !oice called& "Nancyl Helen0 I( happened#" so "lad to see you% ,ut whate!er

"E ily0 Pretend I( hu""in" you&" Nancy said with a lau"h& and e1plained their accident% E ily Willou"h'y& a dainty youn" wo an& had chestnut/colored hair& set off to ad!anta"e 'y her white linen dress% ,eside her stood a handso e& well/'uilt an with wa!y& 'lac$ hair% Nancy and Helen assu ed the youn" an was her fiance& Dic$ 3arnha & 'ut E ily introduced hi as 5ohn )c,ride& an old friend of Dic$(s% "5ohn is "oin" to 'e Dic$(s 'est an&" E ily e1plained% 5ohn s iled cordially% "Dic$ and I were 'oyhood friends in California& and roo ates at colle"e% I( an Ar y ser"eant on a onth(s lea!e%" He loo$ed at the new arri!als with twin$lin" eyes% "E ily will tell you why I( here% And I( sure "lad I a %" "Now don(t "o a$in" up to y friends& 5ohn&" dled off% As they rounded the ne1t 'end& Helen cried& "There(s the .ilac Inn doc$When the canoe ca e a'reast of the doc$& Nancy secured it to a post% The "irls hopped out and started up the path that led to the inn% 4n 'oth sides of the path were "ro!es of lilac trees which displayed a profusion of 'loo s& fro crea y white to deep purple% As the "irls "a2ed in deli"ht& a !oice called& "Nancyl Helen0 I( happened#" so "lad to see you% ,ut whate!er

"E ily0 Pretend I( hu""in" you&" Nancy said with a lau"h& and e1plained their accident% E ily Willou"h'y& a dainty youn" wo an& had chestnut/colored hair& set off to ad!anta"e 'y her white linen dress% ,eside her stood a handso e& well/'uilt an with wa!y& 'lac$ hair% Nancy and Helen assu ed the youn" an was her fiance& Dic$ 3arnha & 'ut E ily introduced hi as 5ohn )c,ride& an old friend of Dic$(s% "5ohn is "oin" to 'e Dic$(s 'est an&" E ily e1plained%

5ohn s iled cordially% "Dic$ and I were 'oyhood friends in California& and roo ates at colle"e% I( an Ar y ser"eant on a onth(s lea!e%" He loo$ed at the new arri!als with twin$lin" eyes% "E ily will tell you why I( here% And I( sure "lad I a %" "Now don(t "o a$in" up to y friends& 5ohn&" E ily teased% "Helen is en"a"ed to 5i Archer& who has a position with an oil co pany o!erseas& and Nancy/well& she(s i"hty 'usy these days%" The !isitors lau"hed& as E ily added& "You "irls chan"e into dry clothes at once%" 5ohn carried their 'a"s& as E ily led the way alon" a shru''ed path which opened onto the spacious lawn surroundin" .ilac Inn% Helen and Nancy loo$ed with ad iration at the historic hotel& erected in Re!olutionary ti es% "Here are the new "uest cotta"es&" E ily said& as they reached a "roup of twel!e tri white units% "And this one is where you(ll stay%" +he unloc$ed the door of the second cotta"e and the friends stepped inside% 5ohn set down the 'a"s% "+ee you "irls later&" he said% As Helen ad ired the attracti!e colonial/style 'edroo & Nancy noticed a loo$ of an1iety in E ily(s eyes% ,ut the ne1t instant it !anished% Nancy and Helen listened with "reat interest while their friend said that she and Dic$ were enlar"in" the inn% "5ohn has 'een a 'i" help with our pro*ects% Dic$ is in New Yor$ wor$in" on pu'licity for us%" "I( sure .ilac Inn will 'e a 'an"/up success&" Nancy told her% "4h& I hope so&" E ily said% 3or a fleetin" youn" wo an(s eyes% Why# o ent Nancy a"ain detected a worried loo$ in the

E ily went on& "You(re al ost the first "uests in our cotta"e section/5ohn was first% He(s stayin" near you% The official openin" of the inn won(t 'e until 5uly first% That is& if we can co plete e!erythin" 'y then&" she added du'iously% "If your aunt is here& E & I(d lo!e to see her&" Nancy said% "Aunt Ha2el(s 'een loo$in" forward to seein" you% I(ll tell her you(!e arri!ed% Co e o!er to the inn after you(!e unpac$ed%" Nancy and Helen chan"ed into pastel cotton dresses& put away the few 'elon"in"s they had 'rou"ht& then headed for the inn% As they wal$ed across the lawn& they passed "ardeners who were prunin" trees and culti!atin" flower 'eds ed"ed with pansies% 'eautiful ar$ed% The "irls went to the front of the inn& a twostory clap'oard 'uildin" with a one/le!el win" on either side% All around it were lilac trees and other flowerin" 'ushes% Nancy and Helen ounted the wide steps and entered the center hall% Its paneled walls& old staircase& and 'eautiful cut/"lass chandelier ade the feel as thou"h they had stepped 'ac$ into an earlier century% The here&" Helen re/"It(s perfectly

reser!ation des$ was in an alco!e off the hallway% 5ohn )c,ride was *ust puttin" a letter into the out"oin" ail slot% "Hi- He "rinned% "Ready for a tour of inspection# Deli"hted to escort you%" "We accept%" Helen s iled% "After Nancy and l I say hello to E ily(s Aunt Ha2el%" 5ust then E ily entered the hall% "Aunt Ha 2el is/er/'usy& 'ut she(ll 'e free in a few In the eanti e& I in% utes% ust spea$ to )r% Daly&

the for er owner of .ilac Inn% He(s stayin" to ana"e the dinin" roo & which we(!e $ept open for 'usiness%" +he led the "irls to a narrow corridor which ran 6( off the lo''y% "Why don(t you two wait for Aunt Ha2el and down%" Nancy and Helen proceeded alon" the corridor% As they passed the second door& which was partially open& the "irls heard a fa iliar !oice say7 "I can(t lend you any don(t as$ e a"ainthe roo % ore oney& )audl Please e in y office# It(s the fourth door

,efore Nancy and Helen could retreat& Aunt Ha2el Willou"h'y wal$ed 8uic$ly fro +he was followed 'y a youn"er wo an who had an"ry loo$ on her rather pretty 'ut petulant face% "Nancyl Helen- E ily(s aunt e1clai ed& stoppin" short% "How nice to see you 'oth herel I( you can 'e E ily(s attendants%" "We are too%" Nancy s iled and Helen added& "E ily(s "oin" to 'e a lo!ely 'ride%" )rs% Willou"h'y& a wo an of fifty/fi!e& 'ea ed% White hair fra ed her face in soft wa!es& and she was i pecca'ly "roo ed% +he introduced her 6( co panion as )rs% )aud Potter& and said she was to 'e the inn(s social director for the su er% "That sounds e1citin"&" said Nancy pleasantly% 3or a o ent )aud(s eyes narrowed% Then she tossed her head% "I ay not 'e here 5uly first- she e1ploded& and wal$ed away rapidly% The "irls& so ewhat ta$en a'ac$& loo$ed in8uirin"ly at )rs% Willou"h'y% The older wo an& flustered& ade no e1planation% +he e1cused herself and hurried after )aud% Nancy and Helen e1chan"ed "lances% "What a way for a social director to act 9 Helen said in dis"ust% "I wonder why the two wo en were 8uarrelin" a'out oney%" At that o ent E ily so "lad

re*oined the "irls and led the into her office% The roo was co2y& with a 'raided ru" and pine furniture% The des$ in front of the window was cluttered with papers% "Dic$(s- E ily lau"hed% Then she so'ered% "He is worried a'out finances& poor 'oyl +o far he hasn(t 'een a'le to raise as uch capital as we need&" she confided% "I had a hard ti e con!incin" hi to a"ree to a certain idea of ine%" "Can you tell us a'out it#" Nancy as$ed% ,efore E ily could answer& there was a cry of pain fro so ewhere in the "arden% The three "irls dashed outside throu"h the front entrance% Apparently one of the "ardeners had stu 'led into a lar"e hole in a pathway 'ein" strewn with "ra!el% The an was oanin"% "4h& Han$- E ily "asped%
The "irls hurried to his side and disco!ered than one of his le"s had "one down throu"h so e soft(7 earth% "Pull e out0" the "ardener de anded% With the "irls( assistance& Han$ was freed% "I hope your le"(s not 'ro$en&" E ily said solicitously% Han$ shoo$ his head% "5ust a 'ad sprain% . wasn(t loo$in( where I was "oin(% What I can(t fi"/( ure out is how that hole "ot here% :ueer thin"s(6 ha!e 'een "oin( on at this inn% I( thin$in( of 8uit tin(% Anyhow& I( "oin( ho e now%" "4h& don(t 8uit 9 E ily cried% +e!eral other "ardeners had rushed up% All de nied ha!in" du" the hole% E ily as$ed one of t the & a thin& narrow/eyed youn" an& na ed ;il ( ;ary& to dri!e Han$ to his house% The other en returned to their wor$& 'ut the ( "irls re ained at the site of the accident% E ily(s %" face was trou'led% Nancy said i pulsi!ely& "+o ethin"(s 'otherin" you& E % What is it#" E ily(s whispered reply astonished her friends% "Dic$ and I see CHAPTER II to ha!e a ysterious ene y% He is tryin" to *in1 .ilac Inn-

Strange Hamenings

A 5IN< on .ilac Inn0 Nancy and Helen stared at E ily in astonish ent% "Tell us a'out it&" Nancy ur"ed her friend% E ily si"hed% "I will% I didn(t want to worry Aunt Ha2el& so I(!e $ept y suspicions to yself%" The chestnut/haired "irl said that four days a"o her fiance had left for New Yor$% Prior to that ti e& e!erythin" had 'een runnin" s oothly at the inn% An hour after Dic$(s departure& one of the waitresses had co e to E ily(s office to "i!e notice% "When I as$ed her why she was dissatisfied& she said it was 'ecause the inn was/was haunted- "What did she ean#" Nancy as$ed% E ily said she had not ta$en the state ent seriously% "At the ti e I was sure the waitress& )ary )ason& was *ust a$in" up an e1cuse for lea!in"%

+he pac$ed and left on the 'us to Ri!er Hei"hts that day% Now I( so ethin" stran"e%

not so sure she hadn(t seen

"+unday ornin" ;il ;ary reported that our finest lilac tree near the front entrance had 'een stolen% No "host did that" "What a sha e" Helen e1clai ed%

")r% Daly was heart'ro$en&" E ily said unhappily% "+e!eral years a"o he rooted this lilacthe .ucie ,altet !ariety with a lo!ely pin$ish flower% It was *ust 'e"innin" to 'losso a'undantly% "The third stran"e occurrence&" E ily continued& "was around twel!e o(cloc$ last ni"ht% I was awa$ened 'y the sound of usic and traced it to our record player in the recreation roo % No one was there%" "Perhaps so eone at the inn was playin" a *o$e&" Nancy su""ested% "No% E!eryone denied this&" E ily answered% "A window in the recreation roo was partially open% It loo$ed as thou"h it had 'een forced% And I $now all the windows had 'een closed earlier%" There was a thou"htful silence for se!eral seconds& then E ily lin$ed ar s with her chu s% "I won(t worry you with any ore ysteries&" she said% ".et(s ha!e lunch and later concentrate on weddin" plans%" Near the dinin"/roo door E ily stopped to introduce her friends to a $ind/faced& white haired an% "This is )r% Daly& the for er owner& who I told you a'out% I *ust couldn(t "et alon" without hi % I( so "lad he decided to stay awhile& e!en thou"h he wants to retire%" "How do you do#" Nancy and Helen s iled and shoo$ hands& then went to a corner ta'le near an old hutch ca'inet% Nancy(s ind was still on the series of e!ents E ily had *ust related% It did sound as if so ethin" peculiar was "oin" on at .ilac Innl Nancy had learned fro her lawyer father& Carson Drew& that a see in"ly unrelated chain of e!ents often 'eca e a sin"le 'afflin" ystery% The youn" sleuth had found proof of this in sol!in" se!eral cases herself/her first 'ein" The Secret of the Old Cloc$& and ore recently& The
Bungalow Mystery.

)rs% Willou"h'y and 5ohn )c,ride *oined the "irls% E ily as$ed the

where )aud was%

"I 'elie!e she(s sun/'athin" on the doc$&" )rs% Willou"h'y replied% "+he ate an early lunch%" There was a tense note in the wo an(s !oice which Nancy 8uic$ly detected% The "irl detecti!e recalled the con!ersation she and Helen had o!erheard that ornin"% Had further trou'le de!eloped# When Anna& the waitress& 'rou"ht the first course of 'eef 'roth& E ily chan"ed the su'*ect a'ruptly% ".ilac Inn is really a fascinatin" place&" she said% "The ori"inal floors are still intact& and it(s ru ored that ;eor"e Washin"ton ate here in the sta"ecoach days%" 5ohn s iled% "Accordin" to reports& our first president this countryust ha!e eaten at e!ery dinin" place in

Durin" the luncheon of crea ed chic$en on toast& peas& salad& and iced tea& Helen as$ed whether E ily had a nei"h'or who wore his hair in a crew cut% +he e1plained a'out the an who had rowed off& instead of co in" to the "irls( rescue& when their canoe capsi2ed% E ily and her aunt shoo$ their heads% "Not a !ery "allant "uy&" 5ohn re ar$ed% He as$ed se!eral 8uestions a'out the an with the crew cut and see ed !ery uch disappointed when Helen could add nothin" ore to the description% .ater& Nancy said to 5ohn& "Your career in the Ar y assi"n ent#" ust 'e interestin"% Do you ha!e a special

"Wish I could tell you& Nancy% ,ut it(s classified& or confidential& to ci!ilians%" "I understand%" Nancy s iled% Presently she turned to E ily% "I saw Doris Dra$e on the way here% Her house isn(t far away& is it#" "A'out a ile up the road&" E ily answered% After luncheon E ily offered to show Nancy and Helen around the inn and ta$e the on a tour of the e1tensi!e "rounds% "I(ll "et the *eep for that trip&" 5ohn offered% E ily showed her friends the parlors and writin" roo & and the pine/paneled recreation roo % odern win" containin" the

"=ery attracti!e&" Nancy re ar$ed% +he spotted a record player in one corner% "Is that the one the intruder used& E ily#" "Yes% And here(s the window which I found forced open last ni"ht&" E ily pointed out% Ne1t& Nancy and Helen were escorted upstairs to see E ily(s attracti!e& old/fashioned two/roo suite% "When the inn is ready& there(ll 'e acco odations for fifty "uests/" At this instant a piercin" shrie$ ca e fro rushed outside% "The cry ca e fro the "arden% The three "irls dashed down the stairs and

near the ri!er&" said Nancy& runnin" in that direction%

5ohn )c,ride and two "ardeners *oined the % They ade a thorou"h search& 'ut found no one% E ily turned to Nancy with 8uestionin" eyes% "Are you thin$in" what I a /that the person screa ed *ust to fri"hten us# And a$e this place al ost see haunted#" "Yes% ,ut why# Is so eone tryin" to 'al$ your e1pansion pro"ra here#" Nancy su""ested% "Possi'ly% ,ut I can(t fi"ure out the reason&" E ily replied% "Well& I(ll show you the rest of the house%" +he too$ the !isitors to the far win"& where the $itchen was located% Its "lea in" wall o!ens and
natural/stone colonial fireplace& co plete with spit& fascinated Nancy% "E ily& you(ll ha!e no trou'le fillin" e!ery roo char in"0" in this inn&" she said enthusiastically% "It(s a'solutely ystery hauntin" this place could 'e at the wheel of the *eep% "Hold onto your

"I hope you(re ri"ht&" E ily replied fer!ently% "If only the sol!edl You(ll help& Nancy#" "I(ll certainly try& E ily%"

The three "irls went to the par$in" lot where 5ohn awaited the hats0" he called%

His three hatless passen"ers "rinned as they hopped into the rear seat% The !ehicle shot forward and turned into a dirt lane% +oon they were dri!in" a on" "ro!es of apple and peach trees% At E ily(s re8uest& 5ohn stopped the *eep near an apple tree% +he "ot out to e1a ine the leafy 'ranches% "We(ll ha!e an a'undant crop this season&" she co ented% "There are lots of tiny apples for in"%" 5ohn had cli 'ed out also% +uddenly he stooped and e1a ined the "round% "What are you loo$in" at#" Nancy called to hi % "A 'i" fat 'eetle%" 5ohn lau"hed% Nancy chuc$led& 'ut she had the feelin" that 5ohn had 'een e!asi!e in his reply% As the *eep started off& she loo$ed 'ac$% There was a trail of ar$s leadin" toward the ri!er% "They loo$ li$e flipper trac$s&" she thou"ht% "I wonder if 5ohn did%" ade the or if he suspects so eone else

.ater& when the youn" people returned to the inn& they found )aud Potter on the patio% Nancy was a a2ed at the chan"e in the wo an(s anner% Now she was s ilin" 'roadly as she wa!ed a folded newspaper% "Nancy- she cried effusi!ely% "You(re a s$in/di!in" cele'rity0" "What do you ean#" Nancy as$ed& pu22led& as )rs% Willou"h'y *oined the "roup% )aud opened the paper and pointed to pa"e one of the Ri!er Hei"hts Evening News. "Why& Nancy DrewHelen e1clai ed% "Your picture/and a write/upl You ne!er 'reathed a word0" E!eryone clustered around to see the picture of Nancy in a 'athin" suit& di!er(s acco panyin" article% The caption read7 aughter of !ocal !awyer" Carson rew" !earns Her #$B Seas in S%in iving. as$& and flippers and the

The article went on to tell that Nancy had *ust co pleted a course in ad!anced s$in di!in" in the )us$o$a Ri!er& and that she had finished first in total points in the twenty/student "roup% " >When as$ed 'y our reporter where she hoped to practice the sport&( " 5ohn read aloud& " >)iss Drew replied she would li$e to s$in/di!e in 'oth salt and fresh water% This writer stron"ly suspects that there

will 'e ti es when she will use her newly ac8uired $nowled"e in sol!in" )iss Drew& we understand& is proficient%"(

ysteries at which

With an ad irin" "lance& 5ohn said& ")eet a fellow fro" an% I practically "rew up in flippers%" "Really# 4h& I ha!e a wonderful idea- Nancy said she would still li$e to find out& if possi'le& what had upset her canoe so suddenly% ")ay'e there is so e su' er"ed o'*ect I didn(t notice% It could 'e a ha2ard to other people in 'oats% 5ohn& why don(t you ta$e a loo$ underwater at that sa e spot#" "How a'out 'oth of us "oin"#" 5ohn su""ested& s ilin"% E ily spo$e up% "Nancy& you and Helen also "o s$in di!in" with 5ohn%" ust stay here lon"er% You can wor$ on the ystery and

,oth "irls accepted ea"erly% "We(ll paddle ho e to orrow&" said Nancy& "pic$ up and y di!in" e8uip ent& then co e 'ac$%"

ore clothes

3or the rest of the afternoon& the three "irls discussed the su'*ect of "owns to 'e worn 'y E ily(s 'ridal attendants% Nancy and Helen were deli"hted to learn that the color was to 'e lilac pin$% ",y the way& E &" Helen said& "do you $now where lilacs ca e fro ori"inally#" Their hostess nodded% "A ;er an tra!eler 'rou"ht the flower fro the 4rient to Europe in the si1teenth century% E!entually the lilac was introduced to A erica%" All this ti e Nancy had noted that E ily was doin" her 'est to see cheerful& and )aud too continued to act carefree% E ily had arran"ed a stea$ coo$/out on the patio& and the social director *oined in the li!ely 'anter% When they finished eatin"& she 'rou"ht out a "uitar% "How a'out so e Western tunes#" she su""ested "aily% "3ine% .et(s all sin"&" Helen answered% At ele!en o(cloc$ the "roup said "ood ni"ht and the Ri!er Hei"hts "irls tu 'led into 'ed% The ne1t ornin" Nancy had *ust finished dressin" when there was a $noc$ on the cotta"e door% 5ohn called out7 "Phone call for you& Nancy& at the des$ in the lo''y% The cotta"e phones aren(t connected yet%" "Than$ you%" Nancy hurried to the lo''y and pic$ed up the recei!er% "Hello# % % % Why& Hannah0 What(s the trou'le#"

Hannah ;ruen was the Drews( house$eeper& and had " othered" Nancy since the a"e of three when her own other had passed away% "4h& Nancy- Hannah sounded al ost hysterical% "Co e ho e ri"ht away0 Your father isn(t here& and so eone 'ro$e into the house last ni"ht"%

# Stolen Charge &late

NANCY was shoc$ed 'y Hannah(s news% "Ha!e you called the police a'out the prowler#" she as$ed the house$eeper% "No% I wanted to tell you first% I didn(t $now what had happened until I carried so e clean clothes to your roo % The second floor see s to 'e the only place distur'ed%" Hannah e1plained that she had tried to reach )r% Drew at his hotel in Cle!eland& where he was wor$in" on a case% ,ut the lawyer had 'een out% "I(ll 'e ho e as soon as possi'le&" Nancy pro ised% "In the )c;innis%" "I will& Nancy% ;ood/'y%" Nancy was *ust a'out to put down the phone& when she heard a clic$ on the line% Instantly she wondered if so eone at .ilac Inn had 'een purposely listenin" in on her call% ,efore Nancy could speculate further& E ily *oined her% :uic$ly Nancy "a!e her friend Hannah(s report% "I ust 'orrow a car and "o ri"ht ho e&" she said% E ily e1pressed concern a'out the apparent 'ur"lary% "I hope nothin" !alua'le was ta$en% ,ut& Nancy& you ust ha!e 'rea$fast 'efore you "o%" E ily led the way to the dinin" roo % Nancy as$ed her where the other telephones at the inn were located and so eone i"ht ha!e 'een ea!esdroppin" on her con!ersation% entioned the fact that eanti e& please notify Chief

"E!ery roo has an e1tension&" E ily said% ",ut the only ones connected ri"ht now& 'esides the des$ phone& are in the $itchen& y 'edroo & y aunt(s& and the recreation roo %" The youn" sleuth hastily e1cused herself% "I(d li$e to ta'le& will you#" a$e a few in8uiries& E % )eet e at the

Nancy went into the $itchen% +he saw Anna& the waitress& and as$ed the "irl if anyone had used the telephone within the past few inutes% No one had% Then Nancy hurried to the recreation roo % It was e pty% When Nancy reached the dinin" roo & she found E ily at the ta'le alone% "Did you learn anythin"#" E ily as$ed% "No%" E ily whispered& "I *ust re e 'ered& Nancy% )aud had her phone hoo$ed up yesterday%" At that o ent )aud ca e into the dinin" roo % Nancy learned that )aud had *ust returned fro a wal$ alon" the ri!er% A few inutes later )rs% Willou"h'y& Helen& and 5ohn arri!ed% None had used the phone that ornin"% ";uess that clic$ didn(t ean an ea!esdropper at the inn&" Nancy thou"ht%

The others were sy pathetic upon hearin" her reason for returnin" ho e i ediately% 5ohn pro ptly offered to dri!e Nancy in the *eep% ,ut )rs% Willou"h'y lau"hed and said& "I can "i!e you a ore co forta'le ride& Nancy%" As she started to e1plain& Anna ca e to ta$e the orders of those at the ta'le% "I ha!e to dri!e to the Ri!er Hei"hts ,an$ this ornin"&" )rs% Willou"h'y went on& "to "et E ily(s dia onds fro the safe/deposit 'o1% I(d 'e deli"hted to ha!e co pany%" ,efore Nancy could reply& )aud Potter repeated shrilly& "E ily(s diamonds'( )rs% Willou"h'y nodded% "As you $now& I(!e 'een E ily(s "uardian for fi!e years& since her parents were $illed in the plane crash% Her other(s will states that she(s to recei!e the *ewels when she(s twenty/one%" E ily di pled% "That(s in two wee$s% ,ut I coa1ed Aunt Ha2el into lettin" I( "oin" to sell enou"h to help Dic$ and e with e1penses at the inn%" Nancy s iled% "That ust 'e the plan you told e a'out yesterday%" e there were twenty "That(s ri"ht%" E ily(s eyes spar$led% )aud had 'een listenin" intently% +he said to )rs% Willou"h'y& "You told unset dia onds% I suppose they are worth 8uite a 'it#" )rs% Willou"h'y s iled% "Yes% 4!er fifty thousand dollars%" )aud re ar$ed pointedly& "You(d 'etter 'e careful& Ha2el% +o e people would lo!e to "et their hands on those *ewels%" As soon as )rs% Willou"h'y finished her toast and coffee& she arose fro said& "I(ll "et the car%" the ta'le% "Nancy&" she e ha!e the earlier%

The three "irls e1cused the sel!es and went outside% "Perhaps& Helen&" Nancy said& "you(d li$e to stay at the inn% I(ll 'e dri!in" 'ac$& and can stop at your house to pic$ up whate!er clothes you need%" "Than$s& Nancy% I(d li$e to stay% I(ll phone )other%" E ily as$ed if Nancy would ha!e a chance to do her a fa!or in Ri!er Hei"hts% "I(d as$ Aunt Ha2el& 'ut she wants to "et 'ac$ here as soon as possi'le with y dia onds%" "I(ll 'e "lad to% What is it& E #" "3ind out if the E pire E ploy ent A"ency

"Did you "et )ary )ason throu"h the #" Nancy as$ed% "No% +he stopped here% ,ut her references were e1cellent& so I en"a"ed her%" "I(ll 'e happy to do the errand for you& E ily&" Nancy said% )rs% Willou"h'y pulled up in her 'lac$ sedan and Nancy cli 'ed in front% 5ohn had co e outside too% "Don(t for"et&" he said to her& "we ha!e a s$in/di!in" date when you "et 'ac$%"

At that o ent )aud Potter hurried fro the social director said 'lithely%

the inn to the car% "I(ll co e alon"& if you don(t


+he hopped in 'eside Nancy without waitin" for an in!itation% )rs% Willou"h'y(s lips ti"htened& 'ut she ade no co ent% ;ood/'ys were e1chan"ed and the car started off% +oon the sedan was speedin" alon" the as$ed Nancy% "No&" Nancy ad itted% "E1cept he "+o eti es&" Nancy replied nonco 8uisiti!eness% ain hi"hway% "Any ideas a'out your 'ur"lar#" )aud

i"ht ha!e 'een tryin" to 'rea$ into Dad(s safe%" ittally% +he tried to hide her annoyance at the wo an(s in/ any 8uestions& )aud%"

)aud coc$ed her head% "Does your father $eep i portant papers at ho e#"

)rs% Willou"h'y frowned disappro!in"ly% "Don(t as$ so

The social director shru""ed% 4nce ore she turned to Nancy% Archin" her eye'rows coyly& she said& "I(d lo!e to eet your dad so eti e% I understand he is a widower%" "This is the last straw- Nancy thou"ht% Thou"h annoyed& she had to suppress a s ile at the wo an(s re ar$% )aud Potter certainly was not the type of person to interest her father% "Dad $eeps !ery 'usy& and tra!els a lot on his cases&" Nancy said coolly% "He(s away now%" )aud(s coyness !anished% "I see% No ti e for social life&" she said sarcastically% To Nancy(s relief& the wo an spo$e hardly at all for the 'alance of the trip% Presently )rs% Wil/ lou"h'y pulled up into the windin" dri!eway of the Drews( handso e 'ric$ ho e& surrounded 'y a !el!ety "reen lawn% Nancy e1pressed her than$s for the ride and said "ood/'y% +he hurried into the house& for the o ent for"ettin" .ilac Inn co pletely% Hannah ;ruen "reeted her with& "4h& Nancy dear% I( so "lad you(re 'ac$% I(!e 'een franticNancy hu""ed the pleasant/faced wo an& who said that Police Chief )c;innis had stopped at the house to in!esti"ate the 'ur"lary% "No sil!er or other !alua'les are issin"&" Hannah went on% ",ut your roo is a ess% Whoe!er was here ust ha!e 'een after so ethin" you $eep there%" The wo an frowned worriedly% Nancy dashed up the stairs% What a si"ht et her eyes as she entered her roo 0 ,ureau and chest drawers were open& their contents spillin" out% Perfu e 'ottles lay o!erturned on her dressin" ta'le% Clothes had 'een pulled fro the closet and flun" onto the 'ed and floor% )rs% ;ruen& who had followed Nancy& e1plained& "Chief )c;innis wanted e to lea!e e!erythin" li$e this for you to see%" Nancy nodded% "How was the house entered#" "Throu"h the 'ac$ door&" Hannah replied% "The chief said the intruder ust 'e an e1pert loc$ pic$er and 'ur"lar% He left no fin"erprints%" Nancy hurried into her father(s 'edroo % Nothin" here had 'een distur'ed apparently% +he went into the ad*oinin" den and was relie!ed to see that the thief had not 'ro$en into the safe% "The only thin" issin" fro here is y picture&" Nancy reported to Hannah% "4h& dear0 What does it all ean#" the house$eeper as$ed worriedly%

,efore Nancy could continue& the phone ran"& and she answered it% ")iss Nancy Drew#" a wo an as$ed%

"Yes% "This is ,ur$(s Depart ent +tore% I( )rs% Reilly of the fine *ewelry depart ent% I ade a terri'le ista$e when I sold you that watch this ornin"% The price was one hundred and twentyfi!e dollars& not fifty as I told you% Do you still want to $eep it#" ?tterly astounded& Nancy said& ")rs% Reilly& I didn(t 'uy a watch this town%" "Isn(t your char"e account nu 'er @A/BCDE#" "Wait& please% I(ll chec$%" Nancy hurried to open the des$ drawer where she had put ,ur$(s char"e plate% Its leather case was there& 'ut the etal plate was not inside% "It has 'een stolen0" Nancy e1clai ed% With a sense of fore'odin"& she returned to the phone% "I(ll dri!e ri"ht down to see the Nancy said% ")y char"e plate has 'een stolen& I( afraid%" ana"er&" ornin"0 I was out of

Nancy paused lon" enou"h to tell Hannah of her disco!ery& and to notify Chief )c;innis% The officer said he would eet her at the store ana"er(s office% 5ust as she was a'out to enter ,ur$(s& Nancy stopped short% To her a a2e ent& she saw )aud Potter enterin" the E pire E ploy ent A"ency office across the street% "Now what(s up#" Nancy wondered% "Is )aud tryin" to en"a"e a waitress for the inn& too#" Pu22led& she hurried into the depart ent store and too$ an ele!ator to the third/floor office of the ana"er& )r% ;olds ith% "I( Nancy Drew&" she "reeted hi pleasantly% "I want to e1plain/" +he "ot no further% With a stern loo$& the ana"er said curtly& "I $now all a'out the watch you clai not to ha!e 'ou"ht early this ornin"% ,ut how a'out those other ite s you carried away#" Du founded& Nancy could only echo& (Other ite s#" ;ri ly the ana"er continued& "I don(t $now what your "a e is& )iss Drew% ,ut unless you ha!e a twin& you owe ,ur$(s Depart ent +tore for erchandise worth two thousand dollars"%

#ddress )n%nown

NANCY felt she ust 'e drea in"% Not only had the thief char"ed two thousand dollars to her account& 'ut the store ana"er see ed to 'elie!e that Nancy herself had ade the purchases% "I ust ha!e a dou'le" she thou"ht% "Doris Dra$e(s friend Phyl was ri"ht in thin$in" she was tal$in" to e% +o eone is i personatin" e% It(s possi'le this person or a friend of hers 'ro$e into our house& too$ the char"e plate& and so e of y clothes for her to wear" 4utwardly& Nancy tried to appear cal % "I couldn(t ha!e 'ou"ht those thin"s& )r% ;olds ith&" she insisted% "This is the first ti e today I(!e 'een in ,ur$(s%" 3or answer& the ana"er pressed a 'u22er% Three wo en entered% He introduced the as )rs% Reilly& )iss Coo"an& and )rs% Watson% ")rs% Reilly sold you the watch&" said )r% ;olds ith% "3ro )iss Coo"an you 'ou"ht an e1pensi!e in$ stole% Ne1t& you purchased two hi"h/priced dresses in )rs% Watson(s depart ent% .adies& do you identify this "irl#"

The saleswo en nodded% Each one identified her as Nancy Drew& the youn" wo an she had waited on& and who had si"ned sales slips for each purchase% "This is preposterous- Nancy cried& her 'lue eyes flashin"% "+o eone is i personatin" e% +he stole y char"e plate% I want to see those sales slips%" 5ust then& to Nancy(s relief& Chief )c;innis entered the office% He and the Drews were old friends& and he "reeted Nancy cordially% )r% ;olds ith spo$e up% ";lad you(re here& Chief% I was *ust "oin" to call you%" He e1plained what had happened% The police officer replied cal ly& "If Nancy Drew says she didn(t 'uy anythin"& she didn(t% .et(s "et down to facts& )r% ;olds ith% I( here to help )iss Drew& and ,ur$(s also%" The chief 8ui22ed the salescler$s 'riefly% After hearin" their stories& he said "ra!ely& "Nancy& I( afraid this youn" wo an who rese 'les you so closely/and for"ed your si"nature on the sales slips/ ay continue to ta$e ad!anta"e of it%" Nancy s iled ruefully% "I reali2e that%" +he was

ore con!inced of this than e!er when the sales ust ha!e

slips were 'rou"ht to the office% The for"ery was e1cellent% Nancy(s i personator carefully practiced the si"nature on the char"e plate% )r% ;olds ith si"hed wearily% "I( suspected you of dishonesty%" "That(s all ri"ht&" she replied% "The stolen property%" sorry& )iss Drew& a'out this whole

atter& and that I

ain thin" is to trac$ down the culprit and "et 'ac$ your

+he as$ed the cler$s what her "twin" had 'een wearin"% "It was a lo!ely li"ht/'lue dress&" replied )rs% Reilly% "Printed sil$& with white flowers%" Nancy "asped% "I ha!e a dress li$e that% And I don(t re e 'er seein" it in y closet today%" "The wo an no dou't too$ it&" the police chief said& frownin"% "Nancy& 'e !ery careful% This i personation ay ean not only annoyance& 'ut possi'le dan"er for you%" )r% ;olds ith pro ised that ,ur$(s pri!ate detecti!e and all the store(s sales personnel would 'e on the loo$out for Nancy(s un$nown dou'le% As the youn" sleuth left the store with Chief )c;innis& she said to hi & "I wonder if this person actually is y dou'le or is only cle!erly ade up to rese 'le e%" The officer frowned% "If it(s the latter& the thief will 'e harder to catch% +he ay not pose as Nancy Drew a"ain for so e ti e% ,ut I(ll ha!e y en start wor$in" on the case fro e!ery possi'le an"le%" He ad itted that no clues to the thief at the Drew ho e had 'een found% "I(ll post a twenty/four/hour "uard at your ho e%" ";ood&" Nancy said% "Hannah will feel uch 'etter& since I ha!e to return to .ilac Inn this afternoon& and Dad(s away%" Nancy said "ood/'y to the chief and hurried across the street to the e ploy ent a"ency% +he wondered if 'y chance )aud Potter i"ht still 'e % there% ,ut when Nancy entered the office& the only person there was the wo an ana"er& seated at a des$% "Can I help you#" she as$ed Nancy% "I( here at the re8uest of the new owners of .ilac Inn&" Nancy replied% "Has anyone else 'een in to as$ a'out a waitress to wor$ out there#" "No%" As Nancy as$ed her ne1t 8uestion& she was thin$in"& "Why was )aud in here#" Aloud she said& "Ha!e you any waitresses on your list#"

"Not at present% We(ll call you if any apply%" 4n i pulse& Nancy as$ed her& "Could you tell you(!e e!er had a )iss )ary )ason on your waitress list#" The wo an opened a near'y file and flipped throu"h a folder% "No& we ha!en(t%"

e if

Nancy than$ed the ana"er and left the a"ency% When she arri!ed ho e and told Hannah the latest de!elop ents& the house$eeper was ore upset than e!er% "I feel in y 'ones that this i personator is up to so ethin" sinister&" she declared% "I wish your dad were ho e%" "You(ll 'e safe here& Hannah&" Nancy said as/surin"ly& and told )rs% ;ruen that a police an would 'e assi"ned to "uard the house% "And spea$in" of Dad& I( "oin" to call hi ri"ht now and as$ hi if he too$ that picture of e with hi %" "While you do that& I(ll fi1 so e lunch for us&" )rs% ;ruen offered% "You two o(cloc$%" ust 'e star!ed% It(s

Nancy went to the hall telephone and a inute later was re8uestin" the switch'oard operator at the Cle!eland hotel to rin" )r% Drew(s roo % "Hello#" ca e the lawyer(s deep& resonant !oice% "Hi& Dadl How "ood to hear you- Nancy said happily% +he "a!e hi an account of the 'ur"lary and succeedin" e!ents% Carson Drew was "reatly concerned% "Nancy&" he added in a trou'led !oice& "I didn(t 'rin" your photo"raph with e% Your dou'le ust ha!e ta$en it% +he has already fooled four persons who don(t $now you well% With the help of the picture& she ay try so ethin" 'older&" he stated% "You thin$ this "irl has so e ulterior Dad#" oti!e other than fa$in" y char"e account& don(t you& uch as possi'le&

"I( afraid so% ,e on your "uard& Nancy% Try to stay with a "roup as particularly after you return to .ilac Inn%"

The lawyer added that he would 'e ho e the ne1t day% "I(ll loo$ into the whole affair then%" Nancy pro ised to 'e careful and said "ood/'y% +he and Hannah sat down and ate lunch% 3inally Nancy said she had to pac$ and lea!e% ",ut first I( "oin" to try locatin" that waitress )ary )ason%" Nancy pic$ed up the telephone directory and thu 'ed throu"h it until she reached the )(s% +he called two fa ilies na ed )ason& 'ut each denied ha!in" a relati!e )ary% "Pro'a'ly&" Nancy sur ised& ")ary did not li!e in this area%" Deep in thou"ht she went upstairs and too$ a suitcase fro her closet% Nancy 8uic$ly placed additional "ar ents in it& then "athered up her s$in/di!in" e8uip ent7 "reen ru''er fins& a di!in" as$& and an a8ualun"% 3inally& Nancy pac$ed a ru''er suit which would insulate her 'ody a"ainst the cold ri!er water& and an underwater ca era her father had "i!en her% Nancy $issed Hannah "ood/'y and "ot into her con!erti'le% +he dro!e to the Cornin"s( ho e and pic$ed up Helen(s suitcase& then set out for .ilac Inn% Her thou"hts re!ol!ed around the ystery out there and also on the pro'le of her i personator% "No one could loo$ enou"h li$e e to 'e a'solutely identical% Why& e!en identical twins E ha!e distin"uishin" characteristics&" she told herself with a s ile& "such as the shape of fin"ernails& !oice tones& and facial e1pressions%"

The late/afternoon traffic on the hi"hway to ,enton was 'eco in" hea!y% Nancy turned fro the ain road onto a !ery narrow& less/used one% Presently& in her irror& she saw a red panel truc$ 'ehind her co in" alon" at an alar in" speed% Nancy& at the sa e ti e& noted an arrow indicatin" a sharp cur!e ahead% +he 'ra$ed and otioned the truc$ dri!er to slow down% Either he did not see her si"nal& or was i"norin" it% Instead of slowin" down& the truc$(s speed increased& as if to pass her% The cur!e was not wide enou"h for two cars to "o side 'y side% 4n Nancy(s ri"ht was a deep ditch& filled with water% +he had no choice 'ut to start around the cur!e% To her horror& the other !ehicle was already ed"in" around her left fender% Nancy "li psed a chro e ea"le orna ent on the truc$(s hood% A split second later her con!erti'le was forced o!er into the ditch%


As NANCY'S con!erti'le leaned precariously& its ri"ht wheels in the ditch& the panel truc$ roared on around the 'end and out of si"ht% Nancy 'ra$ed her car to a stop& than$ful it had not turned o!er% "That dri!er ou"ht to ha!e his license re/!o$ed" she thou"ht indi"nantly% +he $new it would 'e difficult to "et out of the uddy ditch% "Well& I(ll ha!e a try&" she decided% "Here "oes" +he tried to roc$ the car "ently 'ac$ and forth to "ain and san$ lower into the ire% o entu % The ri"ht tires spun cra2ily

Nancy tried a"ain% No use% +he feared it i"ht 'e so e ti e 'efore a car would co e alon" in this deserted area% 3inally she decided to search for so e o'*ects to force under the ri"ht wheels for traction% 5ust then& Nancy heard an auto o'ile approachin"% "Than$ "oodness" she "Ha!in" trou'le& pleasantly% ur ured a o ent later% "A +tate Police car%" It drew up and par$ed at the side of the road% A youn" officer hopped out% iss(#" he as$ed% ".ieutenant ,rice& ,enton +tate Police ,arrac$s&" he said

Nancy introduced herself& then e1plained% He as$ed if she had noted the truc$(s license plates% "No&" she replied& 'ut descri'ed the truc$ and the chro e ea"le orna ent on its hood% .ieutenant ,rice said that if he found the truc$& he would see that the dri!er was 'rou"ht to court% "I ha!e a tow chain in y car% I(ll try to pull you out% Feep the en"ine in "ear%" 3i!e inutes later the con!erti'le was out of the ditch% Nancy than$ed the trooper for his help& then dro!e off% It was al ost si1 o(cloc$ when Nancy pulled into the .ilac Inn par$in" lot% +he went at once to the patio& where the Willou"h'ys& )aud& Helen& and 5ohn were "athered% "I( "lad you could return in ti e for supper& Nancy&" said )rs% Willou"h'y% The others plied the "irl detecti!e with 8uestions a'out the Drews( 'ur"lar% Nancy "a!e an account of her day(s e1periences& concludin" with the rec$less truc$ dri!er% "Why& how terri'le0" E ily e1clai ed%

"The ner!e of so eone i personatin" you- Helen 'ristled% Nancy s iled wryly% "I(d certainly li$e to $now what the "irl(s purpose is%" A'ruptly& )aud chan"ed the su'*ect% To E ily she said& "I dropped into the E pire E ploy ent A"ency this ornin"% A waitress wal$ed in to apply& so I told her to report here to orrow for an inter!iew% Her na e is 5ean Hol es%" ",ut I as$ed/" E ily 'ro$e off when Nancy "a!e her a warnin" loo$% )aud e!idently did not notice this& and added sweetly& "I $new another waitress was needed here% I *ust wanted to a$e yself useful%" "I see% Than$ you&" E ily said coolly% .ater& after )aud had e1cused herself to dress for supper& E ily 'urst out& ")aud a$es e so an"ryl Why doesn(t she tend to her own *o'- "Don(t pic$ on her& dear- )rs% Willou"h'y retorted% "+he(s had a hard enou"h ti e lately%" Risin"& E ily(s aunt said she wanted to confer with )r% Daly and went off% The four youn" people were left alone% Nancy as$ed E ily how )aud had 'een chosen as social director for .ilac Inn% "Aunt Ha2el as$ed us to&" E ily replied% In a whisper she added& "I wish )aud would concentrate ore on our recreational pro"ra % Nancy& why did you "i!e e the hi"h/si"n#" Nancy told of ha!in" seen )aud enter the "ency& and of 'ein" infor ed 'y the ana"er later that no one had in8uired a'out a waitress% E ily si"hed% "I(ll 'e so "lad when Dic$ "ets 'ac$% Especially if any ore stran"e thin"s happen around here%"

"E ily& you(!e nothin" to worry a'out&" 5ohn declared% "E!erythin" will 'e fine%" The youn" an stood up& sayin" he had a supper en"a"e ent in town% "+orry I(ll festi!ities& E ily% I(ll see your "litterin" "e s later%" E ily& her face 'ri"htenin"& e1plained to Nancy that her aunt had planned a festi!e e!enin"% "To cele'rate y recei!in" the dia onds%" "That(ll 'e fun&" Nancy said% "Helen& let(s "o now and chan"e our clothes%" The two "irls too$ the suitcases fro Nancy(s con!erti'le% As they unpac$ed in the cotta"e and dressed& Helen discussed Nancy(s i personator% "It(s positi!ely creepy& Nancy&" she said worriedly% "Your dou'le doesn(t sound li$e an ordinary thief%" The "irls 8uic$ly finished dressin"% Nancy had put on a pin$ sheath dress and pu ps% Helen wore an a8ua or"andy% They went to the patio where E ily *oined the a inute later% +he said that 5ean Hol es& the waitress& had arri!ed une1pectedly for her inter!iew% The "irl had e1plained that she had heard of a second position& and wanted to a$e a decision i ediately% "5ean see s 8uite satisfactory&" E ily stated% "+he(ll o!e in here to orrow and start wor$%" )aud Potter *oined the "irls% "I( so "lad you appro!e y choice& E ily&" she said in"ratiatin"ly% "Now& let(s ha!e supper and see your dia onds%" E ily led the "roup to a s all pri!ate dinin" roo which opened off the lar"er roo and o!erloo$ed a "arden% They said "ood e!enin" to )r% Daly who stood *ust outside the connectin" door% iss the eal that

)rs% Willou"h'y was waitin" for the ,irthday in ad!ance& dear0"

near an open window and "reeted E ily with a "Happy

"4h& than$ you& Aunt Ha2el% E!erythin" loo$s di!ineAll the "irls ad ired the ta'le& set with "lea in" sil!er& a crea y lace cloth& and a 'eautiful 'irthday ca$e surrounded 'y red roses for a centerpiece% +oft li"ht fro colonial wall fi1tures co pleted the picture& as shadows danced on the old paneled walls% E ily(s aunt 'ea ed% "I want e!erythin" to 'e perfect toni"ht&" she said% )rs% Willou"h'y sat at one end of the ta'le& her 'ac$ to the open windows& E ily opposite her% ,y the ti e the ain course was finished& it was al ost dar$ outside% Then the candles were li"hted on the ca$e and e!eryone *oined in sin"in" "Happy ,irthday" as E ily 'lew out the candles% After dessert& )rs% Willou"h'y as$ed )r% Daly to close the door to the pri!ate dinin" roo % The elderly an nodded understandin"ly and shut the door% )rs% Willou"h'y withdrew a white !el!et *ewel case fro her hand'a"% ;ettin" up& she went to place it on the ta'le 'efore E ily& then returned to her chair% With a s ile she said7 "This is a wonderful o ent for you& E ily dear/the inheritance fro these "e s will 'rin" you happiness%" your other% I only hope

Nancy noticed that E ily(s hands tre 'led sli"htly as she opened the case% E!eryone "asped% A"ainst the white satin linin" were the twenty dia onds which "lowed and flashed% "4h- E ily e1clai ed% "Aren(t they 'eautifu- +he set the 'o1 on the ta'le% )aud stared in fascination& and Nancy and Helen e1pressed their deli"ht at E ily(s "ood fortune% Nancy reali2ed what the sale of these "e s would ean in financial assistance to .ilac Inn% E ily arose and "a!e her aunt a hu" and $iss% "4h& Aunt Ha2el& you(re a lo!e% I( would understand y wantin" to use the "e s for y future and Dic$(s%" sure )other

+uddenly the "roup was startled 'y a clatterin" crash fro the ad*oinin" dinin" roo % +i ultaneously& the li"hts went out% Nancy hurriedly rose and flic$ed the wall switch 'ac$ and forth& 'ut the roo re ained dar$% ")r% Daly&" called E ily& openin" the door& "will you please chec$ the fuse lar#" a ain circuit(s "I will&" he replied% "I thin$ 'lown/all our li"hts are out%" "4h& dear&" fretted )rs% Willou"h'y% "What a tryin" 'other"Yes% These old 'uildin"s are so undependa'le&" )aud said crossly% "+o ethin"(s always 'rea$in" down%" "This can happen in a in annoyance% odern one& too&" Nancy erely sniffed said in defense of .ilac Inn% )aud

To e!eryone(s relief& 5ohn was heard shoutin" fro the "arden& "Hold e!erythin"l I(ll 'e ri"ht in,ut as 5ohn stepped throu"h the open window& the li"hts ca e on a"ain% The ne1t instant E ily& returnin" to her chair& "a!e a horrified cry% ")y dia ondsl They(re "one0" The others "asped in dis'elief% Ha2el Willou"h'y& ash/white& stared at the place on the ta'le where the !el!et case had rested% Then she pitched forward in a faint% "4h- E ily so''ed fearfully% "Your aunt will 'e all ri"ht&" said Nancy& who had *u ped up% :uic$ly she and Helen da pened nap$ins with ice water fro the tu 'lers and applied these to the wo an(s head and wrists% In a few seconds )rs% Willou"h'y re!i!ed% "I( air%

sorry&" she apolo"i2ed wea$ly% "+uch an flh $hdi and lie



E ily insisted that her aunt "o to her roo down%

"I(ll 'e all ri"ht& dear% Really% What do we do now(" )rs% Willou"h'y loo$ed around helplessly% "We(d 'etter $eep this to oursel!es&" 5ohn said% "4therwise& dinner "uests will 'e upset% I(ll chec$ outside for prowlers% Howe!er& the thief didn(t "o out this window%" Nancy decided to do so e sleuthin" for the thief in the 'uildin" and hurried into the ain dinin" the roo % The only "uests were two elderly wo en& waitin" to pay their 'ill% Nancy learned fro that the waitress Anna had accidentally dropped a tray& which caused the clatterin" noise *ust 'efore the li"hts went out% The ladies were sure that no one else 'ut )r% Daly had 'een in the roo ti e% Nancy ne1t went into the $itchen& where the coo$s and waitresses were cleanin" up after the e!enin" eal% The "irl detecti!e as$ed where each of the had 'een when the inn was plun"ed into dar$ness% All the wo en e1cept Anna replied that they had 'een in the $itchen% at the

Anna "a!e Nancy a curious loo$% "Why do you as$#" The youn" detecti!e e1plained that E ily Willou"h'y wanted to 'e sure no one had 'een hurt 'y an une1pected fall durin" the 'lac$out% Nancy left the $itchen and hurriedly went throu"h the other first/floor roo s& 'ut saw no one% As she wal$ed 'ac$ toward the pri!ate dinin" roo & Nancy et )r% Daly in the lo''y% He told her that he had found nothin" wron" with the li"htin" syste % "I can(t understand what happened&" he said& then added& "I *ust heard fro issin" *ewels% How dreadfuE ily a'out the

5ohn ca e in at that o ent and said he had found no prowler on the "rounds% ",y this ti e the *ewel thief is undou'tedly far away&" he concluded% As Nancy returned with hi to the pri!ate dinin" roo & she was deep in thou"ht% .o"ically& the only ones who could ha!e ta$en the dia onds were she and her four dinin" co panions- ,ut that(s a'solutely unli$ely&" Nancy told herself% +he reported her findin"s to the others% )aud Potter(s eyes narrowed% "I suppose you thin$ E ily should search us- she said nastily to Nancy% ")aud- E ily protested% "Nancy eant no such thin"%" )aud paid no attention& 'ut turned on )rs% Willou"h'y& who was still pale% "You can 'la e yourself& Ha2el/announcin" in a pu'lic dinin" roo this ornin" that you were "oin" to "et E ily(s dia onds" hurt 'y an une1pected fall durin" the 'lac$out% Nancy left the $itchen and hurriedly went throu"h the other first/floor roo s& 'ut saw no one% As she wal$ed 'ac$ toward the pri!ate dinin" roo & Nancy et )r% Daly in the lo''y% He told her that he had found nothin" wron" with the li"htin" syste % "I can(t understand what happened&" he said& then added& "I *ust heard fro issin" *ewels% How dreadfuE ily a'out the

5ohn ca e in at that o ent and said he had found no prowler on the "rounds% ",y this ti e the *ewel thief is undou'tedly far away&" he concluded% As Nancy returned with hi to the pri!ate dinin" roo & she was deep in thou"ht% .o"ically& the only ones who could ha!e ta$en the dia onds were she and her four dinin" co panions ",ut that(s a'solutely unli$ely&" Nancy told herself% +he reported her findin"s to the others% )aud Potter(s eyes narrowed% "I suppose you thin$ E ily should search us- she said nastily to Nancy% ")aud" E ily protested% "Nancy eant no such thin"%" )aud paid no attention& 'ut turned on )rs% Willou"h'y& who was still pale% "You can 'la e yourself& Ha2el/announcin" in a pu'lic dinin" roo this ornin" that you were "oin" to "et E ily(s dia onds"
"I $now%" )rs% Willou"h'y si"hed% ,ut E ily put a co fortin" ar disappro!al% ".et(s all search this roo &" Nancy proposed 8uic$ly% "We around her& and "a!e )aud a loo$ of

i"ht find so e clue%"

E!eryone 'ut )aud readily a"reed% +he sat sullen/faced& while the others loo$ed carefully in corners and under ta'les and chairs% Nancy herself was scrutini2in" the area where E ily had sat% +uddenly her $een eyes spotted three tiny pale/purple lilac 'uds on the floor% 4ne /two/three/she counted& then saw a fourth 'ud lyin"6 near the wall to the ri"ht of E ily(s chair% Aside fro the centerpiece& there were no other flowers in the roo % "How did lilac 'uds "et in here#" Nancy used% There was no si"n of footprints near the % +ayin" nothin"& Nancy pic$ed one up% It was fresh% +he loo$ed at the wall thou"htfully and closely% E!eryone watched in a a2e ent as the titian/'lond "irl 'e"an to tap the wall& then listen intently% Nancy otioned the / not to say a word% +he continued tappin"& until she tried one spot which sounded different% It had a hollow rin"% Nancy pressed a"ainst the wooden wall% +uddenly a panel slid aside noiselessly%


)ncanny +ecoveries

54HN and the others "aped in astonish ent as the panel in the wall slid open% "Nancy& you(re terrific5ohn e1clai ed& handin" her his flashli"ht% E!eryone crowded 'ehind Nancy& as she 'ea ed the li"ht into a wood/walled closet% It had a usty odor% "I don(t re e 'er seein" this in the floor plans of the inn&" E ily said& pu2D@ed& as Nancy stooped and shone the flash on so ethin" on the floor% It was a crushed& 'ut still fresh lilac flowerl "It was those other 'losso s which ade e thin$ there i"ht 'e a concealed entrance into this roo %" ust ha!e "Nancy& you(re a "enius&" said )rs% Willou"h'y% "I ne!er drea ed this spot was here% The thief 'een 'idin" in the closet%" ",ut where did he "o#" 5ohn as$ed%

Nancy was feelin" the rear wall of the closet% Her fin"ers touched a s all etal latch% +he turned it% A second panel slid open soundlessly% ,eyond was the coat closet off the lo''y of the inn @ "This ust 'e how the *ewel thief "ot in and out of this dinin" roo &" Nancy announced% +he wal$ed on into the lo''y& followed 'y the others% ".oo$- Helen e1clai ed& and pointed to a lilac 'ud near the front door% Nancy e1a ined the 'ud which pro!ed to 'e fresh and lilacs% That a$es e thin$ the person was a wo an%" oist% "The thief pro'a'ly wore a spri" of

)r% Daly a"reed with Nancy% He ad itted that he had not $nown of the hidden closet& and was perple1ed as to who could ha!e learned of it% "These panel openin"s ust ha!e fallen into disuse 'efore I purchased the inn&" he re ar$ed% "4ne thin"(s certain&" said Nancy% "The thief not only has an inti ate $nowled"e of the ori"inal floor plan of .ilac Inn 'ut also $new two other thin"s7 that E ily was to recei!e her dia onds toni"ht& and where )rs% Willou"h'y was to present the %" "Too 'ad I didn(t "et 'ac$ sooner toni"ht&" said 5ohn& frownin"% "I i"ht ha!e Incidentally& she ust ha!e had an acco plice to wor$ the li"htin" syste %" et the thief%

",ut how could they co unicate at *ust the Nancy was feelin" the rear wall of the closet% Her fin"ers touched a s all etal latch% +he turned it% A second panel slid open soundlessly% ,eyond was the coat closet off the lo''y of the inn @

"This ust 'e how the *ewel thief "ot in and out of this dinin" roo &" Nancy announced% +he wal$ed on into the lo''y& followed 'y the others% ".oo$- Helen e1clai ed& and pointed to a lilac 'ud near the front door% Nancy e1a ined the 'ud which pro!ed to 'e fresh and lilacs% That a$es e thin$ the person was a wo an%" oist% "The thief pro'a'ly wore a spri" of

)r% Daly a"reed with Nancy% He ad itted that he had not $nown of the hidden closet& and was perple1ed as to who could ha!e learned of it% "These panel openin"s ust ha!e fallen into disuse 'efore I purchased the inn&" he re ar$ed% "4ne thin"(s certain&" said Nancy% "The thief not only has an inti ate $nowled"e of the ori"inal floor plan of .ilac Inn 'ut also $new two other thin"s7 that E ily was to recei!e her dia onds toni"ht& and where )rs% Willou"h'y was to present the %" "Too 'ad I didn(t "et 'ac$ sooner toni"ht&" said 5ohn& frownin"% "I i"ht ha!e Incidentally& she ust ha!e had an acco plice to wor$ the li"htin" syste %" ",ut how could they co ri"ht o ent if one of the unicate at *ust the was in the cellar#" Helen as$ed% et the thief%

"I can answer that&" said )r% Daly% "The panel 'oard for the li"ht control is directly under that pri!ate dinin" roo % The floor is worn so thin that con!ersation upstairs can 'e heard down there%" Nancy nodded% "After the person in the cellar was sure the thief was hidden a"ain& he or she turned on the li"hts to a$e the whole thin" loo$ li$e a te porary outside power failure%" "What shall we do now#" )aud as$ed ner!ously% "Call the police i ediately&" Nancy ad!ised% "Not" E ily cried out% E ily E!eryone loo$ed at her in surprise% flushed& 'ut re ained ada ant% "If people hear we(!e had a ro''ery&" she ar"ued& "it ay discoura"e the fro co in" to .ilac Inn% Callin" in the police will ean newspaper pu'licity% Dic$ and I ha!e wor$ed too hard to ris$ it%" "It will 'e a sha e if you don(t reco!er the dia onds&" Helen spo$e up% ",ut if you report the theft& at least you can collect the insurance& E ily& and use that oney for the inn as you planned%" At this re ar$ )rs% Willou"h'y(s face a"ain turned ash/white and the others thou"ht she was a'out to faint a"ain% "Insurance% Insurance&" she said hoarsely% "There isn(t anyl I thou"ht the *ewels were safe in the 'an$ !ault and let the insurance policy lapseE!eryone listenin" was stunned and tears ca e to E ily(s eyes% +he turned to Nancy and as$ed in a tre 'lin" !oice& "What shall I do#" It was Helen who spo$e up% "Ha!e Nancy ta$e o!er the case of your "uarantee she(ll unearth the issin" dia onds& E ily% I erely raised

All the others 'ac$ed Helen(s su""estion ea"erly e1cept )aud% The social director her eye'rows%

The a ateur sleuth s iled% "I(ll 'e "lad to do what I can& E ily& 'ut this is a 'i" assi"n ent% If I don(t succeed !ery soon& will you pro ise to notify the police#" "It(s a 'ar"ain& Nancy%"

5ohn whistled% ")iss Nancy Drew& detecti!e& you(re not "oin" to ha!e di!in"%" Nancy lau"hed% "I(ll find ti e%"

uch ti e for s$in

5ohn cautioned the Willou"h'ys to a$e sure all first/floor doors and windows were $ept loc$ed at ni"ht% He hi self went outside to a$e another tour of the "rounds% E ily reassured her unhappy aunt and persuaded her to "o to 'ed% )aud said she would follow% andT dhoorh loc$si iln tdh e !idardious rhoo $s%h E iilyd too$ & the $itchen and offices& while Nancy and Helen headed for the other roo s% )inutes later they et in the lo''y to report e!erythin" loc$ed% Helen "a!e a hu"e si"h% "Nancy& aren(t you e1hausted after all this e1cite ent#" Nancy ad itted that she was a 'it tired% "Two 'ur"laries in one day and a car ishap are 8uite enou"h%" +he s iled wearily% "Helen& what(s your theory a'out the theft of E ily(s dia onds#" The dar$/haired "irl hesitated% "I( sure it(s an outside *o' 'ut/" do you suspect#" ost of today% Yet "4ut with it& )iss Cornin"&" Nancy ur"ed% "Who

"5ohn )c,ride- her friend 'lurted% "I li$e hi !ery uch& 'ut he was away E ily said he was here to help fi1 up the inn durin" Dic$(s a'sence%"

"Yes& she did&" Nancy ad itted% ",ut I can(t 'elie!e 5ohn has anythin" to do with either the theft or the ysterious happenin"s at .ilac Inn%" The youn" sleuth(s eyes had 'een ro!in" 'ac$ and forth across the floor& since it was instincti!e with her to 'e huntin" for clues whene!er a ystery confronted her% +o ethin" "linted in a corner under a chair% +he went to pic$ it up as E ily ca e into the lo''y% "What is it#" E ily as$ed% ",elie!e it or not& it(s y stolen char"e plate- Nancy answered% "I ay 'e *u pin" to conclusions& 'ut I( sure now that y i personator is the *ewel thief% +he dropped the char"e plate fro her poc$et or purse& pro'a'ly when she put the *ewel case in it%" "This is positi!ely eerie&" Helen re ar$ed% ")ay'e that fa$e Nancy dropped so ethin" else%" The "irls started a search and presently Helen found a tiny en!elope& farther under the chair% Nancy(s na e and address were typed on itl "The char"e plate ust ha!e 'een in this and slid out&" she said% ")y i personator ust ha!e decided to type the en!elope to 'e sure that she did not a$e a ista$e when the cler$s at ,ur$(s Depart ent +tore as$ed for her address for the sales slips% I notice the letter a is faint%" +uddenly Nancy chuc$led% "E & you didn(t want the police notified a'out the *ewel theft& 'ut here(s a chance to "et police help without tellin" the %" "How#" "Chief )c;innis $nows that y char"e plate was stolen 'y an i personator&" Nancy answered% "With this typed clue& ay'e he can find her% And I suspect that when he does& your thief will 'e cau"htNancy called Chief )c;innis at his ho e% +he told hi a'out the char"e plate and en!elope& and her suspicion that her i personator& thou"h not $nown to the inn(s owners& ust ha!e 'een there% "Please send the plate and en!elope to e for

fin"erprint analysis&" Chief )c;innis re8uested% Nancy pro ised she would and hun" up& wishin" she could ha!e reported the *ewel theft to hi % It was after ele!en o(cloc$ when Helen and Nancy said "ood ni"ht to E ily and wal$ed to their cotta"e% ,oth "irls fell asleep al ost as soon as their heads touched the pillows% ,ut around three in the ornin"& Nancy was partially awa$ened 'y a noise% "What was that#" she thou"ht& loo$in" around the cotta"e with sleepy eyes% +he listened% ,ut all was silent now% 3inally Nancy went 'ac$ to sleep% +he awo$e at se!en% Helen was still asleep% Nancy put on a casual sweater and s$irt and loafers% +he tiptoed fro the ca'in and headed for the inn% No one else see ed to 'e outside% 3or the ne1t half hour Nancy loo$ed near the front door for footprints& lilac 'uds& or anythin" else to "i!e her a clue to the *ewel thief% +he found nothin"% +he strolled around 'ac$ and et Han$& the "ardener& who "reeted her pleasantly and said he had decided not to "i!e up his *o'% ")y in*ured le"(s 'etter% ,ut I ha!e other worries now&" he said% "+o e outdoor e8uip ent was ta$en last ni"ht fro the tool shed%" "Really#" said Nancy% "What#" Han$ led her to the s all wooden structure used 'y the outdoor wor$ers% "We(re sho!els& ra$es& so e wire& and s all parts&"
said Han$% ",ut worst of all& an e1pensi!e *i" saw that )r% 3arnha *ust 'ou"ht is "one%" ")ore thefts&" thou"ht Nancy% Aloud she as$ed& "Is the shed loc$ed at ni"ht#" Han$ said it was& and that he was responsi'le %a for securin" the shed after wor$% "Pro'a'ly none of the other en thou"ht to as$ )iss Willou"h'y @@ for the spare $ey to loc$ up when I wasn(t here%" Nancy e1a ined the soft dirt outside the shed% There were a nu 'er of footprints& all 'lurred and leadin" in different directions% As 5i & ;il& and .u$e/the three other "ardeners/reported for wor$& Nancy 8uestioned each of the in turn% They confessed that they had for"otten to loc$ the shed& and said they had no idea who i"ht ha!e ta$en the tools% ,efore Nancy left the en& she su""ested that Han$ search the "rounds once ore 'efore reportin" the theft% As Nancy started up the front porch steps of the a inn a few inutes later& she was hailed 'y 5ohn )c,ride% ".oo$ what I found0" he cried triu phantly% He held out Emily,s white velvet -ewel case* CHAPTER =II

issin" se!eral

# iver in &eril

(.OHN" you found the dia onds- Nancy e1clai ed%

The youn" an opened the case and displayed its contents% The twenty dia onds& of !arious si2es& "linted in the ornin" sunli"ht% "Astoundin"& isn(t it#" 5ohn "rinned& addin" that he had found the case under one of the lo''y windows% "I ust ha!e issed it last ni"ht%" "Will you show e the spot& please# I ust ha!e issed it too%" 5ohn led Nancy to a clu p of China/'lue lilac 'ushes& and pointed out the place where he had found the case% "The thief "+he ust ha!e dropped this& 'ut I can(t fi"ure out why she didn(t co e 'ac$ for it&" 5ohn re ar$ed% ay not ha!e $nown until later that she had dropped it% ,y that ti e she pro'a'ly was

afraid of 'ein" cau"ht&" Nancy replied% 5ust then E ily ca e outside% +he was 'eside

herself with *oy upon seein" the *ewels% "5ohn& you(re a darlin"0" she cried% ".et(s "o to the patio and tell the others%" "Isn(t this wonderful#" )rs% Willou"h'y e1clai ed% "And none of the dia onds is countin"% "Are you sure#" )aud "a!e 5ohn and Nancy suspicious loo$s% Nancy was a'out to a$e a sharp retort 'ut refrained% The social director see ed deter ined to 'e unpleasant& and the youn" sleuth decided to i"nore her insinuatin" re ar$% 5ohn *ust loo$ed a used% "Aunt Ha2el&" said E ily& "I thin$ these *ewels should 'e put in a safe place at once% +ince I( "oin" to sell the & I thin$ our *eweler friend in ,enton& )r% 3a'ian& is the person to $eep the % And he can also a$e a new appraisal of the dia onds%" E ily(s aunt nodded% "I( so happy for you& dear%" E ily continued& "I i"ht sell a few of the s aller dia onds today% We need cash i ediately to ta$e care of so e outstandin" 'ills%" 5ust then& Han$ wal$ed up to the "roup to tell E ily of the disappearance of the tools% The "ardener asserted that he had conducted a thorou"h search% An interested e1pression ca e o!er 5ohn(s face and he said& "I(ll search%" Nancy wondered if anythin" unusual lay 'ac$ of his offer% E!eryone went inside to 'rea$fast% When the eal was finished& )rs% Willou"h'y said to E ily& "I(d ride in to town with you& 'ut I ha!e a headache%" E ily insisted that her aunt rest% "Nancy and Helen will "o with The "irls said they would 'e happy to% At once )aud as$ed if she ri"ht&" E ily said without enthusias % e& I( sure%" i"ht *oin the "roup% "All issin"- she added&

,efore they left& Nancy telephoned Hannah ;ruen& reportin" the loss and reco!ery of the dia onds and the findin" of the char"e plate% +he chuc$led% "Actually I( out of a sleuthin" *o'& Hannah& so I(ll see you soon%" ",ut you ha!en(t found out who your i personator is&" the house$eeper said% "+he a$in" trou'le for you%" "You(re ri"ht% I ust find her% Now tell e a'out yourself%" ay $eep on

The Drews( house$eeper reported an une!entful ni"ht and that a police "uard was still posted at the house% "Your father wired he would 'e detained until to orrow e!enin"%" "Well& I(ll 'e seein" you% (,ye now%" 4n the ride to ,enton& Nancy and E ily decided it was 'est not to ention to the *eweler the disappearance of her dia onds the pre!ious ni"ht% "E!en thou"h I ha!e the 'ac$& e1a""erated stories i"ht still "et around%" When the "roup entered 3a'ian(s 5ewelry +tore& E ily as$ed to see the owner% The pleasantfaced an "reeted her cordially and was introduced to the other "irls% Then E ily opened her *ewel case%

")y& what a lo!ely collection of stones- )r% 3a'ian e1clai ed% He pic$ed up a s all dia ond and studied it closely% 3rownin"& he put on his *eweler(s eyepiece& e1a ined the "e & then dropped it into the case% Dia ond after dia ond was scrutini2ed in this anner% E ily watched an1iously% When )r% 3a'ian put down the last "e as$ed% "These stones are only "lasshe loo$ed hard at E ily% "Is this a practical *o$e#" he (

E ily(s face 'lanched% Helen and )aud were speechless% Nancy was dis ayed% Had the thief planted fa$e stones for so e sinister purpose# "What is it#" she as$ed herself% The *eweler was sayin"& "These are e1cellent i itations& E ily% Where did they co e fro #" "Why/er/they were y other(s% I always thou"ht they were real%" "I( sorry&" The *eweler s iled sy patheti and the others followed the shop% cally& as he handed the case to E ily% Al ost in a da2e& she than$ed hi her fro the store& Nancy and As they stood outside their friend% "It(s a Helen tried to co fort sha e&" Helen said% % % %" E ily so''ed% "It plans are spoiled%" "I( not so sure&" Nancy said% "I ha!e a feelin" the thief su'stituted these fa$es for the real dia onds% I $now it sounds funny % % %" "Huh0" )aud e1clai ed% Turnin" to Nancy& she said& "An awful lot of funny thin"s ha!e happened since you ca e to .ilac Inn%" "That(s enou"h& )aud0" E ily 'rushed away her tears% "I won(t ha!e you insultin" Anyway& ay'e Nancy(s ri"ht%" y friends% % % % it(s the *in1 a"ain poor Dic$l All our "I should ha!e $nown% 4h&

"4h& I for"ot% Nancy(s a fa ous detecti!e0" )aud said sarcastically% Helen and Nancy $ept still with difficulty% Nancy wondered why )aud had 'eco e so anta"onistic toward her% In silence& the four reached Nancy(s car% As the others "ot in& Nancy stopped a news'oy to 'uy a Ri!er Hei"hts ornin" paper% Nancy opened her

chan"e purse% +i ultaneously& a wo an co in" fro the opposite direction *ostled Nancy(s ar % The purse dropped to the pa!e ent& scatterin" chan"e in e!ery direction% "4h& 'other- Nancy e1clai ed% E ily *u ped out of the car to help retrie!e the oney% A o ent later she "a!e a startled cry H( and pointed to the "round% !ying /eside the ten$cent piece was a small dia$ 01 mond /rilliantly reflecting the sunlight* The e1pression on Nancy(s face 'rou"ht Helen and I) aud hurryin" fro dia ond% "Is this yours& Nancy#" she as$ed7 "N/no& I ne!er saw it 'efore&" Nancy sta % astounded% ered& co pletely the car% E ily pic$ed up the

)aud loo$ed s u"% "Try and a$e anyone 'elie!e that% It(s one of your dia onds& E ilyNancy was too horrified to spea$% Helen ca e to her friend(s defense% ;larin" at )aud& she declared& "If Nancy says she $nows nothin" a'out how the dia ond "ot in her chan"e purse& it(s true 9 "4f course it is&" E ily 'ac$ed her up% "4h )aud& why are you always so hateful#" Turnin" to Nancy& she said& "+o eone has tried to throw suspicion on you% ,ut why#" "I don(t $now&" Nancy replied% "If that(s the case& I wonder if that wo an who 'u ped 'e in lea"ue with the *ewel thief%" To her self she added& ")ay'e to throw suspicion on y i personator is tryin" ehad% e i"ht

+he paid the 'oy for the paper& then as$ed hi and the others if they had noticed the wo an% ?nfortunately none of the Nancy su""ested that they ha!e the new/found stone appraised& so the "roup re/entered 3a'ian(s% The *eweler was surprised 'ut o'li"in"ly put on his eyepiece% "This is a perfect one/carat dia ond0" he e1clai ed% "If you(re interested in sellin"& I(ll 'e happy to a$e an offer%" "Not today& 'ut I ay 'e 'ac$%" E ily s iled% +he and her friends returned to the con!erti'le and Nancy headed for lilac Inn% +he speculated to herself on the i itation "e s% "The thief learned the nu 'er and shapes of E ily(s dia onds& and had the artificial ones ade to atch as closely as possi'le% =ery cle!er%" Her thou"hts were 'ro$en into 'y )aud as$in" E ily& "When are you "oin" to tell Dic$ a'out the theft of your *ewels#" "When @ "et ready&" was the cool reply%

As they turned into the .ilac Inn dri!eway& E ily si"hed% "Aunt Ha2el will 'e dreadfully upset to hear a'out the su'stitution of the "e s%" "It(ll put her to 'ed for a wee$&" )aud prophesied unfeelin"ly% "Well& I(ll see you all at lunch%" The noon eal was a rather unco forta'le one% )rs% Willou"h'y was o'!iously de*ected and ate little% )aud aintained an al ost sul$y silence% Nancy was preoccupied& thou"h so ewhat disappointed that 5ohn was not present% Also& a startlin" idea had co e to her a'out the dia ond in her purse7 The noise which had awa$ened her durin" the ni"ht i"ht ha!e 'een ade 'y an intruder lea!in"& perhaps 'y the 'athroo window& after plantin" the dia ond% After luncheon Anna the waitress 'ec$oned Nancy aside and handed her a note% "I *ust too$ this essa"e fro )r% )c,ride on the phone% I was passin" the des$ and answered the rin"%" Nancy than$ed the "irl and read the essa"e% "Nancy7 I(!e found an i portant clue to the case% Co e in your canoe to the doc$ where you saw the an with the crew cut% Wear your di!in" "ear%" Nancy was intri"ued% What was 5ohn(s disco!ery# What $ind of clue would necessitate underwater e8uip ent# +ince )aud was there& Nancy erely told the others she had a date with 5ohn& sayin"& "Dad warned e not to "o anywhere alone& 'ut if 5ohn(s with e& I(ll 'e safe%" Nancy then hurried to put on her 'athin" suit% 4!er this she slipped her ru''er insulation suit% Then& carryin" as$& a8ualun"& flippers& and an underwater ca era on a strap around her nec$& she went to the doc$% +oon Nancy was paddlin" her canoe down the ri!er& scannin" the shore% ahead for the place near which she and Helen had Hcapsi2ed% +he finally si"hted the doc$ where Helen had seen the an in the row'oat% 4n the 'an$ near'y was a 'lue canoe with !ilac 2nn painted on its side% "5ohn- called Nancy& loo$in" a'out% No answer% A"ain Nancy called his na e% +ilence% A little distance 'eyond the doc$ the "irl noticed a an fishin" fro the 'each% He wore a wide/ 'ri ed straw hat% Cuppin" her hands& Nancy called out and as$ed if he had seen the youn" an who had co e in the canoe% "Yeah&" the fisher an yelled in a nasal !oice% "He went underwater a couple of into the iddle of the ri!er opposite his canoe%" inutes a"odi!ed

"Than$s%" Nancy was ystified% Why hadn(t 5ohn waited for her to arri!e# He $new it was dan"erous for anyone to "o s$in di!in" alone% Hurriedly she 'eached her own craft& donned her Then she swa out to the iddle of the ri!er% as$ and a8ualun"& and slipped on the flippers%

+he ade a 8uic$ di!e to 'e"in her descent% As she strai"htened out& Nancy $ic$ed with her fins and propelled herself with her ar s% The water 'eca e dar$er and cooler as she descended% + all fish flitted 'y% Presently Nancy reali2ed she was nearin" the 'otto % +he esti ated that the ri!er was a'out twenty feet deep at this spot% When she reached the uddy floor& she "lanced a'out in e!ery direction%% There was no si"n of 5ohn/only underwater plants and se!eral lar"e roc$s% Nancy swa cautiously and watched for cre! o ent she e1 ices as she went forward% E!ery

pected to see 5ohn% Had he 'een underwater lon"# Had he et with a frea$ accident and 'een hurt# E!en an e1pert s$in di!er can o!eresti ate l his physical a'ilities& she reali2ed% All of a sudden Nancy stopped a'ruptly% Her (l eyes widened and a chill went up her spine% Pro/ &I trudin" fro a assi!e roc$y o!erhan" was so ethin" that rese 'led a shar$(s head0 "It can(t 'e- she "asped inwardly% "+har$s don(t li!e in fresh water0" The sinister shape& howe!er& was far too lar"e (((i to 'e an ordinary fish% Nancy(s fear "a!e way to curiosity& as the o'*ect re ained stationary% +he inched forward& holdin" the ca era in front of her and coc$in" the shutter% Three for ore stro$es and she would ha!e a "ood !iew of the ysterious

4ne/two/ Nancy was a'out to shoot& when a sli"ht

o!e ent in the water caused her to


whirl around% A spear ca e hurtlin" fro 'ehind a 'i" roc$ to Nancy(s ri"ht% The ne1t o ent the tip of the spear lod"ed in the lens of her ca era%

# Hoa3 +evealed

NANCY(+ heart thu ped wildly as the spear 8ui!ered in her ca era% +o eone had tried to in*ure her Why# The "irl detecti!e(s first instinct was to a!oid further dan"er and rise to the surface as 8uic$ly as possi'le% ,ut she paused to loo$ around for the spear thrower% There was no si"n of hi % "He ay 'e "ettin" ready for another attac$& thou"h&" she thou"ht% "I(d 'etter not ta$e a chance%" ;rippin" the ca era& with the e 'edded spear& in 'oth hands& she swa upward% At the surface& Nancy set out for shore and cli 'ed to the doc$% +he "lanced a'out for the fisher an& 'ut he was not there% Nancy re o!ed her s$in/di!in" "ear& then e1a ined the stainless/steel spear% It was the si plest type used for underwater fishin"% The weapon was si1 feet lon"& with a sharp& thin tip% Nancy shuddered as she pulled it fro the lens of her ca era% e to 'e "I(d 'etter "o 'ac$ to the inn&" she thou"ht% "Dad was ri"ht a'out it 'ein" dan"erous for alone%"

Nancy had 'een preoccupied with her narrow escape% Now she suddenly re e 'ered 5ohn% To her astonish ent& the .ilac Inn canoe was "one% Had 5ohn surfaced while Nancy was underwater& and& not seein" her& returned to the inn# Also& she wondered whether 5ohn was the s$in di!er seen 'y the fisher an on the ri!er% Nancy(s head whirled with theories as she pushed her canoe into the water and stepped into it% Recallin" the stran"e& shar$li$e o'*ect& she thou"ht& "Perhaps the spear thrower didn(t want e to photo"raph the o'*ect# And was that what 5ohn eant a'out a clue#" As Nancy tied up at the inn doc$& she saw that the 'lue canoe was there% "Well& anyway& he(s 'ac$%"

As the youn" sleuth headed for her cotta"e& she heard Helen call% Nancy stopped& and Helen& E ily& and )rs% Willou"h'y hurried forward% They stared a"hast at the spear in Nancy(s hand% "N/Nancyl You(!e 'een in dan"er- Helen "asped% Nancy "a!e a wry s ile% 5ust then 5ohn )c/,ride& dressed in slac$s and sports shirt& hurried toward the "roup% D ,efore Nancy had a chance to 8uestion hi & 5ohn e1clai ed& "3ine thin"& Nancy Drewl +tandin" e up to "o s$in di!in""+tandin" you up#" Nancy retorted% "Where were you#" "In the apple orchard&" 5ohn replied% "Waitin" for you& where I said I(d 'e%" Nancy shoo$ her head% "There(s 'een a horri'le "Nancy&" the youn" an said& "I didn(t phone any to $eep you fro seein" e in the orchard%" i1/up% I(ll tell y story first%" When she had finished& 5ohn and the others e1pressed a a2e ent and concern% essa"e to you% +o eone else did& apparently

"What(s all this a'out the orchard#" Nancy de anded% 5ohn re inded her that at ele!en o(cloc$ she had hailed hi fro the patio% "I had *ust returned after failin" to find the issin" tools% You were wearin" the pin$ dress you had on the ni"ht 'efore% You said you had so ethin" to discuss with e& and as$ed if I would eet you at twel!ethirty in the apple orchard% I said I(d 'e "lad to%" "Why& I was in ,enton at ele!en o(cloc$- Nancy e1clai ed% "I wasn(t the "irl you tal$ed to0" 5ohn loo$ed du founded% ",ut the "irl sounded and loo$ed e1actly li$e you%" He added that he had ta$en a sandwich with hi to the orchard& 'ut left at one/thirty& decidin" that Nancy had chan"ed her ind E ily cau"ht her 'reath% "4h& Nancyl It ust ha!e 'een the "irl who is i personatin" you5ohn nodded so 'erly% "I( fro here and e!en har afraid so% I sure was fooled% And so eone wanted to "et you away you& perhaps fatallyand )rs% Wil/ ( ust report all Helen loo$ed distressed& lou"h'y wrun" her hands% "We this to the police i

ediately% No one at .ilac

Inn is safe%" E ily& thou"h concerned& still held 'ac$% "Please/not until Dic$ "ets ho e to orrow% In the eanti e& Nancy ay sol!e the ystery%" Her aunt reluctantly a"reed% Nancy had 'een silent& tryin" to fit the !arious ele ents of the pu22le to"ether% It was e!ident to her that her "twin" had firsthand $nowled"e as to where she and others at the inn would 'e at certain ti es% Nancy was certain the "irl(s actions further indi cated acco plices& and dan"erous ones at that&&" *ud"in" fro the spear thrower% 4ffhand& Nancy could not i a"ine anyone at the inn 'ein" in/&& !ol!ed in such sche in"& not e!en )aud% "Has anythin" else 'een stolen#" she as$ed a'ruptly% "I ha!en(t heard of any losses&" E ily replied% "What(s the ne1t Helen spo$e up% o!e& Detecti!e Drew#"

"I( not sure&" Nancy replied thou"htfully% ",ut I do a"ree& for the ti e 'ein"& it would 'e 6 'est not to ha!e the police in!esti"ate either the( ri!er or the inn% +ince our ene ies apparently want e out of the way& it stay here% .et(s hope we can catch the 'efore they decide to lea!eust ean they want to

5ohn chan"ed the su'*ect% "I(d li$e to in!esti"ate the place in the ri!er where you saw that >shar$&( Nancy% Also& I(ll try to find out who used the inn(s canoe% +ee you later%" Nancy returned to her cotta"e% +he put away the s$in/di!in" "ear and set the spear in the closet% "I(d 'etter han" on to this for e!idence& e!en thou"h there pro'a'ly aren(t any fin"erprints on it e1cept rapine%" +he too$ out her pin$ dress% It loo$ed crisp and fresh% ")y i personator sure is a 8uic$/chan"e artist&" Nancy thou"ht% "+he ust ha!e let herself into the cotta"e while I was in ,enton& and returned the dress while I was at lunch% "I(d 'etter loc$ e!ery window and put a padloc$ on the door&" she deter ined& selectin" a "reen cotton dress to wear& "and also a$e so e in8uiries around here% )ay'e so eone saw a "irl enter this ca'in%" A newspaper Helen had 'ou"ht that ornin" lay on a ta'le% A'sently Nancy loo$ed at the first pa"e% +uddenly her eyes widened% With interest she read a report a'out a red panel truc$ ha!in" 'een stolen two days 'efore% "An identifyin" ar$&" she read further& "@C&0a chro e ea"le orna ent on the hood% The truc$ is 'elie!ed to 'e in the !icinity of ,enton%" Was this the truc$ which had forced her car into the ditch# .ieutenant ,rice ust ha!e pursued( her lead& and found out that the !ehicle had 'een&&( stolen% "No wonder the dri!er was in such a hurry- Nancy thou"ht as she left the cotta"e% 4n the way to *oin the others& Nancy had a sud den hunch% Diary )ason had left the inn a'ruptly& with the fli sy e1cuse that the place was haunted% "I ne!er pursued that lead&" the youn" sleuth i told herself% "Anna was here then% )ay'e she $nows where )ary )ason is%" ,efore *oinin" her friends& Nancy hurried to the $itchen to tal$ to Anna% The waitress was not there% A stran"e "irl ca e up to her& and intro duced herself as 5ean Hol es% 5ean(s co ple1ion was !ery pale& and her 'rown hair thic$ and co 'ed close to her face% +he wore hea!y "lasses% "Can I help you#" she as$ed& s ilin" shyly% Nancy in8uired where Anna was% 5ean said she had "one to the stora"e cellar% Nancy went down stairs and found Anna 'rin"in" out a supply of preser!ed fruits and *ellies% "Anna&" Nancy said& "I( tryin" to locate )ary )ason who used to wor$ here% Do you $now her ho e address#" Anna shoo$ her head& 'ut said she would in 8uire a on" the other waitresses who had 'een there when )ary was% "Than$ you&" said Nancy& and went to *oin her "roup on the patio% +he noticed that )aud Potter was not present% At the first opportunity& she as$ed Helen a'out this%

"4h& )aud(s 'een !ery e1clusi!e% +he stayed in her roo hasn(t 'een issed%" )aud did show up later and went to the dinin" roo 'een rewarded in his sleuthin"%

all afternoon%" Helen added dryly& "+he

with the "roup% Nancy as$ed 5ohn if he had

He shoo$ his head% "I saw no >shar$s&( and no one here ad its to ha!in" used the canoe%" This re inded Nancy of the fisher an she had seen on the ri!er% ,ecause of his hat& she had not 'een a'le to tell if his hair was crew cut% ,ut she wondered if he i"ht 'e the an Helen had seen after the "irls( canoe had capsi2ed% At the supper ta'le Nancy confided this idea to her friend in a low tone% Helen wrin$led her 'row% "3ro the "eneral i pression I had of )r% Crew Cut& Nancy& he could 'e the sa e one% ,ut of course I only saw hi fro a distance%" ,oth "irls 'eca e aware that )aud was eyin" the closely% "Plannin" another s$in/di!in" e1cursion& Nancy#" the wo an as$ed sarcastically% )rs% Willou"h'y hurriedly put in& "4h& yes% I told )aud the latest/er/trou'les%" "I should hope so- )aud said sharply% "If there are dan"erous people lur$in" around here& I(d li$e to 'e warned%" "Nancy(s the one in dan"er&" E ily re inded )aud coldly% To chan"e the su'*ect& Nancy o'ser!ed& "The new waitress& 5ean Hol es& see s to 'e !ery efficient%" )aud tossed her head% "I do ha!e an instinct a'out people& you $now%" ,ut she was clearly pleased at Nancy(s re ar$% After supper Nancy was lea!in" the roo with the others when Anna ca e up 'ehind her% "I ha!e so e infor ation for you& )iss Drew&" the waitress whispered% ")ary )ason ostly $ept to herself& 'ut Fitty& one of the "irls& thin$s )ary co uted to Doc$!ille e!ery ni"ht% +he also re e 'ers that )ary once wor$ed for a )rs% Ernest +tonewell in Ri!er Hei"hts%" "You(re !ery helpful& Anna&" Nancy said% "Than$ you%" Nancy went to the hall des$ and pic$ed up a telephone directory% There were se!eral )asons listed in Doc$!ille& which was near Ri!er Hei"hts% The youn" sleuth dialed the nu 'er of each )ason% No'ody $new )ary& the waitress% Nancy now loo$ed up )rs% Ernest +tonewell(s address% "I(ll call her to orrow%" The rest of the e!enin" Nancy spent playin" a li!ely "a e of pin"/pon" with Helen& E ily& and C 5ohn% Around ele!en o(cloc$ e!eryone said "ood ni"ht% 5ohn wal$ed with the two "irls to their cotta"e and warned the to secure the new inside 'olt on the door& as well as the 'athroo window% "I( within callin" distance if you need e%" He s iled% "Than$s& 5ohn&" said Nancy% "E!ery window sill in the 'edroo will ha!e a 'oo$ on it% If any intruder tries "ettin" in& I hope he won(t notice the 'oo$& and will $noc$ it off and wa$e us,efore "oin" to sleep& Nancy thou"ht happily that her father would soon 'e ho e% How she had to tell hi l Helen& in the eanti e& was wide awa$e% +he tossed and turned restlessly% 3inally& at she "ot up and put on her 'athro'e and slippers% uch


")ay'e so e fresh air Helen thou"ht%

will help

e sleep&"

Despite 5ohn(s warnin"& she slid the 'olt and left the cotta"e& closin" the door 8uietly% The "rounds were dar$ and silent% Helen turned toward the lilac "ro!e% +uddenly she saw a flic$erin" li"ht ahead& near the "ro!e% Curious& she drew closer% A !eiled fi"ure with 'lac$ hair and wearin" a "lowin" white "own confronted her% The ne1t instant Helen was struc$ on the 'ac$ of her head and fell unconscious% CHAPTER I<

The Search

,ACF in the cotta"e& Nancy was awa$ened 'y an insistent tic$in"% +he sat up and "lanced in annoyance at her alar cloc$% It certainly see ed lousy% +uddenly Nancy reali2ed that her friend(s 'ed 6 was e pty% "Helen#" she called& thin$in" that erhaps the other "irl had "one to "et a "lass of water% There was no reply% Where can Helen 'e at one/thirty in the orn/n"#" Nancy as$ed herself% Hurriedly she put on o'e and slippers and pic$ed up her flashli"ht% When she found the front door of the cotta"e un/ olted& she felt a pan" of alar % 4utside& Nancy searched the cotta"e area& callin" her friend(s na e a"ain and a"ain% No response% 3inally& thorou"hly alar ed& Nancy decided to as$ 5ohn for help% +he $noc$ed on his door% No answer% Perple1ed& Nancy was a'out to lea!e when a twi" crac$led a short distance away% +he turned off her flashli"ht and crouched 'ehind a low shru'% Who was approachin"# +he was relie!ed a o ent later to discern the fa iliar outline of 5ohn% "4h& than$ "oodness0" Nancy e1clai ed& hurryin" toward hi % "Ha!e you seen Helen#" she as$ed% "I Jwo$e up and found her "one%" K "No& I ha!en(t seen her&" 5ohn replied% "I couldn(t sleep so I wal$ed down the road% Co e on% We(ll 'oth loo$%" They started across the lawn% L".et(s chec$ the inn first&" Nancy proposed% L")ay'e Helen(s there%" LThe "rounds see ed eerie in the oonless ni"ht EEas the couple wal$ed 8uietly& 'ea in" their Kflashes ahead of the % They circled the inn% The place was co pletely dar$& with the e1ception of the tiny ni"ht li"ht in the ain lo''y% Nancy su""ested they try all the doors% "If& one is unloc$ed& it ay ean Helen is inside%" The front& rear& patio& and $itchen doors were securely 'olted 0Mfro the inside%

"Perhaps Helen couldn(t sleep and went for a wal$ near the ri!er&" 5ohn su""ested% :uic$ly he and Nancy went to the waterfront% +tartin" with the area near the doc$& they proceeded alon" the 'an$& callin" Helen(s na e% As they ca e to the lilac "ro!e& 5ohn said7 "I don(t thin$/" He was interrupted 'y a low oan which ca e fro 'eyond a lilac 'ush% The couple hurried toward it& with Nancy focusin" the 'ea of her flashli"ht on the "round% "Helen- she e1clai ed in horror% ,efore the lay her friend& unconscious% :uic$ly Nancy and 5ohn $nelt 'eside Helen% 5ohn held the flashli"ht while Nancy ade a rapid e1a ination% Helen(s pulse was nor al& 'ut there was an u"ly lu p on the 'ac$ of her head% 5ohn loo$ed "ri as Nancy chafed Helen(s wrists% "+he instru ent&" he said% ust ha!e 'een struc$ 'y a 'lunt

Helen(s eyelids flic$ered open% 3or a reco"ni2ed 5ohn and Nancy% "Wh/what happened#" she upon sittin" up% "4h&

o ent the "irl loo$ed terrified& then s iled fee'ly as she

ur ured% "Don(t tal$&" Nancy said soothin"ly& 'ut Helen insisted

y head- she "roaned& and leaned a"ainst Nancy%

A few inutes later the in*ured "irl was a'le to tal$% +he e1plained a'out lea!in" the ca'in and wal$in" toward the lilac "ro!e& then told of the stran"e fi"ure in white she had seen% Helen descri'ed the lon" translucent ro'e the fi"ure had worn% "The last thin" I saw was that "hostly fi"ure wa!in" her ar s 'ac$ and forth& as if si"nalin" to so eone% Then I was struc$ on the head and 'lac$ed out%" "Don(t tal$ any ore now&" said 5ohn& as Helen si"hed wearily% "We(ll "o 'ac$ to the cotta"e and Nancy will put you to 'ed%" 5ohn carried Helen& and with Nancy(s "uidin" li"ht& headed toward the cotta"e% They had hardly started when the trio was startled 'y a loud 'oo/oo/ 0 It see ed to co e fro the direction of the cotta"esl "That sounded li$e an e1plosion 9 cried Nancy% +he 'ro$e into a run% 5ohn& carryin" Helen& followed as fast as he could% A o ent later Nancy heard a crac$lin" noise and s elled s o$e% "5ohn- Nancy cried in horror% ".oo$l 4ur cotta"e is on fireThe youn" people stared ahead in dis ay% Ton"ues of oran"e/red fla es were indeed shootin" upward fro the "irls( cotta""l The trio could already feel the heat fro the 'la2e% "We(ll ha!e to douse it&" 5ohn said tensely% "The whole row will 'urn down if we wait for the fire depart ent%" Helen insisted she was stron" enou"h to wal$% "I can help0" 5ohn raced to the side of the inn where an e1tension water hose was attached% ";et the 'uc$ets near the $itchen door- he shouted to the "irls% They dashed toward the inn% At the sa e ti e& the hall li"hts ca e on and the front door was flun" open% E ily& )aud& and )rs% Willou"h'y& dressed in ro'es& rushed out% ,ehind the was )r% Daly& carryin" a Re!olutionary War us$et0 Each "roup was a a2ed to see the other 'ut Nancy too$ no ti e as$in" 8uestions% "4ur cotta"e is on fire0" she announced% +oon e!eryone *oined in tossin" 'uc$et after 'uc$et of water fro a "arden spi"ot onto the 'la2e% 5ohn played a steady strea fro the hose% ;radually the 'la2e was reduced to e 'ers% ";lad we sa!ed the other units& anyhow&" 5ohn said& "lancin" at the ruined "uest cotta"e% "Too 'ad you "irls lost all your clothes%" N ",ut sa!ed our li!es 'y not 'ein" in the cotta"e&" Nancy re ar$ed "ri ly% "How did the fire start# What caused that e1plosion#" E ily as$ed& e1plainin" that/she and the others had 'een awa$ened 'y the noise% "I 'elie!e&" Nancy said "ra!ely& "it was caused 'y a ti e 'o ' which so eone placed in our cotta"e 'efore we went to 'ed% A tic$in" sound wo$e e% I thou"ht it was y cloc$%"

Her listeners were shoc$ed% )rs% Willou"h'y "rew deathly pale& as )aud shrilled& "There ust 3or once Nancy was inclined to a"ree with her% The youn" sleuth added that of course nothin" could 'e deter ined until dayli"ht when the ruins would 'e e1a ined% The e1hausted "roup went 'ac$ to the inn% "Nancy and Helen&" E ily said& "I feel terri'le a'out this whole thin"%" )rs% Willou"h'y& too& e1pressed her re"ret% "At least so e of the loss will 'e co!ered 'y our fire insurance&" she added% Nancy s iled and nodded& then started to relate Helen(s startlin" e1perience *ust 'efore the fire% When Nancy ca e to the part a'out the wo an in the white ro'e& E ily shi!ered% "I don(t 'elie!e in "hosts&" she a!erred& "'ut )ary )ason pro'a'ly saw this person% That(s why she said .ilac Inn was haunted" Nancy suddenly noticed how pale Helen was and su""ested she "et to 'ed at once% "4h& yes&" said E ily% "Nancy and Helen& ta$e the front second/floor 'edroo %" Nancy noticed that )r% Daly still clutched the ancient us$et% With a sheepish s ile& he said& "+hortly 'efore the e1plosion& I thou"ht I heard so eone prowlin" around outside% & I "ra''ed this old us$et/"uess it(s 'een here since the inn was 'uilt% It(s not loaded& 'ut I fi"ured it i"ht scare away an intruder%" 5ohn "rinned% "Nancy and I were your (prowlers%( " He e1plained that they had tried all the doors in their search for Helen% The wo en and "irls started upstairs% 5ohn and )r% Daly& carryin" his "stand "uard" for the rest of the ni"ht% us$et& said they would

As E ily showed Nancy and Helen to their roo & she said fir ly& "This awful e1perience has ade e decide to call the police first thin" in the ornin""4h& E ily& than$ "oodness- Helen e1clai ed in relief% "If there is so e $ind of .ilac Inn& you(ll 'e doin" the ri"ht thin"%" aniac loose at

E ily stepped closer to the "irls% "When the police arri!e&" she whispered& "I(d appreciate it if you still don(t ention the dia ond theft%" Her friends& thou"h surprised& pro ised not to say a word a'out it% "You see&" E ily went on softly& "it(s not for y sa$e& 'ut Aunt Ha2el(s% I can(t e1plain any ri"ht now% You "o to 'ed% I(ll call you if I need you%" ore

Nancy and Helen were too polite to as$ further 8uestions% Ne!ertheless& Nancy fell asleep wonderin" a'out E ily(s re8uest% When the youn" sleuth awo$e in the ornin"& her first thou"ht was of the 'o '% When had it 'een planted# While she was s$in di!in"# "The person who placed the 'o ' Nancy speculated% i"ht ha!e 'een seen 'y so eone connected with the inn&"

Helen awo$e *ust then& and Nancy as$ed how( she felt% "3ine& e1cept for a sli"ht headache%" Helen shuddered% ".ast ni"ht see s li$e a terri% 'le drea 9

A few inutes later E ily $noc$ed on the door with clothes for Helen and Nancy to 'orrow% While they dressed& she reported that a trooper fro the ,enton +tate Police ,arrac$s would 'e o!er shortly to inspect the 'urned cotta"e% "5ohn chec$ed the lilac "ro!e at day'rea$&" she added% "There were lots of footprints of !arious si2es& 'ut no si"n of any suspicious person%" ")ay'e I was drea in" I saw the "host&" Helen & said% +he felt the 'ac$ of her head% ",ut this 'u p is real0" The three "irls went down to 'rea$fast% 5ohn& )rs% Willou"h'y& and )aud were already at the N ta'le% No other "uests were in the roo % Nancy "a!e her order to Anna% At a near'y ta'le the waitress 5ean Hol es J& was arran"in" flowers in a copper !ase% The "irl I s iled shyly at Nancy& pic$ed up the 'owl& and wal$ed toward the 'ay window% As she started to place the flowers on the wide sill& 5ean "a!e a startled cry% +he dropped the 'owl& scatterin" flowers and water on the floor% E!eryone at the ta'le stared out the window% Two en were peerin" in% Nancy reco"ni2ed the and *u ped to her feet in surprise%

(Blue &ipes(

THE une1pected si"ht of the two en peerin" throu"h the dinin"/roo window had startled Nancy& 'ut in a happy way% +he reco"ni2ed the o'ser!ers as her father and the state trooper& .ieutenant ,rice% As 5ean apolo"i2ed for her clu siness and went to the $itchen for her 'roo and op& Nancy hurried to the hall% +he "reeted her tall& handso e father and the officer who had co e to her rescue when her car was forced into the ditch% "Nancy& are you all ri"ht#" was Carson Drew(s first 8uestion% "4h& *ust fine& Dad% What a nice surprise to see you- +he $issed hi affectionately% With a s ile she added& "I didn(t e1pect to see you a"ain so soon& .ieutenant ,rice%" The officer "rinned% He e1plained that he had 'een assi"ned to in!esti"ate the cotta"e fire% When he arri!ed at .ilac Inn& he had Drew& who had *ust dri!en up% The two passed the dinin" roo and loo$ed in% et Carso jj en

were76& co pletin" a 8uic$ tour of the "rounds )r% Drew chuc$led% "I thou"ht I(d surprise you& Nancy& 'ut I didn(t e1pect to scare that wait ress%" "+o ous%" )r% Drew said that until he had et the officer in the par$in" lot& he had heard nothin" of the any upsettin" thin"s ha!e happened here&" Dad&" Nancy said& "I "uess e!eryone(s a 'it new/"

trou'le at .ilac Inn% "The lieutenant entioned last ni"ht(s e1plo

sion and fire here Then he as$ed if I were the

father of the Nancy Drew who had the accident on the side road to ,enton%" "You ha!en(t tal$ed to Hannah#" Nancy as$ed% "No% I ca e directly here%" )r% Drew put a ar you%" "I( all ri"ht& Dad&" Nancy insisted% "Really I a % ,y the way& ha!e you tal$ed to Chief )c/ ;innis#" "Yes% That(s another reason I ca e here&" her father said% "I had to phone hi on a le"al at ter% He told e that you found the char"e plate and the en!elope with your na e on it% ,y the way& there were no helpful prints on either the plate or the en!elope%" Nancy decided to wait 'efore tellin" her father of the other ysterious incidents& and now su""ested that the en co e into the dinin" roo to 'rea$fast% +he ade the necessary introductions% The Willou"h'ys and )r% Drew were well ac8uainted and e1chan"ed war "reetin"s% )aud fluttered her eyelashes% "+o you(re the fa ous cri inal lawyer&" she said coyly% Carson Drew did not li$e flattery& 'ut nodded politely% He con"ratulated E ily on her forthco in" arria"e% When the en had finished eatin"& Nancy and her friends went with the to see the 'urned cotta"e% E ily told .ieutenant ,rice e!erythin" that had happened 'ut e1cluded the dia ond theft% He ru''ed his chin thou"htfully& then said& "All could 'e alicious pran$s& not connected with the e1plosion% 4n the other hand& they could !ery well 'e part of so e 'i" sche e%" When the "roup reached the site of the 'urned cotta"e& they found 5ohn there% Nancy introduced hi to her father and the police officer% After .ieutenant ,rice had pro'ed the ruins of the cotta"e& Nancy and her friends "a!e hi and )r% Drew a full account of the pre!ious ni"ht(s e!ents% When he heard of Helen(s e1perience& )r% Drew loo$ed "ra!e and su""ested she return ho e% Helen shoo$ her head% "I can(t desert Nancy%" The youn" %sleuth s iled "ratefully% +ecretly she lon"ed to tell her father the rest of the storythe trip to ,enton& the dia ond turnin" up in her purse& the fa$ed essa"e fro 5ohn& and her s$indi!in" ad!enture% ,ut all these& Nancy reali2ed& were related to E ily(s stolen "e s% 3inally .ieutenant ,rice announced& "I(!e found fra" ents of what I a positi!e was a ti e 'o ' you heard tic$in"& )iss Drew% I(ll send an e1plosi!es e1pert o!er to !erify this& howe!er%" Carson Drew turned to his dau"hter% "Nancy& I wish I could stay here and help you wor$ out this ystery% ?nfortunately& I ha!e to return to Ri!er Hei"hts and re!iew hi"hly i portant e!idence for a case I( to try ne1t wee$% ,ut $eep e posted%" "I will& Dad% In fact& I ay see you if I do so e sleuthin" near ho e& as I plan%" ,efore lea!in"& )r% Drew as$ed if Nancy had co e upon any leads to her i personator% "Nothin" definite& Dad&" was all Nancy could in truth reply% around his dau"hter% "I( concerned a'ou

The attorney then ad!ised E ily to en"a"e a "uard to stand ni"ht duty% "I can reco e1cellent an&" he said% "His na e is Carl ,ard%"

end an

E ily a"reed and )r% Drew went inside the inn to telephone hi % He returned shortly and said )r% ,ard would report there later% "3ine&" said .ieutenant ,rice% "And I(ll ha!e a s8uad car patrol the inn fre8uently% I su""est that no one !enture out alone/especially at ni"ht/until this case is 'ro$en%" ;ood/'ys were e1chan"ed& and Nancy stood wa!in" to her father as he dro!e off% )eanwhile& Helen and E ily had started for the patio% As Nancy hurried after the & she ca e to the tool shed% 5ohn had in!esti"ated it& 'ut Nancy wondered if she i"ht find so e clue he had o!erloo$ed% The door was open% +he went inside% +pades& hoes& ra$es& and other si ilar e8uip ent lined the walls% Nancy studied the array% "5ust ordinary "arden tools&" she used% Then suddenly she noticed a pad of notepaper lyin" on a 'ench% Nancy pic$ed it up and turned the pa"es& which contained !arious notations for the "ardeners% 4ne ite & on the third pa"e and in a different $ind of printin" fro the other instructions& read7 "Prune 'lue pipes near "ro!e%" " >,lue pipes&( " thou"ht Nancy& as she tore out the sheet% "Now what does that possi'ly 'e a code essa"e# 4r a si"nal# I(ll as$ the "ardeners%" ean# Could it

+he left the shed& and 'e"an to loo$ for the en% The only an in si"ht was ;il& who was cuttin" the lawn with a power ower% +he went up& and attractin" his attention& as$ed hi & "Can you tell e what >'lue pipes( are#" "Ne!er heard of (e &" ;il replied laconically% "4ne ore 8uestion&" Nancy said% "Would you ha!e any idea who used one of the inn(s canoes yesterday afternoon#" 3or a o ent ;il(s eyes narrowed% Then he 'rus8uely replied No6 he had not 'een near the doc$ all day% ")r% 5ohn as$ed e the sa e thin"% Well& I "ot wor$ to do&" he uttered& and 8uic$ly resu ed his owin"% Nancy wal$ed editati!ely toward the inn% "If ;il doesn(t $now what >'lue pipes( are& that essa"e i"ht well 'e a code phrase%" It occurred to her that perhaps )r% Daly would 'e a'le to e1plain the ter % Nancy went inside and found the elderly "entle an in his office& "oin" o!er receipts% He loo$ed up as she $noc$ed and entered% ";ood ornin"& Nancy% +orry I issed eetin" your father%" )r% Daly ad itted that he had 'een wearied 'y his all/ni"ht !i"il& and had "one to his roo to rest% Nancy s iled understandin"ly and told hi 'riefly of .ieutenant ,rice(s in!esti"ation% )r% Daly loo$ed "ra!e% "If all this dan"er continues& I( "oin" to insist that E ily and Dic$ sell the inn% A nice youn" couple shouldn(t start arria"e under such circu stances%" "@ a"ree% ,ut the person responsi'le for the trou'le here "You(re ri"ht& Nancy&" )r% Daly said% "I The youn" sleuth then as$ed& ")r% Daly& can you tell )r% Daly chuc$led% "4f course/ y fa!orite su'*ect "You ust 'e cau"ht%" ustn(t lose hope so easily%" e what >'lue pipes( are#" atter is >'lue pipes(/or lilacs%"

ean that ('lue pipes( are lilacs#" Nancy in8uired with interest%

"Yes% The ancient na e of the lilac was ,lue Pipe Tree& a re inder of the ti e when pipes were ade of its wood% +ee here%" )r% Daly reached into a drawer of his des$ and handed Nancy a half/finished to'acco pipe% "Car!in" is y ho''y% I( a$in" this pipe fro the wood of a fallen tree li ' ri"ht here at .ilac Inn%" "Why& it(s 'eautiful- Nancy held up the pipe& ad irin" the delicate ste % At that o ent 5ean Hol es passed the office% +he paused and loo$ed in% Nancy "reeted her& 'ut the waitress 'arely answered% Her eyes were ri!eted on the pipe in Nancy(s hand% "Isn(t this a handso e piece& 5ean#" Nancy said pleasantly% ")r% Daly "4h& !ery%" 5ean nodded and hastened on into the dinin" roo % To Nancy it see ed that the waitress had acted al ost fri"htened% Why# )r% Daly see ed not to ha!e noticed% He went on to tell Nancy so e interestin" facts a'out lilacs% The old/fashioned& la!ender/colored 'losso and its white co panion& so well $nown in A erica& ori"inally ca e fro ,ul"aria& Hun"ary& and Ru ania% ,ut the dou'le lilacs of pin$& red& and purple& li$e those in the "ro!e& were de!eloped 'y horticulturists% "The 3rench de!eloped the .ucie ,altet !ari/ety/the sa e as the stolen tree&" )r% Daly said sadly% ")any 'eautiful lilacs are na ed after fa ous 3rench people& such as 5oan of Arc%" "You(re certainly an e1pert on e!ery aspect of lilacs&" Nancy co pli ented hi paused% as )r% Daly ost ade it%"

)odestly& )r% Daly ad itted he had studied the su'*ect intensi!ely% He hi self had planted of the lilacs at the inn%

"They are considered a flower of ysterious power in the West Indies&" he said sole nly% "+o e people there 'elie!e that the perfu e $eeps away "hosts and e!il spirits% A lilac tree is often planted near the front door so its 'ranches can act as protection a"ainst e!il spirits enterin" the house%" Nancy now pulled the sheet with the 'lue pipe notation fro Daly "Do you $now anythin" a'out this#" she as$ed% her poc$et and passed it to )r%

He "lanced at it and said& "No% And I write out all the instructions for the "ardeners% I ne!er use the ter >'lue pipes%( They wouldn(t $now what it eant%" "Ha!e you any idea who i"ht ha!e written this#" Nancy as$ed% eans% ,esides& it(s not ti e to prune lilacs% Ha!e "None whate!er% And I can(t fi"ure out what it you a theory#"

"I( not sure& e1cept I ha!e a hunch it(s connected with the stran"e happenin"s at .ilac Inn and is a code essa"e% I hope I can fi"ure it out%" Nancy poc$eted the sheet and left the office% Deep in thou"ht& she al ost 'u ped into E ily% "4h& where(s Detecti!e Drew headed#" The youn" sleuth lau"hed& then showed E ily the sheet% "Do you $now who printed this stran"e notation#" E ily stared at the fa iliar%" essa"e for se!eral seconds% 3inally she said& "No& 'ut the printin" loo$s

"Thin$ hard and don(t $eep any secrets&" Nancy ur"ed% "This the ystery-

ay 'e the turnin" point in sol!in"

+tarin" into space& E ily sou"ht desperately for an answer% +uddenly she snapped her fin"ers% "I ha!e itl That waitress who left here so suddenlyl +he used to print all the orders she too$% I ean Mary Mason*(

# Tip from a 4aitress

"oin" to Ri!er Hei"hts at once and i \

settles it l I( who

tal$ to )rs% Ernest +tonewell& the wo an for j she used to wor$%" Nancy decided to tell Helen her plan& so the ] two "irls went out to the patio where she was J readin"% Nancy re!ealed her latest findin"s and J told of her proposed trip% "Want to co e#" she | as$ed Helen% "No& than$s%" Helen chuc$led% "You wor$ 'et/J ter alone% What a clue this is@ )ay'e you(ll co el 'ac$ with the e!ery'ody#" ystery sol!ed0" \ '] "Don(t count on that%" Nancy s iled% "Where is \ "5ohn(s at the 'urned cotta"e with the e1plosi!es e1pert% )rs% Willou"h'y and )aud are up/6 stairs%" i Nancy leaned toward E ily and said in a low !oice& "I hope you won(t \ ind y as$in"& 'utNO |

'ut does )aud Potter ha!e anythin" to do with your not reportin" the dia ond theft#" E ily si"hed% "Well& yes% You(!e pro'a'ly sensed& Nancy& that she see s to ha!e so e influence o!er Aunt Ha2el%" Helen(s eyes "rew wide% "You ean )aud(s sort of/'lac$ ailin" her#" really not sure%" ay The 'ride/to/'e loo$ed unhappy% "I(

"And&" Nancy con*ectured& "you(re afraid )aud has so e $nowled"e of the dia onds that in!ol!e your aunt if the theft is pu'lici2ed#" "That(s the feelin" I ha!e%"

,efore the "irls could discuss the atter further& )aud herself ca e onto the patio% +he san$ into a chair% "Ha!in" a conference#" she as$ed sweetly% "Yes&" E ily replied pro ptly% "Nancy(s "oin" on a sleuthin" trip to Ri!er Hei"hts%" "4h#" )aud(s eyelids flic$ered% "You ha!e what they call a >hot clue(#" she as$ed Nancy%

"I hope so&" replied the youn" sleuth cal ly% "Well& "i!e )aud said airily% Nancy rose% "I(d 'etter "et started% I(ll pic$ up "Then we can return yours& E %"

y re"ards to your dad if you see hi &" e& Helen%" +he lau"hed%

ore clothes for you and

+uddenly the "roup 'eca e aware that 5ean Hol es& dressed in street clothes& stood in the doorway% +he s iled ti idly and said7 ")iss Drew& I heard you say that you(re "oin" to Ri!er Hei"hts% I need a few thin"s I left in the roo I shared in town with a "irl friend%" +he turned to E ily& and as$ed per ission to acco pany Nancy and "et the % "All ri"ht&" E ily said% "I trust you(ll return in ti e to ser!e supper#" "4h& yes& )iss Willou"h'y% I(ll ta$e the afternoon 'us 'ac$%" Nancy told E ily she herself pro'a'ly would 'e 'ac$ 'y e!enin"% "We(ll 'e on pins and needles until then&" Helen said% 5ust 'efore Nancy and 5ean reached the con!erti'le& E ily cau"ht up to the % Drawin" Nancy aside& she whispered& "I(!e 'een thin$in" /will you tell your father a'out y dia onds and the other incidents# Perhaps he can "i!e you helpful ad!ice% ,ut please as$ hi to say nothin" to the police& unless there(s no other way out%" Nancy was deli"hted% +he would feel her father% uch 'etter if she could discuss this aspect of the case with

In a few inutes she and 5ean were headed for Ri!er Hei"hts% Althou"h Nancy had lost her hand'a" with wallet and dri!er(s license in the fire& )r% Drew had o'tained special per ission for her to dri!e until her new license was ailed% 3ortunately& he had had a $ey to her car in his $ey case& and had left it with her% This is a lo!ely con!erti'le& 5ean spo$e up% Nancy s iled as the car rode s oothly past far land and woods% "Where did you wor$ 'efore co in" to .ilac Inn& 5ean#" she as$ed% ")any different places&" the "irl replied% "3lorida in the winter& so eti es& and in the su er& I co e north%" .ater& as they neared Ri!er Hei"hts& the waitress said a'ruptly7 ")iss Drew& I had another reason for as$in" to ride with you% I wanted to tell you so eone at the inn is tryin" to a$e trou'le for you0" "What do you ean#" Nancy as$ed& as they reached the outs$irts of Ri!er Hei"hts% 5ean hesitated at first& then said she didn(t want to 'e accused of spyin"% "I thin$&" she said finally& ")rs% Potter is up to so ethin" funny"Why#" 5ean re!ealed that twice she had seen )aud "oin" into Nancy(s roo /yesterday& at the cotta"e& and then at the inn that ornin"% "Really#" Nancy tried to appear nonchalant% "At what ti es#" 5ean was !a"ue% +he said that she had arri!ed at the inn shortly 'efore lunch the pre!ious day% "I was unpac$in" in y roo &" 5ean went on% "I loo$ed out the window and saw )rs% Potter enter your cotta"e%

"This ornin"&" she continued& "I was at the I loo$ed down the hall in ti e to see )rs% Potter( loc$ your door%" Nancy(s ind raced% Was )aud directly i pl. cated in the stran"e happenin"s at the inn# 3or what purpose had she entered the "irls( roo s#( It struc$ Nancy as odd& howe!er& that *ean would infor on the wo an who had helped her o'tain a *o'% To the waitress she erely said& "Than$ you for tellin" e%" "You and )iss Cornin" were luc$y that yo weren(t hurt in the cotta"e fire&" *ean re ar$ed "Yes& !ery luc$y&" Nancy replied% E!identl E ily had said nothin" to the ser!ants a'out a 'o ' 'ein" the real cause of the 'la2e% Nancy as$ed *ean if she had e!er et a "irl na ed )ary )ason fro Doc$!ille% ")ary used to wor$ at the inn%" *ean wrin$led her 'row% "No& althou"h the na e is fa iliar% Perhaps I once et a )iss )ason at one of the places I(!e wor$ed%" They were now enterin" the 'usiness section of Ri!er Hei"hts% *ean as$ed Nancy to let her off in the center of town% "I( "oin" to the optician(s first% Then I(ll "o to y "irl friend(s%" Nancy stopped near ,ur$(s Depart ent +tore% *ean than$ed her profusely and "ot out% The youn" sleuth dro!e to a near'y tearoo for a 8uic$ snac$ Then she continued on to )eadow'roo$ .ane& in an attracti!e residential section& where )rs% +tonewell li!ed% Nancy soon spotted the nu 'er and stopped in front of an i posin" Tudor/style ho e% +he hurried up to the front entrance and ran" the door'ell% A aid answered% Nancy "a!e her na e and as$ed to see )rs% +tonewell% The caller was re8uested to ta$e a seat in the li!in" roo % A few inutes later )rs% +tonewell& attracti!ely dressed in a tailored sports suit& stepped into the roo % With a "racious s ile& she as$ed& "Is there so ethin" I can do for you& )iss Drew#" "Yes& )rs% +tonewell% I( tryin" to trace a "irl na ed )ary )ason&" Nancy e1plained% "I understand she wor$ed for you%" The wo an(s s ile !anished% ".et(s say I hired her% ,ut I didn(t "et uch wor$ fro )ary )ason% I dischar"ed her after a onth%" +he "lanced at Nancy curiously% "You don(t want to hire her#" "4h& no&" Nancy replied% "+he has so e infor ation I need% Do you $now )ary(s ho e address#" "No% +he li!ed in while wor$in" for e&" said )rs% +tonewell% "I do re e 'er she occasionally !isited a 'rother in Doc$!ille% Whether or not she is li!in" there& I can(t say% Nor do I $now the street address%" "4ne ore 8uestion&" Nancy said% "Did you e!er you#" "Not that I $now of%" +he decided that when she returned to .ilac Inn later that day she would "o 'y way of Doc$!ille% Her ne1t stop was at Helen(s house% Nancy reassured )rs% Cornin"& who had read a'out the fire& of Helen(s well/'ein"% "Nancy&" )rs% Cornin" said& "the newspaper didn(t state how the fire started% I suppose the usual carelessness/so eone tossin" away a li"hted atch%" Nancy& inwardly relie!ed& replied that this was always a possi'ility% +he did not 'o '% ention the ti e iss anythin" while )ary was wor$in" for

With additional clothes for Helen in her car& Nancy dro!e ho e% +he found that )r% Drew was out for the afternoon in connection with his case% When Hannah heard Nancy(s account of the fire& she e1clai ed& "E!en on a pleasure trip& Nancy& dan"er follows you I" +he loo$ed at the "irl $nowin"ly% "And what a'out this twin of yours# Has she followed you to .ilac Inn#" "Hannah& you(re 'eco in" a detecti!e&" Nancy accused fondly% "+eriously&" she added& "you "uessed it% +he e!en ana"ed to fool a friend of E ily(s fiancP who(s stayin" out there% ,ut she !anished a"ain%" Hannah si"hed% "I(ll certainly 'e "lad when she(s cau"ht%" "I hope to do that soon&" Nancy stated% "After I pac$ so e clothes& I( !ille%" +he e1plained a'out tracin" )ary )ason% "oin" sleuthin" in Doc$/

"That(s a terri'le place&" Hannah cried worriedly% "4h& dear& I(d 'etter "o with you%" "Don(t worry&" said Nancy% "I(ll 'e safe in the dayli"ht% When Dad "ets 'ac$& please tell hi where I(!e "one%" Nancy 8uic$ly pac$ed a suitcase% +he also too$ alon" her spare set of s$in/di!in" "ear% Then& 'efore lea!in"& she wrote her father a note tellin" the details of the *ewelry theft% When she reached Doc$!ille later& Nancy "lanced a'out in dis ay% +he was confronted with row upon row of din"y tene ents% In which one did the suspect(s 'rother li!e# Nancy stopped her con!erti'le and in8uired of a stout wo an where she could find a fa ily 'y the na e of )ason% The wo an shoo$ her head& e!idently not understandin" En"lish% "I(ll try another 'loc$&" Nancy decided& and turned into a windin" narrow street which led alon" the ri!er front% +he decided to in8uire a"ain and pulled up to the cur'% +he was a'out to ali"ht when she "lanced in the rear/!iew irror% Directly 'ehind her was a red panel truc$% It loo$ed e1actly li$e the stolen !ehicle which had forced her off the road% No one was in it& 'ut the otor was runnin"% Nancy turned her head to "et a 'etter loo$ at the truc$% At the sa e o ent she saw a lar"e roc$ hurtlin" throu"h the air toward her open window%


# aring &lan

,AN;I The roc$ struc$ the door of Nancy s con!erti'le& *ust as she duc$ed down% When Nancy cautiously raised her head a few seconds later& she loo$ed all around to see if she could spot the roc$ thrower% No one was in si"ht% Nancy "lanced into the rear/!iew irror a"ain% The red truc$ had disappearedl Had the truc$ dri!er thrown the roc$# If it had struc$ her& she would ha!e 'een 'adly in*ured% A peculiar coincidence& at the least& Nancy thou"ht% :uic$ly Nancy cli 'ed out and e1a ined her car door% The roc$ had ade a dent& 'ut there was no further da a"e% +he deter ined to continue her search for )ary )ason& and hailed a "rocer(s deli!ery truc$ which was co in" down the street% When she as$ed the dri!er if he had seen the red truc$& the

an said No%

"Do you $now where I

i"ht find so eone here 'y the na e of )ason#" Nancy in8uired% an replied% "I(!e ade

"Yes% ,ud )ason% He li!es in the ne1t 'loc$& on +i1th +treet&" the deli!eries there% It(s nu 'er @O%"

Nancy than$ed hi % +he dro!e alon" the ri!er& and turned left on +i1th +treet% The houses here were in 'etter condition than the others she had seen in Doc$!ille% Nu 'er twel!e was a white cotta"e with flowers 'orderin" the front path% When Nancy ran" the 'ell& the door was opened 'y a red/haired wo an of a'out thirty/fi!e% +he had clear/cut features and wore hea!y a$e/up% +he wore a snu"/fittin" la!ender dress% Nancy introduced herself and said she was loo$in" for a )iss )ary )ason who had wor$ed at .ilac Inn% "You(!e co e to the ri"ht address&" the wo an replied% "I( )ary% Co e in%" "Than$ you%" Nancy entered a roo furnished with co forta'le leather furniture& 'oo$s& and se!eral pictures of nautical scenes% The wo an eyed her caller curiously% +he in!ited Nancy to sit down and as$ed& "What 'rin"s you here#" Nancy e1plained that she was a friend of E ily Willou"h'y and was !isitin" at .ilac Inn% ")iss Willou"h'y tells e you left 'ecause the inn was haunted&" Nancy went on% "+ince then& she(s 'een wonderin" what you eant% I said I(d try to find you and as$%" )ary had listened attenti!ely% Now she "a!e a hi"h/pitched "i""le% "+o )iss Willou"h'y(s "ettin" scared% It(s true/.ilac Inn is haunted)ary proceeded to "i!e Nancy a dra atic story of hearin" footsteps at ni"ht when no one was around% +he said that se!eral ti es when she had 'een wor$in" late in the $itchen& a "hostly face had loo$ed in the window% "It(s a spoo$y old place- )ary shuddered% "I don(t $now how I stood it/the "rounds are so lonely and creepy at ni"ht% ,esides& co y 'rother(s here was too lon" a trip%" Nancy wondered if she were on the wron" trac$ after all% Perhaps )ary had left 'ecause of fri"ht& and had wanted erely to find wor$ closer to town% The youn" sleuth loo$ed around% "This is a pleasant ho e&" she said% "Ha!e you always li!ed with your 'rother#" )ary answered readily& "No& *ust since I returned to Doc$!ille& two onths a"o% I wor$ed down +outh durin" the winter& and 'efore that& out West% I hadn(t seen ,ud for a couple of years% When I ca e 'ac$ here& he su""ested I "et a *o' near'y%" +he paused% "+ay& )iss Drew& how did you $now I was in Doc$!ille#" Nancy e1plained a'out her call on )rs% +tone/well% utin" to

)ary scowled% "That fuss/'ud"et wanted a sla!e& not a aid% I was "lad when she fired e%" )ary went on to say that after she left .ilac Inn& she had stayed here% "I( $eepin" house for ,ud until I find a really "ood deal%" "4h/'y the way&" Nancy said casually& "the other day I found a note to the "ardeners% I understand you printed it%" 3or a fraction of a second Nancy was sure she detected a startled loo$ on )ary(s face% Then the for er waitress lau"hed heartily% "4h& )iss Drew& isn(t that funny you should ha!e found that#" "Then you $new lilacs are called >'lue pipes(#" Nancy as$ed% "And what in the world did the essa"e ean#" After a short pause& )ary answered& "I don(t $now% +o eone as$ed "I don(t re e 'er his na e% I wasn(t there lon"& you $now%" Nancy went throu"h the list of na es of the "ardeners& 'ut )ary still insisted she did not re e 'er who had as$ed her to print the essa"e% "Another thin"&" said Nancy% "I phoned this house the other day and was told no )ary )ason who had wor$ed at .ilac Inn was here%" )ary )ason flushed% "I don(t $now who answered the phone% Around here no'ody calls e )ary% That(s y 'usiness na e% I( Dotty )ae% )y full na e is Dorothy )ary%" "I see&" said Nancy% "+orry%" )ary stood up% "Hate to rush you& )iss Drew% ,ut I( er/e1pectin" co pany%" +he acco panied Nancy to the door% The youn" sleuth said "ood/'y and went to her car% +he started the en"ine& "lancin" surreptitiously at the )asons( cotta"e% Nancy plainly saw the window curtain o!e& as if so eone were standin" 'ehind it& watchin" her% As she dro!e away& Nancy re!iewed the con!ersation% )ary )ason had see ed 8uite friendly& and so eti es a 'it fli"hty% Nancy reflected that )ary(s e1planation of the "'lue pipes" note sounded lo"ical& 'ut that the wo an(s whole story had 'een o!erly "li'% +he had& Nancy felt& not 'een entirely truthful% "Why didn(t she want to tell e who as$ed her to write the note a'out >'lue pipes(#" Nancy(s hands "ripped the wheel hard as a startlin" idea occurred to her% "+he(s shieldin" so eone%" ",lue pipes" was 'ein" used as a si"nal/perhaps 'etween persons at .ilac Inn and an outside acco plice% Were )ary )ason and a "ardener two of the # And could )aud possi'ly 'e a third e 'er of the "roup# Were they responsi'le for the dia ond theft# "They(re all fa iliar with the place&" Nancy reasoned& "and i"ht ha!e learned of the secret closet%" If this were the case& she speculated& the three i"ht ha!e other assistants% "3or instance&" Nancy thou"ht& "the wo an who 'u ped into e in ,enton& whoe!er put the dia ond in y purse& and the person who placed the 'o ' in our cotta"e%" Nancy felt e1citedly that her theory was worth followin"% +he decided to return ho e and see if her father were there% When Nancy arri!ed she was deli"hted to find Carson Drew at the des$ in his study% The lawyer went o!er the whole case with his dau"hter& then shoo$ his head in a a2e ent% "This is a any/ e to write it%" "Who#"

sided case you(!e tac$led&" he re ar$ed% "I( inclined to a"ree that the ysteries at .ilac Inn and your i personator are lin$ed to"ether& and that >'lue pipes( is a si"nal of so e $ind%" )r% Drew leaned forward in his chair% "4f course&" he said& "E ily should report her entire story to the police% If )aud Potter does hold a threat o!er )rs% Willou"h'y& she(ll 'e dealt with 'y the law% "3ran$ly I( ore alar ed a'out the spear throwin" and ti e 'o ' than any other an"le to the case& Nancy&" )r% Drew said so 'erly% "You and Helen are in constant dan"er%" Nancy said she reali2ed this% "I(ll 'e on y "uard e!ery eyes and ears open for any ore >'lue pipe( essa"es%" The youn" detecti!e went across the roo e!erythin" o!er with you%" inute&" she pro ised% "And $eep y

to hu" her father% "Dad& it(s so helpful to tal$ ind% Want to tell e#"

)r% Drew loo$ed at his dau"hter $eenly% "There(s so ethin" else on your

He had o'ser!ed a trou'led e1pression co e o!er Nancy(s pretty features% Now she replied& "Yes% Dad& what(s your i pression of +er"eant 5ohn )c,ride#" "I thin$ he(s a fine& intelli"ent youn" you&" he teased% an&" )r% Drew said% "And see s to 'e 8uite ta$en with

Nancy(s face re ained serious% "I li$e hi & too% ,ut/well& Helen has a feelin" he(s at the inn for so e other purpose than *ust helpin" E and Dic$%" )r% Drew shoo$ his head% "Nancy& don(t worry% 5ohn ay ha!e his own reasons for 'ein" at .ilac Inn% ,ut I fir ly 'elie!e he(s not i1ed up in any *ewel theft0" With a s ile Nancy said& "You(re such a "ood *ud"e of character% I $new you(d relie!e y ind%" The lawyer then ad!ised his dau"hter& despite E ily Willou"h'y(s concern& to phone Chief )c;innis and tell hi the whole story% "He can use his own *ud" ent on how to pro D teed% Also& he can dis iss the police "uard at our ho e%" Nancy put in the call and "a!e the chief a detailed report& includin" the appearance of the stolen red truc$ in Doc$!ille% "I(ll notify the authorities there at once&" he said% +he in8uired if there were police records of Dorothy )ary QDotty )aeR )ason& )aud Potter& or any of the "ardeners at .ilac Inn% "I(ll chec$%" When the officer returned to the phone& he said& "No& Nancy% Nothin"%" +he pro ised to $eep in touch and hun" up% The "irl(s thou"hts spun fro su'*ect to su'*ect% +uddenly a darin" plan popped into her head% "I(ll try it0" Nancy decided% A"ain she pic$ed up the telephone% This ti e she dialed .ilac Inn% E ily answered% "I thin$ I( a$in" pro"ress&" Nancy told her friend% "I ornin"% Will you e1plain to e!eryone#" ay not see you until to orrow

"4f course%" E ily then said happily that Dic$ had arri!ed% Her fiance had learned fro the e1plosi!es e1pert that the cotta"e fire definitely had 'een caused 'y a ti e 'o '% The police were still wor$in" on the case%

Nancy said "ood/'y& and entally rehearsed her plan% "I(!e had sleuthin" ad!entures 'efore&" she thou"ht% ",ut this will 'e the first ti e I(!e i personated a > "host("%

The 5uard,s Mista%e

WHEN Nancy confided to her father the idea of i personatin" the "hostly wo an in the lilac "ro!e& )r% Drew loo$ed du'ious% "I thin$ it(s ris$y& Nancy% And also& how do you $now any of the "an" is "oin" to see you#" "I don(t% I only hope so% ,ut& Dad& if I( con!incin" enou"h& so eone ay call e 'y her na e& and I ay learn to who she was si"nalin"& without raisin" suspicion%" Reluctantly )r% Drew "a!e his consent% "If anythin" "oes wron"& screa "I will% ,ut I intend to do a "ood actin" *o'&" Nancy assured her father% as loudly as you can%"

Ri"ht after supper she went to the attic and opened a stora"e trun$% 3ro it Nancy too$ out a white e!enin" dress& lon"/slee!ed and flowin"% A further search disclosed a 'lac$ wi" she had once used at a costu e party& and a transparent white scarf% "5ust the props I need&" Nancy thou"ht% Returnin" to her roo & Nancy tried on the hairpiece% To her satisfaction it co pletely hid her own hair% Ne1t& she wired poc$et/si2e flashli"hts to the cuff of each slee!e of the "own% "These pro!ide a "lowin" effect&" she thou"ht% Nancy pac$ed the wi" and dress in her suitcase% Then she went downstairs and $issed her father and Hannah "ood/'y% "I wish you weren(t "oin" 'ac$ to .ilac Inn&" Hannah fretted% "Now& Hannah&" said )r% Drew& "you $now Nancy wouldn(t "i!e up any sol!ed%" ystery until it(s

He then re8uested his dau"hter to telephone hi the ne1t ornin"% Nancy pro ised and left the house% +he reached ,enton at ei"ht o(cloc$% Dus$ was closin" in& 'ut it had to 'e considera'ly dar$er 'efore Nancy could proceed to .ilac Inn% +he too$ a side road out of town% "Doris li!es close to the inn&" she recalled% "I(ll drop in to see her%" Presently she dro!e into a dirt lane leadin" to the Dra$es( attracti!e white far house% +he found Doris and her parents playin" cro8uet on the front lawn% They "reeted her cordially% "A'out ti e you ca e to call&" Doris scolded teasin"ly% "Nancy& any& dou'le#" "Well& yes%" Nancy s iled% "It(s turned into 8uite a ystery& which I( understand% Detecti!e at wor$&" Doris "uessed wisely% ore news a'out your tryin" to sol!e%" "I

Nancy then as$ed the Dra$es if they $new a fisher an in the !icinity who wore his hair in a crew cut% They shoo$ their heads% "Does anyone own the doc$ 'etween yours and the one at .ilac Inn#" Nancy 8uestioned% )r% Dra$e replied that there was no house on the ad*oinin" property% He understood the doc$ had 'een a'andoned for years% ,y the ti e Nancy too$ her lea!e and drew near the inn& it was dar$% +he decided to par$ in the apple orchard% As the "irl detecti!e "ot out of her car she felt raindrops% +he too$ a plastic coat with attached hood fro the trun$ of her con!erti'le and put it on% Then& carryin" her suitcase& she dashed toward the inn%

When she reached it& Nancy circled the 'uildin" cautiously& not wishin" to 'e seen 'y anyone% The old inn was a'la2e with li"hts% As Nancy approached the recreation roo she heard dance usic% +he crept up to the shru''ery and peered in% Helen and 5ohn were dancin"& and E ily(s partner was a youn" an of ediu 'uild with reddish/'rown hair and a rather serious e1pression% "That ust 'e Dic$&" Nancy sur ised% +he o'ser!ed that )aud& )rs% Willou"h'y& and )r% Daly were tal$in" in a far corner of the roo % "I( "lad they are ha!in" fun&" Nancy thou"ht& continuin" around the inn% There was no si"n near the 'uildin" of the "uard her father had o'tained% No dou't he was down near the ri!er% Nancy wal$ed to the "uest cotta"es& hopin" that one i"ht not 'e loc$ed% Nancy tried the doors and finally ca e to one that opened% ",rrrr0" she shi!ered& steppin" into the chilly& da p roo % Nancy(s eyes 8uic$ly 'eca e accusto ed to the "loo % The place had no furniture 'ut a chair% "I(ll ha!e plenty of ti e to "et ready% The "host won(t 'e out until the inn is dar$% I ay as well rest and "o o!er y act&" she thou"ht& and sat down on the chair% "I only hope y as8uerade will 'rin" results%" The ti e crept 'y slowly& 'ut finally Nancy saw 'y the lu inous dial of her watch that it was ele!en/thirty% +he loo$ed out the window% The rain had stopped and a few stars twin$led a'o!e% All the li"hts in the inn were out% +he noticed that 5ohn(s cotta"e& too& was in dar$ness% "That(s funny% He ust ha!e co e 'ac$& 'ut I ha!en(t heard any footsteps since I(!e 'een here&" Nancy used% "Wonder where he is%" +he opened her suitcase and lifted out the dress and wi"% +he put the flashli"ht fro her hand'a"% on and too$ a s all

Cautiously the as8uerader ade her way to the lilac "ro!e& ta$in" care not to stu 'le o!er roots or twi"s% As she drew near it& Nancy thou"ht she heard the distant put/put of a otor'oat% ,ut the sound soon faded away% An owl hooted near'y% The dar$ness 'eneath the o!erhan"in" trees see ed for'iddin"% +ud/ ] denly Nancy felt panic$y& 'ut resolutely she put aside her fears% +he clic$ed on the s all flash/ ; li"hts attached to her slee!es and wal$ed toward the spot where Helen had 'een struc$% Dra atically& Nancy wa!ed her ar s 'ac$ and forth% "I wonder if so eone will reply&" she thou"ht% At the sa e o ent she heard a noise in the under'rush% A s all ani al darted across her path& followed 'y the crunch of footsteps% :uic$ly e1tin"uishin" her li"hts& Nancy duc$ed 'ehind a tall lilac% The "irl(s heart pounded% A fi"ure in "lowin" white o!ed slowly toward her hidin" place% At this o ent the oon ca e out fro 'ehind a cloud& illu inatin" the "ro!e% Nancy "asped% The other "irl was in a lon" trailin" "own% ,ut Nancy felt as thou"h she were loo$in" into a irror% The youn" wo an(s face see ed identical to Nancy(s and she wore her titian/'lond hair in e1actly the sa e fashion Nancy usually did% ")y i personator- Nancy cried out in!oluntarily% The stran"e wo an stopped a'ruptly% +he scanned the area with her eyes% Nancy ca e to a PO
THE )Y+TERY AT .I.AC INN Now Nancy flashed E ily a warnin" "lance and answered& "Had an interestin" date%"

E ily cau"ht on 8uic$ly% +he turned to Carl ,ard% "It(s all ri"ht% This is Nancy Drew%" The "uard nodded% "I( con!inced% ,ut/" ,efore he had a chance to say anythin" ore& Nancy said with e phasis& "I(ll e1plain e!erythin" later%" The an shru""ed& said "ood ni"ht& and left% "Did you ha!e a "ood ti e this e!enin"& Nancy#" as$ed E ily with a twin$le% "I always do&" Nancy replied airily& for )aud(s 'enefit% 5ust then a pleasant !oice 'ro$e in& "+o e'ody arri!in" at this late hour#" Dic$ 3arnha ca e forward to *oin the % E ily s ilin"ly introduced her fiance to Nancy% "I certainly appreciate all you(!e done to help us&" Dic$ told Nancy% "It(s a luc$y thin" you ca e to .ilac Inn%" "Now we(d all 'etter "et so e rest&" E ily said& and e!eryone a"reed% Nancy was first to reach the stairway% As she stepped up& her foot cau"ht in the he the 'lac$ wi" fell fro her slee!e to the floor% )aud "lared at it% "H - she said disdainfully% "Ha!e you 'een up to so e sleuthin" tric$#" The secret of Nancy ha!in" 'usy'ody as8ueraded on the "rounds was li$ely to 'e "uessed 'y this of her "own% +he stu 'led& and


Earth6ua%e Scare
ysterious "host of .ilac Inn#"

"TIRED of 'ein" a 'londe& Nancy#" )aud as$ed sarcastically% "4r are you the

E ily& althou"h at first surprised& sensed that Nancy had used the wi" for a "ood reason% With a win$ at Dic$& she said& "Nonsense% I(ll 'et Nancy(s date too$ her to a as8uerade dance%" The youn" sleuth was "rateful for E ily(s 8uic$ thin$in"% Nancy waited for another out'urst fro )aud& 'ut none ca e% Instead& the unpleasant wo an said in a 'ored tone& "I thin$ as8uerades are so childish% Well& I( "oin" to 'ed%" +he said "ood ni"ht and went upstairs% Nancy now turned to the en"a"ed couple% "Are you 'oth too tired to stay up a little lon"er#" Dic$ "rinned% "Not if I( as Cinderella% Tell "oin" to hear why one of as8ueradin" e& Nancy& is it a new E ily(s pretty 'rides aids/to/'e is

style to wear flashli"hts on your dress slee!es#"

"What0" E ily cried& and e1a ined Nancy(s slee!es% "Why& Nancy& what on earth have you 'een up to#" "Can we tal$ so e place where we won(t 'e o!erheard#" Nancy re8uested% Dic$ led the way to his office% 4nce inside& Nancy told of her sleuthin" acti!ities and e1periences that day and ni"ht% "I( "lad you helped e alon" with that >dance( story& E ily% 4nly Dad and the "uard and you two $now where I(!e 'een%" Dic$ spo$e up earnestly& "You i"ht 'e ris$in" your life for us& Nancy% .ilac Inn isn(t worth that%" Nancy set her *aw% "I ust outwit y i personator 'efore she outwits e% And if I do& I( positi!e I(ll ol!e the ysteries of this place& too%" Dic$ nodded understandin"ly% He said E ily had told ha of all he odd happenin"s at .ilac Inn% "I also e1plained to Dic$ a'out y fear that )aud has so e hold o!er Aunt Ha2el&" E ily said& addin" hat she hesitated to as$ her aunt outri"ht unless necessary%

"4f course&" Nancy said% ")rs% Willou"h'y is upset as it is%(8 E ily said "ri ly& "If I find out )aud is threatenin" The three youn" people started upstairs once ore% 4n the way& Nancy as$ed if )ary )ason and the "ardeners had 'rou"ht references when they ca e to .ilac Inn% "Why& yes&" E ily answered% ",ut at the ti e& Dic$ and I were so 'usy with wor$ here& we didn(t chec$ the until later% They see ed all ri"ht%" The trio said "ood ni"ht& and Nancy entered her roo % Helen was sleepin" soundly& and did not awa$en% It see ed to the youn" sleuth that her own eyes had *ust closed when she was awa$ened 'y Helen callin" her na e frantically% "Nancyl Nancyl Wa$e upl There(s an earth/8ua$e"What#" Nancy sat up in 'ed% As she did the startled "irl noticed that her 'ed was indeed sha$in" sli"htly% ":uic$0" Helen ur"ed% ".et(s "et out of here 'efore the ceilin"s fall downAs the "irls ran to the hall& they et Dic$& E ily& )r% Daly& )rs% Willou"h'y& and )aud% All cried out that they too had felt the !i'rations& which now had ceased% "This is !ery stran"e&" Dic$ said% "This isn(t earth8ua$e territory%" 4n a hunch& Nancy su""ested they telephone ththe ,enton +tate Police and find out e tre ors were widespread% Dic$ ade the call and with a pu22led e1pression reported that apparently the distur'ance was confined to .ilac Inn% )aud shrie$ed& "The 'uildin"(s fallin" apard We(d 'etter "et out of here";o if you want to&" E ily said sharply% ",ut the sha$in" has stopped and the 'uildin" is still intact%" "I(ll a$e an in!esti"ation&" Dic$ offered% "There ay 'e so ethin" wron" with the foundation%" He su""ested that Nancy and )r% Daly acco pany hi to the cellar% "The rest of you wait here%" None of the three disco!ered anythin" out of the ordinary in the 'ase ent% Nancy s iled in relief% "Instead of fallin" down this 'uildin" see s to 'e unusually sturdy%" )r% Daly& howe!er& was e1tre ely ner!ous% "This has ne!er happened 'efore&" he said% "Dic$& I stron"ly ad!ise you to "i!e up the inn% It(s/it(s *ust not safe here any ore%" E ily(s fiance shoo$ his head& sayin" that he& li$e Nancy& was ore deter ined than e!er to sol!e the ysteries at .ilac Inn% The trio went 'ac$ to the second floor and reassured the others% "Are you all sure you ne!er felt a si ilar !i'ration 'efore#" Dic$ as$ed% "+ha$in" li$e that used to happen to our house when a !ery hea!y truc$ went 'y%" ")ay'e that(s what happened this ti e&" Helen said philosophically% ".et(s "o 'ac$ to 'ed%" Nancy was not con!inced 'y this e1planation% Re e 'erin" the e1plosion and fire caused 'y the ti e 'o '& she wondered if so eone had planted an e1plosi!e under"round to try to destroy or at least wea$en .ilac Inn% "Nancy&" said Helen& when the "irls were once co e 'ac$ to the inn toni"ht#" ore in 'ed& "why did you chan"e your ind and y aunt& she(ll re"ret id"

When she heard a'out Nancy(s as8uerade in the lilac "ro!e and its results& she praised her friend% "Ne1t ti e& thou"h& don(t try such a ris$y thin" alone&" Helen scolded% Nancy was al ost asleep when a sudden thou"ht struc$ her% Why had the ""host" 'een titianhaired this ti e& instead of 'runette# When the "irls went into the dinin" roo )rs% Willou"h'y were already eatin"% the ne1t ornin"& the other youn" people& )aud& and y 'eautiful sleuthin" s$in di!er#" "Ready

"Welco e 'ac$& Nancy&" said 5ohn& "rinnin"% "How(s to flip0" "i'ed Nancy%

)aud loo$ed up fro her "rapefruit% "Will you "o s$in di!in" with a wi" on#" she as$ed with an atte pt to 'e facetious% Nancy was sli"htly annoyed 'ut "a!e no si"n of this% +he hoped )aud had not spread word around the inn of the wi" episode% ,rea$fast o!er& Nancy returned her car to the par$in" lot and then sou"ht out E ily pri!ately% +he as$ed whether )aud had 'een "ossipin" a'out e!ents of the pre!ious e!enin"% E ily said she was sure this was the case% "Tell e& E ily&" Nancy said& "how uch do you $now of )aud(s 'ac$"round#" "=ery little% 4nly that Aunt Ha2el et her a'out a year a"o at a social "atherin" in Ri!er Hei"hts% They 'eca e friendly% The ne1t thin" I heard was that )aud was "oin" out West% Then& a'out a onth a"o& she showed up here% Aunt Ha2el thou"ht she would a$e a "ood social director& and Dic$ and I en"a"ed her%" ")aud can 'e pleasant&" Nancy co ented& "and she does ha!e usical talent% I really can(t fi"ure her out%" To herself& Nancy con*ectured on the possi'ility of )aud(s usin" her position as a co!er/up% The youn" detecti!e left the inn presently to do so e sleuthin" in the lilac "ro!e% +he part way there% et 5ohn

"I didn(t want to ention it at 'rea$fast& Nancy&" he said& "'ut I(d li$e to see the e1act site of your as8uerade% E ily and Dic$ told e a little a'out it%" "I(ll 'e "lad to show you%" Nancy led hi with her dou'le% 5ohn listened intently% to the lilac "ro!e% +he descri'ed !i!idly her encounter

"Nancy& you were in a dan"erous spot% )ay'e it(s a luc$y thin" Carl ,ard scared your i personator away%" Nancy did not a"ree% "The sooner she is cau"ht& the 'etter% I e% I don(t wonder you were fooled%" 5ohn lau"hed% "I thin$ I wouldn(t a$e the sa e ust say& she does loo$ uch li$e

ista$e a"ain% I

uch prefer the real Nancy%"

Nancy 'lushed at his co pli ent% As the two loo$ed a'out the lilac "ro!e& Nancy saw a tiny o'*ect "lintin" in the sun% +he pic$ed it up% The o'*ect was of steel and shaped so ethin" li$e a can opener& e1cept that there was a tiny wheel at the end% "What(s this#" she as$ed 5ohn% He too$ the little de!ice and stared at it% "I $now where it 'elon"s&" he said% "I(ll return it%" 5ohn put the o'*ect in his poc$et& and Nancy had the feelin" he had deli'erately e!aded her 8uestion% "I wonder if there are any distin"uishin" footprints&" he said& chan"in" the su'*ect%

Nancy frowned as she loo$ed at the soft earth There was a print/a peculiar one which she rec o"ni2ed/clearly outlined% It had 'een ade 'y s$in di!er(s flipper% Nancy(s ind flashed 'ac$ t the ni"ht 'efore& when she had left for the lila "ro!e% 5ohn(s cotta"e had 'een dar$% )ay'e he ha 'een sleepin"% If not& where had he 'een# "5ohn&" she said& loo$in" the youn" "Tell e& E ily&" Nancy said& "how a s8uarely in the eye& "were you s$in di!in" las ni"ht#" uch do you $now of )aud(s 'ac$"round#"

"=ery little% 4nly that Aunt Ha2el et her a'out a year a"o at a social "atherin" in Ri!er Hei"hts% They 'eca e friendly% The ne1t thin" I heard was that )aud was "oin" out West% Then& a'out a onth a"o& she showed up here% Aunt Ha2el thou"ht she would a$e a "ood social director& and Dic$ and I en"a"ed her%" ")aud can 'e pleasant&" Nancy co ented& "and she does ha!e usical talent% I really can(t fi"ure her out%" To herself& Nancy con*ectured on the possi'ility of )aud(s usin" her position as a co!er/up% The youn" detecti!e left the inn presently to do so e sleuthin" in the lilac "ro!e% +he part way there% et 5ohn

"I didn(t want to ention it at 'rea$fast& Nancy&" he said& "'ut I(d li$e to see the e1act site of your as8uerade% E ily and Dic$ told e a little a'out it%" "I(ll 'e "lad to show you%" Nancy led hi with her dou'le% 5ohn listened intently% to the lilac "ro!e% +he descri'ed !i!idly her encounter

"Nancy& you were in a dan"erous spot% )ay'e it(s a luc$y thin" Carl ,ard scared your i personator away%" Nancy did not a"ree% "The sooner she is cau"ht& the 'etter% I e% I don(t wonder you were fooled%" 5ohn lau"hed% "I thin$ I wouldn(t a$e the sa e ust say& she does loo$ uch li$e

ista$e a"ain% I

uch prefer the real Nancy%"

Nancy 'lushed at his co pli ent% As the two loo$ed a'out the lilac "ro!e& Nancy saw a tiny o'*ect "lintin" in the sun% +he pic$ed it up% The o'*ect was of steel and shaped so ethin" li$e a can opener& e1cept that there was a tiny wheel at the end% "What(s this#" she as$ed 5ohn% He too$ the little de!ice and stared at it% "I $now where it 'elon"s&" he said% "I(ll return it%" 5ohn put the o'*ect in his poc$et& and Nancy had the feelin" he had deli'erately e!aded her 8uestion% "I wonder if there are any distin"uishin" footprints&" he said& chan"in" the su'*ect% Nancy frowned as she loo$ed at the soft earth There was a print/a peculiar one which she rec o"ni2ed/clearly outlined% It had 'een ade 'y s$in di!er(s flipper% Nancy(s ind flashed 'ac$ t the ni"ht 'efore& when she had left for the lila "ro!e% 5ohn(s cotta"e had 'een dar$% )ay'e he ha 'een sleepin"% If not& where had he 'een# "5ohn&" she said& loo$in" the youn" a s8uarely in the eye& "were you s$in di!in" las ni"ht#" The two returned to the inn% Nancy went first to the phone and called her father% +ince she did not want to ention specific details in case so eone was ea!esdroppin"& she erely told hi that "last ni"ht(s eetin" was ost interestin"%" "I understand&" )r% Drew said% "Also& Dad& is it all ri"ht if I "o s$in di!in"# 5ohn will acco pany e%"

)r% Drew "a!e his per ission% "Perhaps you(ll see so e unusual fish&" he added "Could 'e& Dad% I(ll let you $now%"


After Nancy had said "ood/'y& she and 5ohn confided their plan and the reason for it to Helen& E ily& and Dic$% "All ri"ht&" said E ily worriedly& "'ut watch out for spear throwers%" +oon Nancy and 5ohn& ready for s$in di!in"& were 'ac$ at the ri!er'an$% They had decided to search underwater fro the area of the flipper prints to the place Nancy had spotted the shar$li$e o'*ect% They ad*usted their face plates and tan$s& and then they descended% Down/down they went& finally reachin" the uddy 'otto % Their eyes darted here and there& o'ser!in" schools of little fish6 'ut nothin" out of the ordinary ca e to si"ht% Nancy and 5ohn continued on& until they reached the place where Nancy had 'een 'efore% They lin$ed hands and wal$ed cautiously alon" the ri!er 'otto % Nancy pointed out the roc$y o!erhan" fro nodded% which she had seen the shar$ shape pro*ectin"% 5ohn

To Nancy(s disappoint ent& there was no si"n of anythin" rese 'lin" the ysterious o'*ect% What had it 'een& she pu22led# A sun$en 'oat that i"ht ha!e since drifted away# +uddenly 5ohn stu 'led and dropped Nancy(s hand% +tartled& she saw that his foot was wed"ed 'etween two roc$s o'scured 'y weeds% He 'ent down and tu""ed& 'ut to no a!ail% At once Nancy went to his assistance% 3irst& she pulled away the plant life surroundin" the roc$s% Then "ently she tried to ease 5ohn(s foot loose% It would not 'ud"e% Nancy wor$ed desperately to dislod"e one of the roc$s% 3inally& with 5ohn(s help& she succeeded in o!in" one of the stones% 5ohn(s foot was freel E1hausted& the couple rose to the surface and swa toward shore& "ulpin" in fresh air% As soon as they sat down on the 'an$& 5ohn than$ed Nancy for co in" to his rescue% "You(re a wonderful partner to ha!e around& Nancy/sleuthin" or s$in di!in"&" he said% Nancy s iled% "Than$s& 5ohn% .et(s ha!e a loo$ at your foot and see if it(s in*ured%" 5ohn si"hed% "Yes& Nurse%" They found that his foot was erely scraped% He and Nancy went underwater a"ain to do so e ore sleuthin"% ,ut they unco!ered nothin" suspicious% ,affled& they swa 'ac$ to their startin" point and wal$ed toward the inn% 4n the way& Nancy saw ;il ;ary tri in" a hed"e near'y% +he and 5ohn went o!er to hi % "Do you happen to $now anyone else around here who s$in/di!es& ;il#" Nancy as$ed% The "ardener did not loo$ up& and continued his tri too uddy% It/" in"% "Naw&" he uttered% "Ri!er 'otto (s

He 'ro$e off% Nancy felt a sur"e of e1cite ent% Why did ;il assu e she was referrin" to the ri!er# And did he $now of its uddy condition fro personal e1perience# Why had he not finished his answer# "I suppose&" she said& "so e people prefer to tra!el 'y canoe%" Nancy loo$ed directly at the doc$ where one of the inn(s canoes was tied up% "+(pose so&" ;il replied shortly% 5ohn now stepped forward% ",y the way& ;il& ha!e you or Han$ noticed any lately#" "Naw%" The "ardener shoo$ his head% ore tools issin"

5ohn shru""ed casually% "5ust wondered& 'ecause )iss Drew and I ca e across a funny "ad"et this ornin"% +ort of li$e a can opener% +ound fa iliar#" "No- the "ardener snapped% He flun" his shears to the "round% "I( and retreated hastily% Nancy and 5ohn e1chan"ed triu phant "lances% "He(s ner!ous a'out so ethin"& all ri"ht&" 5ohn said% "He certainly doesn(t act li$e an innocent person&" Nancy reasoned% There was *ust ti e 'efore luncheon for Nancy and 5ohn to report in pri!ate to their three youn" friends% When Dic$ heard of the "ardener(s reaction to Nancy(s 8ueries& he frowned% ")ay'e I should ha!e a tal$ with hi yself&" he said% Nancy ad!ised a"ainst this action for the present% "If ;il is connected with the dia ond theft& we ay learn throu"h hi who else is in!ol!ed&" she pointed out% "And& perhaps& the identity of y dou'le%" "You ean& all the culprits i"ht 'e trapped at once#" Helen as$ed& and Nancy nodded% As Nancy sat down at the ta'le with the others& 5ean ca e o!er% "Than$s a"ain for the ride& )iss Drew&" she said in her shy way% "It was real helpful%" At this o ent )aud Potter entered the roo % 5ean 8uic$ly 'ent o!er and whispered to Nancy& "Don(t for"ed Watch out for that trou'le a$er%" Nancy did not $now what to thin$% +he disli$ed )aud& 'ut felt it was unfair to accept 5ean(s clai without proof% "Don(t trust an infor er too far&" her father had once said% The social director too$ her place% .oo$in" at E ily& she announced& "Your aunt has a splittin"
headache and won(t 'e down%" "4h& poor dear%" E ily *u ped up% "I(ll "o see/" "I wouldn(t distur' her&" )aud interrupted officiously% "+he(ll feel 'etter after so e rest%" E ily(s eyes 'la2ed% "If I want to see y aunt& )aud& I shall% I( sic$ and tired of your eddlin"% Dic$ and I are payin" you to 'e social director/and/and nothin" elseThere was dead silence at the "irl(s out'urst% Then )aud "asped% "We(ll That(s all the than$s I "et%" "Than$s for what- E ily stor ed% "Feepin" Aunt Ha2el under your thu ' and 'ein" unpleasant to "uests#" y

"oin( for lunch&" he said&

,y now e!eryone in the dinin" roo /waitresses and patrons/were starin" in E ily(s direction% Dic$ tried to inter!ene% "E & cal down&" he 'e""ed% "We(ll discuss it later%" ,ut E ily& o!erwrou"ht& paid no attention% "I don(t care% I(ll "i!e up .ilac Inn rather than see Aunt Ha2el unhappy% I wouldn(t 'e surprised& )aud Potter& if you(re responsi'le for the awful thin"s that ha!e happened hereAn al ost 'ewildered loo$ ca e o!er )aud(s flushed face% +he started to protest& "I not/" E ily did not allow her to finish% "3urther @G ore&" the "irl went on& "I( "oin" to notify the ediately%" police a'out all y suspicions re"ardin" the dia onds i ost certainly did

At this point Nancy happened to notice that 5ean Hol es was ta$in" in the scene with a!id interest% 3or a fleetin" o ent the sleuth detected a hard& calculatin" loo$ replacin" 5ean(s usually shy e1pression% ,ut the ne1t o ent the waitress pic$ed up a tray and went toward the $itchen%

In the eanti e& )aud had also risen% ",y all eans call the police% It(s a'out ti e they learn the truth&" she said& with a scornful "lance at Nancy% Declarin" she had lost her appetite& the wo an left the roo % Pale and tre 'lin"& E ily sat down% "I( another inute%" sorry&" she said wea$ly% "I *ust couldn(t ta$e )aud(s arro"ance

"I don(t 'la e you&" Helen spo$e up sy pathetically& then whispered& "At least )aud didn(t act as if she were i1ed up with the theft of the dia onds%" "That(s ri"ht&" Dic$ conceded% ",ut where do we "o fro here# ?nless this ystery(s cleared up& we not 'e a'le to open the inn in 5uly% Also&" he added "lu ly& "E ily and I i"ht ha!e to postpone our weddin"%" "4h& no- E ily wailed% Dic$ said he could foresee no other course of action% His funds were low& and if he and E ily were to a$e a success of the resort& the necessary outdoor wor$ ust 'e co pleted% A pool and tennis courts& yet to 'e 'uilt& had 'een especially featured in his pu'licity ca pai"n% "I(!e already ailed out thousands of 'rochures&" he said% "Yes& and we(re 'oo$ed al ost solid for su er reser!ations&" E ily said unhappily% "4h& Nancy& what shall we do# I hate to "i!e up hope of "ettin" y dia onds 'ac$%" Nancy replied fir ly& "I( not "i!in" up% If you a"ree& E ily and Dic$& there are a few ore an"les of this case I want to in!esti"ate% And if you don(t ind& I(d li$e to tell .ieutenant ,rice the whole story%" The en"a"ed couple readily consented% "Nothin" atters now e1cept findin" out the truth&" E ily said% After lunch Nancy dro!e to ,enton% 3or pri!acy& she telephoned the +tate Police officer fro a 'ooth in the dru"store there% When Nancy had finished her account& he assured her he would do all he could to turn up possi'le new leads to Nancy(s i personator% Then Nancy called Chief )c;innis% The typed en!elope& he said& had 'rou"ht no results% "I(ll confer with .ieutenant ,rice a'out happenin"s at .ilac Inn% ,y the way& no luc$ yet in findin" the stolen truc$%" Nancy(s ne1t call was to her father% )r% Drew confessed alar dau"hter(s upon hearin" the details of his ay 'e up to&" he eetin" with her dou'le% "No tellin" ay

what she and her acco plices

warned% ",ut whate!er you do& Nancy& don(t o!erstep anyone(s le"al ri"hts%" "I(ll re e 'er%" ,y the ti e Nancy returned to the inn& it was late afternoon% The s$y had filled with 'lac$ clouds& and the air was close and oppressi!e% "There(s "oin" to 'e a thunderstor &" Nancy thou"ht as she entered the lo''y% No one was in si"ht% ,ut *ust then )r% Daly ca e fro account for the 8ua$eli$e !i'rations% his office% He said that nothin" had 'een found to

"I( afraid& )r% Daly&" Nancy said& "that the cause is an/ ade% How& I don(t $now yet%" The for er owner of the inn was shoc$ed% "To thin$ this fine 'uildin" ust endure such treat ent- He told Nancy that the inn had 'een 'uilt in @DPA 'y an En"lish fa ily& and had catered to 'oth sta"ecoach and ri!er tra!elers% The inn had passed fro one "eneration of the ori"inal fa ily to the ne1t% "+o e people said that .ilac Inn was a refu"e for sla!es who had escaped fro the +outh%" ")ay'e that(s why the secret roo she as$ed% was 'uilt&" Nancy re ar$ed% "Who owned the inn pre!ious to you#"

"A +paniard na ed Ron Carioca who(d li!ed in the West Indies% It was he who planted the 'eautiful lilac tree/for "ood luc$/outside the front entrance%" 5ust then )r% Daly(s phone ran"& and he e1cused hi self to answer it% Nancy wal$ed on into the dinin" roo and loo$ed out the 'ay window% The s$y was "ettin" dar$er each inute% "4h& hello& )iss Drew%" The !oice was 5ean Hol es(% +he carried a lar"e !ase filled with yellow iris and reddish/purple lilacs& which she set on the window sill% "You see pipes%( " to li$e flowers& 5ean&" Nancy o'ser!ed% "That(s a pretty co 'ination7 iris and >'lue ade you use that e1pression#"

"(,lue pipes(#" 5ean echoed% "What

"It(s different&" Nancy said nonchalantly% Did the waitress see suddenly ill at ease& or was it Nancy(s i a"ination# ,efore the youn" sleuth could decide& there was a loud clap of thunder& followed 'y the 'an"in" of se!eral shutters% As 5ean and )r% Daly hurried to shut the dinin"roo windows& Nancy saw 5ohn and Dic$ dash across the side lawn toward the inn% Rain ca e pourin" down in sil!ery sheets% There was another resoundin" thunderclap& then a !i!id flash of li"htnin"% A splinterin"& crashin" sound followed% "4h- 5ean shrie$ed% "The inn(s 'een struc$"

# !etter

THE crash had co e fro

the front of the inn% E!eryone raced throu"h the lo''y to peer outside%

"4h" Nancy cried% "The historic lilac tree is down%" The lo!ely "tree of "ood fortune" had fallen onto the lawn& splintered and charred% ")ore 'ad luc$" E ily said ournfully% +uddenly )aud 'urst out& "This is the last straw0 I( fed up with a place full of thie!es& weird noises& 'o 's& a tre 'lin" 'uildin"/ I 8uit%" +he turned a scathin" loo$ on )rs% Willou"h'y% "You "ot e into this% Than$s for nothin" I(!e found a 'etter *o' on y own" E ily(s face was e1pressionless as )aud snapped open her purse and fu 'led throu"h its contents% +he drew out a letter and flourished it% "This is an offer of a position I recei!ed today fro the Hotel Clay ore in Ri!er Hei"hts% I(!e already accepted it&" )aud stated% "E ily& I didn(t "o to the e ploy ent a"ency *ust to find you a waitress& 'ut to find a decent *o' for yself% ,ut I as$ed the ana"er not to say I had 'een there%" With di"nity E ily said& ")aud& Dic$ will write a chec$ for whate!er salary we owe you%" With a triu phant air )aud arched upstairs% E ily loo$ed around an1iously% The waitresses and coo$s had "athered in a corner of the hall% 4'!iously they had not issed a word of what had 'een said% Nancy sensed what her friend was thin$in"7 that the e ployees were pro'a'ly suspicious a'out the fire% Now that )aud had entioned the 'o '& all of the i"ht 'eco e alar ed enou"h to "i!e notice% Prospects for .ilac Inn(s success would indeed 'e di % "I ust help E and Dic$ 'efore it(s too late&" Nancy told herself deter inedly% As the rain a'ated and the s$y 'e"an to 'ri"hten& the en went outside to e1a ine the fallen lilac% Nancy now turned to )rs% Willou"h'y& who see ed al ost in a da2e% "Perhaps you(d 'etter sit down and rest&" she said $indly%

E ily(s aunt "a!e a "reat si"h% "I will% Please co e with three "irls% When they were seated& E ily said& "Aunt Ha

e to E ily(s office&" she as$ed the

2el& was )aud Potter threatenin" you in so e way#" "I( afraid so&" )rs% Willou"h'y replied wearily% "Actually I 'elie!e she wouldn(t ha!e carried it out% ,ut I couldn(t 'e sure/" To the "irls( dis ay& the wo an 'ro$e down and so''ed% Nancy patted her shoulder% "Won(t you tell us a'out it#" Re"ainin" co posure& )rs% Willou"h'y nodded% "I feel terri'le% When I 'rou"ht )aud here& I thou"ht I was helpin" E ily and Dic$% ,ut it(s turned out *ust the opposite% "Anyhow&" she went on& "I et )aud a year a"o at a party in Ri!er Hei"hts% We 'eca e friendly/attended the theater and so forth% )aud see ed !ery pleasant and "ood co pany at the ti e% And I also felt sorry for her%" "+orry#" Helen echoed% )rs% Willou"h'y e1plained that )aud(s hus'and had died se!eral years 'efore& lea!in" her penniless% +ince then& she had wor$ed at !arious resorts& 'ut not !ery lon" at any one% "When )aud heard a'out .ilac Inn& she persuaded e that& with her e1perience& she(d 'e ideal as social director% ,ut soon after her arri!al here& she as$ed e to lend her a lar"e su of oney/ clai ed to ha!e a lot of unpaid 'ills which her salary wouldn(t co!er% )aud 'eca e an"ry when I refused& 'ut she continued her de ands for oney%" E ily interrupted& "Aunt Ha2el& why didn(t you tell us she was 'otherin" you# Dic$ would ha!e as$ed her to lea!e%" ")aud insinuated that if I tried to force her to lea!e& she would say that/that I had stolen your dia onds& E ily& 'y "ettin" the fro the 'an$ wee$s a"o& and su'stitutin" the fa$e stones"How dreadful- Nancy cried out& and E ily added fiercely& "That awful wo anl ,ut& Aunt Ha2el& we ne!er would ha!e 'elie!ed her%" "I $now&" )rs% Willou"h'y said ruefully% ",ut with so wasn(t thin$in" lo"ically%" any stran"e thin"s happenin"& I "uess I ention 5ean

Nancy had one ore 8uestion to clear up re"ardin" )aud Potter% +he decided to Hol es( warnin" a'out the wo an%

"Did any of you notice )aud "oin" into our cotta"e the day of the fire#" Nancy as$ed% "4r our roo here#" No one had% 3urther ore& )rs% Willou"h'y added& "I 'elie!e 5ean ust ha!e 'een ista$en% When )aud wasn(t with us& she stayed in her roo typin"% +he pro'a'ly was writin" letters of application%" Presently Nancy e1cused herself& sayin" she wanted to ta$e a wal$ and do so e thin$in"% 4nce outside& she too$ a trail toward the ri!er% Drops of rain still spar$led on the folia"e% Nancy(s thou"hts re!erted to 5ean(s story a'out )aud% "It sounds as thou"h the waitress not appear so uneasy when I entioned >'lue pipes(#" i"ht

ha!e 'een tellin" the truth% ,ut why would she want to incri inate )aud# And why did 5ean

The youn" sleuth suddenly roused fro her concentration on the pu22le and 'eca e aware of an interestin"& "narled apple tree alon" the ri!er/'an$% 5ust then she noticed an en!elope stuc$ in a crotch of the tree% Nancy pic$ed up the da p en!elope& wonderin" if it had 'lown there durin" the stor or 'een placed in the crotch& perhaps for so eone to find% There was no sta p or address on the en!elope& only a na e/)iss .illie )erriweather% +uddenly Nancy(s eye was cau"ht 'y the fact that in the typed na e the letter a was !ery faint% This& as well as the rest of the typin"& re inded Nancy suddenly of the en!elope found with her char"e plate% "I wonder if they were done on the sa e achine0" she thou"ht e1citedly% The flap of the en!elope had 'eco e unsealed fro da pness and the "irl slid the letter out easily% A pin$ lilac spray adorned the top left corner of the stationery% A essa"e 'elow it& all typed& read7
ear !illie0 2 hope we can get together soon. 2,ve /een /usy lining up an important -o/. 5ive my /est toyour dad. Tell him 2 have a /eautiful /lue pipe for him. Hope to see you soon. Hastily" /ut with love" 5ay Nancy(s heart was thu pin" with e1cite ent% .ilacs/"'lue pipes"/two en!elopes 'earin" the sa e type/was so eone na ed 5ay her i personator# "The na e .illie )erriweather sounds !a"uely fa iliar&" the "irl detecti!e thou"ht% Hastily she slid the letter 'ac$ into the en!elope and put it in the tree% +he would alert the police to watch for anyone returnin" to loo$ for the letter% As Nancy hurried 'ac$ to the inn& she recalled )rs% Willou"h'y sayin" that )aud Potter had 'een typin"% ,y so e chance was the director still a possi'le suspect in the ystery# Was she the person who had typed the en!elope containin" Nancy(s char"e plate# "I(ll chec$&" Nancy deter ined% +he went upstairs and $noc$ed on )aud(s 'edroo open 'y the director% "Yes#" she snapped% ")ay I co e in#" Nancy as$ed% ;rud"in"ly& )aud allowed Nancy to enter and the detecti!e saw that a suitcase was nearly pac$ed% 4n a des$ stood )aud(s typewriter& with a 'lan$ piece of paper in the roller% "Well& Nancy& what do you want#" )aud as$ed% @B Watchin" the wo an closely& Nancy 8ueried& "Ha!e you heard fro ;ay or .illie lately#" "What#" e as if I had )aud appeared fla''er"asted% "I don(t $now any ;ay or .illie% Now stop 8ui22in" done so ethin" cri inal%" "I suppose&" Nancy said icily& "that practically 'lac$ ailin" )rs% Willou"h'y isn(t#" To her surprise& )aud 'urst into tears% ,etween so's she told Nancy that she had ne!er intended to carry out her threat% "I don(t $now why I did it% Ha2el has 'een !ery "ood to e% I "uess I(!e *ust 'een upset and worried a'out oney e!er since y hus'and(s death%" Nancy could not help feelin" a little sorry for the wo an% Ne!ertheless& she as$ed& "Do you $now anythin" a'out the ti e 'o ' that was set off in y cotta"e#" door% It was flun"

"No- )aud loo$ed shoc$ed% Nancy was sure she was tellin" the truth% "I(!e 'een *ealous of you& Nancy&" she ad itted& "'ut I(d ne!er do anyone physical har %" As )aud dried her eyes& Nancy wal$ed toward the des$% Nonchalantly she typed out her na e on the typewriter% N$a$n$c$y. #ll the letters were clearly defined% The suspicious en!elopes had definitely not 'een typed on this achine% +he turned to )aud& wished her "ood luc$ in her new position& and left% Then Nancy went downstairs and told Helen& Dic$& and the Wil/lou"h'ys a'out the letter and her inter!iew with )aud% "I( con!inced

that )aud won(t cause any ore trou'le&" she stated% "And now& if you(ll $eep e!eryone out of earshot of the phone& I(ll call the +tate Police and su""est they watch for ;ay%" Nancy had *ust finished her con!ersation when )aud Potter ca e downstairs% +he loo$ed asha ed& and said she would not accept the chec$ Dic$ offered her% +he as$ed hi to use the oney for wor$ on the resort% A few inutes later the e1/director left in a ta1i% +uddenly e!eryone was startled 'y )r% Daly rushin" frantically fro ";racious0 What(s the atter#" )rs% Willou"h'y as$ed hi % ean the one you were car!in" fro ")y 'lue pipe(s issin"0 Has anyone seen it#" "Do you lilac wood#" Nancy as$ed% his office%

)r% Daly nodded& sayin" he had *ust co pleted wor$ on the pipe a few hours a"o% He had searched e!erywhere for it% Althou"h the pipe was of no "reat !alue& he had pro ised it to a friend% No one present had seen the hand/car!ed piece% "Why would anyone ta$e it#" Helen pu22led% At that o ent Nancy recalled the wordin" of ;ay(s I ha!e a 'eautiful 'lue pipe for letter% "Tell hi

hi %" Could ;ay possi'ly ha!e referred to )r% Daly(s pipe& and she& or so e acco plice& ha!e stolen it for .illie(s Dad# If so& ;ay was certainly fa iliar with .ilac Inn and its occupants% At that o ent Nancy "lanced into the dinin" roo % *ean Hol es was settin" ta'les for suppe@rB% +uddenly Nancy had a !i!id recollection of the shy waitress starin" at )r% Daly(s pipe while he had 'een showin" it to Nancy% Could *ean ha!e stolen it for ;ay# ,ut for what reason# +ayin" nothin" of her speculations& Nancy as$ed her friends if the na e .illie )erriweather eant anythin" to the % "There(s an actress na ed .illie )erriweather&" Helen spo$e up% "+he plays 'it roles on ,roadway% I thin$ now she has parts ostly in stoc$ theaters throu"hout the country%" "That(s ri"ht&" said )r% Daly% "In fact& I read that she(s with a stoc$ co pany in ,rid"eton& a'out se!enty/fi!e iles fro here%" "Helen& let(s dri!e to ,rid"eton to orrow0" Nancy proposed e1citedly% "I ha!e a hunch .illie )erriweather can tell us so ethin" a'out the ystery at .ilac InnCHAPTER <=II

7$he Net Tightens

HE.EN ea"erly a"reed to "o with Nancy to call on .illie Alerriweather& the actress% "It would 'e fun e!en if there weren(t a ystery&" she said% A little later .ieutenant ,rice arri!ed at the inn with another trooper% In Dic$(s office Nancy told hi a'out ;ay(s letter and the spot near which she had found it% "We(ll $eep watch&" the officer pro ised% He too$ the other trooper aside and whispered instructions% The an nodded and left% .ieutenant ,rice then told Nancy and her friends that no clues had 'een disco!ered to the person who had placed the ti e 'o '% "There was an unusual silencer on it& howe!er&" he said% "That(s why you didn(t hear the tic$in"& Nancy& until a short ti e 'efore the 'o ' was due to e1plode%"

The officer also said that 'esides the red panel truc$& se!eral other cars in the area had 'een stolen% "+o e of the !ehicles ha!e 'een reco!ered& 'ut there(s still no si"n of the red truc$% We(ll $eep loo$in"&" the lieutenant pro ised as he left% +unday ornin" Nancy and Helen were up early for church and their trip to ,rid"eton% After 'rea$fast the "irls went to the par$in" lot% To their astonish ent& Nancy(s con!erti'le was not there0 ";ood ni"ht0" Nancy e1clai ed% Rapidly she searched her hand'a" for the $ey% It was not there% "I ust ha!e left the $ey in the i"nition0" she chided herself% Helen "roaned% "Your car pro'a'ly was stolen 'y one of those thie!es0" 5ust then& 5ohn )c,ride dro!e into the lot in his *eep% "Hi0" he "reeted the "irls% "Why so "lu #" When Nancy told a'out her issin" car& 5ohn su""ested that he and the "irls "o off in his *eep and search the "rounds 'efore reportin" the loss% "Your car ay only ha!e 'een hidden 'y a pran$ster&" he su""ested% "This is the day for car trou'le&" he added% "I *ust fi1ed a flat tire%" Twenty inutes later the "roup spotted Nancy(s con!erti'le near a cornfield across the lane fro the orchard% They e1a ined the !ehicle& and found it intact% The $ey was in the loc$%

The Net Tightens

HE.EN ea"erly a"reed to "o with Nancy to call on .illie Alerriweather& the actress% "It would 'e fun e!en if there weren(t a ystery&" she said% A little later .ieutenant ,rice arri!ed at the inn with another trooper% In Dic$(s office Nancy told hi a'out ;ay(s letter and the spot near which she had found it% "We(ll $eep watch&" the officer pro ised% He too$ the other trooper aside and whispered instructions% The an nodded and left% .ieutenant ,rice then told Nancy and her friends that no clues had 'een disco!ered to the person who had placed the ti e 'o '% "There was an unusual silencer on it& howe!er&" he said% "That(s why you didn(t hear the tic$in"& Nancy& until a short ti e 'efore the 'o ' was due to e1plode%"


The officer also said that 'esides the red panel truc$& se!eral other cars in the area had 'een stolen% "+o e of the !ehicles ha!e 'een reco!ered& 'ut there(s still no si"n of the red truc$% We(ll $eep loo$in"&" the lieutenant pro ised as he left% +unday ornin" Nancy and Helen were up early for church and their trip to ,rid"eton% After 'rea$fast the "irls went to the par$in" lot% To their astonish ent& Nancy(s con!erti'le was not there0 ";ood ni"ht0" Nancy e1clai ed% Rapidly she searched her hand'a" for the $ey% It was not there% "I ust ha!e left the $ey in the i"nition0" she chided herself% Helen "roaned% "Your car pro'a'ly was stolen 'y one of those thie!es0" 5ust then& 5ohn )c,ride dro!e into the lot in his *eep% "Hi0" he "reeted the "irls% "Why so "lu #" When Nancy told a'out her issin" car& 5ohn su""ested that he and the "irls "o off in his *eep and search the "rounds 'efore reportin" the loss% "Your car ay only ha!e 'een hidden 'y a pran$ster&" he su""ested% "This is the day for car trou'le&" he added% "I *ust fi1ed a flat tire%" Twenty inutes later the "roup spotted Nancy(s con!erti'le near a cornfield across the lane fro the orchard% They e1a ined the !ehicle& and found it intact% The $ey was in the loc$% "Whoe!er too$ it had a short trip&" 5ohn co ented% Nancy wondered whether the un$nown drii had only played a pran$% If so& why# To discoura her fro "oin" to ,rid"eton# 4r had the pers planned to steal the car 'ut 'een scared off# The "irls stepped into the con!erti'le and tol 5ohn their destination% ".ots of luc$&" he sai The dri!e to ,rid"eton too$ a'out an hour a14 a half Nancy and Helen arri!ed in ti e to attet ser!ices in the 8uaint& white& ei"hteenth/centu church% Then they had lunch at a tearoo % "Where do we loo$ for )iss )erriweather#"& as$ed Helen as they paid their chec$% "The tho ater(s closed today%" ***l Nancy as$ed the tearoo su ana"er where th ) 5, inutes later the "irls wal$ed into t er stoc$ people were li!in"%

"At the )ontrose Hotel& two 'loc$s down%" Ten S*M )I s all hotel% They learned fro GAG% M@

the des$ clef& that lia the actress and her father had +uite 5l

As Nancy and Helen rode up in the ele!ator

they re!iewed a plan they had wor$ed out earlier Sm To a!oid rousin" suspicion& Nancy would pretend66& to 'e an actress na ed Dru ;ruen% +he would furl' ther pretend that she $new ;ay 'ut had lost con$(& tact% Helen was to pose as a dancer% As the youn" sleuth $noc$ed on the door ofd +uite GAG& she was filled with anticipation% Would the !isit yield the answer to the ystery& or wou@ldB it pro!e to 'e only a false lead# The door was opened 'y a tall& sli dress of *ade/"reen sil$% youn" wo an& with sil!er/'lond hair% +he wore a 'eco in"

"Yes#" she as$ed in a throaty !oice% Nancy s iled% ")iss )erriweather# I( Dru ;ruen& an actress& and this is )arsh& a dancer% I understand you $now ;ay% We(re tryin" to locate her%" y friend Hel"a

The actress loo$ed startled% ";ay )oreau#" "Yes&" Nancy replied without hesitation% )iss )erriweather in!ited her callers into an attracti!e li!in" roo % A fine/loo$in" elderly an arose fro a chair as they entered% "Papa&" said the actress& "these youn" ladies are theater people/)iss ;ruen and )iss )arsh% They(re loo$in" for ;ay%" )r% )erriweather& too& appeared startled% "We ha!en(t seen ;ay in 8uite so e ti e&" he said% ")ay I as$ why you(re tryin" to find her#" "We thou"ht we(d li$e to ha!e a little reunion&" Nancy e1plained% "We ha!en(t seen ;ay recently& and don(t $now her present address%" "We don(t $now where she(s li!in"& either&" .illie put in% "I ha!en(t heard fro ti e I saw her%" "When was that#" Nancy as$ed% Nancy and Helen were a a2ed to hear this% ,ut they ana"ed to conceal it% "I i a"ine&" Nancy said carefully& "that ;ay(s 'een ha!in" a hard ti e%" .illie and her father a"reed% "=ery sad%" )r% )erriweather si"hed% ";ay had talent% ,ut a fi!e/ year sentence for chec$ for"ery doesn(t help one(s career%" "I can(t understand why she did it&" Nancy said% "Pro'a'ly 'ecause ;ay was poor ost of her life&" .illie re inisced% "4nce success ca e her way& she spent all her earnin"s on lu1uries% ,ut ;ay couldn(t stop 'uyin" e1pensi!e thin"s% I "uess she fi"ured for"ery was the easiest way to "et ore oney%" )r% )erriweather frowned% "What 'othered e was that ;ay swore re!en"e on the person who was instru ental in ha!in" her sent to prison%" "The one whose si"nature she for"ed#" Helen as$ed% "+he didn(t ention the na e&" replied .illie(s father% "How old is ;ay now#" Nancy in8uired% "A'out twenty/se!en&" .illie answered% "I wonder&" Nancy pursued& "if she still li$es >'lue pipes(#" "4hl ;ay ust(!e told you that the /e!en wore lilac colors%" eans lilacs- .illie e1clai ed% "+he certainly was cra2y a'out ;ay since the last

"+ay 9 )r% )erriweather e1clai ed% "I wonder if ;ay sent e the pipe ade of lilac wood I@Bre/cei!ed yesterday% There was no return address on the pac$a"e& and the post ar$ was 'lurred ust(!e "otten wet%" When he showed the pipe to Nancy& she could scarcely hide her e1cite ent% The pipe loo$ed e1actly li$e )r% Daly(sl ,ut she as$ed .illie in an offhand way if ;ay had e!er spo$en of .ilac Inn% "Why& yes&" the actress replied% "If you ean the old place in ,enton that ;ay said she !isited as a child& when the inn was owned 'y a relati!e of hers/so eone who(d li!ed in the West Indies%" "He was a +paniard& I 'elie!e&" Nancy put in& "na ed Ron Carioca%"

"That sounds ri"ht&" .illie said% )r% )erriweather spo$e up& "You sa$e%" i"ht find ;ay in ,enton% )ay'e she went 'ac$ for old ti es(

"A "ood idea% We(ll loo$ there&" Helen said% Nancy si"hed% "I suppose she(s chan"ed 8uite a 'it since/her i prison ent%" .illie shoo$ her head% "+urprisin"ly& no% I(ll show you%" The actress went to a ta'le and pic$ed up a scrap'oo$ of clippin"s% +he thu 'ed throu"h the pa"es and pointed out a recent a"a2ine picture of an attracti!e odel with "olden hair% "This is ;ay% .oo$s *ust li$e her%" The youn" sleuth studied the picture% It struc$ her there was so ethin" fa iliar a'out ;ay(s eyes% The two "irls than$ed the )erriweathers and left% They "ot into the car and headed for ,enton% Elatedly& Nancy and Helen discussed e!erythin" they had learned/;ay(s last na e& the fact that she had 'een in prison& and her childhood association with .ilac Inn% "Do you thin$ she is your dou'le& Nancy#" as$ed Helen% "There(s a rese 'lance% ,esides& 'ein" an actress& ;ay $nows how to use a$e/up s$illfully%" ine&" Nancy added% "Yes% Also& the color of her hair is si ilar to

",ut&" said Helen& "I can(t understand why ;ay decided to i personate you in the first place%" "I( inclined to thin$ it had nothin" to do with the ystery of .ilac Inn in the 'e"innin"&" Nancy replied% "+he wanted clothes and *ewelry& so too$ y char"e plate% ,ut later she decided to use the dis"uise to $eep 5ohn and e fro our s$indi!in" trip%" "You ean ;ay was at the inn#" "Yes% ?nder an assu ed na e& of course%" Helen "rinned at the youn" sleuth% "And ne1t you(re "oin" to tell e who she was% Well& one person she couldn,t ha!e 'een was )ary )ason% You saw her in Doc$!ille& and said she(s hea!ier and older than you%" Nancy pursed her lips% "I ne!er chec$ed the description of that )ary )ason with E ily% +he ay not ha!e 'een the )ary who wor$ed at the inn& 'ut was in lea"ue with her& and was as$ed to pose as )ary )ason& waitress%" Helen was a a2ed% "Nancy& you(re a whi2% ;ay and )ary pro'a'ly are the sa e person%" "That(s what I suspect& Helen% 3irst& we(ll chec$ with E ily%" When the "irls reached the inn& they 8uestioned E ily% "Now that I thin$ of it& Nancy&" E ily said& ")ary )ason was a'out your hei"ht and wei"ht& and her colorin"(s li$e yours%" "That settles it&" said the youn" sleuth% "I( "oin" to tal$ to Chief )c;innis i her friends co!erin" the e1tension phones& Nancy told hi of her suspicions% ediately%" With

"You(!e certainly ade "reat pro"ress& Nancy&" he praised her% "I(ll as$ the Doc$!ille police to "et a line on the )ary )ason you tal$ed to there%"

"Than$ you&" said Nancy& then she called her father% Hannah said that )r% Drew had "one out to dinner with a client& so Nancy as$ed the house$eeper to "i!e hi a essa"e% "4f course% Ha!e you sol!ed the ystery#" Hannah in8uired hopefully% Nancy said not yet& 'ut to tell her father that she had an i portant clue to her i personator% "As$ hi to call e at the inn& please%" Hannah pro ised to do so& and said that she hoped to hear the whole story soon% At supperti e 5ohn was not present at the ta'le% Helen as$ed nonchalantly where he was% "5ohn said he had an errand to do&" Dic$ replied% When the eal was o!er& Nancy encountered 5ean Hol es in the center hall% "If anyone should phone e& will you please call e&" she re8uested% "I( "oin" outside for a wal$%" "I(ll 'e "lad to& )iss Drew&" said the waitress% Actually Nancy wanted to find Carl ,ard and as$ the "uard if he had seen anythin" suspicious or o'tained any clue to her dou'le% +he et hi co in" toward the inn to supper% "No& I ha!en(t&" he replied to her 8uestions% "It(s 'een !ery 8uiet here%" Nancy than$ed hi and wal$ed off% +he strolled throu"h the "rounds& thin$in" o!er the day(s e!ents% Who had used her car# Had 5ohn any idea as to the dri!er(s identity# Was it the person responsi'le for the flipper trac$s 5ohn had e1a ined se!eral days a"o in the orchard# Nancy continued toward the water reflecti!ely& 'ut did loo$ 'ac$& wonderin" if 'y chance anyone i"ht 'e followin" her% +uddenly she saw 5ean Hol es e er"e fro the $itchen door of the inn% No one else was in si"ht% "+he(s pro'a'ly loo$in" for e&" Nancy thou"ht% "Chief )c;innis or Dad ust ha!e phoned%" Nancy e1pected 5ean to call out her na e& 'ut she did not do so% The youn" sleuth was a'out to hail the "irl when she noticed that 5ean was carry in" a s all suitcase% +he "lanced furti!ely fro left to ri"ht& then headed for the ri!er% +o e instinct caused Nancy to duc$ 'ehind a lar"e oa$% 5ean reached the water and turned ri"ht% Nancy stealthily followed the waitress% The other "irl wal$ed on 8uic$ly until she reached the lilac "ro!e% Then she slipped throu"h an openin" in the 'ushes% Curious& Nancy decided to $eep shadowin" the waitress% The trail led Nancy upstrea alon" the ri!er for a'out half a ile% Presently 5ean approached a dilapidated 'uildin"% +he entered the partially open& sa""in" front door% As Nancy crept forward& she loo$ed a'out her constantly% +uddenly she stifled a screa % A "rotes8ue shape was e er"in" fro the ri!erl The apparition had stu''y 'ac$ fins and a 'ul"in" "lassed/in prow% It was a'out fifteen feet lon" and painted a so 'er 'lue% Then reco"nition struc$ Nancy full force% "That(s the >shar$( I saw underwater/a su' arineiniature

3ascinated& she watched the craft "lide into a co!e ad*acent to the shed% A o ent later a an(s hand lifted 'ac$ the "lassed/in section and a fi"ure in s$in/di!in" "ear stepped to the "round% ,efore Nancy could decide what to do& she was "ra''ed fro clapped o!er her outh% 'ehind and a rou"h hand was


# Su/marine &risoner

NANCY stru""led 'ut could not free herself or see her captor as she was pushed toward the shac$% A cloth had 'een tied o!er her outh% 4nce inside the dilapidated 'uildin"& she 'lin$ed in astonished dis'elief%
.ean Holmes stood peering into what loo%ed li%e a cellar* 5il 5ary" the gardener" was holding open a trap door to the opening*

5ean and ;il stared at Nancy and her captor% "Well& Nancy Drew& the detecti!e0" 5ean(s !oice was no lon"er shy& 'ut strident% "Where did you find her" 3ran$#" "+pyin"& was she#" ;il added% "+he sure was&" said the years old& and of ediu an called 3ran$% The youn" detecti!e o'ser!ed that he was a'out fifty 'uild% His hair was Helen

cropped close% +uddenly Nancy reali2ed that he ust 'e the 'oat an with a crew% cut who had seen and also the fisher an on the ri!er she herself had 8uestioned% +he reco"ni2ed his nasal !oice% ,ut 5ean@ Nancy was astounded% What was this trio up to# 4'!iously so ethin" underhanded% Was ;ay& alias )ary )ason& in lea"ue with the # And how did the iniature su' arine fit into their sche e# 3ran$ aintained a ti"ht "rip on Nancy(s ar % ";uess you won(t "o s$in di!in" for a while%" He "a!e a harsh lau"h% "You 'et&" 5ean spo$e up& her eyes "lea in" coldly% Nancy noticed the "irl no lon"er wore "lasses% "We(ll see to that% Nancy Drew won(t e!er "et a chance to re!eal our sche e0" ;il nodded% "We(!e "ot to clear out pronto and ta$e her with us% The ship ent(s a'oard the 'oat% E!erythin"(s cleaned out of here%" The three acco plices held a whispered consultation% ,efore Nancy had ti e for further analysis& ;il loo$ed at his watch% "We(!e "ot to step on it% +i on will 'e worried%" "+ee you there&" 5ean said to Nancy slyly% "Try to fi"ure this one out& )iss Pri!ate Eye0" At these words& 3ran$ "a!e Nancy a sho!e and dra""ed her to the ri!er% The "ear was waitin"% Nancy stru""led to "et away& 'ut to no a!ail% an in s$in/di!in"

To her horror& the s$in di!er forced her into the 'ac$ seat of the iniature su' arine and tied her securely% +he had a "li pse of 3ran$& ;il& and 5ean 'oardin" a otor'oat hidden in a near'y co!e% Then the s$in di!er shut the transparent hatch and the su' 'e"an to descend% "How a I e!er "oin" to escape#" A wa!e of terror swept o!er the youn" sleuth% As the su' arine plun"ed downward& Nancy told herself sternly& "I ust $eep cool0"

+he noticed that the s$in di!er re ained in front with another an& who was pilotin" the craft% "They(re two ore e 'ers of the "an"&" Nancy thou"ht% "I wonder who +i on is# And what $ind of ship ent is on the 'oat ;il entioned# Are we headin" there now#" The na!i"ator was steerin" forward& usin" a si ple control stic$ and auto atic pedals% He and the fro" an $ept their 'ac$s turned to Nancy% Were these en ene y a"ents& or s u""lers# Perhaps E ily(s dia onds were part of the ysterious ship ent0 Nancy thou"ht a'out the roc$y o!erhan" under which the shar$/nosed su' had 'een hidden% "I suppose 3ran$ was the loo$out&" she con*ectured% "And ;il pro'a'ly went to eet hi in a canoe fro the inn%" +he concluded that the s$in di!er had pro'a'ly thrown the spear at her% "Either to "et rid of e for "ood& or scare e away% And it was pro'a'ly this su' that caused Helen and e to capsi2e in the canoe%" It occurred to Nancy that e!en if she learned the answers to all her 8uestions& it i"ht do her no "ood% Escape see ed i possi'le% +he reali2ed that none of her friends& her father& or the police would ha!e the sli"htest idea where she was% Then a faint hope ca e to her% Carl ,ard had seen her lea!e the inn-If only they thin$ to search the ri!er&" Nancy thou"ht worriedly% Tryin" to for"et her fears& the youn" sleuth concentrated on the two sche in" waitresses7 )ary& dou'tless a dis"uise of ;ay )oreau& and 5ean Hol es who "It(s fantastic/'ut/if ;ay can i personate Hol es#" e& and pose as )ary& why couldn(t she 'e 5ean

Nancy was sure the actress could easily play any role/plus 'ein" ;ay herselfl ;ay& 'eautiful 'ut a!aricious6 easy"oin"& fli"hty )ary& and shy& plain 5ean% ;ay& fa iliar with the inn& had dis"uised herself as )ary% +he could ha!e 'een the ""host&" so eti es as a titian 'londe& at others wearin" a dar$ wi"% As part of the scare operation& she had left& usin" the e1cuse of the place 'ein" haunted% Then she had co e 'ac$ in another dis"uise/as 5ean Hol es% ;ay& as )ary& could easily ha!e o!erheard )rs% Willou"h'y descri'in" E ily(s twenty dia onds& and also tellin" )aud the planned date of presentation% Then )ary 'ou"ht the su'stitutes% +he had slipped into the hidden closet without 'ein" seen and co itted the theft% The speculation 'rou"ht Nancy 'ac$ to the present% Had 3ran$ and the en on the su' helped with the dia ond ro''ery# Was the cellar in the ri!er shac$ 'ein" used to hide stolen "oods to 'e ta$en away later in the su'# Would the answer to these 8uestions e1plain the other ysterious e!ents& includin" the ti e 'o ' and the !i'rations at the inn& all done to scare people away fro the place# It see ed to the youn" sleuth that a"es had "one 'y since her capture% ,ut now the su' slowly ascended to the surface% Nancy heard the na!i"ator say that so ethin" was wron" with the

echanis % As he steered toward a s all ca'in cruiser a few hundred feet away& Nancy saw that they were on an isolated section of the )us$o$a Ri!er% The su' stopped alon"side the cruiser and the pilot opened the hatch% He untied Nancy fro seat and helped her ount a s all ladder to the dec$ of the cruiser% the

Awaitin" the were 5ean Hol es& ;il ;ary& and 3ran$l 5ean lau"hed triu phantly% "Well& ha!e a nice trip#" she taunted Nancy% ?na'le to spea$& and "uarded closely 'y ;il and 3ran$& holdin" flashli"hts& Nancy "a!e her a dis"usted loo$% +he scanned the ri!er for other near'y craft% There were none% If only a Ri!er Police Patrol 'oat would co e 'yl ,ut none did% )eanwhile& the s$in di!er and pilot had hitched the iniature su' arine to the stern of the cruiser% As the di!er too$ off his face as$& Nancy saw that he was dar$& wiry& and had an i passi!e e1pression% dean "estured toward the pilot& a stoc$y an of a'out thirty% "This is y 'rother/in/law ,ud&" she s ir$ed& as ;il tied Nancy(s ar s 'ehind her 'ac$& then 'ound her le"s to"ether with a stout rope% "I couldn(t introduce you when you !isited y sister in Doc$!ille% +he did a "ood *o' of 'ein" )ary )ason& eh& Nancy#" Nancy(s theory a'out two )ary )asons was correct0 Also& it was now apparent that ;ay )oreau had assu ed her 'rother/in/law(s last na e for her first .ilac Inn dis"uise% The ne1t o ent Nancy was thrust !iolently forward throu"h the door of a s all ca'in% +he fell to the floor& and the door was sla ed 'ehind her% +i ultaneously& the cruiser(s en"ine churned and the 'oat 'e"an o!in"% Despair en"ulfed Nancy% )eanwhile& 'ac$ in Ri!er Hei"hts& Chief )c;innis had *ust recei!ed a phone call fro the Doc$!ille chief% He reported that the house Nancy had !isited was e pty% Nei"h'ors had said that the three occupants& a hus'and and wife and a wo an relati!e had rented the house% They had 'een 8uiet& and $ept to the sel!es% 4ne wo an nei"h'or had entioned& howe!er& that occasionally she heard ha erin" and drill in" noises co in" fro the 'ase ent of the house% The police ser"eant had chec$ed and disco!ered so e electronic e8uip ent in the cellar& alon" with se!eral 'oo$s on na!i"ation and s$in di!in"% ",ut we found a real pri2e in the "ara"e&" the ser"eant added% "The stolen truc$ that al ost ran into )iss Drewl We(re $eepin" a sta$e/out on the house%" Chief )c;innis had *ust hun" up when a call ca e in fro said tersely& "ha!e you heard fro Nancy#" "Not since this afternoon% Why#" The lawyer e1plained that he had *ust returned ho e& and telephoned the inn% He had learned fro )iss Willou"h'y that Nancy had 'een issin" for se!eral hours% "E!eryone& includin" the +tate Police& are out loo$in" for her% Nancy(s con!erti'le is still in the par$in" lot% Her canoe and di!in" e8uip ent are still there% "I don(t li$e this at all&" Carson Drew went on "ra!ely% "I understand y dau"hter called you after tal$in" with so e actress who "a!e her a clue to the person who(s 'een posin" as Nancy%" "Yes& Nancy thin$s her i personator is an actress with a prison record% Her na e is ;ay )o/ reau%" Carson Drew% "Chief&" the lawyer

";ay )oreau- Carson Drew e1clai ed% "Chief& if that "irl(s responsi'le for Nancy(s disappearance& y dau"hter is in "reat dan"er"%


No Escape*

E=EN as Carson Drew ade the pronounce ent that Nancy(s life was in dan"er& his dau"hter was thin$in" the sa e thin"% +he was lyin" on the ca'in floor where she had 'een thrown& and was tryin" to loosen the ropes which 'ound her% Nancy "lanced around the tiny ca'in% It had two 'un$s& a ta'le& and a chair% "E!en if I could wor$ yself free& there(s no escape route&" she thou"ht% The i prisoned "irl loo$ed toward the one tiny porthole% At this hea!ily% The ri!er ust 'e "ettin" rou"h% o ent the cruiser 'e"an to roll

5ust then the ca'in door was opened and Nancy felt a stron" "ust of wind% 5ean Hol es entered the roo and sla ed the door shut% +he "a!e Nancy a "loatin" loo$% "Co forta'le# 4h& I for"ot% 4ur cle!er sleuth can(t tal$%" The e1/waitress wal$ed o!er and tore

the cloth fro


outh% The "irl(s lips felt parched and dry%

5ean lau"hed oc$in"ly% "I suppose you(d li$e a drin$ of water% Well& Carson Drew(s dau"hter can stay thirsty% Than$s to hi &" she said 'itterly& "I "a!e up ost of the lu1uries of life for 8uite a while"Dad- Nancy cried out% "What did he ha!e to do with/" +he 'ro$e off& suddenly recallin" the waitress(s startled reaction when Nancy(s father had peered into the inn dinin" roo % Nancy also re e 'ered the )erriweathers( story% "I thin$ I understand&" Nancy said% "It was for"ery& ;ay )oreauy father who pro!ed you were "uilty of chec$

The other "irl see ed thunderstruc$% ,ut she 8uic$ly reco!ered her poise% "+o you found out who I a % Well& it won(t do you any "ood%" ;ay(s tone was sinister% Nancy re ained outwardly cal 6 at least& she could stall for ti e% "You(re the "irl who i personated e in ,ur$(s Depart ent +tore&" the youn" detecti!e accused% "Also& you played the parts of 5ean Hol es and )ary )ason at .ilac Inn%" "You can call e ;ay now&" the "irl sneered% "I had you fooled& thou"h& didn(t I# ,ut then& I was a "ood actress 'efore I went to *ail% Your father represented one of the persons whose chec$s I for"ed% I told hi the day I was con!icted I(d "et re!en"e%" Nancy nodded% "And you "ot your chance to do it 'y posin" as Carson Drew(s dau"hter&" she said% "3irst you 'ro$e into our ho e and stole y char"e plate& and the sil!er/fra ed picture to copy y appearance% You too$ a flowered dress of ine& too%" "That(s ri"ht%" ;ay tossed her head defiantly% "The into y new social life%" in$ stole& e!enin" "owns& and watch will fit

"And I suppose E ily(s dia onds will& too#" Nancy prodded%

;ay s iled triu phantly% "Yes& I ha!e the real *ewels& and E ily Willou"h'y has the fa$e ones% A tidy haul% They(re here in this ca'in% We(ll sell the for a fancy price where we(!e disposed of a few other thin"s%" ;ay 'e"an 'oastin" of how the *ewel theft had 'een acco plished% +he said that after lea!in" *ail she had not 'een a'le to find theatrical parts% 3inally& she had for"ed references& and wor$ed as )ary )ason for )rs% +tonewell% "After that&" ;ay went on& " y 'rother/in/law ,ud& ;il ;ary& 3ran$& and their pals ca e up with a sharp idea of 'uyin" the su' to use on the An"us Ri!er so no one could spot the place we were usin" as a hide/out% And that was why ;il and I went to wor$ at .ilac Inn% Ne!er ind that part now% Anyhow& while I was there I o!erheard )rs% Willou"h'y tell that wo an )aud when she was "oin" to present the dia onds% I decided to steal the at the party% ;il turned off the li"hts at the ri"ht o ent%" o!e% When ;il had phoned her that Nancy was at .ilac Inn& ;ay said she had sche ed her ne1t

"To throw people off the trac$& I dis"uised yself as 5ean Hol es and went to the E pire E ploy ent A"ency to as$ for waitress wor$ at .ilac Inn% What a 'rea$ when I et )aud Potter there and "ot the *o' without re"isterin" at the a"ency%" "+o that(s why you ca e to the inn earlier for an inter!iew&" Nancy inter*ected% ".ater you snea$ed 'ac$& and hid in the secret closet%" "Yes% What ade you "uess I was the thief#" Nancy e1plained a'out the lilac petals and other clues& includin" the note she had found which led her to .illie )erriweather% ".illie- ;ay said scornfully% "Did she tell you that she was one of the people whose chec$s I for"ed#" "No- Nancy replied in a a2e ent% ;ay sneered% ".illie chan"ed her ind and didn(t prosecute/always felt sorry for e and her dad did too% I li$ed hi % In fact& I stole )r% Daly(s 'lue pipe and ailed it to )r% )erriweather% ,ut .illie(s had all the sta"e 'rea$sl I hated her& 'ut ne!er let onNancy stared at ;ay un'elie!in"ly% The for er actress certainly had a twisted outloo$ on lifel Now ;ay said she had put the note to .illie in an old apple tree for 3ran$ to pic$ up and deli!ery ",ut he didn(t co e/that 5ohn )c,ride was alL ways snoopin" around% He e!en found our shac$( 'ut not what was in it% I finally ana"ed to snea$ the note away when the police an turned his 'ac$%" "You decided&" said Nancy& "to throw suspicion away fro yourself 'y i plicatin" )aud Potter%" i"ht 'e "+ure&" ;ay ad itted% "laud Potter was a natural for your suspicions% +o I fi"ured you lie!e she was the one who put the dia ond in your purse% I did that& and "ot a friend of ine to 'u p into you at a "ood o ent% "Also& I was the ysterious "irl Helen saw in the "ro!e% ;il was the one who $noc$ed )iss Cornin" out% He "ot panic$y when he saw her& and thou"ht she i"ht not 'e fooled 'y the >haunt( idea%" "And of course&" Nancy said dryly& "you and I et face to face in the "ro!e%"

"You were the "hostly fi"ure who *u ped out at e#" ;ay said& surprised% Then she lau"hed% "Pretty "ood i personator yourself%" +he e1plained that on the ni"ht Nancy had encountered her& she had 'een in a hurry and for"otten to wear the dar$ wi"% Nancy(s 'onds were 'itin" into her s$in pain fully% ,ut she "a!e no si"n of this as she as$ed ;ay& "Did you print on a paper a prunin" >'lue pipes(#"

essa"e a'out

"Yes% ,ud told e to put it there for ;il% It eant the su' would arri!e that ni"ht%" ;ay said that "'lue pipes" had 'een used as a si"nal in other ways% The flowers she& as 5ean& had placed in the dinin"/roo window eant "Watch out for sleuths%" ;ay ad itted also that the "an" had tapped the inn(s telephone wires after ")ary )ason" had left% At that o ent the ca'in door opened% A an Nancy had not yet seen stood there% He was tall and dar$& with thin features% ;ay introduced hi as +i on& her fiance% "You tal$ too uch& ;ay&" he "rowled% I"norin" Nancy& he added& "It(s !ery fo""y and the water(s "ettin" rou"her% 3ran$ and ;il are watchin" for patrol 'oats% ,ud(s steerin"%" +i on left% ;ay then opened a lar"e Nancy proudly% a$e/up $it% +he too$ out two wi"s% "Watch this&" she told

The actress pulled off the 'rown wi" she was wearin" and put on a reddish/'lond hairpiece% Then she applied lon" eyelashes and hea!y rou"e and lipstic$% ")eet )ary0" she said% Nancy did not co ent% Instead& she as$ed& "Did one of your pals throw a roc$ at y car#" "Yes& as a warnin"& 'ut you i"nored it&" ;ay replied% "I $new throu"h ;il you were suspicious% We were ready in case you hit Doc$!ille%" ;ay re o!ed her )ary )ason a$e/up% "And now& eet your dou'le& Nancy Drew- she said(66 dra atically% The capti!e sleuth watched as ;ay deftly ar& ran"ed her hair li$e Nancy(s% Then& with eye'row pencil and other cos etics& transfor ed her face% Nancy had to ad it the rese 'lance was stri$in"% "Incidentally&" said ;ay& "than$s for the loan of your pin$ dress% Wish I could ha!e $ept the date with that handso e 5ohn )c,ride%" "Tell e& who was responsi'le for the essa"e phoned to Anna#" Nancy as$ed% ",ud% He(s a "ood i ic&" ;ay 'ra""ed% "And our s$in di!er threw the spear at you when 3ran$ si"naled%" "Whose idea was it to place the ti e 'o '#" ")ine&" ;ay replied% ",ut ;il put it in the cotta"e%" ;ay now ad itted that ,ud(s id"et su' arine was the o'*ect which had capsi2ed the "irls( canoe% He and +i on had 'een in the craft and were practicin" a partial ascent as the "irls passed o!er it% "That was really *ust an accident&" ;ay added% Nancy(s ind dwelled on the su' arine% Was it also part of ,ud(s "sharp idea"# +he could "et no answer fro ;ay a'out this% The actress did ad it that the "an" was responsi'le for 'rea$in" in and turnin" on the phono"raph record& stealin" the lilac tree& and di""in" the hole into which Han$ had fallen% They had also caused the inn to 8ua$e 'y usin" a stron"@ !Pi/'ratin" runnin" off with it 'efore 'ein" detected% achine a"ainst the cellar wall& then

All these thin"s had 'een done& ;ay said& to a$e E ily and Dic$ close the inn and $eep Nancy and the others fro detectin" the "an"(s pro*ect until they were finished in this locale and could a$e a "etaway to another spot% "We $new you were findin" out too uch&" ;ay told Nancy% "+o we had to act fast% The trou'le was& nothin" ade you "et out4n a sudden hunch& Nancy 8ueried& "Does this other pro*ect of yours ha!e to do with the tools#" ;ay hesitated% "That(s so ethin" you(ll ha!e to fi"ure out%" 5ust then& the 'oat dipped sharply% ;ay clutched her sto ach% "4h& I feel terri'le- she cried& her face a "rayish "reen% "I thin$ I( seasic$The i personator slu ped into a 'un$% Nancy(s eyes darted around the ca'in& tryin" to "uess where the dia onds i"ht 'e% Certainly not in any of the o'!ious places% Her "lance lin"ered on a wall 'aro eter% This would 'e an ideal spot if its 'ac$ were hollowl Then the ca'in door opened and ;il entered% "What(s the atter with you& ;ay#" he said rou"hly% "C( on% We(re headin( for shore till this 'lows o!er and the fo" lifts%" "4h& lea!e e alone- ;ay said irrita'ly% "I( ill% The ne1t o ent there was a crash and the sound of splinterin" wood% Nancy was hurled headlon" across the ca'in& and ;il and ;ay were flun" to the floor% They heard cries fro outside and so eone shoutin"& "A'out& ,ud0 A'out0" ;il was the first to reco!er fro the crash% He dashed out of the ca'in% In a inute he was 'ac$ with +i on% "We struc$ a lo"0" +i on "asped% "We(re sin$in"0 And there(s a fire in the en"ine- ",esides& so e 'oat(s approachin"- ;il added% ")i"ht 'e a patrol% 3ran$ and the others ha!e *u ped o!er% We(re scra in" too& in the su'%" ";et up& ;ay- +i on ordered% ,ut the for er actress& chal$/white& see ed una'le to actress to her feet% o!e% +i on rushed o!er and yan$ed the issin"

"The dia onds- ;ay screeched% "We can(t for"et the 0" "We can(t 'e cau"ht with loot&" +i on ar"ued% "We(ll s$in/di!e for the dia onds later%" He "lanced toward Nancy% "I(d 'etter cut her loose%" The an "roped in his poc$et for a $nife& 'ut ;ay stopped hi % "Don(t 'e a fool- she hissed% "If she drowns& we can(t 'e 'la ed% ;ood/'y& Nancy DrewThe trio raced fro

the ca'in% Nancy& 'ound and helpless& was left alone in the sin$in" ship%

Nancy,s Citation

?NTI. now& Nancy had not fully 'elie!ed that he captors would let her perish% ,ut she was lef 'ound hand and foot& a'oard a sin$in" !essel0 +uddenly Nancy sniffed the acrid s ell o s o$e /the fire was spreadin"l +he screa ed fo help until her throat was hoarse% Then& a'out t faint& Nancy heard an answerin" shout& and th sound of a 'oat pullin" up outside the porthole% "4h& than$ "oodness&" she 'reathed fer!ently% +hortly& two en in Ri!er Police Patrol unifor s hurried into the ca'in% They 8uic$ly untied Nancy and carried her on dec$% +he saw that the fo" had

thinned and that the cruiser(s stern was afla e% Desperately she tried to tell the "an"& and what had happened% "No ti e to tal$ no!e- one of the ur"ed%

en of the escape

The patrol 'oat stood near the 'ow of th cruiser& which was al ost su' er"ed% Nancy an the en 8uic$ly transferred to the other 'oat% As the patrol craft pulled away& "iant searchli"hts played o!er the surroundin" waters% Captain )or"an& head of the patrol& ca e up 'eside Nancy in ti e to see the 'urnin" cruiser "o under% E ily Willou"h'y(s precious dia onds would soon 'e on the ri!er 'otto % Nancy identified herself& and 8uic$ly e1plained a'out 'ein" ta$en prisoner and left in the sin$in" ship to drown% "You ust capture the fi!e en and ;ay )oreaul +o e of the are pro'a'ly swi in" to shore% The others went in the su'%" To her astonish ent& the captain as$ed Nancy to loo$ throu"h a near'y porthole into a ca'in where three en sat% "Reco"ni2e the #" he as$ed% "Yes0" Nancy "asped% ",ud )ason& 3ran$& and the s$in di!erCaptain )or"an nodded% "We fished the out of the water *ust 'efore rescuin" you% They said they had *u ped o!er'oard after collidin" with a fallen lo"/'ut nothin" a'out any prisoner on the cruiser%" "Naturally0" said Nancy% "Hurry0 You i"ht still spot the su' if it hasn(t su' er"ed%" Captain )or"an loo$ed du'ious% Ne!ertheless& he 'ar$ed an order% A hi"h/'ea searchli"ht was played o!er the water% A o ent later Nancy cried out& ".oo$0" A shar$/shaped o'*ect could 'e seen floatin" a'o!e water in the distance% Captain )or"an pic$ed up 'inoculars% "You(re ri"ht& )iss Drew% It is a s all su'- he e1clai ed% "3ull speed aheadNancy waited tensely as the patrol craft pulled alon"side the su' arine% ;ay& ;il& and +i on were inside it& with the hatch open% Captain )or"an and his en "a!e the actress a startled loo$& then "lanced at Nancy% The "irl(s heart san$% No wonder the en were confused0 ;ay still wore her Nancy Drew dis"uise0 ";ay )oreau has 'een i personatin" e&" e1plained Nancy& as the trio were helped a'oard and towlines attached to the su' arine% "+he and the others are dia ond thie!es%" "This "irl has 'een i personatin" e for so e ti e- ;ay snapped% ")y na e is Nancy Drew0" The youn" sleuth started to protest& when ;ay withdrew a wallet fro the poc$et of her dress% Nancy was du founded when ;ay too$ out a dri!er(s license and handed it to the captain% "This license was issued to )iss Nancy Drew of Ri!er Hei"hts&" the captain said& frownin"% Nancy reali2ed that ;il ust ha!e stolen the license when he planted the 'o ' in the cotta"e0 ;ay s iled triu phantly% "This "irl is the thiefl +he was tied up 'ecause she snea$ed a'oard our 'oat and tried to steal *ewelry fro situation to $eep fro y lu""a"e%" Nancy reali2ed that 'ein" arrested% No one the actress in desperation had cle!erly re!ersed the

a'oard could& or would& identify the real Nancy Drew% If the "an"(s stories were 'elie!ed the si1 custody% i"ht 'e released% Nancy could 'e ta$en into

",y the ti e y identification can 'e esta'lished& the others will ha!e reco!ered the dia onds and escaped&" she thou"ht desperately% 5ust then& a fo"horn sounded and the "roup on 'oard saw a searchli"ht sweepin" across the water% )o ents later& a second patrol launch ca e into !iew and pulled alon"side% ;ay )oreau had pushed forward to stand in front of the youn" sleuth% At the sa e ti e& Nancy and she reco"ni2ed Carson Drew standin" at the railin" 'eside 5ohn )c,ride and .ieutenant ,rice% Also present was Chief )c;innis% "Nancy" )r% Drew called% "4h& Nancy& y dear& you(re safe" ;ay s iled and wa!ed 'ac$% Then she ed"ed furti!ely toward the stern& as if intendin" to *u p o!er'oard% Nancy& eanwhile& had 'een e1pectin" such a o!e% ?nnoticed 'y ;ay she had 'ac$ed up se!eral feet% The ne1t o ent& as the actress hurled herself toward the rail& Nancy tripped her% ;ay went sprawlin" on the dec$% "That(s one score e!ened&" Nancy said fir ly% ,ut ;ay was still undaunted as Carson Drew wal$ed across a plan$ and was a'out to step onto the dec$ of the other craft% +he leaped to her feet% +ho!in" Nancy aside& she dashed toward )r% Drew% "Dad/I( so "lad to see you- she cried& and was a'out to flin" herself into his ar s when Nancy inter!ened% "No& Dad& it(s a dis"uise0" she e1clai ed& and "rasped ;ay 'y the ar % With her free hand& she ru''ed off so e of the actress(s hea!y a$e/up% As ;ay stood "larin" 'alefully& her true loo$s were disclosed% Carson Drew said se!erely& "Well& ;ay )oreau& *ustice is catchin" up with you a"ain%" Then he $issed his dau"hter% All this ti e +i on had 'een pinned a"ainst the railin" 'y se!eral of the police% Now he ade a desperate effort to *u p o!er'oard& 'ut was instantly stopped% "Well& I "uess we(!e had it& ;ay&" he said "ri ly% ;ay(s features were contorted with ra"e% "Ne1t ti e we(ll set a 'etter 'o ' for you& Nancy Drew" she screa ed% "There(ll 'e no ne1t ti e- Chief )c;innis spo$e sternly& as the ri!er police officers put handcuffs on ;ay& ;il& and +i on% ,rief e1planations were ade to Captain )or"an& who led the chief and .ieutenant ,rice to the ca'in where the other three capti!es were 'ein" "uarded% The officials spent so e ti e interro"atin" the while Nancy tal$ed to her father and 5ohn )c,ride& 'rin"in" the up to date on the recent happenin"s% ";ay al ost had e fooled& until we ca e on 'oard&" Carson Drew ad itted% et with Carson Drew& Nancy& and 5ohn% .ater& in the captain(s 8uarters& the officials

"Nancy& you deser!e an e1planation fro e&" said 5ohn% "I told you once that y Ar y wor$ , was confidential% Actually I(!e 'een wor$in" on a case while !isitin" at .ilac Inn%"

5ohn stated that he was in reality a a*or at an Ar y issile 'ase% "+o e top/secret electronics parts had 'een stolen fro the 'ase& and suspicion fell on 3ran$ .o"an& a ser"eant in the En"ineers( Corps& who had 'een dishonora'ly dischar"ed not lon" 'efore the theft% Nothin" was e!er pro!ed& 'ut y ission was to follow up on the an and deter ine his "uilt or innocence 'eyond a dou't%" The a*or had o'tained a clue that 3ran$ was in the Ri!er Hei"hts area and finally traced hi to the !icinity of ,enton% 5ohn decided that stayin" at .ilac Inn& owned 'y his friend Dic$& would 'e a "ood co!er/up% "4ne day& near the ri!er& I ca e upon a piece of an en"ineer(s insi"ne fro the sa e 'ranch 3ran$ was in% This "a!e e an idea that he was in the !icinity% When you and Helen entioned the an with the crew cut&" 5ohn e1plained& "and his not tryin" to rescue you& I thou"ht he i"ht 'e 3ran$% Yet I had no luc$ pinpointin" his wherea'outs% That is& until I heard certain tools useful to an en"ineer and Dic$(s *i" saw were issin"% And when you found the etal de!ice in the lilac "ro!e& Nancy& I reco"ni2ed it as a stolen electron ics part% That reaffir ed y suspicions that 3ran$ shops and was near'y%" )a*or )c,ride continued& "I also learned that electronics parts were 'ein" stolen fro factories in this re"ion& and the thie!es were usin" a different stolen car or truc$ each ti e for their "etaway& then a'andonin" it%" He told Nancy that the red panel truc$ was one of the !ehicles used and Chief )c;innis e1 plained to Nancy a'out findin" it in Doc$!ille& alon" with 'oo$s on na!i"ation and s$in di!in"% Nancy learned that ;ay had disco!ered the ri!er shac$(s old cellar when !isitin" the inn as a child% While wor$in" for )rs% +tonewell& ;ay had told ,ud and his pals a'out the place and they hatched the sche e for storin" the stolen parts there% +o e of the electronics e8uip ent& 5ohn dis closed& was 'ein" sold on the 'lac$ ar$et at a town a hundred ,y stealin" the dia onds& ;ay and the croo$s iles down the )us$o$a Ri!er%

would ha!e enou"h oney to li!e la!ishly for a while until ready to start their nefarious sche e a"ain% "Were they the ones who used y con!erti'le and left it in the lane#" Nancy as$ed% 5ohn replied Yes& 'ut only to cause one ore annoyance% The a*or now e1plained that he had recei!ed per ission fro his superiors to tal$ with the police% "A 'lac$/ ar$et operator who was arrested tipped us off that the croo$s fro who he was 'uyin" parts i"ht 'e in ,enton last ni"ht to arran"e for a final "etaway%" 5ohn said he had returned to .ilac Inn that e!enin" in ti e to eet )r% Drew& Chief )c;in/nis& who had co e alon" durin" his free hours 'ecause of his interest in Nancy& and .ieutenant ,rice% The trooper had *ust recei!ed word o!er the police radio of the accident to the cruiser% This& to"ether with the fact that Carl ,ard had seen Nancy "o toward the ri!er& had "i!en 5'hn the idea that the en should 'oard a patrol 'oat and search the sin$in" cruiser% "This certainly has 'een an in!ol!ed and dan"erous ystery&" said Carson Drew% "Yes& and Nancy deser!es ost of the credit for sol!in" it&" the +tate Police lieutenant spo$e up% Nancy chuc$led% "Don(t for"et& we still ha!e to find E ily(s dia onds% 5ohn& how a'out a s$in/ di!in" search 'y dayli"ht to orrow#"

"With pleasure%" 5ohn "rinned% E!eryone at .ilac Inn was relie!ed and than$ful to learn that Nancy was safe and that the ysteries had 'een cleared up% The followin" ornin" the Willou"h'ys& Dic$& and Helen ca e alon" to witness the treasure/di!in" e1pedition% A ri!er patrol launch stood 'y as Nancy and 5ohn s$in/di!ed to the 'otto of the )us$o$a Ri!er% After locatin" the sun$en cruiser& the couple 'oarded it and entered the ca'in where Nancy had 'een i prisoned% The sleuth went i ediately to the wall and too$ down the 'aro eter% To her disappoint ent& the dia onds were not secreted there% 5ohn and Nancy loo$ed in e!ery concei!a'le hidin" place& 'ut found no clue% Nancy rac$ed her 'rains& tryin" to i a"ine what spot ;ay would ha!e chosen% A sudden hunch ca e to her as she spotted the actress(s a$e/up case% Nancy opened it& and searched a on" the contents% +he pic$ed out two tu'es of lipstic$% Nancy re o!ed the tops and "asped%
The tu/es were cho%ed with glittering diamonds*

5ohn "a!e Nancy a con"ratulatory pat on her shoulder% The "irl detecti!e put the lipstic$s into a pouch attached to her waist and the di!ers surfaced% E ily was thrilled upon reco!erin" her *ewels and tears ca e to her eyes% Dic$ and )rs% Wil/ lou"h'y could not praise Nancy enou"h% 5ohn 'ea ed at his s$in/di!in" co panion% "4ne of your 'est deductions& Nancy%" A little later that day 5ohn announced that a sal!a"e crew had raised the cruiser% A stoc$ of !alua'le electronics parts was found in the s all hold& includin" those 3ran$ .o"an had stolen fro the issile 'ase% The "an" had planned to sell any of the to an ene y a"ent% A wee$ later Nancy was honored at a colorful Ar y cere ony where she was presented with the Distin"uished Ci!ilian +er!ice )edal for outstandin" wor$% "This is ar!elous% Than$ you- she said% When the youn" detecti!e returned to .ilac Inn for a party on the e!e of E ily(s weddin"& the 'ride/to/'e "a!e her two attendants pins set with tiny dia onds% Nancy(s was in the for of a lilac spray% "I had this ade especially so you(ll ne!er for"et the "Dic$ and I will 'e fore!er "rateful to you%" ystery at .ilac Inn& Nancy%" E ily s iled%

"+o e18uisite" Nancy cried& and than$ed her friend% "This was such a challen"in" ystery%" +ecretly she wondered when another sleuthin" ad!enture would co e her way% "+oon& I hope&" Nancy thou"ht% +he was to ha!e her wish when she found herself in!ol!ed in The Secret of Shadow +anch. .ater& as Nancy& Helen& and E ily were tal$in"& the two older "irls suddenly stopped spea$in" on the su'*ect of their forthco in" weddin"s% Helen said& ";oodness& Nancy& you ust 'e tired of hearin" us tal$ a'out steady partners when/" Nancy interrupted% .au"hin" "aily& she said& "Not at all% 3or the present& "oin" to 'e ystery" y steady partner is

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