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The continual use of oral contraceptives poses a threat to womens physical well-being.

Based on the sources gathered in our research, the most common form physical abnormalities happening in womens body are weight gain, nausea, and sore breast ( Kistner, 1966, pp.16-17 ). The same goes for McKenry, who enumerated nausea, breast discomfort and gaining of weight as side effects of taking in oral contraceptives ( McKenry, 2000, p.726 ). A source taken from the internet specified that the intake of oral contraceptives leads to dizziness, headache, lightheadedness, stomach ache or nausea. It will also cause severe depression, back pain, chest pain, lumps in the breast, and jaundice of the skin (internet). Nausea, the feeling of disgust in our stomach is greatly induced by the intake of a synthetic estrogen hormone. This disorder [nausea] occurs during the 1st month of usage and would gradually decrease later on ( Kistner, 2000, pp.68-69 ). The use of oral contraceptives harms our physical well-being. Nausea, sore breast, dizziness, and weight gain is repeatedly mentioned above. Oral contraceptives causes nausea by womens intolerance to the hormone called estrogen which is present in the pill. Dizziness when taking the pill is caused by the intake of pill by women who are also experiencing hypertension since this two share the same effect .Sore breast or lumping in the breast is caused due to the varying hormone levels when we take the pill. Simply put it that these side effects will worsen when there is an overdose when taking the pill.

The side effects of oral contraceptives mentioned earlier is still lacking, one of these is the formation of gallstones in the gall bladder. Oral contraceptives do have some other side effects, one of which is the formation of gallstones caused by the attraction of cholesterol to the hormones of the oral contraceptives ( internet ). This is also supported by another source saying that gall stones are created by the imbalance of hormones in the upper region of the liver which is the gall bladder. People who are susceptible to gall stone formations are those who are pregnant, those who use oral contraceptives and those who have diabetes ( internet ). As state above gallstones are products of an imbalance level of hormones in the liver. Gallstones are formed by the attraction of the cholesterol which solidify in the gall bladder because of the hormones introduced by the pill. And lastly one of the common side effects caused by oral contraceptives to women is hypertension. Oral contraceptive users experience mild hypertension often times. The systolic as well as the diastolic blood pressure of these women slightly increase for about 1 mm Hg (Craig & Stitzel, 1994, p.756 ). About 5% of women using oral contraceptives was observed to have hypertension regardless of the amount of

dosage given ( McKenry, 2000, p. 726 ). There have been an increased incidence of hypertension among women who use oral contraceptives ranging from 3 to 6 times than those who do not use contraceptives ( Lenhe, 2007, p.724 ). Hypertension or high blood pressure is caused by the disturbance of estrogen to the other processes occurring in the arteries. Hypertension has 2 types the systolic or contraction of the heart and diastolic the relaxation. Hypertension is a revolving factor that can cause stroke in the future if not taken well of. As there are many physical side effects that are caused in relation to the use of oral contraceptives, a similar scale of damage is also felt by the emotional aspect of the human being. From a direct experience, Amy, a college student narrated that she experienced depression, anxiety and mood swing, as well as being forgetful having a hard time to sleep and different depressive state of mental well-being ( internet ). According to Dr. Merecido, she enumerated some side effects of using oral contraceptives one of this is mood swing. Women tend to have higher temper and one of the probable cause of this is headache, an adverse physical effect. Depression is also another emotional effect that likely to occur on women taking the pills (Dr. Merecido, 2013). People having anxiety disorder are seen as convulsive, stressed and they lose composure. Substances that induce anxiety are stimulants, oral contraceptives, hallucinogens, insulin, and antihistamine (Mayer, 2005, p.107). [reaction] In addition to the side effects mentioned above the loss of sexual desire also called as libido is common among women who use oral contraceptives. One of the emotional side effect of taking a pill is that it lessens the sexual drive of women that leads to an unhappy marriage and loss well-being (Kistner, 2000, p.17). Using a survey questionnaire, there are about 31% of regular pill users have decreased in libido while 24% have the opposite. The decreasing of libido is due to painful feeling of childbirth, fear of cancer, and fear of blood clot (Kistner, 2000, pp.198-201). According to McKenry, he said that, a reduction in libido is occasionally a problem and may be a cause for seeking an alternative method of contraceptive (McKenry, 2000, p.729). [reaction] Oral contraceptives have a terrifying side effect that could result to severe suffering and that is cancer. Oral contraceptives protects women against ovarian and endometrial cancer but it has an adverse effect on the risk of cervical cancer which tends to increase likely to women who have human papillomavirus (Lehne, 2007, p.725). There is an increase of risk for cervical cancer for women who use oral contraceptives. These risks are dysplasia and carcinoma in-situ which is commonly caused by the human

papillomavirus, the use of barrier type of birth control and smoking ( McKenry, 2000, p.728). Women who take in oral contraceptives for about 5 or more years are prone to an increase in the risk of cervical cancer. However the discontinue usage of oral contraceptive would gradually lower the risk of cancer overtime. Women who have HPV or human papillomavirus and are taking oral contraceptives for more than 6 years greatly increase their risk of cancer by three folds or more ( internet ). [reaction] Cancer of the breast is Estrogen, a hormone usually in combination with progestin to be used for contraceptive purposes, has been suspected of having carcinogenic effect that would take effect after 20 years (Mears, 1966, p.33). According to Dr. Bertam G. Katzung, a professor of pharmacology in University of California stated that, studies have shown an increased risk in women and it [breast cancer] is possible that tumors develop in younger women.. (Katzung, 1995, p. 623). The growth of breast cancer among women who use oral contraceptives are caused by too much exposure of the breast tissue to hormones and most women who started taking the pill at a young age have an increase in the risk of having a breast cancer (internet ). [reaction]

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