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1)S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something(qu.... cho ai lm g ...) *1This structure is too easy for you to remember.

*2: He ran too fast for me to follow. 2)S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (qu... !n n"i m...) *1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it. *2: He s eaks so soft that we can!t hear anythin". #)#t + V + such + (a/an) + $(s) + that + S +V(qu... !n n"i m...) *1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it. *2: It is such interestin" books that I cannot i"nore them at all. $)S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something. (%&... cho ai ' lm g ...) *1: %he is ol& enou"h to "et marrie&. *2: They are intelli"ent enou"h for me to teach them 'n"lish. ()(ave/ get + something + done (V)##)(nh* ai ho+c thu, ai lm g ...) *1: I ha& my hair cut yester&ay. *2: I!& like to have my shoes re aire&. ))#t + -e + time + S + V (.ed/ c0t 1) / #t2s +time +for someone +to do something(3 !n l4c ai ')h5i lm g ...) *1: It is time you ha& a shower. *2: It!s time for me to ask all of you for this *uestion. +)#t + ta6es/too6+ someone + amount of time + to do something(lm g ... m7t -ao nhi,u th*igian...)

*1: It takes me ( minutes to "et to school. *2: It took him 1, minutes to &o this exercise yester&ay. -)8o )revent/sto) + someone/something + 9rom + c5n ai/ci g ... 6h;ng lm g ..) *1: I can!t revent him from smokin" *2: I can!t sto her from tearin" .)S + find+ it+ adj to do something(th7< ... lm g ...) *1: I fin& it very &ifficult to learn about 'n"lish. *2: They foun& it easy to overcome that roblem. 1,)8o )refer + $oun/ + to + $/ ci g /lm g h>n ci g / lm g ) *1: I refer &o" to cat. *2: I refer rea&in" books to watchin" T/. 11)?ould rather + V@ (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(th=ch lm g h>n lm g ) *1: %he woul& rather lay "ames than rea& books. *2: I!& rather learn 'n"lish than learn 0iolo"y. 12)8o -e/get Ased to + lm g ) *I am use& to eatin" with cho sticks. 1#)Ased to + V (infinitive)(8hB*ng lm g trong q6 v -C< gi* 6h;ng lm nDa) *1: I use& to "o fishin" with my frien& when I was youn". *2: %he use& to smoke 1, ci"arettes a &ay. 1$)to be ama1e& at 2 to be sur rise& at 3 45/6in"7 n"8c nhi9n v:....)

1()to be an"ry at 3 45/6in"7t;c "i<n v:) 1))to be "oo& at5 ba& at 3 45 /6in"7"i=i v:...5 k>m v:...) 1+)by chance 2 by acci&ent 7a&v)7t?nh c@) 1-)to be5"et tire& of 3 45/6in"7mAt m=i v:...) 1.)can!t stan&5 hel 5 bear5 resist 3 /6in"7khBn" nhCn DEFc lGm "?...) 2,)to be keen on5 to be fon& of 3 45/6in"7thHch lGm "? DI...) 21)to be intereste& in 3 45/6in"7*uan tJm DKn...) 22)to waste 3 time5 money 3 /6in"7tLn ti:n hoMc t" lGm "?) 2#)To s en& 3 amount of time5 money 3 /6in"7&Gnh bao nhi9u th@i "ian lGm "?N) 2$)To s en& 3 amount of time5 money 3 on 3 somethin"7&Gnh th@i "ian vGo viAc "?...) *1: I s en& 2 hours rea&in" books a &ay. *2: %he s ent all of her money on clothes. 2()to "ive u 3 /6in"5 47tO b= lGm "?5 cPi "?...) 2))woul& like5 want5wish 3 to &o somethin"7thHch lGm "?...) 2+)have 3 7somethin") to 3 /erb7cI cPi "? DI DQ lGm) 2-)It 3 be 3 somethin"5 someone 3 that5 who7chHnh...mG...)

2.)Ha& better 3 /7infinitive)7n9n lGm "?....) #,)hate5 like5 &islike5 enRoy5 avoi&5 finish5 min&5 ost one5 ractise5 consi&er5 &elay5 &eny5 su""est5 risk5 kee 5 ima"ine5 fancy 3 /6in"S *I always ractise s eakin" 'n"lish every&ay. #1)It!s 3 a&R 3 to 3 /6infinitive7*uP "? ..DQ lGm "?) #2)Take lace 2 ha en 2 occur7xTy ra)

##)to be excite& about7thHch thU) #$)to be bore& with5 fe& u with7chPn cPi "?5lGm "?) #()There is 3 46sL HtS there are 3 46sL nhi:u7cI cPi "?...) #))feel like 3 /6in"7cTm thVy thHch lGm "?...) #+)ex ect someone to &o somethin"7mon" DFi ai lGm "?...) #-)a&vise someone to &o somethin"7khuy9n ai lGm "?...) #.)"o 3 /6in"7chW cPc tr= ti9u khiQn..)7"o cam in"...) $,)leave someone alone7DQ ai y9n...) $1)0y 3 /6in"7bXn" cPch lGm...) $2)want5 lan5 a"ree5 wish5 attem t5 &eci&e5 &eman&5 ex ect5 mean5 offer5 re are5 ha en5 hesitate5 ho e5 affor&5 inten&5 mana"e5 try5 learn5 reten&5 romise5 seem5 refuse 3 TY 3 /6infinitive * I &eci&e to stu&y 'n"lish. $#)for a lon" time 2 for years 2 for a"es7DZ nhi:u n[m r\i)

7&]n" tron" th? hiAn t8i hoGn thGnh) $$)when 3 % 3 /7^k_)S % 3 was5were 3 /6in". $()`hen 3 % 3 /7*k&)S % 3 ha& 3 aii $))0efore 3 % 3 /7*k&)S % 3 ha& 3 aii $+)bfter 3 % 3 ha& 3aiiS % 3 /7*k&) $-)to be crow&e& with7rVt DBn" cGi "? DI...) $.)to be full of7Dcy cGi "? DI...) (,)To be5 seem5 soun&5 became5 feel5 a ear5 look5 "o5 turn5 "row 3 a&R7DJy lG cPc Ddn" tO tri "iPc cI n"hea lG: cI vf nhE5 lG5 &E@n" nhE5 trg n9n... sau chUn" nKu cI a&R vG a&v th? chUn" ta hTi chhn a&R) (1)exce t for5 a art from7n"oGiS trO...) (2)as soon as7n"ay sau khi) (#)to be afrai& of7sF cPi "?..) ($)coul& har&ly7hcu nhE khBn")7 chU i: har& khPc har&ly) (()Have &ifficulty 3 /6in"7"M khI kh[n lGm "?...) ())jhU i hJn biAt 2 lo8i tHnh tO /6e& vG /6in": &]n" 6e& DQ mi9u tT v: n"E@iS 6in" cho v<t. vG khi muLn nIi v: bTn chVt cka cT n"E@i vG v<t ta &]n" lin" *1: That film is borin". *2: He is bore&. *#: He is an interestin" man. *$: That book is an interestin" one. 7khi DI khBn" n9n nhcm vmi le&S chnn" h8n ta nIi : a love& man cI n"hea on"E@i DGn

Bn" DEFc mKn mdpS t;c lG cI n"hea o0Cp vG o_EFcp g DI) (+)in which 2 whereq on5at which 2 when (-)aut 3 u 3 with 3 /6in"7chCu Drn"...) (.)sake use of 3 45 /6in"7t<n &tn" cPi "? DI...) ),)uet 3 a&R5 aii )1)sake ro"ress7tiKn bd...) )2)take over 3 47DTm nhiAm cPi "?...) )#)0rin" about7man" l8i) )$)jhU i: so 3 a&R cvn such 3 4 )()bt the en& of vG In the en&7cuLi cPi "? DI vG kKt ctc) )))To fin& out7t?m ra)STo succee& in7thGnh cBn" tron"...) )+)uo for a walk7Di &8o)5 "o on holi&ay5 icnic7Di n"hW) )-)Yne of 3 so sPnh hwn nhVt 3 47mdt tron" nhxn"...) ).)It is the first5 secon&...5best 3 Time 3 th? hiAn t8i hoGn thGnh +,)yive in7sLn" g)5 yive at 3 DCa chW ct thQ5 yive on 7sLn" nh@ vGo...) +1)To be fine& for7bC h8t v:) +2)from behin&7tO hHa sau...) +#)so that 3 mAnh D:7DQ....)

+$)In case 3 mAnh D:7tron" trE@n" hF ...) +()can5 coul&5 may mi"ht5 will5 woul&5 shall5 shoul&5 must5 ou"ht to... 7mo&al /erbs) 3 /6infinitive.

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