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Plotting Writing Across KLAs: Types of Texts & the Literacy Continuum Zoe Van-Stolk Mt Druitt Campus


Procedure Gives instructions on how to do something Personal Response Gives a personal opinion on a piece with reference to the text Explanation Explains how or why something happens Discussion Gives different points of view in order to make an informed decision Information report Classifies, describes and gives factual information about people, animals, things or phenomena Exposition Gives reasons for a point of view to try to convince others of it Narrative Tells a story using a series of events Procedural Recount Tells how something was done in sequence and with accuracy

Year 7 Cluster 13
8. Uses correct and appropriate punctuation to support meaning.

Writing across the continuum Year 8 Year 9 Cluster 14 Cluster 15

2. Uses, monitors and reflects on planning strategies to enhance the effectiveness of a text.(Graphic organisers) 2. Explores challenging ideas and ethical dilemmas.

Year 10 Cluster 16
3. Constructs considered arguments that explore and analyse a range of different perspectives on complex and challenging topics. 6. Cites references using conventions appropriate for purpose.


10. Uses a legible, fluent handwriting style

10. Correctly references resources.

8. Efficiently revises, edits and proofreads texts to enhance accuracy and quality.




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