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Naomi Spellman American Association for eo!rap"ers Conference in C"ica!o# Illinois Marc" $%# %&&'

I am a (is)al artist *+ trainin!, I "a(e *een! -it" /i!ital mappin! an/ comm)nications tools s)c" as PS# IS# an/ 0i1Fi in t"e conte2t of m+ art-or.# -"ic" mi!"t *e /escri*e/ as Locati(e Me/ia, Locati(e Me/ia )ses telecomm)nications an/ na(i!ational tools to /eli(er me/ia an/ information spatiall+ in or/er to create an alternate e2perience of a partic)lar site, I -o)l/ li.e to parse o)t a fe- of t"e political an/ performati(e aspects of -or. an/ researc" I "a(e *een /oin! an/ of Locati(e Me/ia -or. in !eneral, Artistic practices "a(e of co)rse al-a+s "a/ an important relations"ip to !eo!rap"+, From Lasca)2 to t"e site specific an/ lan/ art practices of t"e late %&t" cent)r+# as -ell as in t"e *roa/ ran!e of representational an/ arc"itect)ral accomplis"ments t"at occ)rre/ in1*et-een# t"eiss)es of !eo!rap"ic location pro!ressi(el+ mo(e/ from implicit t"eme to-ar/ a stat)s an e2plicit t"eme 3for e2ample# painters s)c" as Al*ert 4iersta/t# p"oto!rap"ers s)c" as Ansel A/ams# an/ Lan/ artists s)c" as Ro*ert Smit"son an/ Nanc+ Holt /eal -it" places as "a(in! )ni5)e i/entities for!e/ in part t"ro)!" artistic me/iation,6 T"e %&t" cent)r+ a//ition to t"e tra7ector+ of t"e art8!eo!rap"+ relations"ip emer!e/ from concept)all+ oriente/ performance art, First# t"e reali9ation t"at t"e meanin! in a -or. /epen/s on t"e role pla+e/ *+ t"e a)/ience centers t"e art1place relations"ip on t"e in/i(i/)al participants more so t"an t"e artist, Follo- t"is -it" Sit)ationist )+ De*or/:s insi!"t t"at ;/eri(e; 3a flo- of action6# an/ ;/eto)rnement; 3rero)tin! of flo-s of mo(ement to-ar/ t"e )nfamiliar6# co)l/ *e applie/ to t"e relation *et-een t"e *o/+ an/ !eo!rap"+# an/ -e can concl)/e t"at t"e notions of participant# *o/+ an/ place *ecome operati(e in a rat"er e2plicit manner in later %&t" cent)r+ performance art practice In t"e last fe- +ears# a/(ances in -ireless telecomm)nication# sensor tec"nolo!+# an/ eo!rap"ic Information S+stem tools "a(e inspire/ a ti/e of e2perimental creati(e pro7ects, Artists are )sin! t"ese ne- tools an/ location1a-are me/ia to rene!otiate "o- comm)nication# na(i!ation# an/ *i! /ata are pla+e/ o)t in space, M+ o-n -or. incl)/es a pro7ect I /i/ in %&&% to!et"er -it" % colla*orators calle/ <= Nort" $$> 0est# -"ic" )ses PS an/ a Ta*let PC to /eli(er an a)/io narrati(e an/ so)n/scape *ase/ on t"e )ser?s location, T"is pro7ect is sit)ate/ -it"in a % *+ % *loc. area near t"e $@&' Frei!"t Depot in /o-nto-n Los An!eles, T"e !oal -it" t"is pro7ect -as to *rin! *ac. t"e a)ra of t)rn of t"e cent)r+ Los An!eles at t"e site of t"is railroa/ ")*, C"aracters# stor+ /etails# an/ so)n/ effects -ere *ase/ on researc" of t"e area an/ earl+ railroa/ "istor+# an/ -o(en into an "istoric fiction t"at respon/s to t"e listener as s"e -al.s aro)n/ in t"e area -"ere t"ese e(ents mi!"t "a(e *een o*ser(e/ or o(er"ear/ once )pon a time,








A polemic seems to emer!e *et-een performance1*ase/ site specific -or.s on t"e one "an/# an/ /i!itall+ me/iate/ site specific e2periences on t"e ot"er, T"e former ten/s to emp"asi9e!# a /irect p"+sical 3an/ t"erefore pro(ocati(e6 en!a!ement -it" t"e p)*lic# an/ /irecti(es 3a set of instr)ctions follo-e/ *+ t"e artist# t"e a)/ience# or *ot"6, T"e latter are re5)ire/ to s+nt"esi9e an interface B a screen *ase/ interface of some sort m)st *e create/# *)t also t"e lan/scape or streets t"emsel(es m)st *e s+nt"esi9e/ or processe/ in or/er to pro/)ce t"e e2perience, One of t"e t"in!s I str)!!le -it" is "o- to em*race t"ese t-o sometimes opposin! imp)lses B performance an/ me/iation B *ot" of t"em intrinsic to onsite stor+tellin!, Per"aps a .e+ lies in "o- -e consi/er narrati(e, aret" Hos.ins in t"e paper session CStorie/ SpacesD Ne- Researc" on Narrati(e eo!rap"iesE 5)ote/ N 0"ite, I am parap"rasin! "ereD T"e content of an+ narrati(e is not create/# rat"er t"e social f)nction of narrati(e ens)res its contentD it is t"e stor+ of a 7o)rne+ from "ere to t"ere, T"e transformation ma+ *e p"+sical or metap"+sical, 4)t a narrati(e is a r)le*oo. for a partic)lar 7o)rne+,! t"is (ie- one step f)rt"er o)r actions /escri*e a contin)al narrati(e# an )n-ittin! performance -"ic" ma+ at an+ time ser(e an instr)ctional f)nction# positi(el+ or ne!ati(el+, So performance can *e )n/erstoo/ not 7)st as t"e intentional performe/ action# *)t as t"e contin)al resi/)al effect of e(er+t"in! -e /o, So in t"e e2ample of <= Nort" t"ere is an )n-ittin! performance in(ol(in! ca*les# electronics# an/ ")man *o/ies intert-ine/, T"e emp"asis in t"ese anal+ses is on t"e social f)nction of narrati(e# an/ on t"e per(asi(eness of narrati(e in o)r /ail+ li(es, Per"aps *roa/cast an/ /i!ital me/ia "a(e in lar!e part coopte/ t"e narrati(e f)nction formerl+ occ)pie/ *+ stor+ tellers# performances# an/ paintin!s B in t"e same -a+ t"at cars an/ planes "a(e c"an!e/ t"e role of! an/ p)t o)r p"+sical mo(ement into "+per/ri(e, One mi!"t *emoan t"e lac. of con(ersational an/ oral stor+1tellin! s.ills amon! o)r +o)t" B *)t one "as to mar(el at t"eir a/eptness -it" /i!ital me/ia tools an/!e t"e social role fille/ *+ t"e pro/)cts t"ereof, I -o)l/ place m+ o-n -or. in t"e realm of attempts to tell stories -it" /i!ital me/ia# -"ile sit)atin! t"e -or. at t"e site of act)al artifacts an/ e(ents, T"is -or. is an attempt to re(erse t"e effects of t"e proliferation of ima!es in o)r /ail+ lan/scape, It as.s t"e a)/ience to smell# "ear# to)c" an/ see a partic)lar site ane-# (ia t"e a)/itor+ c)es pro(i/e/, Performance "ere all)/es to t"e performance of a nat)ral response to p"+sical stim)li, O)r ot"er t"eme to/a+# CpoliticalE# can *e ta.en at face (al)e, 4)t at t"e same time# once one /eclares a -or. CpoliticalE# one on t"e responsi*ilit+ of consi/erin! t"e implicit political messa!e em*o/ie/ *+ t"e -or., One m)st consi/er its social conte2t# its so)rce material# its materialit+# t"e canon into -"ic" it fits 3or /oes not6# an/ t"e partic)lar -a+ in -"ic" it !oes a*o)t e2pressin! a (ie-point,








I or!ani9e/ a -or.s"op -as calle/ Locati(e Me/ia in t"e 0il/# an Inter/isciplinar+ E2amination of Di!ital Mappin! tools to!et"er -it" collea!e 4rett Stal*a)m, 0e *ot" teac" in t"e Inter/isciplinar+ Comp)tin! Arts Pro!ram at t"e Fni(ersit+ of California San Die!o, T"is pro!ram emp"ases comp)tin! in t"e conte2t of art practice,

Part of t"e inspiration for t"is e2amination -as o)r e2perience of Locati(e me/ia pro7ects an/ festi(als, T"ese festi(als "a(e *een atten/e/ *+ to)rists# !eo!rap"ers# )r*an planners# arc"itects# armc"air "istorians# arc"aeolo!ists# film st)/ents, !amers# stor+1tellers# ps+c"olo!ists# an/ representati(es from t"e to)rism in/)str+, It is t"e *l)rrin! of *o)n/aries *et-een /isciplines an/ t"e rele(ance of met"o/s an/ concepts o)tsi/e of art! -"ic" /istin!)is" locati(e me/ia as a potentiall+ ric" m)lti1/isciplinar+ practice,T"is /i(ersit+ reflects t"e /i(ersit+ of t"e approac"es an/ tactics coopte/ *+ artists creatin! t"ese -or.s, It is also t"e inspiration for an inter/isciplinar+ -or.s"op I co1or!ani9e/ last s)mmer, T"e 0"ite Mo)ntain Researc" Center is a "i!" ele(ation facilit+ sit)ate/ a*o(e O-ens Valle+ near t"e California Ne(a/a *or/er, It pro(i/e/ a -i/e ran!e of p"+sical settin!s for e2ploration *+ *ot" artists an/ scientists, O)r participants -ereD Gim*erlee C"am*ers 3 eo!rap"+# FCD# P"D Can/i/ate6 Researc" InterestsD t"e conser(ation an/ restoration of *io/i(ersit+ an/ c)lt)ral /i(ersit+# -it" a ma7or foc)s on foo/ plants in *ot" a!ric)lt)ral an/ ")nter1!at"erer societies, Nico Tripce(ic" 3Ant"ropolo!+H FCS4# P"D Can/i/ate6D Arc"aeolo!ist! in Per)! at pre1Hispanic e2c"an!e from t"e perspecti(e of an o*si/ian stone 5)arr+ in "i!"lan/ Are5)ipa# Per)# speciali9in! in application of eo!rap"ic Information S+stems, T"e primar+ 5)estion -asD Ho- are mappin! tools *ein! applie/ *+ t"e p"+sical sciencesI 0"at .in/s of pro*lems to t"e+ sol(eI Ho- /o approac"es /iffer amon! t"e practitioners presentI 4)t t"e !oal -as to foster a con(ersation amon! a se(eral /iscipline areas# s"are tools an/ met"o/s# re(eal some *lin/ spots# an/ !enerate a more meanin!f)l practice, 0e also inten/ to "ol/ a//itional similar -or.s"ops -it" emp"asis on pe/a!o!+ an/ t"e p)*lication of essa+s on t"e s)*7ect e2plore/, Part of o)r -or.s"op consiste/ of formal an/ informal /emonstrations, 4rett Stal*a)m too. )s on a "i.e /esi!ne/ *+ a piece of soft-are "e -rote# t"e Virt)al, T"is soft-are into acco)nt least cost pat" an/ ot"er factors in /eterminin! "o- to /esi!n a "i.e from point A to point 4 3/oes t"is fit 0"ite?s /efinition of narrati(eI6, T"is pat" -as t"en loa/e/ onto A PS -rist )nits so t"at eac" " co)l/ follo- t"e comp)ter !enerate/ pat", Nico?s comments on 4rett?s "i.eD C4rett?s soft-are an acti(it+ as *asic an/ ancient to ")man e2perience an/ forces it into t"is comp)ter constr)cte/ narrati(e "i!"li!"tin! t"e o//it+ of t"e mo/ern relations"ip -e "a(e -it" /ata, It?s as t"o)!" -e?re allo-in! comp)ter1*ase/








al!orit"ms# s)c" as searc"es# to /efine t"e scope of o)r a*ilit+ to na(i!ate in t"e -orl/ t"at is o)r /ata*ase,E CI -as also intri!)e/ *+ 4rett not tr+in! to ma.e J)sef)l applications: for PS *)t in e2plorin! t"e e2periential aspects of PS in it in its o-n ri!"t, In arc"aeolo!+ -e tr+ to consi/er alternati(e to t"e -a+ t"at lan/scape an/ /-ellin! -ere e2perience/ *+ people in ot"er c)lt)res an/ ot"er times, 4)t in practice# t"e t+pical arc"aeolo!ist is imminentl+ practical an/ tr+in! to ma2imi9e pro/)cti(it+ in t"e fiel/,E Nico lea/ )s on an e2amination an/ recor/in! of lit"ic artifacts# incl)/in! roc. art sites an/ t"e ri(er *e/ in C"alfant Valle+, For t"e latter -e /etermine/ an area an/ /irection# an/ forme/ a line -it" a*o)t A meters *et-een eac" of )s, 0e t"en -al.e/ parallel in one /irection# s-eepin! e+es left an/ ri!"t -"ile!, I fo)n/ m+self stoppin!# or *! )p, 0ron!K o for-ar/ an/ foc)s on !oalD lit"ic artifacts# or an+ stone mo/ifie/ *+ ")man "an/, I fo)n/ % small pieces -"ic" loo.e/ manip)late/, T"e+ -ere not, 4rett fo)n/ an o*si/ian fla.e -"ic" fit t"e criteria, For me interestin! -as t"e application of m+ A senses in ser(ice of /ata collection# as if t"e ")mans too. on f)nction of comp)ter in scannin! an/ parsin! information,





Note t"at alt"o)!" -e c"ose t"e 0"ite Mo)ntain "i!" ele(ation facilit+ /)e to its cool !reen s)rro)n/in! at $&#A&& feet# % of )s en/e/ )p sit)atin! o)r /emonstrations on t"e Valle+ floor, I /esi!ne/ an Interpreti(e To)r of t"e O-ens Valle+ 0ater Reso)rces, It )tili9e/ so)n/# IS mappin! soft-are# PS# an/ a laptop to create an onsite spatiali9e/ so)n/scape of t"e m)ltit)/e of of -ater -ells /ottin! t"e O-ens Valle+, O-ens La.e -as /essicate/ after its -ater -as ro)te/ <&& miles so)t" to t"e cit+ of Los An!eles in t"e earl+ $@&&?s# res)ltin! in a complete /e(astation of t"e in/i!eno)s an/ farmin! economies t"at relie/ on it, T"e !oal -as to *rin! t"is "istor+ to li!"t# an/ to consi/er t"e on!oin! -ater -ars in so)t"ern California, T"is a)/io piece ran tolera*l+ -ell on foot or /ri(in! aro)n/ in m+ $@>' Vol(o# *)t in 4rett?s S)9).i some sort of si!nal interference interr)pte/ t"e PS si!nal eac" time -e accelerate/, M+ to)r t")s consiste/ of stoppin!# -aitin! to re!ain a si!nal# /ri(in! for-ar/# t"en stoppin! a!ain to retrie(e t"e lost si!nal,! -it" t"e e5)ipment -as o)t of t"e 5)estion# as t"e to)r co(ere/ a area an/ *eca)se t"e spatial /ifferences *et-een t"e -ells -ere onl+ si!nificant at "i!" spee/s, One of m+ -ells /i/ e(ent)all+ elicit t"e appropriate response from m+ laptop# -"ic" -as no- "eate/ so as to *e )nto)c"a*le in t"e $%& /e!ree s)n, 4rett !a(e me a "i!" fi(e for t"is Cs)ccessE# a small re-ar/ for t"e % ni!"ts I spent settin! )p t"e pro7ect onsite, 0e e(ent)all+ a*an/one/ t"is tiresome process, Here one important /istinction arises in t"e comparison of artistic an/ scientific practice, In a performati(e art-or. an+ tec"nolo!+ relie/ on "as to -or. NO0# -"ile t"e a)/ience is present# not an "o)r a!o# not tomorro-# *)t no-, A!ain# an )n-ittin! performance B t"e str)!!le amon! ")man# mac"ine# an/ t"e elements,




0"at tec"nolo!ical art-or.s an/ scientific fiel/-or. "a(e in common is t"e+ )ltimatel+ rel+ on /oc)mentation for t"eir /issemination an/ promotion, After all# -"at art a)/ience -o)l/ tra(el ")n/re/s of miles to a remote site 7)st to -al. in t"e "ot s)n# tr+in! to stare past t"e !lare on t"e screen# 7)st to listen to some snippets of a)/io on a set of "ea/p"onesI In ot"er -or/s# -"at 4rett refers to t"e CFr*an 4o)ti5)eE approac" of locati(e me/ia festi(als is per"aps not s)c" a *a/ i/ea after all, Gim*erlee C"am*ers s"are/ -it" )s a n)m*er of pe/a!o!ic e2ercises s"e )ses in "er classes# incl)/in! some co!niti(e mappin! e2ercises, Gim*erlee statesD COne of t"e !oals -it" co!niti(e maps is to recor/ information at a m)c" /ifferent scale, Rat"er t"an steppin! *ac. from t"e lan/scape an/ !enerali9in!# co!niti(e maps allo-s for in/i(i/)als e2periences an/ sin!le points of /ata 3-"ere *i!"orn li.e to !ra9eH -"ere a certain plant can *e fo)n/6 to *e incorporate/, T"e res)lts are more /etaile/ information t"at can *e cr)cial -"en t"! a*o)t t"in!s li.e -"ere a ne- /e(elopment s"o)l/ !o *)t also in /ra-in! a-areness to climate c"an!e *+ foc)sin! on t"e local le(el, E Gim*erlee:s e2planation of !en/er specific !ro-in! practices# an/ !en/er specific .no-le/!e, Gim*erlee:s concentration is on et"no*otan+ 1 "ere one )n/erstan/s t"at one can (al)e in"erent /ifferences# an/ (al)e t"em for -"at t"e+ "ar*or# -"at t"e+ "i/e# -"at t"e+ pro(i/e, T"e (al)e of t"ese /ifferences emer!e o(er time# *ase/ on conte2t# nee/s# etc, Of (al)e for me -as to consi/er t"ese !en/er /ifferences in t"e conte2t of t"e )r*an en(ironment I in"a*it, 0e ten/ to /eemp"asi9e t"ese !en/er /ifferences# an/ +et t"e+ are (er+ f)nctional an/ necessar+, Gim*erlee:s /escription of *iolo!ical si!ns )se/ as a si!n to ;rea/; nat)ral processes, 0"en a certain flo-er *looms# -e .no- salmon r)n is near 1 t"e plant respon/s to t"e same temperat)re s"ift t"e salmon /oes, In ot"er -or/s# t"ere is no nee/ for a t"ermometer# t"e narrati(e is em*e//e/ an/ is al-a+s alrea/+ t"ere, 0e s"are/ man+ ric" con(ersations o(er t"e = /a+ -or.s"op, Gim*erlee ma/e t"e o*ser(ation t"at D Ct"e fo)r of )s are all J!eneralists? rat"er t"an specialists, 0e are ea!er to learn a*o)t a /i(ersit+ of t"in!s o)tsi/e o)r fiel/ an/ open an/ rea/+ to s"are o)r t"o)!"ts an/ i/eas, 0e are also all e/)cators# not p)re researc"ers, An/ L, all fo)r of )s are stor+ tellers,E I also notice/ t"is common imp)lse amon! t"e !ro)p, Stor+tellin! -as a !oo/ -a+ to !i(e a pict)re of t"e t"in!s -e /o# of t"e -a+ -e t"in., I /on?t .no- if t"at -as e(er t"e !oal# *)t t"e stories certainl+ "elpe/ !i(e a pict)re of li(es -e /on?t li(e o)rsel(es, An/ it sa+s somet"in! a*o)t -"at is important to people# an/ a*o)t t"e social c)lt)re of t"e /ifferent /isciplines as -ell,







Gim*erleeD CF)rt"ermore# I feel t"at "ol/in! t"e -or.s"op in a remote Jnat)ral? location as oppose/ to an )r*an center a)tomaticall+ selecte/ for people -"o -o)l/ "a(e some t"in!s in common, T"e site -as a /efinite moti(atin! factor for me to appl+ to t"e -or.s"opE,


Gim*erlee also /isc)sse/ "o- c"oosin! a pro7ect 3a s)*7ect# a place6 is for life, A !eo!rap"er is a ste-ar/ 1 of information# a liason -it" a lar!er conte2t, As I ma/e t"e s-itc" from representational -or.# I learne/ t"at em*! on site specific -or. is a 7o)rne+# a narrati(e, It is a /oor t"at opens rat"er t"an a /ecorati(e frame, Of (al)e /)rin! t"e -or.s"op -as informal o*ser(ation# /eep "an!in! o)t, Time to o*ser(e -it"o)t e2pectations or !oals, For e2ample# -e (isite/ t-o o*si/ian sites on o)r first /a+ to!et"er in O-ens Valle+ at Nico:s re5)est, Nico:s researc" foc)s is o*si/ian /istri*)tion o(er a tremen/o)s time an/ /istance span, Partic)larl+ fascinatin! -as -atc"in! Nico recor/in! "is mo(ement aro)n/ an/ o(er a topo!rap"ic feat)re in or/er to arc"i(e its s"ape, He )ses t"e PS inp)t feat)re -it" ArcPa/ on "is PDA, T"is pol+!on is t"en incorporate/ into IS 1 into e2istin! /i!ital ele(ation mo/els an/ s"ape la+ers /efine/ for t"e area, T"e spee/ an/ !est)re -ere li.e t"at of an artist! a s.etc" 1 -"ic" -as in/ee/ t"e !oal, As -it" a *ee /ance# t"e mo(ement -as economic an/ precise, T"e c"oreo!rap"+ is /ictate/ *+ t"e !eolo!ic feat)res at "an/, For me# t"e inci/ental !est)re -as as interestin! as t"e en/ res)lt B an )n-ittin! performance -"ic" ser(e/ as instr)ction, An/ t"is small scale !est)re alon!si/e t"e lar!e scale !est)re of Nico?s researc" in Per) an/ else-"ere )s *ac. to 0"ite?s point a*o)t t"e em*e/ness an/ )*i5)it+ of narrati(e in o)r /ail+ acti(it+, 0e t"o)!"t a*o)t "o- narrati(e is common to all o)r -or., Nico:s searc" for "omo!eneit+ in o*si/ian /istri*)tion esta*lis"es a narati(e 1 a narrati(e of o*si/ian, T"e co)rse t"e roc. follo-e/ o)t-ar/ from its so)rce is t"e s+nta!m# or or/erin! /etail, In a sense# an+t"in! t"at or/ers acti(it+ f)nctions as narrati(e s+nta!m 1 a territor+ or /istinct area# a map# an inter(ie-# a *oo., Eac" pro(i/es t"e conte2t for a linear e2perience, M+ interpreti(e pieces stri(e to pro(i/e t"is str)ct)re# as /o 4rett?s (irt)al an/ p"+sical ", Eac" of )s emplo+e/ /ifferent lan!)a!e for spatial concepts, Nico )se/ IS terminolo!+ points# lines# an/ pol+!ons, 4rettD -a+points# ro)tes# an/ trac.lo!s, Gim*erleeD no/es# pat"s# an/ territories, I t"in. in "otspots# streets# an/ map areas, 0e tal.e/ a*o)t t"e ar*itrariness of CsiteE as a concept# an/ a*o)t t"e non1site, 0e also tal.e/ a*o)t /ifference *et-een site an/ location, T"e fo)r of )s /escri*e/ site (ario)sl+ asD A culturally embedded location A place of communal relevance A place defined by the presence of specific qualities or artifacts T"e -or.s"op ma/e m+ reconsi/er m+ o-n -or., T"ere is an in"erent iron+ in artists co1 optin! a tec"nolo!+ t"at *+ /esi!n facilitates a specific an/ e2cl)si(e social a!en/a B t"at of /escri*in! an/ enforcin! *o)n/aries an/ /istinctions # in or/er to create CpoliticalE -or., At t"e same time t"e small scale# personal# an/ comm)nal pro7ects t"at are t+pical of Locati(e Me/ia pro7ects appl+ IS an/ PS tools in -a+s t"at are not inten/e/# to-ar/ en/s t"at -ere not








foreseen in t"e /esi!n of t"ose s+stems, An/ alt"o)!" an aerial (ie- an/ n)meric precision are emp"asi9e/ *+ IS an/ PS# Locati(e Me/ia ties t"ese f)nctions to a lan/scape (ie-# as it insists )pon t"e p"+sical presence of t"e a)/ience# an/ promotes an a-areness of t"e p"+sical s)rro)n/in!,

4)t 7)st *+ settin! )p t"e -or.s"op as an e2amination t"ro)!" /i!ital tools# -e set )p t"e con/itions for e2l)/in! non /i!ital e2plorations of spatial practices, One of o)r participants in "er application incl)/e/ "er paper on t"e pitfalls of )sin! IS in et"no*otan+ -it" a partic)lar in/i!eno)s comm)nit+, T"e (al)e of Gim*erlee?s participation -as precisel+ "er lac. of commitment to /i!ital tools# an/ "er )n/erstan/in! of c)lt)rall+ specific /eterminants t"at !o(ern t"e c"oice of researc" tools, Gim*erlee pointe/ o)t t"e in"erent contra/iction of appl+in! IS to non -estern s+stems t"at /o not a/"ere to static notions of space or to e2cl)si(e )ses for reso)rces, In/ee/ t"e s"arin! of .no-le/!e a*o)t territor+ an/ reso)rces is often *ase/ on sensiti(e "ierarc"ical s+stems -"ic" ta.e into acco)nt t"e preser(ation of t"e reso)rces, One (al)a*le t"in! -as t"! a*o)t s+stemisation# s)c" as t"e s+stem Nico )ses to recor/ /ata, Scientists! -it" /ata "a(e to str)ct)re t"eir anal+sis *efore t"e+ *e!in t"eir researc", Gim*erlee mentione/ testin! as an important p"ase in /eterminin! t"e feasi*ilit+ of t"e met"o/ to *e implemente/, Once +o) start collectin! /ata# +o) cannot c"an!e co)rse# ot"er-ise +o)r st)/+ is in(ali/, One m)st recor/ t"e same .in/ of information in t"e same -a+ across a ran!e of samples, In contrast# concept)al artists ten/ to criti5)e s+stems# misappl+ s+stems# an/ "a(e t"e free/om to c"an!e tactics alon! t"e -a+,






CONCLFSION Territories are intellect)al as m)c" as p"+sical, Per"aps t"e most important *o)n/ar+ t"at -as *ri/!e/ -as amon! t"e /isciplines represente/, It is not 7)st t"at information -as s"are/# *)t participants "a/ t"e !enerosit+ of spirit to consi/er t"in!s t"e+ -ere not acc)stome/ to consi/erin!# an/ to (ali/ate t"e intent of e2perimental -or., In t"e -or.s"op# Gim*erlee /escri*e/ "o- a!ric)lt)re initiate/ o)r nee/ for or!anisation on a more comple2 scale, Nico /escri*e/ "o- t"e acc)m)lation of -ealt" B o*si/ian B precipitate/ similar /e(elopments in social interaction, T"is -or.s"op certainl+ )p"el/ t"e notion t"at increase/ social comple2it+ an/ impro(es t"e 5)alit+ of life,

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