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Calculating Actual Food and Beverage Costs

food & beverage of the future

Concept Overview
Table Tops Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable lacquer finishes. Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also great for breaking up flat levels. Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax.

Competencies for Concept Overview Calculating Actual F & B Costs

Table Tops

1. Calculate the basic monthly cost of sales for Table top: Simple and clean,beverages. good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable food and lacquer finishes. 2. Use the FIFO method to calculate the value Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. of products in sixes. inventory. Table configurations of two/four and High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also great for breaking up flat levels. 3. Use the LIFO method to calculate the value Connectivity: essential we must able to connect and the two,describe fours & sixes together. ofis products inbe inventory, the Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. actual cost method. Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small 4.of rounds Usefor the weighted average method to to a round amount two pax and square tables of four which can be converted table for sixcalculate pax. the value of products in inventory, and discuss inventory counting procedures.

Competencies for Concept Overview Calculating Actual F & B Costs `

Table Tops

5. Identify adjustments to calculate a with monthly net cost Table top: Simple and clean, good quality,used light colored wood finishes good durable of sales for food and beverages. lacquer finishes.
Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. 6. Describe dailyand calculations of of actual food and beverage Table configurations of two/four sixes. High tables 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also costs, explain how the daily beverage cost great for breaking up and flat levels.

percentage worksheet can be used to assess a Connectivity: is essential weperformance. must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. bartenders
Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity.

7. whilst Describe how current technology helps we managers Shapes a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, can have a small monitor food and beverage costs. amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax.

Comparing Actual Costs to Concept Overview Standard Costs

Table Tops

Actual costs must be stated in the same Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable lacquer finishes. manner as standard costs Style & Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench same seating, high seating. Configurations: Cost calculations must cover meal Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also periods great for breaking up flat levels. Factors used to determine standard costs Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. must be used in calculating actual costs Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small Actual costs must be assessed on a amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax. timely basis

Cost of Sales Concept Overview

Table Tops

Actual costs incurred to produce all food and Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable beverage items sold during an accounting lacquer finishes. period Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating.
Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also great for breaking up flat levels.

Cost of Sales Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. = beginning inventory Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. + purchases Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round ending inventory table for six pax.

Cost of Sales Information Concept Overview

Table Tops

Beginning Inventory Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable Physical Inventory formsend of previous lacquer finishes. month Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating.
Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also great for breaking up flat levels.

Purchases Connectivity: is essential we must be reports able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Daily receiving
Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity.

Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax.

Ending Inventory Physical inventory formsend of current month

Inventory ConceptValuationFIFO Overview

Table Tops

Earliest product costs are applied to Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable products issued from storage lacquer finishes. MostVariety recent product costs are applied Style & Configurations: of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also products left in inventory great for breaking up flat levels. Tends to create a higher total inventory Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure value that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. because the more recently purchased products with typically higher Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round costs remain in inventory table for six pax.

Inventory ValuationLIFO Concept Overview

Table Tops

Most recent product costs are applied Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable to products issued from storage lacquer finishes. Earliest product costs applied Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables are i.e. bench seating, highto seating. Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also products left in inventory great for breaking up flat levels. Tends to create a lower total inventory Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensurevalue that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. because most recent costs are issued and most recent costs are Shapes whilst first a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round typically higher than products table for six pax. purchased in the past

Inventory Valuation Concept Overview Weighted Average

Table Tops

Takes into account the actual quantities of each product in inventory purchased at Style & different Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. prices Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also great breaking up flat levels.average price of items for Determines received Connectivity: is essentialduring we must be the able tomonth connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. Calculates inventory value by multiplying Shapesaverage whilst a majority price of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small paid by quantities in storage amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax. at the end of the month
Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable lacquer finishes.

Adjustments to Basic Cost of Concept Sales Overview

Table Tops Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable lacquer finishes.

Food transfers Beverage transfers Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also great for breaking up flat levels. Employee meals Connectivity:is essential we must be able to connect two, fours & sixes together. Complimentary foodthe and beverages
Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax.

Food Transfers Concept Overview

Table Tops

From kitchen to barfruits, Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable garnishes, food lacquer finishes. Transfers used to generate beverage Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also revenue great for breaking up flat levels. Transfer memo serves as source Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. document Shapes whilst majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small aDecrease cost of food sales amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax.Increase cost of beverage sales

Beverage Transfers Concept Overview

Table Tops

From bar to kitchencooking Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable lacquer finishes. liqueurs and tableside desserts Transfers used to generate food Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also revenue great for breaking up flat levels. Transfer memo serves as source Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. document Shapes whilst of the shapescost should be square / rectangle, we sales can have a small a majority Decrease of beverage amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax. Increase cost of food sales

Employee Meals and Complimentary Concept Overview Food/Beverages

Table Tops Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable lacquer finishes. Costs charged to labor or employee Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. Table configurations of two/four and sixes. tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also Decrease cost of High food sales great for breaking up flat levels. Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity.

Employee meals

benefits account

Complimentary food and beverages

Costs charged to marketing/promotion account Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small Decrease cost oftables food sales amount of rounds for two pax and square of four which can be converted to a round table for six pax. Decrease cost of beverage sales

Food Cost CalculationsDirects Concept Overview

Table Tops

Typically inexpensive/perishable Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable productsfresh produce, bakery, dairy lacquer finishes. items Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also Purchased frequently, as needed great for breaking up flat levels. Recorded on daily receiving report Connectivity: is essential we must be able to connect the two, fours & sixes together. Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. Physically stored but not entered into Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small inventory records amount of rounds for two pax and square tables of four which can be converted to a round table for pax. sixCharged to food costs on the day they are received

Food Cost CalculationsStores Concept Overview

Table Tops

Less perishable than directs Purchased on basis of anticipated Style & Configurations: Variety of different types of tables i.e. bench seating, high seating. need Table configurations of two/four and sixes. High tables of 2 & 4 pax with bar stools are also great for breaking up flat levels. Recorded on daily receiving report Connectivity: is Requisition essential we must be system able to connect the two,to fours & sixes together. used issue from Please ensure that the height and width of the tables are the same ensuring connectivity. storage and adjust inventory records Shapes whilst a majority of the shapes should be square / rectangle, we can have a small amount of rounds for two pax and to square tables of four which can they be converted to a round Charged food costs as are table for six pax. issued
Table top: Simple and clean, good quality, light colored wood finishes with good durable lacquer finishes.

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