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S A N G E E L E E SSS – S U R I N A M ( 6 2 5 4 4 9 0 )
VIRUS AH1NI: SCHOOL CLOSURE 21.08.09 – 30.08.09
Form: 4 White

Subject Work
ENGLISH 1. Comprehension: Alan Etherton:
Pg.25/26 – Ques on pg.27 ; Pg.35 Ex.1
2. Essay-Writing : “Witnessing a road accident”

ENGLISH LIT 1. ‘‘The Cruable’’ (Mr R. Veerasawmy)

- to read Act II & Act III
- to summarise Act II
2. Reading of the story ‘‘A devoted son’’ (Mrs Lobogun)
- to write the summary
- to write on the main characters

FRENCH 1. Compréhension: ‘‘Sportif à tout âge’’ Pg.100+ Les Questions

2. Rédaction : Pg.105
3. Traduction : Pg.106
FRENCH LIT 1. “Bonjour Tristesse” – Lecture : Chapitre 4, 5
2. Vous êtes Anne. Expliquez pourquoi vous avez décidé d’épouser

MATHS Trigonometry :
Pg.117-122 Ex 7E, Nos.1-30

ADD MATHS Revision Exercises:

1. Pg.128-129 Rev. paper 1 Nos.1-10
2. Pg.129-130 Rev. paper 2 Nos.1-10

COMPUTER 1. Read & Summarise from S.Doyle (or any IT book) or Internet,
the following chapters:
 Systems Analysis & Design
 Databases
 Batch & Real-time processing
2. Decide on project title (7010/02) & write the introductory part:
 Description of organization / company
 The problems currently being faced there.
[Completed work will earn you 15% of final october exams]

ACCOUNTING Textbook: Betsy Li

Pg.134 Nos.7, 8, Pg.135 No.10

ECONOMICS 1. MCQ: Nov 2006 Paper 1 Nos.1-15

2. MCQ: June 2006 Paper 1 Nos.1-15
3. June 2007 Paper 2 Nos.1, 2

21st CENTURY 1. Chapter: Air Quality

SCIENCE - Read Pg.54-57 in GCSE Science Higher
- H/W – Pg.55 Nos.1, 2 ; Pg.57 Nos.3, 4
2. In textbook:
Pg.12-13 Nos.1-5 ; Pg.17 Nos.7-10 ; Pg.21 Nos.1-3
Pg.30-31 Nos.1-5 ; Pg.33 Nos.6-11
3. Read pg.88-89
H/W pg.89 Ques.1, 2

BUSINESS ST Chapter: Cash Flow (Textbook: Business Studies by K.Borrington)

Work set: Pg.119 Activity 8.1, Pg.120 Activity 8.2,
Pg.123 Activity 8.3, Pg.125 Activity 8.5
Pg.126 Activity 8.6 Revision Questions

SOCIOLOGY June 2005, Paper 1, No.1 – Social Research (Revision)

ART & DESIGN Make a detailed plan composition of an uprooted plant

(Technique: Drawing & Shading)
Prior explanation and demonstration on Drawing & Shading given

HINDI 1. Lesson 17 – Pg.81-82

2. Pg.82 No.2
3. Pg.83 Nos.3, 4, 5, 6
4. Pg.84 Nos.7, 8, 9

URDU 1. Essay-Writing : Pg.127 Ex.9

2. Reading notes : Pg.128
3. H/W – Pg.129 Ex.1

ARABIC 1. Grammar : Pg.73 Ex.1, 2, 3

2. Essay-Writing : “An educational tour with friends” – Pg.70
3. Translation : Pg.71

TAMIL Exercises: Pg.99 Ex.6.3.5 , Pg.112 Ex 7.3.2 , Pg.115 Ex.7.3.4

TELUGU Exercises: Pg.80 Ex.10, 11 , Pg.82 Ex.13

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