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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Education is a long process we all go through to a lesser or greater extent, in which one learns skills and acquires knowledge that will be useful throughout one s life. !eachers at school and professors at uni"ersity do play an important role during our formati"e years, since they guide students and stand as a reference. #owe"er, as far as concerns the school of life, parents are the best teachers. $irstly, parents do know what their children are like. !hey are aware of their innate skills, strengths, weaknesses, and therefore they are able to choose the best approach to teach them. %hildren at school are "ery likely to be taught in the same way, no matter their differences& in a class with more than '( pupils, teachers can hardly use personal approaches and usually treat pupils as equals. )n the contrary, parents are able to notice when one of their children needs further support, and then pro"ide it, or when they are well*ad+usted and mature enough to let them manage their duties and affairs on their own. ,n addition, parents are models for their children throughout their li"es. !hey might not learn skills as numeracy and literacy from their parents, but their parent s attitude towards life will impress an indeleble mark in their minds that will predetermine their own and teach them how the face up to the difficulties that they will come across. -hould they see their parents standing up after failing, children will probably do so when they will be adults& should their parents stand by each other in the ad"ersity, children will tend to repeat it as well. !hese are, undoubtedly, priceless lessons that children will find "ery useful later on in their li"es. )n the other hand, the rest people in"ol"ed in their upbringing will not ha"e such a significant impact and influence o"er them. )n the top of all that, parents lo"e their children howe"er rebellius they might be. E"en under tough circumstances, parents will stand by their children and support them. $or example, at school naughty students will simply be put aside due to their bad beha"iour, and that is all. !eachers won t go beyond and search the underlying reasons for it, whereas parents will indeed do their best to find out and sol"e whate"er problem is causing that misbeha"iour. ,n sum, parents are the best teachers because they really know their children and are the most significant reference in their li"es, but abo"e all, because of their uncontional lo"e and guidance.

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