Eligibility Criteria SP14

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Appointments Eligibility Conditions For Faculty Positions

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) is reputed public sector institute providing higher education in the country having 0 functional campuses! Applications are invited from interested candidates for follo"ing #aculty $osition at CIIT S%I&A' CAM$(S!
Post Professor ()e*uired for Soft"are +ngineering, Mechanical +ngineering, Computer +ngineering, +lectrical +ngineering, Computer Science and Management Sciences) Qualification Experience Publications #ifteen research publications in %+C/$+C recogni.ed 1ournals!

$h!-! degree in relevant field, #ifteen years teaching / research e0perience in a recogni.ed by %+C in consultation "ith $+C (if OG re*uired) recogni.ed institution / college/university or post graduate institution or professional e0perience in the relevant field in a national or international organi.ation "ill be re*uired! OR Ten years post2$h!-! Teaching / research e0perience in %+C recogni.ed (niversity or a post2graduate institution or professional e0perience in the relevant field in national or international organi.ation! $h!-! in the relevant field from 33 years of post $h-/ +*uivalent terminal degree an institution recogni.ed by %+C in consultation "ith $+C (if re*uired) TTS e0perience OR Minimum of years of post 4$h-/+*uivalent

36 research publications ("ith at least 6 pub lications in the past 6 years) in internationally abstracted 7ournals recogni.e d for the purpose of appointment on

terminal degree e0perience, "ith at least 35 years of Tenure Trac8 by the %igher +ducation e0perience prior to the $h-/ +*uivalent terminal degree! The e0perience to be counted is of teaching/ researc h in a recogni.ed (niversity or post 4 graduate institution or professional e0perience in relevant field in a national or international organi.ation! Commission!

Associate Professor ()e*uired for Soft"are +ngineering, Mechanical +ngineering, Computer +ngineering, +lectrical +ngineering, Computer Science and Management Sciences)

$h!-! in the relevant field from Ten years teaching / research e0perience in a an institution recogni.ed by %+C in consultation "ith $+C OG (if re*uired) recogni.ed institution /college/ university or post graduate institution or professional e0perience in the relevant field in a national or international organi.ation "ill be re*uired! OR #ive years post2$h!-! Teaching / research e0perience in %+C recogni.ed (niversity or a post2graduate institution or professional e0perience in the relevant field in national or international organi.ation! $h!-! degree in relevant field, 9 years of post $h-/+*uivalent recogni.ed by %+C in consultation "ith $+C (if re*uired)! TTS terminal degree e0perience OR

Ten research publications in %+C/$+C )ecogni.ed 1ournals!

30 research publications ("ith at least : pub lications in the past 6 years) in internationally abstracted 7ournals recogni.e

Minimum of : years of $ost $h-/ +*uivalent terminal d for the purpose of appointment on Tenure degree e0perience "ith at least 9 years of e0perience prior to the $h-/ +*uivalent terminal degree! The e0perience to be counted is of teaching/ researc h in a recogni.ed (niversity or post4graduate institution or professional e0perience in relevant field in a national or international organi.ation Trac8 by the %igher +ducation Commission!

Assistant Professor ()e*uired for Soft"are +ngineering, Computer +ngineering, Mechanical +ngineering, Computer OG Science Management Sciences, Mathematics, and ;io2Informatics)!

$h- in the relevant field from %+C recogni.ed Institution <o e0perience

OR #irst Class 3=2year or e*uivalent degree in the relevant field from an %+C

OR #our >ears teaching/research e0perience in a recogni.ed university or a post graduate institution or professional e0perience in the relevant field in a

recogni.ed institution "ith not national or international organi.ation!

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