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REPORT WRITING ( BEL 422 ) A Case Study to Investigate The Reason Behind Students Lack Of Competency In English Language In Malaysia











Literary Review












All praises to the Almighty Allah S.W.T. for allowing us to complete this report. Without His Grace, we would not be able to complete our assignment for Report Writing ( BEL 422 ). First and foremost, we would like to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our lecturer, Madam Raihan Binti Musa for giving us a chance to do this assignment as it will provide us with a lot of benefits in the future. She also gives us a lot of advices and shares her knowledge so that we could finish our work. Her exemplary guidance and brilliant ideas have given us a clear view in completing this report. Besides that, our grateful thanks are also extended to all participants involved in our survey for giving full cooperation in answering the questionnaire. Their willingness allows us to collect substantial amount of data for further analysis. Other than that, we are grateful to our family members and friends for their continuous moral supports and encouragement. They have been helping us by providing the ideas and opinions regarding to this assignment without any complaints.Without them, the completion of this report would not be possible. Lastly, we would also like to thank to the rest whom we may have miss out here for giving us a helping hand, directly or indirectly, throughout this report.

INTRODUCTION Background Of Study Language is a humans important tool in communicating among themselves. It acts as an equipment to bring the meaning, message and thought from one person to another. Language is defined by Wolfamn and Johnson ( 1982 ) as a kind of knowledge which a speaker can understand a language just because they can speak it. Linguistics is the study of language that has many major branches such as semantics ( the study of meaning in language ), phonetics ( the study of speech sounds ), phonology ( the study of combination of sounds to produce meaning ), syntax ( the study of rules ) and morphology ( the study of words structure ). The mastery of linguistics is very important and crucial as it will determine our level of comprehension in English. English is considered as the basic second language in Malaysia and its importance has been emphasized by our former Prime Minister, TunDr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad, who has done a lot of improvement in our education system in making sure that all students are able to master or at least, achieve certain target in learning English as second language. English has been regarded as important as other science and mathematics subjects in school as it plays major roles in the students lives. In learning and mastering a foreign language like English, there will be some sort of linguistics problems faced by the students, especially the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Due to these factors, the students always find it as a excuse from mastering the language and in order to overcome the problem,many solutions have been carried out. Throughout the years, the government has created many of new programmessuch asTeaching of Mathematics and Science in English ( PPSMI )and spent a lot of money in implementing them in

the whole nation. It was carried out in stages, began with the 2003 schooling session which involved all Year One students for primary schools, Form One and Lower Six students for secondary schools. The efforts to enhance and enrich the mastery of English among the students are non stop and it always developing all the time. The latest programme introduced by the government is the MemartabatkanBahasa Melayu Dan MemperkukuhkanBahasaInggeris( MBMMBI ) in 2012. This programme is the policy of the Ministry of Education Malaysia to ensure the usage of Malay Language as a medium of communication in all national schools and secondary schools and at the same time, to ensure that each child can master both Malay and English languages well and fluently.

Research Question 1) What are the students common problems in English? 2) What are the reasons of lack of competency in English among the students? 3) What are the teachers ways to overcome the problems in English faced by the students? 4) How far the efficiency of curriculum and syllabus of English subject in ensuring the students performance?

Research Objective The objectives of this research are: 1) To investigate the students common problems in English subject. 2) To find out the reasons of lack of competency in English among the students. 3) To analyze the teachers ways to overcome the problems in English faced by the students.

4) To study the efficiency of curriculum and syllabus of English subject in ensuring the students performance.

Significance of study The reason why this study is significant can be explained from three aspects. Firstly, this study investigates the students common problems in English subject. Through this research, it might provide the answers to the teachers and also to the Ministry of Education in finding a more suitable ways in overcoming the problems. Secondly, the reasons of lack of competency in English among the students can tell us what hinders them from mastering the language even though they have been learning that subject for 11 years. Lastly, it is hoped that this study may be able to help the Ministry of Education in investigating and constructing a better plan to improve the students achievement in English.

Limitation of study Although the research managed to achieve the targeted objectives, there was an inevitable limitationfaced by us. Our main problem was the schools that we went to collect the data were busy and not able to entertain us due to their schedule. As the school holiday was getting nearer, the schools needed to prepare and handle a lot of programmes for the students. We had to visit the schools several times because the English teachers were really busy and it was hard to give the questionnaire for them to answer. Although we only needed at least 15 English teachers to participate in our research, it actually took us some time to meet with all of them.

FINDINGS During conducting this research, the participants were divided into two groups, teachers and students. All data and findings collected from both groups were analyzed separately. TEACHERS

The Age Ranges of English Teachers

8 7 6 5 Number of 4 Participants 3 2 1 0 20 - 30 30 - 40 Age 40 - 50 60 above

FIGURE 1.0 The Figure 1.0 above shows the age ranges of fifteen English teachers who participated in our research. It is shown that seven English teachers are between 20 to 30 year old, which is the highest age range among the fifteen teachers. Besides that, the numbers of teachers who are in their 30 to 40 year old and 40 to 50 year old are the same, which are four people respectively. This shows that number of young English teachers is higher compared to the middle aged and older teachers. From this research, we can say that the lack of competency of students in English can be a result from the teachers skills and experience in teaching English. As the young

teachers are very inexperienced, they may have certain difficulties and obstacles in delivering their lessons, compared to the older teacher who have more experience and know how in making sure their students achieve the targets.

The Teachers' Language Preferance At Home

1 6%

Malay 5 31% 8 57% Mandarin English Tamil

1 6%

FIGURE 2.0 In the Figure 2.0 above, the analysis refers to the teachers preferred language when they are at home. 8 teachers represent 57%, which is the highest number of the participants who use Malay as their preferred language at home. Meanwhile, 31% of the percentage was presented by 5 teachers who use English as their preferred language as they teach the language. Thepercentage of 1 teacher use Mandarin and 1 teacher use Tamil as their communication medium at home is the same, which is 6% respectively. From this analysis, it can be said that most English teachers are more comfortable to use their mother tongues such as Malay, Mandarin and Tamil as

thecommunication medium when they are at home and they only use English in delivering their lessons to the students.

The Use of Technology in The Classroom

2 16%

Yes No

13 84%

FIGURE 3.0 Figure 3.0 presented above shows the findings based on the usage of technology such as Power Point by the English teachers in delivering their lessons. From the 15 participants, 13 teachers represent 84% who use technology in the classroom. Meanwhile, the rest 2 teachers represent 16% who do not use technology in their teaching and learning session. From this figure, it can be seen that most teachers are aware about the needs of technologyin helping them to deliver their lesson more effectively and efficiently. They try another alternativeto make sure their lessons are interesting and are able to grab the students attention rather than depending to the traditional, dull methods such as using text books. By creating an exciting and conducive

learning atmosphere, the teachers can promote active learning and teaching experience between the students.

Teachers' Opinions
12 10 8 Number of Participant 6 4 2 0 The students use English often in the classroom Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 1 10 2 2 The students' performance in the English subject achieves my target 0 2 10 3 I always make sure my students achieve my target before I move to the next chapter 0 0 11 4

FIGURE 4.0 Figure 4.0 represents the teachers responds toward opinions related to the students performance in English subject. The responses are divided into three subtopics based on the questions asked.

1 )The students use English often in the classroom. Based on Figure 4.0, 11 teachers disagreed with the opinion that their students use English often in the classroom compared to only 4 teachers that agreed. Hence, this shows that the number of teachers that disagreed that the students use English often in the classroom is almost triple the number of teachers that disagreed.

2 )The students' performance in the English subject achieves my target. Figure 4.0 also shows 13 teachers agreed with the opinion that their students performance in the English subject achieved their targets. Meanwhile, only 2 teachers disagreed that their targets regarding with the students performance were not achieved. Consequently, this finding shows the number of teachers who were agreed that their students performance achieved the targets are six fold the number of teachers who were disagreed. 3 ) I always make sure my students achieve my target before I move to the next chapter. In Figure 4.0, it is clearly shown that 15 teachers agreed with the opinion that they always make sure their students achieve their target before they move to the next chapter.

Aspects of the English Language that are the hardest to master

9% 35%
Vocabulary Grammar Literature Structure


Based on the pie chart above, many of the respondents agreed that grammar and literature and among the hardest aspects of the English Language that are the hardest from them to learn and master. These are probably the hardest aspects because they are the most abstract aspects of the language which requires commitment and never ending practice over time. However, majority of the respondents agreed that vocabulary is the least hard aspect to be learnt because it may be acquired or obtained with a little bit of effort by flipping through more reading materials to gain a better grasp of the vast English vocabulary.

Suggested Solutions
46% 27% 27%

Drilling Exercise Reading

Based on the data collected from the previous pie chart, several solutions has been suggested by the respondents which are English teachers, in order to overcome the problems that the students are facing in learning the language. 46% of the respondents agreed that reading a lot of English books or materials can really help the students in overcoming their difficulties in acquiring the English language and being able to speak it fluently. Therefore, being experienced teachers in the teaching field, reading has been voted as one of the most effective way to resort to in order to help students overcome their problem in learning English.

Number of Respondents Attending Talks and Seminars Per Year

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Never 1 to 2 times 3 to 5 times a year a year

Number of Respondents


Based on the above bar chart, it can be seen that most of the English teachers, which are the respondents, attend talks up to only once or twice a year. This may be linked to the reason as to why the Malaysian students still lack in competency of the English language despite the long schooling years of learning and acquiring the language. Seminars and talks regarding the English subject is crucial for the teachers to be exposed to in order to give them a general idea on how to deliver the knowledge of the language efficiently to the students. Therefore, the lesser seminars and talks the teachers attend to, the lesser exposure they have and the knowledge of the language may not be effectively delivered to the students.

Respondents' Agreements and Disagreements on the Malaysian English Syllabus

Easy to plan the lesson

Incorporates all the learning skills

More than half of the total respondents agree with the Malaysian syllabus whereas 47% of the respondents disagree with the Malaysian syllabus. The reasons to the responses will be further analyzed in the next chart.


Reason to Disagreements on the Malaysian English Syllabus

Too exam oriented

Reason to Agreements on the Malaysian English Syllabus

25% 50% 25%

Too theme oriented Students cant relate to the content



Easy to plan the lesson Incorporates all the learning skills

The respondents had definitely had different views on the local Malaysian English Syllabus in its degree of effectiveness in delivering the language to the students. For those who supports the Malaysian syllabus agrees that the syllabus helps them to plan their lesson and provide them a guideline on how to execute the lesson effectively whereas 25% of the respondents agree that the syllabus incorporates all of the learning skills needed in acquiring the language. However, half of the respondents who do not support the Malaysian English syllabus agreed that the syllabus makes learning to be too exam oriented and that students will only acquire the language to only pass the test and forget the language later on. Whereas the other half of the respondents states that the syllabus is not very effective in helping the students to learn because it is too theme oriented and students are unable to relate to the content which eventually hinders their learning processes.


Respondents' Response on Following the Malaysian English Syllabus.


Yes 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Number of Responses

Most of the respondents responses indicate that they strictly follow the syllabus that has been outlined by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. 12 respondents agrees that they strictly follow the syllabus that has been given to them whereas three of them do not follow the syllabus and teach with their own preference of contents and teaching styles.


Findings (students)

Figure 3.1 Genders of Participants We have conducted this research on both genders. We also did the research on both sides because we do not want to be gender bias and let both of the gender answer our questionnaire. We managed to find 10 females students and 5 male students.


Figure 3.2Ages of Participants In this research, we only give out the questionnaire to the students who already finished the syllabus of English education in Malaysia. This is because; they have already gone through the system for at least 11 years of schooling. They can give critical reviews that we need in order to complete this research. As you can see in the Figure 3.2 that we managed to get 13 students from the range of age of 17-20, 1 student from the age of 20-25 and 1 student who is 25 years and above.

Figure 3.3 Family incomes In figure 3.3 we asked the students how much is their monthly family income. The highest income of the family is RM 6000 and above which represented by 6 people. Meanwhile the lowest number was RM 1001 2500 which represent by only a single student. In the other hand the second highest income of the family is RM 2501-4000. The lowest income which is RM 5001000 represented 3 people. While the RM 4001-6000, it only has two people represented for it.


Figure 3.4 Participants Latest Grade for English Subject Figure 3.4 shows that all of the participants get grade A for their latest English subject. Meanwhile there was none of them of who gets neither B, C, D, nor E.Generally speaking, all of the participants did well and have a good subject matter in English.

Figure 3.5 Area of Participants Live In Figure 3.5 shows the area at which participants live in. 60% of the participants (9/15) live in rural area. This shows that majority of the participants live in rural area compared to urban area. Meanwhile, 40% (6/15) of the participants live in the urban area. In general the number of both place is quite in balance with the ratio of 6:4


Figure 3.6 Participants use of English language out of the classroom Figure 3.6 shows how many of the participants use English language out of the classroom. The highest is eleven persons agree that they use English outside of the class. There are also two persons who strongly agree that they use English outside of the class. Meanwhile there are only two people who strongly disagree that they use English outside of the classroom. While there are no people who ticked disagree.


Figure 3.7 English is one of the languages commonly used at home. Figure 3.7 shows that the number of participant who uses English as one of the languages commonly used at home. The majority of the participants answered disagree with six people representing it. Meanwhile there is a tie between strongly disagree and strongly agree with both of it represents two people. While the second highest, there are four people who agree that they use English in their house.

Figure 3.8 Participants consider English to be an important aspect in communication.


Figure 3.8 show the number of Participants who consider English to be an important aspect in communication. The highest number is nine under the strongly agree department. It has the majority of the participants who was involved in this research. While the second highest is at the agree division with 6 people. We can say that majority of the participants agreed with English as an important aspect in communication.

Figure 3.9 Number of Participant who believed that Malaysian English syllabus help them to grasp basic knowledge of English Figure 3.9 shows Number of Participant who believed that Malaysian English syllabus help them to grasp basic knowledge of English. Ten person which is the majority answered yes the syllabus did help the students in Malaysia to grasp basic knowledge of English. Meanwhile 5 persons said it does not help.


Figure 3.99 Is Malaysian English language syllabus is too difficult for students Figure 3.99 asked the participants whether the Malaysian English language syllabus is too difficult for students. The majority with fourteen people answered no that they do not think it is too difficult. While only one people said it is difficult.

Figure 3.9.1

The bar chart in Figure 3.9.1 shows the ranks for the content of English syllabus that are emphasized in how the teachers teach their students. It is ranked by giving out 5 options which are comprehension, literature, grammar, essay structure and the vocabulary. Most respondents choose Literature as their main importance in teaching followed by vocabulary, grammar, essay structure and lastly, the comprehension. .

Figure 3.9.3 The pie chart in figure 3.9.3 displayed the responses given by students when they were questioned on which areas of difficulty that they found hardest. Based on the pie given, 9 of the respondents answered literature as being the hardest part to be studied upon. The same amount of respondents answered grammar and structure essay as being the hardest in learning English whereas 3 respondents choose vocabulary and comprehension as being the hardest.


Question 14

Figure 3.9.4 Useful Alternatives Media Figure 3.9.4 shows which media is the most useful when it comes to English. The highest is through songs which represents 14 votes. Meanwhile the lowest is magazines with only 6 votes. The second highest from the chart is movies with 12 votes. Whereas, the newspaper have 10 votes and storybooks have 11 votes. We can conclude that through songs and movie is where the correspondents think the best media to learn English


Question 15

Figure 3.9.5 Figure 3.9.5 shows that what students think of media when it comes to learning English. The highest who represents 13 votes thinks that Media does help students in Malaysia learning English. Meanwhile only two people who answered no. As we can see that most students agree that media play a role when it comes to English learning


Question 16

Figure 3.9.6 Teachers Teaching Style Figure 3.9.6 shows what students think about their teachers teaching style. The highest with 7 votes agree that their teachers teaching style is only average. Meanwhile the second highest with 5 votes thinks that their teachers teaching style is interesting. Then only two people think that their teachers teaching style is dull. Only a person votes that their teachers teaching style is very interesting. Meanwhile there is no one who votes for very dull. In conclusion, we can see that most students agree that their teachers teaching style is average.


Question 17

Figure 3.9.7 Teachers Teaching Methods

Figure 3.9.7 shows which methods is the best to teach English to the students in Malaysia. The highest vote is using the text books with 12 votes. Meanwhile the lowest is through drills and exercises with only three votes. Meanwhile is a tie between using movies and dramas as a teaching method with both at five votes. While the second highest is through presentation at 7 votes. We can conclude that students agree that the best method to teach English is through textbooks.


Question 18

Figure 3.9.8 In figure 3.9.8 shows that if the students seek alternatives in learning English. The highest with 15 votes said yes, that they do seek alternatives when it comes to learning English. Meanwhile there was no one who answered no. Therefore we can conclude that majority of the students use other alternative when it comes to English learning.


Question 19

Figure 3.9.9 Types of Alternatives Used Figure 3.9.9 shows what kind of alternatives did the students used to learn English. The highest vote is tuition with ten votes. While the second highest is talks with seven votes. The third is went through a seminars with 4 votes. Meanwhile, using games, television and conversing in English is tied with only a vote each. We can conclude that most of the students went through tuition to help them in learning English.


Question 20

Many of the participants who had participated in the questionnaires had different opinions on whether English classes at schools have helped them or not. The responses are as below English Classes Helped in Number Improving English Yes Responses 10 Teachers have skills and creativities No 5 The classes are boring of Students Reasons


Question 21

Figure 3.9.11 Figure 3.9.11 shows students preferences in learning. The highest is grammar with 8 votes. Meanwhile the second highest is by vocabulary by four votes, followed by internet with two votes. Meanwhile there were tied between drama, pronunciation, muet based learning, variety of English with just one vote each. We can conclude that grammar is the most preferred matter between other ways of learning.


Question 22

Figure 3.9.12 What students feel when conversing in English

Figure 3.9.12 shows what students feel when conversing in English. Most of the students (14 votes) did not feel ashamed when they conversed in English. Meanwhile only a single student voted yes that they feel ashamed when they conversed in English. We can conclude that the majority of the students did not feel ashamed when they conversed in English.


Question 23

For question 23, the participants are asked on the reasons of why did they choose the answer in question 22. For the participants that did not feel any embarrassment, four of them answered that they are encouraged to speak in English, 2 of the participants said that their friends are using English too, 3 of them stated that practice makes perfect. Nonetheless, 2 of them felt discouraged in speaking in English because they feel like they are being humiliated. 1 of the participants feels indifference in speaking English by saying that itll depends on the situation whether they will speak in English or not.


From all the findings that have been stated, a few conclusions have been made to give understanding based on students and teachers answers. Below are the questions intended for the questionnaire. Based on all the questions, we are able to make some conclusions. Research Question 5) What are the students common problems in English? 6) What are the reasons of lack of competency in English among the students? 7) What are the teachers ways to overcome the problems in English faced by the students? 8) How far the efficiency of curriculum and syllabus of English subject in ensuring the students performance?

Research Objective The objectives of this research are: 5) To investigate the students common problems in English subject. 6) To find out the reasons of lack of competency in English among the students. 7) To analyze the teachers ways to overcome the problems in English faced by the students. 8) To study the efficiency of curriculum and syllabus of English subject in ensuring the students performance.


4.1 Language Outside School Based on all the research that has been conducted, it is safe to say that both parties which are from the teachers and the students stated that English is not commonly used outside classroom and definitely not at home. This then resulted to why students are still not competent enough and comfortable enough to speak and utter English in their everyday life. They are not confident enough. When students do not practice the things that they have learned, it is found very hard for students to apply and to use the language proficiently. 4.2 Technology Used by Teachers in Conducting Their Lesson Most teachers and students claimed that they used and experience teaching and learning through some technology in class such as presentations and short video pertaining to the topic. Nonetheless, there are also students who claimed that the teachers are not using any elements of technology in their teaching. This maybe due to the fact that some schools are still left behind in their technology applications. However, most teachers claimed that they are using some technology in their class. Whenever they have ample time, they will take the students to the library to watch some short video about the topic that they are learning on that day. 4.3 Residential Area of the Students Most students who have responded to the questionnaire claimed that they are living in a rural area and less than half stated that they are living in an urban area. This separation of residential area gives ideas of where they are schooling which maybe in the rural area. As we all know, people who are living in the rural area put less emphasis on the importance of educating and also


in speaking in English. This distinctive difference in the area of living also resulted in the difference for their English subject. It is safe to say that perhaps teachers and students that are living in the rural area have less opportunities and necessities in attaining the needed consummation of English language. They are less exposed on the importance of using English language in their everyday life. 4.4 Aspects that are Found Hardest Both students and teachers claimed that among many elements to be teach and learn, grammar would be the hardest. As we all know, in order to speak well in English, teachers and students need to watch out for their grammar because it is part of speaking in English. People will disrespect you if you speak in English with lots of errors for grammar. However, grammar is a very difficult aspect to be teach by the teachers because many students would be discouraged by the difficulty level of grammar. In comparison with the students who are living in the urban area, they are already accustomed in speaking English without thinking too hard on the grammar part which is different from the students who are living in the rural area. They believe that in order to speak in English, one must be full aware of the grammar as well. 4.5 Alternatives Used by Teachers and Students Most teachers and students used other alternatives methods to improve their English skills. Some teachers ask the administration to invite some professional speakers to lecture and to give advices to the students. Some even make some events and activities to enhance the students creativity and their enthusiasm in learning English. They did not just focus on learning by reading. Nonetheless, we can see that some teachers prefer to teach their students through reading textbooks which can be dull and boring for the students. They will learn English but if

only by reading, it is hard for them to keep the learning to stay in their mind for a long time. Students are also be seen by participating in very little seminar and talks outside their school. When they do recruit themselves into seminar and talks, they will only participate in subjects like mathematics, biology and chemistry. Very little of them see English is a subject that should be prioritize. This is the reason why the students in Malaysia are still at their comfortable position. They are not pushed into pursuing English and they dont even feel that it is a necessities to learn English.



After analysing all of the data collected from the findings, some recommendations have been made in order to aid the Malaysians, especially the young students, to cope or overcome the lack of competency in the English language despite years of learning. First of all, it would be recommended that students are to be encouraged to speak English and use English outside of the classroom regularly. Teachers and parents play an important role in making this possible as they are the main driving force in the students journey of learning the English language. For instance, a meeting can be held between the teachers and parents and collaborate together in making sure that their students and children use the English language to its fullest in or out of the classroom. Other than that, the school can also play a big part in improving the students progress in learning the English language. School could have more English Weeks whereby students are not only encouraged to speak the language, but they can also encouraged to read more English reading materials to enhance their vocabulary and get them to familiarise with the various types and patterns of the ways the English sentences are being constructed. This can definitely boost the students confidence to write and speak in English fluently. Next, English teachers can also focus on specific areas that the students are having difficulties in. For example, according to the results of the findings, the students agree that literature, structure and grammar are among the hardest aspects of the language that needs to be learned by them. Therefore, teachers can provide the students with more reading material as with more references for the students to refer to, the more they can improve their understanding.

Exercises and drillings may also be included in the list of activities that are to be done while teaching these aspects of the language to get them to familiarise with the pattern of the language. Other than focusing on certain aspects of the language, a teacher can also turn the lesson into a fun and memorable lesson. For example, according to the results of the findings, presentations are one of the most common teaching styles that teachers resort to. Other than presentations, teachers can also use other teaching styles to deliver the lesson effectively to the students. One of it would be dramatizing or role playing in class. Activities such as these would get the students to be interested in the lessons that are to be delivered to them. Once the interest levels are high and secured, they would probably have less problems and more joy in learning and acquiring the language by heart. Next, the Malaysian English syllabus should also be adjusted and include more fun activities and not be too exam-oriented when concerning English. According to the results of the findings, some of the teachers agree that the syllabus being too exam oriented hinders the language development of the students. The syllabus makes the learning to be too structured and that the teachers too have no choice but to abide to the syllabus as closely as possible. The syllabus should include more lessons or topics that will interest the students and to not be too structured as this will limit their knowledge and interests in further acquiring the language. These recommendations are to be considered in overcoming the problems of students lack of English language competency despite long years of learning. These methods that have been suggested may help the students in their betterment in acquiring the language in the future.


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