Harwood Mary 2013-12-03

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GoObserve Walkthrough Report

Name: Harwood, Mary Classification: Observed by: Zachary A. Strickler Observation Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 1:34 PM Course: Math Department: Second grade

Instructional Strategies Transition time Opening the Lesson Direct Instruction Demonstration Questioning Individual - Teacher Led Instruction or Guided Practice Small Group - Teacher Led Instruction or Guided Practice Small Group - Independent Practice Individual - Independent Practice Dealing with Behavior

Level of Teaching and Learning Knowledge Understanding Applying

Level of Application Knowledge in One Discipline

Academic Context Whole Class Small Group Partners Individual

Number of Students Actively Engaged: 23 Number of Students On-task: 21 Number of Students Disengaged: 0 Students in Class: 24

Important Postings Agenda

Walls of the Classroom Calendar Rules/Expectations Procedures/Guidelines Motivational Quotes/Posters Subject Specific Reference Materials

1:34:51 PM - Transition Comments Start OB. T got students' attention with clap in a clap, clap, ccc. pattern. 1:35:34 PM - Transition Comments T said and wrote the page number for the students to use. 1:35:58 PM - Warm-up Comments T asked students to recall the math lesson from the previous day. 1:36:27 PM - Dealing with Behavior Comments Teacher said, "eyes up here, hands on your head." T directed students in stretching. Reminding students that "we are at a level zero" 1:37:18 PM - Transition Comments

Students sitting back down. 1:37:24 PM - Direct Instruction Comments Drew two groups of circles on the board, one of 6 and one of 5. "what can I do if I want a 'double.'" Called on one girl in back east wide of room. 1:38:55 PM - Questioning Comments Asked for thumbs up in the air if students remembered having cars in the as part of previous lesson.. 3 students did not put up a thumb. T did not question those 3. 1:39:24 PM - Direct Instruction Comments T uses cards with cars on them with the doc cam. as an example of a similar question. 1:40:12 PM - Free Scripting Comments Student falls out of chair while playing in seat. T has him bring book to a different table by her 1:40:38 PM - Questioning Comments T asked the students, adding 5 plus 6, where's the double? 1:40:47 PM - Questioning Comments Calls on a different girl in back on east side of room 1:41:03 PM - Dealing with Behavior Comments Teacher says, remind me what good listener looks like. students sit up and fix their eyes on teacher. 1:41:41 PM - Questioning Comments

Teacher asks, where is the double in "5+5+1?" Called on a boy on east side of room for the 5 double. 1:42:05 PM - Questioning Comments Called on a girl in from on East side of room to answer where the one came from. 1:43:17 PM - Transition Comments Teacher says, "gently rip out p. 23." Students are ripping it out. 1:44:07 PM - Transition Comments Teacher said put books away and write names and dates on the top. Put hands on head when ready. 1:44:38 PM - Direct Instruction Comments T asked, Kenny, can you read number 1 for us? - T asking for more doubles. 1:45:03 PM - Dealing with Behavior Comments T tells Kenny to sit down and work. 1:45:12 PM - Questioning Comments "What is the double for 3+2?" Calls one on student near back on east side of class. The students in north-west area talking. 1:46:09 PM - Transition Comments Hands out manipulatives and asks students to make groups. 1:46:48 PM - Transition Comments All SS have the manipulatives

1:46:58 PM - Small Group - Independent Practice Comments Asks the SS to break up the manipulatives into groups of three. 1:47:29 PM - Questioning Comments All students count groups out loud with the teacher 1:47:58 PM - Questioning Comments T asks students 2+2+1 equals.... Two students answer. 1:48:33 PM - Questioning Comments Calls on a girl on west side of room near front to answer next step 1:48:51 PM - Dealing with Behavior Comments T asks 2 students to point to number 8 because they were off track 1:49:15 PM - Direct Instruction Comments T asks a student to read number 8 1:49:31 PM - Direct Instruction Comments "Left side partner make a group of 6" Right side makes a group of 5 1:49:51 PM - Transition Comments "Raise your hand if you aree the left side partner" then did that for right side to help clarify which ss do which group 1:50:39 PM - Questioning Comments Teacher asks students, how do we make a group now? Calls on students near the front in the middle row to answer.

1:51:14 PM - Questioning Comments Calls on a boy in the middle on west side of room 1:51:35 PM - Questioning Comments T asks for choral responses for 5+5, then for 5+5+1. 1:52:21 PM - Transition Comments Teacher uses clapping and "gimme five" to get students attention 1:52:40 PM - Small Group - Independent Practice Comments Teacher gives next direction for students to do 9, 10, 11, 12 with their partners. and tells them to work together to make the number sentences with doubles. 1:53:34 PM - Transition Comments Students working Student in front on west turns to the other students and says "I dont have a partner, then walks to the T to ask to work with someone. 1:54:17 PM - Small Group - Independent Practice Comments Teacher walks to each set of partners while the SS are working. 1:57:57 PM - Transition Comments Teacher uses clapping and give me 5. 7/24 students raise hand to give 5. 1:58:47 PM - Direct Instruction Comments T talks through the fixes for students 10/24 students talk during direction. 1:59:15 PM - Small Group - Teacher Led Instruction or Guided Practice Comments

Students working. T moves down rows of students in opposite direction than before. 2:04:29 PM - Small Group - Teacher Led Instruction or Guided Practice Comments T is working with students, near back on West side. Two students have hands up 2:05:47 PM - Transition Comments Uses clapping and give me five. 15/24 students raise hand 2:06:13 PM - Dealing with Behavior Comments Teacher says, "If you are listenting, where should your eyes be? 19/24 students change. 2:07:33 PM - Small Group - Teacher Led Instruction or Guided Practice Comments Teacher starts students working again and walks room.

Noticings I noticed that the row on the East side of the room received more attention than the West row or middle row. Students did not all answer during choral responses. Teacher said, "okay" after giving directions.

Wonderings Is the greater attentions to the East row because of ability or how the students are paired? What was the purpose of the choral responses?

Analysis Students appeared to generally grasp the concept being taught. It was difficult to gauge this as an observer based upon low participation in the class-wide responses. The teacher formulated the lesson well and speaks in a caring and clear manner to the students. The teacher spent time with each set of partners and seemed to have a solid understanding of each student's level by the end of the lesson. It would be a

good idea for the teacher to think about class-wide expectations regarding responses and transition time between activities.

Feedback Strong points: Teacher had strong command of the expectations in the lesson. Teacher had clear progression within the lesson and relating to the previous lessons. When teacher used bell, she help all students accountable to follow the expectations. Teacher had excellent command of the needed steps and materials in the lesson. Students respond to teacher with cooperation and positive affect. The lesson activities were well-designed. May want to: Make sure all students follow up on expected classroom procedures, so that the procedures are effective. Utilize different clapping patterns, volumes, sounds, etc. when using those types of cues for student behavior management. Ask for questions after directions (e.g. "What questions do you have?"). When asking for choral or class-wide responses, make sure all students are involved. Avoid the word "okay" when unnecessary. Say, "what questions do you have?" instead.

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