Diksha Education Centerreal Number Class10th

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Guess Paper 2009 Class X Subject Mathematics

(Q.1) Determine the prime factorization of the number 556920.

(A) 23 x 33 x 5 x7 13 x 17 (B) 22 x 32 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 17 (C) 23 x 32 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 17 (D) None

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(Q.2) Use Euclid s di!ision al"orithm to find the #$% of 2&0 and 55.
(A) 7(B) 5(C) 3(D) 11 (he areas of three fields are &65m2 ) &95m2 and 2*5m2respecti!el+. %rom these flo,ers beds of e-ual size are to be made. .f the breadth of each bed be ' metres) ,hat ,ill be the ma/imum len"th of each bed. (Q.0) (he sum of #$% 1 2$3 o 20! a"# 1190 is (Q.5) (he 2.$.3 of 226& and 2524 is

( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark )

(he 2$3 of t,o numbers is &0 times their #$%. (he 5um of 2$3 and #$% is 600. .f one number is 2*0 then the other number.

.f the sum of t,o numbers is 55 and the #.$.%. and 2.$.3. of these numbers are 5 and &20 respecti!el+) then the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers is e-ual to6 (Q.*) 7hich of the follo,in" is a non terminatin" repeatin" decimal8

( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark )

(A) (B) ( 1 mark ) (C) (D)


7hich of the follo,in" is a rational number8 (B) (C) (D) ( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark )



.f 9 is a prime number) then is not a rational number(B) is not an irrational number


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(C) is an integer(D) is whole number

is a (A) terminatin" decimal (B) non:terminatin" decimal (C) cannot be determined


(D) none of these


(he t,o irrational numbers bet,een (B) (C) (D) none



( 1 mark )


.f ; 2.009 then the !alue of (A) &.225(B) 0.*&6 (C) 0.6&' (D) 2.009

is close to

( 1 mark )

(Q.&0) (he multipication of arational and an irrational number ( 1 mark ) is

(A) an irrational number(B) a rational number(C) an inte"er (D) a ,hole number

(hree men start to"ether to tra!el the same ,a+ around a ( 1 mark )

circular trac< of && <ms. (heir speeds are 0) ) and * <ms per hour respecti!el+. 7hen ,ill the+ meet at the startin" point8 (A) 22 hrs(B) &2 hrs(C) && hrs (D) 00 hrs %or three positi!e inte"ers p) - and r ,hich of the follo,in" statement is true$

( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark )

(A) L C ! ("#$# r) (B) L C ! ("#$#r ) % & C ' ("# $# r) (C) L C ! ("#$#r) (D) L C ! ("#$#r) (Q.&4) (he 2.$.3. of t,o numbers is 05 times their #.$.%. .f one of the numbers is &25 and the sum of #.$.%. and 2.$.3. is &&50) the
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other number is6 (A) 215(B) 22( C) 225(D) 235 (Q.&*) 5uppose +ou ha!e &0* "reen marbles and &00 red marbles. =ou decide to separate them into pac<a"es of e-ual number of marbles. %ind the ma/imum possible number of marbles in each pac<a"e. (A) ) (B) 3* (C) + (D) 12 %ind the "reatest number that ,ill di!ide 55) &24 and &45) so as to lea!e the same remainder in each case. (A) 11(B) 1* (C) 1, (D) 2) (Q.20) > man ,as en"a"ed for a certain number of da+s for ?s. 000.'0 but because of bein" absent for some da+s he ,as paid onl+ ?s. 249.90. #is dail+ ,a"es cannot e/ceed b+6 (A) ?s. 29.&0 p(B) ?s. '&.'0 p (C) ?s. '&.&0 p(D) ?s. '&.0& p

( 1 mark )

( 1 mark )

( 1 mark )

(he least number of fi!e di"its ,hich is e/actl+ di!isible b+ &2) &5 and &* is6 (A) &00&0(B) &005&(C) &0020 (D) &00*0 (Q.22) %ind the "reatest possible rate at ,hich a man should ,al< to co!er a distance of 40 <m and 205 <m in e/act number of da+s8 (A) 55 (B) *( (C) 35 (D) )5 (Q.2') (hree bells chime at an inter!al of &*) 20 and '2 minutes respecti!el+. >t a certain time the+ be"in to chime to"ether. 7hat len"th of time ,ill elapse before the+ chime to"ether a"ain8 (A) 2 hours 20 minutes(B) 0 hours 0* minutes (C) & hour '6 minutes (D) 5 hours
(Q.2&) (Q.20) 2525 is

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(A) a composite number(B) a natural number (C) an irrational number (D) both (&) and (2) (Q.25) (he len"th) breadth and hei"ht of a room are * m 25cm) 6m 45cm and 4m 50cm respecti!el+. Determine the lon"est tape) ,hich can measure the three dimensions of the room e/actl+. (A) 45 cm(B) &50 cm (C) 90 cm (D) &*0 cm

( 1 mark )

#.$.% of '6'* and '5*4 is

( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark )

(A) 13 (B) 17(C) 1+(D) 23 (Q.24) %ind the "reatest number) ,hich di!ides &002 and &*0' lea!in" remainder 2 and ' respecti!el+.

(A) +(B) 1,((C) 3*((D) 72( (Q.2*) (he len"th) breadth and hei"ht of a room are *m25cm) 6m45cm and 0m50cmrespecti!el+. Determine the lon"est rod ,hich can measure the three dimensions of the room e/actl+ (A) *5-m(B) 77-m(C) 75-m(D) ,(-m (Q.29) '@9' ((A%) (Q.'0) 7h+ is4/&&/&'B4 a composite inte"er. ( 1 mark )

( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark )

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Q.'&) 7ithout actual di!ision) state ,hether the terminatin" or non terminatin" rational numbers.


( 1 mark )

(Q.'2) di!ides e!er+ non zero inte"er .((A%) (Q.'') .f a and b are non: zero inte"er then a@b and b@a a b ((A%) (Q.'0) E/press &00 in its prime factor. (Q.'5) Determine .*45 is terminatin" or non:terminatin". (Q.'6) #.$.% of t,o inte"ers 26) 9& is &' ,hat ,ill be its 2.$.3.8 (Q.'4) .f the #$% of 2&0 and 55 is e/pressible in the form 2&0 / 5 B 55+) find + (A) 1+(B) 15(C) .1+(D) .21 (Q.'*) %ind the #$% of 96 and 000 b+ prime factorization method. #ence) find the 2$3 (A) 1((((B) +*(((C) +*)((D) +*+* (Q.'9) %ind the lar"est number that ,ill di!ide 205' and 964 and lea!es a remainder of 5 and 4 respecti!el+. (A) 12,(B) 5)(C) 25*(D) *) (Q.00) E/plain ,h+ 4 / && / &' B &' and 4 / 6 / 5 / 0 / ' / & B 5 are composite numbers (A) /ro0u-t o1 "rime 1a-tor (B) Com"osite None (C) Both o1 these (D) None o1 these (Q.0&) %ind out #$% of *64 and 255 b+ usin" Euclid Di!ision >l"orithm (A) 51(B) )5(C) 5((D) 55 (Q.02) .f the sum of t,o numbers is 45 and the #.$.%. and 2.$.3. of these numbers are 5 and 200 respecti!el+) then the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers is e-ual to6 (A) (B) (C) (D) (Q.0') %ind out #$% of '*)220 and &96 b+ usin" Euclid Di!ision >l"orithm (A) 1+2(B) 1+((C) 1+*(D) 1+, (Q.00) 2 is an irrational or rational number used b+ contradiction method. (A) 2ational(B) 3rrational(C) Both o1 these(D) None o1 these (Q.05) 7hich of the follo,in" is non terminatin" repeatin" decimals8

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(A) (B) (C) (D) (Q.06) %ind the "reatest number of 6 di"its e/actl+ di!isible b+ 20) &5 and '6 (A) ++++++(B) +++7,+(C) +++((((D) +++72( (Q.04) %ind the #$% and 2$3 of 90 and &00 b+ the prime factorization method (A) 15# 2((B) 15# 72((C) 1,# 72((D) None o1 these (Q.0*) %ind the #.$.% and 2.$.3. of 25&52 and &2&56 b+ usin" the fundamental theorem of >rithmetic (A) 2))5757*(B) 25)7,+7*(C) 25)7,*7+(D) 2))5*5*7 (Q.09) %ind the lar"est number ,hich di!ides 205 and &029 lea!in" remainder 5 in each case. (A) ),(B) *)(C) 2((D) 1* (Q.50) is a (A) 4erminating 0e-imal(B) Non.terminating 0e-imal(C) Cannot be 0etermine0(D) None o1 these (Q.5&) %ind the #$% of 65 and &&4 and e/press it in the form 65m B &&4n
(A) m 5 .2 # n 5 .1(B) m 5 2 # n 5 .1(C) m 5 3 # n 5 .1(D) m 5 2 # n 5 1 (Q.52) Ci!en #.$.% ('06) 654) ; 9) find 2.$.3. ('06) 6'4) (A) 22222(B) 2232,C) 223(2(D) 2233, (Q.5') .n a seminar) the number of participants in #indi) En"lish and 3athematics are 60) *0 and &0* respecti!el+. %ind the ma/imum number of rooms re-uired if in each room the same number of participants are to be seated and all of them bein" in the same subDect. (A) 17(B) 21(C) 27(D) 1+ (Q.50) (here is a circular path around a sports field. 9ri+a ta<es &* minutes to dri!e one round of the field) ,hile ?a!ish ta<es &2 minutes for the same. 5uppose the+ both start at the same point and at the same time) and "o in the same direction. >fter ho, man+ minutes ,ill the+ meet a"ain at the startin" point (A) 3((B) 3*(C) )((D) 2* (Q.55) (,o tan<ers contain *50 litres and 6*0 litres of petrol respecti!el+. %ind the ma/imum capacit+ of container ,hich can measure the petrol of either tan<er in e/act number of times. (A) 135(B) 1*((C) 17((D) 21( (Q.56) %ind the #$% of 96 and 000 b+ prime factorization method. #ence) find there2$3 (A) +5+5(B) +*+*(C) +2+2(D) +3+3 (Q.54) .n a school there are t,o sections E section > and section F of classG. (here are '2 students in section > and '6 students in

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section F. Determine the minimum number of boo<s re-uired for their class librar+ so that the+ can be distributed e-uall+ amon" students of section > or section F (A) 3(((B) 2+*(C) 2,,(D) 27,
(Q.5*) (Q.59)

5ho, that 5ho, that 5 E

is irrational. is irrational.

( 3 !arks ) ( 3 !arks ) ( 3 !arks ) ( 3 !arks ) ( 3 !arks ) ( 3 !arks ) ( 3 !arks )

(Q.60) is irrational. (Q.6&) E/press '2460 as the product of its prime factors. (Q.62) %ind the #$% and 2$3 of 6) 42 and &20) usin" the prime factorisation method. (Q.6') %ind the #$% of 96 and 000 b+ the prime factorisation method. #ence) find their 2$3. (Q.60) %ind the 2$3 and #$% of 6 and 20 b+ the prime factorisation method. > s,eetseller has 020 <aDu barfis and &'0 badam barfis. 5he ,ants to stac< them in such a ,a+ that each stac< has the same number) and the+ ta<e up the least area of the tra+. 7hat is the ma/imum number of barfis that can be placed in each stac< for this purpose8

( 3 !arks )

(Q.66) 5ho, that an+ positi!e odd inte"er is of the form 0- B & or 0- B ') ,here - is some inte"er. (Q.64) Use Euclid s al"orithm to find the #$% of 0052 and &2546.

( 3 !arks ) ( 3 !arks )

DIKSHA EDU A!I"N EN!RE M#$%&'AU!AM NA'AR&NE( DELHI&)*$)+,))&-,.*%,*%/, 0A1 N":#/**#)*$)+,))& 234sh5wo6726gmail -om

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