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Which of the following conditions would BEST prevents a nurse from a malpractice suit? a. Performs her duty as prescribed in her job description b. Records the intervention and outcomes of care c. Does not allow patients relatives to participate in the care of her patients. d. Performs her functions pursuant to the law. 2. If a nurse divulges the information that she is caring for the child of a patient with sexually transmitted disease, she can be liable for unprofessional conduct specifically: a. Libel b. Slander c. Breach of Confidentiality d. Invasion of privacy SITUATION:Sierra just passed the licensure examination and was accepted as a trainee in a tertiary hospital. One area of competency that she must develop is on ethico-moral responsibility. 3. Which of the following ethical responsibilities is a priority for Sierra? a. Prevent life at all cost b. Respect the individuality of patients c. Promote the image of the profession d. Maintain a healthy environment 4. When there is a conflict in the care of patients, which of the following must Sierra use to guide her action? a. Patients rights b. Decision of the relatives c. Judgment of the attending physician d. Court ruling 5. One of her patients is terminally-ill with lung cancer. The patients relatives signified their intention to stop the nasogastric tube feeding of the patient. Which of the following responses of Sierra is ethical? a. You have to sign a waiver of responsibility b. The patient needs nasogastric tube feeding even if he is dying c. I suggest that you consult first your physician on this matter d. I agree with you that will just prolong the agony of the patient 6. She works with a senior staff that is perceived to be bad-tempered and dislikes teaching newcomers. Which of the following actions of Sierra is inappropriate? a. Refrain from making comments on the conduct of the senior staff b. Discuss the behavior of the staff with the other staff of the unit. c. Safeguard the reputation and dignity of the senior staff. d. Refrain from doing anything that will discredit the senior staff. 7. Dr. Sor made his rounds early in the morning and noticed that the medicine he ordered the previous day has not been started. He shouted and berated Sierra in front of the other staff nurses. Which of the following actions of Sierra is appropriate? a. She shouts back at Dr. Sor and tells him that his behavior is not acceptable. b. She explains to him that the drug is not available in the hospital pharmacy and had to be purchased from another drugstore. c. She cries and reports the incident to the nursing office. d. She blames the staff of the previous shift for not endorsing the unavailability of the drug.

8. One of the patients expressed dissatisfaction with the care she received from a particular staff. Which of the following is the BEST action that Sierra would take? a. She asks the specific cause of dissatisfaction from the patient and informs the particular staff about it. b. Apologizes for the inconvenience that the incident brought the patient and asks for the details of the incident. c. Instruct the particular staff to write an incident report d. Inform the staff that this is not tolerated and this will be documented in her 201 file. 9. During the rounds, she showed to a group of students the proper way of doing a perilite without asking permission from the patient. This act is a violation of the patients right to: a. Privacy b. self-determination c. confidentiality d. anonymity 10. Which of the following principles apply to the action of Nurse Paula to refrain from discussing the disease condition of the patient with those who are not involved in his care? a. Beneficence b. Non-maleficence c. Justice d. Confidentiality 11. Nursing is the best defined as a profession that: a. is concerned with nursing diagnosis and treatment b. help people to do activities that contribute to health recovery and peaceful death c. care of people, sick or well, in any setting d. assist people towards self-care 12. Which of the following statements is the most important characteristic of a professional nursing? a. is community-oriented b. observes ethical practice c. demonstrates self-control d. provides a human resource 13. Safe nursing practice requires: a. professional competence b. completion of BSN degree c. registration as a nurse d. membership in PNA 14. A retired nurse stops to help in an emergency at the scene of an accident but after all that she has done, the injured party has filed a lawsuit against the nurse. In this case, the nurse would probably be covered by: a. her homeowners insurance b. National Protection Program c. The Good Samaritan Law d. Her Social Security System insurance 15. Prior to surgery, the nurse checks to ensure that the patient has signed an informed consentform. Which ethical principle is the nurse supporting? a. Veracity b. Beneficence c. Justice d. Autonomy 16. The nurse is conflicted about the harmful effects of an intervention that also will have abeneficial effect for the patient. Which ethical consent gives direction to the nurse? a. Principle of Double Effect b. Epikia c. The Golden Rule d. The End Justifies the Means

17. The nurse tells a patient that an immunization will not hurt at all when the nurse is aware that the injection will be painful. Which ethical principle has the nurse most clearly violated? a. Justice b. Veracity c. Autonomy d. Role Fidelity 18. The fundamental responsibility of a nurse according to the International Council of Nurse Code for Nurses are the following apart from: a. Promotion of Health b. Prevention of illness c. Aggravation of Suffering d. Restoring the optimum well-being of a person 19. The nurse in a unit is caring for several clients. To distribute nursing care the nurse utilized the principle of triage due to the limited availability of resources. The nurse is promoting which ethical principle? a. Justice b. Veracity c. Benevolence d. Confidentiality 20. The execution of duties associated with nurses particular role is called a. Accountability b. Liability c. Responsibility d. Durability 21. Nursing ethics provides the standards for professional behavior and is the study of principles of right and wrong for nurses. This set of standards states the duties and obligations of nurses to: a. Client b. Members of the health care team c. Community d. All of the above 22. The client on renal dialysis informs the nurse that he wants to stop the series of dialysis. The nurse should appropriately do which action in response to the clients decision? a. Respect the clients decision and provide comfort measures b. Inform the client that he might die suddenly of sepsis c. Leave the client and attend to other patients needs d. Persuade the client he needs to finish the series of dialysis no matter what. 23. Being answerable for ones own action is assuming: a. Obligation b. Accountability c. Veracity d. Nonmaleficence 24. The one that promotes the philosophical and theological study of morality, moral judgments and moral problems is called: a. Values b. Morals c. Standards of Practice d. Ethics 25. The principles or standards that influence behavior and decision making which are based on experience, religion, education and culture is called: a. Values b. Morals c. Standards of Practice d. Ethics

26. The conviction that something is absolutely right or wrong in all situations is called: a. Values b. Morals c. Standards of Practice d. Ethics 27. The Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 is also known as: a. Republic Action 9173 b. Public Act 9137 c. Republic Act 1973 d. Republic Act 9173 28. The Board of Nursing consist of: a. One member and 6 Chairpersons b. One Chairperson and 6 members c. One Chairperson and 3 members d. One chairperson and 16 members 29. To qualify for admission to the licensure exam, an examinee should have all the following criteria except: a. At least at the age of majority b. Computer literate c. A Filipino d. Graduate of BSN 30. Grounds for revocation and/or suspension of professional license include the following except a. Unprofessional and unethical conduct b. Selling goods and other merchandise aside from performing her nursing duties c. Malpractice of negligence d. Gross incompetence or ignorance 31. The Professional Regulations Commission was created by virtue of P.D. 223 on: a. 06/23/1973 b. 06/23/1937 c. 06/28/1937 d. 06/28/1973 32. When the harm that resulted from negligence and the responsibility for the harm are obvious and clear that anyone would agree on it, this doctrine is used: a. Respondeat Superior b. Subpoena duces tecum c. Res Ipsa loquitor d. Que sera Sera 33. All of the following are elements of Professional Negligence except: a. The foreseeability of harm b. Existence of duty on the part of the person charged c. Errors due to family assistance d. The willingness and cooperation of the client in the omission or commission of the act 34. This implies the act of improper and unskillful care of a patient by a nurse. It also denotes stepping beyond ones authority with serious consequences: a. Illegal Detention b. Malpractice c. Negligence d. Moral turpitude 35. This is called an Act of God because of its irresistible or superior force which one cannot be foretold or prevented. a. Force Manure b. Force Minor c. Force Aljur d. Force Majeure

36. Although Nurse Loida is a duly registered nurse, if in the performance of duty she manifests the lack of ability, and is incompetent, it can be a ground for suspension or revocation of her certificate of registration. a. True b. False c. Not true d. Maybe 37. This doctrine rests upon the proposition that, in doing the acts out of which the accident arose, the servant was representing the master at that time. a. Force majeure b. Res Ipsa Loquitor c. Respondeat Inferior d. Respondeat Superior 38. The following are conspirators in the commission of a crime except: a. Appendage b. Accessory c. Principal d. Accomplice 39. This a public offense for which a convicted person is liable to be sentenced to death or be imprisoned in a penitentiary. a. Misbehavior b. Felicity c. Misdemeanor d. Felony 40. This means that the nurse or person did not use precaution but the damage done was not immediate or the impending danger was not evident or apparent. a. Ordinary imprudence b. Reckless imprudence c. Simple imprudence d. Special imprudence 41. The unjustifiable attempt to touch another person or even threatening the aggrieved person in doing so. a. Battery b. Assault c. Slander d. Libel 42. The caregiver role of the nurse emphasizes: a. Implementing nursing care measures b. Providing direct nursing care c. Recognition of needs of clients d. Observation of the clients responses toillness 43. The nurse takes the patients advocaterole when she; a. Defends the rights of the patient b. Intercedes on behalf of the patient c. Refers the patient to other services d. Works with the significant others 44. All of the following are primaryresponsibilities of the nurse manager EXCEPT: a. Performing bedside nursing b. Coordinating and delegating patient care c. Setting standards of performance d. Designating staff schedules 45. If patient asks the nurse her opinion abouta particular physicians and the nurse replies that the physician isincompetent, the nurse could be heldliable for: a. Slander b. Libel c. Assault d. Respondent superior

46. An expanded career role in nursing which investigates nursing problems to improve nursing care and to refine and expand nursing knowledge is: a. Nurse Administrator b. Nurse Researcher c. Nurse Practitioner d. Nurse Anesthetist 47. Exempting circumstances to confidentiality of information includes the following except: a. The patient is ill of communicable disease and public safety might be jeopardized b. The case is medico-legal such as attempted suicide, gunshot wounds which have to be reported to the NBI or Police c. The patient is on an illicit affair or scandalous relationship d. Given to members of the health team if information is relevant to his care 48. All of the following are elements of the principle of Two Fold Effect except: a. That the action must be morally good b. That the good effect most be willed and the bad effect merely allowed c. That the good effect must not come from an evil action but from the action itself directly d. That the bad must be greater than the good effect 49. All of these are Moral Principles to observe in the Nursing Profession except: a. No one is held to the improbable b. The morality of cooperation c. Principle relating to the origin and destruction of life d. No one is obliged to betray himself/herself 50. Which of the following is the responsibility of the Board of Nursing? a. Issues standardized tuition fees in nursing schools b. Assigns hospitals to schools to be affiliated c. Ensures quality nursing education d. Picks the rightful deans of every Nursing School under their authority 51. The certificate of registration of professionals should bear the following data except: a. Full name of registrant b. Signature of the chairperson and members of the board c. Date of birth of the registrant d. Official seal of the commission and board 52. Renewal of license should be: a. Every third year of the registrants birth month b. One year after the first registration date c. Every year for three consecutive years and three years thereafter d. Every two years on your birthday 53. Summing up the real definition of Nursing all of the following are true except: a. A discipline involved in the delivery of health care to society b. A promising career with lots of financial rewards c. Service-oriented to maintain health and well-being of people. d. An art and science. 54. Personal qualities that a nurse must possess should have the following except: a. Must be physically and mentally fit. b. Must have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing c. Must have a license to practice nursing in the country. d. Must be a bonafide member of the Christian community. 55. These are the major concepts in nursing theories except: a. Person b. Environment c. Health d. Illness 56. These are Carpers Four Pattern of Knowing except; a. Empiric knowing b. Ethical knowing c. Cosmetic knowing d. Aesthetic knowing

57. All of the following are included in Benners Level of Proficiency except: a. Novice b. Advanced Beginner c. Competitive d. Expert 58. Which of the following is true with regards to Patients bill of rights? a. The patient has the right to refuse payment in the hospital b. The patient has the right to be the subject of every research conducted for monetary rewards c. The patient has the right to review his records concerning his medical care. d. The right to exercise his absolute freedom in the confines of the hospital 59. How can a nurse promote the role of nursing in health team care? a. interpret nursing health team b. act as a change agent c. observe standards of nursing practice d. clearly specify nursing contribution to health care 60. Which of the following is the most distinguishing characteristic of nursing as a profession: a. respect rights of co-workers b. orientation towards services c. attention to care and needs of client d. attitude of helpfulness 61. To prepare for professional practice in the next century, you should: a. review nursing in light of future needs b. update knowledge required of changes in roles c. competence and ethical work behavior d. sensitive to needs of others 62. The most important specific characteristics of a true professional nurse is: a. accountable of her action b. observe professionalism c. competence and ethical work behavior d. sensitive to needs of others 63. What is the most important contribution of religion to the practice of nursing? a. respect for life b. humanistic view of man c. spiritual health of patients d. high value on service to fellow men 64. In students affiliating in the hospitals, which statement is true? a. student are accountable to their clinical instructor b. students are liable for their errors in the practice c. students cannot be held liable for their error in the practice d. students are accountable to the head nurse 65. One of your students was requested by a doctor to assist in an abortion procedure. Your best action is to: a. leave the student to decide for herself b. tell him no as she is still a student c. refer him to the head nurse d. tell him that abortion is not legal in the Philippines 66. If your student has made an error in medication, what would you do first? a. report to the head nurse b. keep to yourself and the student c. call students attention once d. check any harm to the patient 67. When a nurse demonstrates competence, she can: a. put a patient at ease b. perform nursing practice based on standards c. do nursing procedures effectively d. follow doctors order efficiently

68. When a patients wants to know the prognosis of his illness, the best action to take is to: a. refer to your senior nurse b. advise the patient to ask his doctor c. give a direct answer d. discuss it with family 69. Performing a procedure on a client without securing an informed consent might put the health care team at risk for: a. Fraud b. assault and battery c. harassment d. breach of confidentiality 70. Upon application for the local board examination, you submitted a fake Related Learning Experience Document. You are liable for which of the following illegal acts? a. Forgery of documents b. Malrepresentation c. Falsification of Documents d. Perjury 71. Nursing education and training should produce nursing who are: a. Multi-skilled and competent b. Gerontologists c. Preventive-oriented d. Advanced Nurse practitioners 72. You will soon be a registered nurse. Which of the following best describes contemporary nursing practice? a. Service-oriented b. Problem-oriented c. Humanistic caring d. Animal instinct 73. One of the patients confided to Nurse Paul that his companion is not the legal wife. What liability will Nurse Paul be exposed when he divulges the information to others? a. Slander b. Libel c. Breach of Confidentiality d. Assault 74. As a nurse, you should understand that the duty and power to regulate the practice of nursing in the Philippines is vested on what agency? a. Philippine Nurses Association b. Board of Nursing c. Technical Committee on Nursing Education d. Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines 75. Which of the following reports of your rating would grant you license to practice nursing? a. General rating of 70 and a rating of 65 in Preventive Test b. General rating of 75 and a rating of 60 in Curative B Test c. General rating of 80 and a rating of 59 in Rehabilitative Test d. General rating of 75 and a rating of 55 in Promotive Test 76. Supposed your classmate passed the examination but was not allowed to be registered. The following are grounds for such; which one is unlikely? a. she is 18 years of age b. she was convicted by final judgment of criminal act involving moral turpitude c. Unsound mind d. Guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct 77. You received a notice ordering you to appear before the Board at a specified time and date to answer a complaint made against you. Which of the following legal orders refer to this? a. Subpoena duces tecum b. Injunction c. Summons d. Subpoena ad testificandum

78. Nurses Tom and Boy were summoned to appear before the BON to answer an administrative charge filed against them for alleged negligence. Which of the following term refers to Tom and Boy in the legal proceedings? a. Respondents b. Plaintiffs c. Accomplices d. Witnesses 79. Mr. Timtam, the son of the patient who was the victim of their negligence, and the one who filed the case against Tom and Boy, is also known as the: a. Defendant b. Jury c. Plaintiff d. Respondent 80. Which of the following are the elements of professional negligence? 1. Existence of a duty on the part of the person charged to use due care 2. Failure to meet standards of due care; 3. Foresee ability of harm resulting from failure to meet the standard 4. The power of control over the agency or instrumentality a. b. c. d. 1,2,3 2,3,4 1,3,4 1,2,3,4

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