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Constitutional Provisions Recruitment to Various Services & Posts All India Services Mechanisation - Project Sam era Recruitment Rules !isci linar" Matters #$tension o% &unctions to 'ocal Bodies #tc #$em tions Recruitment & Conditions (% Service #tc Binding nature o% the advice o% the Commission Annual Re orts Back to General Information Back to Home

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Page)o Indianisation o% the su erior Civil Services .ecame one o% the major demands o% the olitical movement com elling the British Indian +overnment to consider setting u o% a Public Service Commission %or recruitment to its services in the territor"/ The first Public Service Commission was set up on October 1st, 1926. However, its limite a visor! functions faile to satisf! the people"s aspirations an the continue stress on this aspect b! the lea ers of our free om movement resulte in the settin# up of the Federal Public Service Commission un er the $overnment of %n ia

&ct 19'(. )n er this &ct, for the first time, provision was also ma e for the formation of Public Service Commissions at the provincial level.

)he Constituent Assem.l"0 a%ter inde endence0 sa1 the need %or giving a secure and autonomous status to Pu.lic Service Commissions .oth at &ederal and Provincial levels %or ensuring un.iased recruitment to Civil Services as also %or rotection o% service interests/ 2ith the romulgation o% the ne1 Constitution %or inde endent India on 34th 5anuar"0 67890 the &ederal Pu.lic Service Commission 1as accorded a constitutional status as an autonomous entit" and given the title : Union Public Service Commission

Constitutional Provisions
Page)o )he ,nion Pu.lic Service Commission has .een esta.lished under Article ;68 o% the Constitution o% India/ )he Commission consists o% a Chairman and ten Mem.ers/ )he terms and conditions o% service o% Chairman and Mem.ers o% the Commission are governed ." the ,nion Pu.lic Service Commission <Mem.ers= Regulations0 6747/ )he Commission is serviced ." a Secretariat headed ." a Secretar" 1ith t1o Additional Secretaries0 a o% 5oint Secretaries0 !e ut" Secretaries and other su orting sta%%/

)he ,nion Pu.lic Service Commission have .een entrusted 1ith the %ollo1ing duties and role under the Constitution> &or Hindi click here 6/ Recruitment to services & osts under the ,nion through conduct o% com etitive e$aminations? 3/ Recruitment to services & osts under the Central +overnment ." Selection through Intervie1s? ;/ Advising on the suita.ilit" o% o%%icers %or a 1ell as trans%er-on-de utation? ointment on romotion as

@/ Advising the +overnment on all matters relating to methods o% Recruitment to various services and osts? 8/ !isci linar" cases relating to di%%erent civil services? and 4/ Miscellaneous matters relating to grant o% e$tra ordinar" ensions0 reim.ursement o% legal e$ enses etc/

)he major role la"ed ." the Commission is to select ersons to man the various Central Civil Services and Posts and the Services common to the ,nion and States <viA/ All-India Services=/



)he e$ enses o% the ,nion or a State Pu.lic Service Commission0 including an" salaries0 allo1ances and ensions a"a.le to or in res ect o% the mem.ers or sta%% o% the Commission0 shall .e charged on the consolidated &und o% India or0 as the case ma" .e0 the Consolidated &und o% the State/

R#CR,I)M#-) )( VARI(,S S#RVIC#S A-! P(S)S

Page)o )o !uties & Role o% the Commission ,nder Article ;39 o% the Constitution o% India0 the Commission are0 inter-alia0 reBuired to .e consulted on all matters relating to recruitment to civil services and osts/

"EC"UI%$EN% is made ." one o% the %ollo1ing three methods> 6/ !irect Recruitment? 3/ Promotion? and


&I"EC% "EC"UI%$EN% is conducted .roadl" under the %ollo1ing t1o methods> 6/ Recruitment ." com etitive e$amination/ 3/ Recruitment ." selection through intervie1/ Back

R#CR,I)M#-) BC C(MP#)I)IV# #DAMI-A)I(Back ,nder the Constitution one o% the %unctions o% the Commission is to conduct e$aminations %or a ointment to Civil ServicesEPosts o% the ,nion/ In addition0 com etitive e$aminations are also held ." the Commission under arrangements 1ith the Ministr" o% !e%ence %or entr" to certain !e%ence Services0 through the -ational !e%ence Academ"0 Indian Militar" Academ"0 -aval Academ"0 Air &orce Academ" and the (%%icers )raining Academ"/

)he Commission usuall" conducts over a doAen e$aminations ever" "ear on an all India .asis/ )hese include #$aminations %or recruitment to

servicesE osts in various %ields0 such as Civil Services0 #ngineering0 Medical and &orest Service0 etc/ &or an overvie1 o% e$aminations regularl" held ." the Commission/ See F(vervie1 o% #$aminationF under this Cha ter/ At resent the ,nion Pu.lic Service Commission conduct their e$aminations at numerous venues s read over @3 regular centers throughout the countr"/

"EC"UI%$EN% B' SE!EC%I N Back Recruitment ." Selection is made ." the %ollo1ing methods> 1. B" Intervie1 (nl" 2. B" Recruitment )est &ollo1ed B" Intervie1 B' IN%E"#IE( N!' Back 2here the o% a licants is ver" large0 it is not ractica.le to call %or Intervie1 all the a licants 1ho %ul%ill the minimum eligi.ilit" conditions rescri.ed/ )he Commission0 there%ore0 shortlist the candidates to .e called %or the intervie1 on the .asis o% certain re-determined criteria related to the jo./ A large o% recruitment cases is handled ." the Commission ." the method <6= a.ove/

B' ("I%%EN %ES% F !! (E& B' IN%E"#IE( Back In this categor"0 there are t1o t" es o% rocedure %ollo1ed> a/ An o.jective-t" e 1ritten andEor ractical test to test the skill o% the candidates %ollo1ed ." Intervie10 the %inal selection .eing decided ." Intervie10 aided ." the er%ormance o% the candidates in the 1ritten test andEor ractical test/

./ An o.jective-t" e 1ritten andEor ractical test to screen candidates to .e called %or intervie10 the %inal selection .eing decided ." Intervie1 onl"/

)ppointment B* Promotion )nd %ransfer

n &eputation+%ransfer Back

In accordance 1ith the rocedure decided ." the +overnment0 in consultation 1ith the Commission0 Chairman or a o% the Commission resides over the !e artmental Promotion Committee Meetings to consider romotions %rom +rou B to +rou A and %rom one grade to another 1ithin grou A0 1here romotion is to .e made ." Selection/ &eputation )he Recruitment Rules %or a o% osts rovide %or a ointment ." )rans%er on !e utation <including short term contract= and )rans%er/ 2hen the %ield o% consideration consists o% Central +overnment as 1ell as State +overnment o%%icers0 rior consultation 1ith the Commission is necessar" %or selection o% an o%%icer/ 2hen the %ile %or consideration is made more .road.ased and consists o% not onl" CentralEState +overnment o%%icers .ut also o%%icers %rom -on-+overnment Institutions0 the selection has to .e made in consultation 1ith the ,nion Pu.lic Service Commission/ )ll India Services Page)o )he All India Services Act0 6786 and Rules and Regulations %ramed thereunder regulate the recruitment and conditions o% service in res ect o% the All India Services viA/ Indian Administrative Service0 Indian Police Service and Indian &orest Service/ As %ar as direct recruitment to the Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service #$amination are concerned0 it is done through the Civil Services #$amination and %or the Indian &orest Service through the Indian &orest Service #$amination held ." the Commission/

)he relevant Rules and Regulations rovide that ;;G o% the vacancies in the IASEIPSEI&S should .e %illed ." romotion %rom amongst the o%%icers o% the State Service in consultation 1ith the Commission/ )he Selection Committee resided over ." o% the Commission consists o% senior +overnment re resentatives o% the Central +overnment and the State/

$ec,anisation - Pro.ect Sampera Page)o )he Commission have recentl" undertaken a roject called FSAMP#RAF <Screening and Mechanised Processing o% #$amination and Recruitment A lications=/ A sim li%ied single sheet common a lication %orm %or all the e$aminations has .een devised 1hich 1ill .e scanned ." using (MREICR technolog"/ )he im lementation o% this roject 1ill mainl" hel in high s eed scanning o% data %rom %orms eliminating manual entr"/ (ther .ene%its 1ill .e accurate and %aster generation o% Admit Cards0 Attendance lists 1ith hoto re lica and signature %acsimile o% each candidate0 and #rror-%ree list o% dou.t%ul cases/ )he main aim o% this roject is to co e 1ith the increasing volume o% a lications through innovations and mechanised handling so as to reduce the rocessing time and send communications %aster to minimised errors/ )he cases o% im ersonationEmal ractices 1ill also .e eliminated and 1aste%ul e$ enditure 1ill .e reduced/

"EC"UI%$EN% "U!ES Page)o

In accordance /it, t,e provisions contained in )rticle 012 of t,e Constitution read /it, t,e provisions of Union Public Service Commission 3E4emption from Consultation5 "e6ulations 789:; "ecruitment "ules of all Group <)= and Group <B> posts in various $inistries+&epartments of Government of India are re?uired to be framed in Consultation /it, t,e

Commission@ Consultation /it, t,e Commission is also necessar* for framin6+amendin6 "ecruitment "ules for certain cate6ories of posts under t,e Emplo*ees State Insurance Corporation; %,e &el,i $unicipal Corporation; %,e Ne/ &el,i $unicipal Council; Emplo*ees Provident Fund r6anisation etc@ under t,e relevant )cts made b* Parliament in pursuance of t,e provisions of )rticle 017@ )ll proposals for framin6+amendin6 "ecruitment "ules are e4amined keepin6 in vie/ t,e cadre structure of t,e or6anisation and t,e circulars issued b* t,e Govt@ from time to time@ )fter approval; t,e Commissions= advice in t,e matter is communicated to t,e $inistr*+&epartment concerned@ $ore t,an 7A222 "ecruitment "ules ,ave been framed+amended so far@
&ISCIP!IN)"' $)%%E"S Page)o )o !uties & Role o% the Commission ,nder Article ;39<;= o% the Constitution the Commission are reBuired to .e consulted on the Buantum o% enalties in disci linar" cases a%%ecting a erson serving under the +overnment o% India in a Civil Ca acit"/



! C)! B &IES E%C Page)o

Article ;36 also em o1ers the Parliament to e$tend the %unctions o% the Pu.lic Service Commission to an" local authorit" or other .od" cor orate constituted ." 'a1 or ." an" u.lic institutions/

EXE$P%I NS Page)o In order to e$em t some osts 1hich %or reasons o% -ational Securit" or some other reasons ma" not .e reBuired to .e re%erred to the Commission %or their advice0 the ,nion Pu.lic Service Commission <#$em tion %rom Consultations= Regulations 1ere issued on Se 60 678H0 under Article ;39<;=<a= and <.= o% the Constitution/ )hese Regulations are amended or revised as and 1hen the need arises/


F SE"#ICE E%C Page)o

)he Provisions as contained in Article ;97 & Article ;66 o% the Constitution are also reBuired to .e read in conjunction 1ith the rovisions as contained in Article ;39 o% the Constitution/

Bindin6 nature of t,e advice of t,e Commission Page)o A convention has .een esta.lished ." the +overnment o% India0 that in the %ollo1ing classes o% the cases re%erred to the Commission0 the recommendations made ." them shall .e acce ted0 save in e$ce tional circumstances/ a/ Iuasi-judicial cases/

./ Selection %or a

ointments o% candidates/

c/ A ointment o% a candidate on a higher initial a" than that o% a minimum a" o% the osts/ d/ Claims o% e$ enditure incurred ." the +overnment servants in de%ending legal roceedings instituted against him in res ect o% acts done or ur orting to .e done in the e$ecution o% his dut"/

)NNU)! "EP "%S Page)o )he Commission have a dut"0 under Article ;3; o% the Constitution to resent annuall" to the President a Re ort as to the 1ork done ." the Commission and on recei t o% such re ort0 the resident shall cause a co " there o% together 1ith the Memorandum e$ laining0 as res ect the cases0 i% an"0 1here the advice o% the Commission 1as not acce ted0 the reasons %or such nonacce tance to .e laid .e%ore each House o% the Parliament/
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