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1. Captain' is related to a Team' in the same way as Director' is related to (1) Supervisor (2) Employee ( ) !

r"anisation (#) $nion (%) Customer 2. &ind the odd one out o' the 'ollowin" options (1) (unt (2) Child ( ) &ather (#) )iece (%) *elation . +ointin" to a photo"raph o' ,ahesh- *am said. .The 'ather o' his sister is the hus/and o' my wi'e's mother.. 0ow is *am related to ,ahesh1 (1) 2rother (2) 2rother3in3law ( ) &ather3in3law (#) Data not su''icient (%) )one o' these #. 4' 'or5' is called plate'- plate' is called '5ni'e'- 5ni'e' is called 6u"'- 6u"' is called "lass'- "lass' is called cup' and cup' is called 'or5'- /y what do we cut 'ruit1 (1) spoon (2) 6u" ( ) "lass (#) saucer (%) none o' these %. 4' a' is su/stituted /y 27-'2' /y 2% and so on up to 8' which is su/stituted /y 1- what will /e the sum o' the num/ers su/stituted 'or the word 9*(:'1 (1) (2) #; ( ) < (#) < (%) )one o' these 7. 4n a certain code C!4,2(T!*E is written as D+=)C2$+S&. 0ow is 4)D!*E written in that code1 (1) =!E)>& (2) =,C+>D ( ) =!E+S& (#) 0,C)>D (%) )one o' these

<. ?eeta is elder to Seeta /ut not to Deepa. ?ayatri is youn"er than Deepa. )o one is elder to &atima. @ho is youn"est o' them all1 (1) Seeta (2) ?eeta ( ) ?ayatri (#) Data not su''icient (%) )one o' these A. *aman is sittin" to the immediate le't o' 0arry /ut not neBt to Camal. ,ahesh is sittin" to the ri"ht o' Camal. 4' the 'our 'riends are sittin" in a circle who is sittin" to the immediate ri"ht o' 0arry1 (1) ,ahesh (2) Camal ( ) *aman (#) 0arry (%) Cannot /e determined D. 0ow many three letter meanin"'ul En"lish words can /e 'ormed 'rom the word )!TE /e"innin" with T' and without repeatin" any letter1 (1) Three (2) !ne ( ) Two (#) )one (%) )one o' these Directions (11-15): (nswer Euestion 11 to 1% /ased on the 'ollowin" seEuenceF (G2HD? DCI,1C>29<+%$A4#:J= 11. 0ow many elements in the a/ove arran"ement are /oth immediately preceded and immediately 'ollowed /y a num/er1 (1) !ne (2) Two ( ) Three (#) &ive (%) )one o' these 12. @hich o' the 'ollowin" will /e the 'i'teenth element 'rom the le't end i' all the num/ers are arran"ed in descendin" order 'rom le't to ri"ht- 5eepin" the position o' the other elements in arran"ement un3chan"ed1 (1) % (2) # ( ) < (#) A (%) )one o' these

1 . 0ow many letters in the a/ove arran"ement are immediately 'ollowed /y a sym/ol1 (1) Two (2) &ive ( ) &our (#) Three (%) )one o' these 1#. @hich o' the 'ollowin" will /e ei"hth to the le't o' the twel'th 'rom the le't end o' the arran"ement1 (1) H (2) < ( ) $ (#) D (%) )one o' these 1%. &our o' the 'ollowin" 'ive are ali5e in a certain way /ased on their position in the a/ove arran"ement and so 'orm a "roup. @hich is the one that does not /elon" to that "roup1 (1) ?G, (2) CD> ( ) 1D< (#) 2,$ (%) +C4 17. 4n a certain code lan"ua"e' 4n /a pe' means he has won'-'le 5i /a' means she has lost' and in se pe' means he always won'. @hich word in that lan"ua"e means he'1 (1) in (2) pe ( ) se (#) Data not su''icient (%) )one o' these 1<. 9 is :'s /rother. S is T's mother and 9's aunt. 0ow is T related to 91 (1) Sister (2) Cousin ( ) (unt (#) Cannot /e determined (%) )one o' these 1A. 4' the letters o' the word !2SE*K()T are interchan"ed- such that the 'irst /ecomes ninthsecond /ecomes ei"hth- and so on- and the position o' the 'i'th letter remains unchan"ed then what will /e the new arran"ement o' letters1 (1) T)(KE*S2! (2) T)K(*ES2!

( ) )T(KE*S2! (#) K()T*ES2! (%) )one o' these 1D. 4' 1 is coded as L- % is coded as M- 7 is coded as Iis coded as N- < is coded as H and # is coded as 1 @hat will /e the correct 'orm o' the num/er # %7<11 (1) 1 N M I H L (2) 1 N M L H I ( ) 1 N I M H L (#) L H I M N 1 (%) )one o' these 2;. @hich o' the 'ollowin" have the same relationship as 2*E(DFD2(*E1 (1) S@!*)F )S!@* (2) &$)DSF &SD$) ( ) ?O(8E F E?8(O (#) O!@E*F *OE@! (%) )one o' these Directions (21-25): *ead the 'ollowin" in'ormation and attempt the "iven EuestionsF SiB eBecutive (man- 2indu- Deepa- =itu- Camal and +riyan5a have to advertise 'our products i.e. soapwatches- computers and chocolates on di''erent channels- i.e. ?o- Come and &un either alone or in pairs. (n eBecutive can visit only one channel and advertise only one product. )o more than two eBecutives can advertise on a channel. (i) 2indu and =itu /oth visit the same channel /ut advertise di''erent products. (ii) (man who visits ?o' advertises neither soap nor computers. (iii) Camal does not advertise chocolates. (iv) )o "irl advertises soap. (v) The two eBecutives who advertise chocolates visit Spice (vi) 21. @ho advertises watches1 (1) Deepa (2) Camal ( ) (man (#) +riyan5a (%) )one o' these

22. @hich o' the 'ollowin" Channel3product pairs in definitely incorrect1 (1) ?o3watch (2) Come3computer ( ) ?o3soap (#) Come3soap (%) Come3watch 2 . @hich channel does Camal visit1 (1) ?o (2) &un ( ) Come (#) Cannot /e determined (%) )one o' these 2#. 4' 2ipasha advertises computers which o' the 'ollowin" must /e true1 (1) =itu advertises soap (2) =itu advertises watches ( ) Camal advertises computers (#) Camal wor5s 'or &un (%) )one o' these 2%. @hat will =itu advertise1 (1) Chocolates (2) @atches ( ) Computers or watches (#) Cannot /e determined (%) )one o' these 27. Swaroop and Simple want to attend a seminar to"ether /etween D a.m. to % p.m. on &riday. Simple cannot leave till a'ter her lunch /rea5 which /e"ins at 1. ; p.m. Swaroop is 'ree a'ter her meetin" which ends at noon. &or how many hours can the two o' them attend the seminar1 (1) P hours (2) 2 P hours ( ) # P hours (#) Cannot /e determined (%) )one o' these 2<. 0ow many pairs o' letters are there in the word ()S@E* each o' which has as many letters /etween them in the word as there are in the En"lish lan"ua"e1 (1) !ne (2) Two ( ) &our (#) Three (%) )one o' these 2A. &ind the odd one out

(1) 2 (2) < ( ) 11 (#) 1 (%) D 2D. 4' all the letters in the word ,E*C4&$O are rearran"ed in alpha/etical order and su/stituted /y the alpha/et precedin" them in the En"lish alpha/et what will /e the new arran"ement o' letters1 (1) 2D0ECO>T (2) 2DE0CO>T ( ) 2DE0OC>T (#) 2DE=,O>T (%) )one o' these ;. !ut o' A 'amilies in a housin" society % su/scri/e to 0indi news3papers alone- 12 su/scri/e to /oth 0indi and ,arathi newspapers. &ind the num/er o' ,aranthi news3paper su/scri/ers. (1) D (2) 21 ( ) 1< (#) Cannot /e determined (%) )one o' these Directions (31-35): 2elow are "iven letters and their numeric codes. 2elow that are "iven some conditions to /e 'ollowed while codi'yin" the "iven letter "roups in each Euestion. Study them and 'ind out the correct numeric coded 'orm o' the "iven letter "roup in each Euestion. 4' none o' the coded 'orms is correct- your answer will /e (%) i.e. )one o' these'. Letters M Q 5 I 3 N " E 1 Y # U $

Nu eric 2 !odes !onditions:

(i) 4' the 'irst and last letters are vowels /oth are to /e coded as L. (ii) 4' the second letter is a vowel and the third letter is a consonant a sin"le code is to /e used and /oth are to /e coded 6ointly as M.

(iii) 4' the 'irst letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel /oth are to /e coded as1 1. E)4,: (1) 1M2A (2) 1< 21 ( ) 1< 2A (#) 1< 2A (%) )one o' these 2. ?E)4* (1) 11< 1 (2) 7M D ( ) 7M<D (#) 71< D (%) )one o' these . >$E*4 (1) %MD (2) 1#1 1 ( ) 1#1 D (#) 1#1D1 (%) )one o' these #. E4)$, (1) 1M<2 (2) ;M#2 ( ) 1 <#1 (#) 1M# (%) )one o' these %. $)?*E (1) L<7D L (2) #<7D L ( ) #<7D1 (#) L<7D1 (%) )one o' these Directions (3%-$&): 4n each Euestion /elow are two statements 'ollowed /y two conclusions num/ered 4 and 44. :ou have to ta5e the two "iven statements to /e true even i' they seem to /e at variance 'rom commonly 5nown 'acts and then decide which o' the "iven conclusions lo"ically 'ollows 'rom the two statements disre"ardin" commonly 5nown 'acts. 'i(e )ns*er (1) i' only conclusion 4 'ollows. 'i(e )ns*er (2) i' only conclusion 44 'ollows. 'i(e )ns*er (3) i' either conclusion 4 or 44 'ollows. 'i(e )ns*er ($) i' neither conclusion 4 nor 44 'ollows. 'i(e )ns*er (5) i' /oth conclusions 4 or 44 'ollow.

7. +t)te ents: Some pencils are lead. (ll lead are in5 !onclusions: 4. Some in5 are pencils. 44. (ll in5 are lead. <. +t)te ents: Some ovens are re'ri"erator. Some re'ri"erators are (Cs. !onclusions: 4. Some (Cs are ovens. 44. )o. (C is oven. A. +t)te ents: (ll planes are /irds. (ll /irds are clouds. !onclusions: 4. Some planes are clouds. 44. Some clouds are /irds. D. +t)te ents: Some sweets are salt. )o salt in spice. !onclusions: 4.. Some sweets are spice. 44. )o spice is salt. #;. +t)te ents: Some papers are plastics. (ll papers are clothes. !onclusions: 4. Some plastics are clothes. 44. Some plastics are papers. Directions ($1-$5): Each o' the 'ollowin" Euestions /elow consists a Euestion and two statements num/ered 4 and 44 "iven /elow it. :ou have to decide i' the data provided in the statements are su''icient to answer the Euestion. *ead /oth statements andF 'i(e )ns*er (1) i' the data in statements 4 alone is su''icient to answer the Euestion while the data in statement 44 is not su''icient to answer the Euestion. 'i(e )ns*er (2) i' the data in statement 44 alone is su''icient to answer the Euestion- while the data in

statement 4 alone is not su''icient to answer the Euestion. 'i(e )ns*er (3) i' the data either in statement 4 alone or in statement 44 alone is su''icient to answer the Euestion. 'i(e )ns*er ($) i' the data in /oth the statements 4 and 44 are not su''icient to answer the Euestion. 'i(e )ns*er (5) i' the data in /oth the statements 4 and 44 to"ether are necessary to answer the Euestion. #1. 0ow is cric5et' written in a code lan"ua"e1 4. Dinesh play cric5et' is written as do si ha'. 44. play cric5et now' is written as ha si ma'. #2. @ho is the oldest amon" O- ,- )- !-+1 4. + is older than , and ) /ut not !. 44. O is older than !. # . @hen is *ahul's /irthday1 4. *ahul and Shivani are twins. 44. *ahul was /orn on the last day o' &e/ruary in a leap year. ##. @hat is the stren"th o' the class1 4. She5har stood 2A ran5s /elow the top ran5er and ,ahesh who stood % ran5s /elow him stood last. 44. =ayesh was D ran5s /elow *amesh who stood 2< 'rom the top. #%. 0ow 'ar does Shruti live 'rom the school1 4. Shruti has to cycle 5ms. To her 'riend ,ina's house which is # 5ms. &rom thee school. 44. ?itan6ali lives eBactly opposite the school and wal5s 2 5ms. to reach Shruti's house. Directions ($%-5&): The 'ollowin" Euestions are /ased on the 'ive three di"it num/ers "iven /elowF D<2 %27 #A< %D 2%1 #7. 4' the positions o' the 'irs and second di"its are interchan"ed which o' the 'ollowin" will /e third i' they are arran"ed in ascendin" order1

(1) %D (2) D<2 ( ) %27 (#) #A< (%) 2%1 #<. 4' 2 is added to the sum o' the di"its o' each o' the a/ove num/ers how many will /e multiples o' %1 (1) )one (2) !ne ( ) Two (#) Three (%) )one o' these #A. 4' 1 is su/tracted 'rom the last di"it o' each o' the a/ove num/ers the sum o' the di"its o' how many o' them are prime num/ers1 (1) )one (2) Two ( ) !ne (#) Three (%) (ll 'ive #D. 4' the di"its in each o' the a/ove num/ers are written in reverse order which will /e the second hi"hest num/er1 (1) 2%1 (2) %D ( ) #A< (#) %27 (%) D<2 %;. 4' the positions o' the di"its o' each o' the num/ers are interchan"ed such that the 'irst /ecomes secondsecond /ecomes third and third /ecomes 'irs- which- o' the 'ollowin" will /e the hi"hest1 (1) D<2 (2) %27 ( ) #A< (#) 2%1 (%) %D ,ns*er -ey for Ment)l ,.titude /e)sonin0 11 (3) %1 (3) 111 ($) 1%1 ($) 211 (3) 21 (5) "1 ($) 121 (3) 1"1 (2) 221 ($) 31 (2) #1 (2) 131 (2) 1#1 (5) 231 (1) $1 (2) 21 (1) 1$1 (1) 121 (1) 2$1 (2) 51 (2) 1&1 (1) 151 (5) 2&1 (5) 251 (3)

2%1 (1) 311 (3) 3%1 (1) $11 ($) $%1 (1)

2"1 (2) 321 (2) 3"1 (3) $21 (5) $"1 ($)

2#1 (5) 331 ($) 3#1 (5) $31 (2) $#1 (3)

221 (2) 3$1 (5) 321 (2) $$1 (1) $21 (3)

3&1 (5) 351 (1) $&1 (5) $51 (3) 5&1 (5)

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