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Lab 8- Light and Color This lab will introduce you to Light and Color, as well as have you

explore the nature of light in relation to color. For this lab follow the instructions below and answer the questions. Please make sure that you give as much detail as possible in your final assignment. Access: Click on Light & Radiation. Launch the Color Vision Simulation.

Part I Use the RGB Bulbs Tab 1) Each light has a color gradient. For the best results, slide the bar to the very top of each color. Each color should be observed individually for this first part. To stop the color, return the bar to the black location. a) What color is seen when the red light is on? Red b) What color is seen when the green light is on? Green c) What color is seen when the blue light is on? Blue 2) For the next part we will investigate the effects of mixing two colors. Before you begin each part be sure to make a hypothesis. a) What color do you think the man will see when red and green are mixed together? Yellow b) Turn on the red and green, both to the very top of the color scale. What does the man actually see? Yellow c) Experiment with the degree of color. While doing this, make sure that both colors are in equal locations on the scale. What colors are observed? Do they still fit into the same color family as the color observed in b? I did green and red and moved it down about of the way and it came out pea green so yes it is still part of that family.

3) Keep the red light on (to the top red location), and turn off the green. We will be looking at red and blue next. a) What color do you think the man will see when red and blue are mixed together? Purple b) Turn on the red and blue, both to the very top of the color scale. What does the man actually see? pinkish purple 4) c) Experiment with the degree of color. While doing this, make sure that both colors are in equal locations on the scale. What colors are observed? Do they still fit into the same color family as the color observed in b? Violet, blueberry yes they are still part of that color family. 5) Keep the blue light on (to the top blue location), and turn off the red. We will be looking at green and blue next. a) What color do you think the man will see when green and blue are mixed together? Bright blue b) Turn on the green and blue, both to the very top of the color scale. What does the man actually see? Light blue c) Experiment with the degree of color. While doing this, make sure that both colors are in equal locations on the scale. What colors are observed? Do they still fit into the same color family as the color observed in b? Aqua and teal and yes they still fit into that color family.

6) Now we will be looking at mixing all three colors. a. What color do you think the man will see when red, green and blue are all mixed together? White b. Turn on all three colors, all to the very top of the color scale. What does the man actually see? White

7) Fill in the color diagram below. Provide the appropriate colors that you observed when each was mixed. You may use colored pencils if you wish.


Red: Maroon, red, ruby, raspberry red, black Red Green: orange, burgundy, brown Green: lime, green bean green, grass green, emerald, hunters green, deep green, black Green blue: Emerald, teal, mint Blue: Sky blue, cobalt blue, royal blue, navy blue, black Blue Red: purple, dark blue, pink Red Blue Green: violet, white, grey, black Part II Use the Single Bulb Tab 1) Set the simulation to the following: bulb type white, beam photons, and filter color off. a) What is coming out of the bulb? Every color of the rainbow b) What color light does the man see? White 2) Set the simulation to the following: bulb type white, beam solid, and filter color off.

a) What is coming out of the bulb? White b) What color light does the man see? White 3) Set the simulation to the following: bulb type white, beam photons, and filter color on. a) Choose any filter color. Record the color ___Purple. b) What is coming out of the bulb before the filter (in the area just in front of the filter)? Rainbow c) What is coming out after the filter? Purple d) What color light does the man see? Dark purple e) Choose another filter color. Record the color ________Green. f) Repeat questions b-d (above). Please record your observations as you answer the questions. B. white C. Yellow D. Yellow

g) What is the filter doing? Filtering out the other colors and letting the chosen color go through E. Set the simulation to the following: bulb type white, beam solid, and filter color on. a) Choose any filter color. Record the color ________Yellow. Repeat questions b-d (from question 3 on the last page). Please record your observations as you answer the questions. B. white C. Yellow D. Yellow

b) Choose another filter color. Record the color Maroon. Repeat questions b-d (from question 3 on the last page). Please record your observations as you answer the

questions. B. White C. Maroon D. Maroon

c) What are the differences between question 3 (photon setting) and question 4 (solid setting)? The light is a solid there is not a bunch of photons and colors floating around. d) What are the similarities between question 3 (photon setting) and question 4 (solid setting)? The man still sees the color that was chose. Set the simulation to the following: bulb type monochromatic, beam solid, and filter color on. a) Select a bulb color and a filter color that are different. Record the colors chosen below. What does the man see? Bulb Color: _____Blue____ Filter Color: _____Yellow__ Color seen by the man: Black

b) Select a bulb color and a filter color that are the same. Record the colors chosen below. What does the man see? Bulb Color: ________Red ____ Filter Color: _________Purple__ Color seen by the man: Black

c) What is the filter doing? Canceling out the colors I think.

E. In this activity light was represented in 2 ways as a photon or as a solid. What explanation can you provide for the nature of light? Sometimes light acts as though it is a wave and other times it acts as tough it is a particle. Both work but they cannot work at the same time because then the light is canceled out.

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