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what im going to do here is explain alchemy in a brand new way while trying to retain traditional terms to connect your

mind to the ideas that will properly allow you to create a lot of alchemical books are not uniform in their terms and explanations listen to my song while you read so this wont be so boring the 3 aspects mercury/sulphur/salt EXPLAINED

Astral Fires/mercury nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, bismuth (seemingly different but 1 in essence contains the seed of life of all kingdoms all of these elements are in their respective places on earth where you find them you find life and you will find DEATH.. because life and death are truly 1.... just 2 aspects of 1 thing ) properly called MERCURY because its the seed of both masculine and feminine aspects of nature (also called the dragons as the dragon symbolizes the merging of opposites above and bellow no matter what acid you can even use pure water if prepared correctly they will dissolve gold in 1 way or another.... if there is one thing you need to get out of this is 1 thing THE POWER AND SOURCE OF LIFE Sulphur carbon, sulfur, silica (polymers) ( these are the 3 main sulfurs as they are the body of the elixir the thing that will contain the energies you put into it properly considered the masculine aspect of the elixir as these control and dominate the form... it is through these colors are expressed...the truth of this is in nature....they compose bodies of vegetable, animal and mineral bodies.. its easily observed in minerals than vegetables and minerals... philosophically sulphur is considered anything that creates bodies this is why they say "sulpher of iron, copper, gold, silver, etc." and go on to say what colors it has however because of sulphurs metals can be prepared any color SALT water, any salts, anything IONIC in general. halogens this is the most interesting part of alchemy as this is about the feminine aspect of nature, the womb, the mother, the moon, ELECTRONS etc. honestly this part is the womb of astral energies and metals only serve to be electron donors or electron conductors however no metal is truly needed to accomplish this as SALT works just fine... this is where CHLORINE IS IMPORTANT... now chlorine is alos referred to as MERCURY or ARGENT VIVE but i separate it in this are for the sake of a better understanding... you see these combined with any of the astral fires is what creates the dragon.. the fiery and poisonous breath of the dragon... it is also the most dangerous aspect if not understood correctly as halogens with astral fires equals literally dragons everything im listing here is either extremely toxic, extremely explosive and was used in WAR as nerve agents, explosives, poisons etc. Nitrogen tri-halogens toxic but not explosive but florine is HIGHLY CORROSIVE AND TOXIX shock sensitive explosive shock sensitive explosive shock sensitive explosive nitrogen triiodide video phosphorus tri-halogens = used to make nerve agents like in WWII =used to make methamphetamines arsenic tri-halogens toxic and corrosive "" butyrum/butter of arsenic in alchemy "" "" anitmony tri-halogens known in alchemy as butyrum/butter (more on butyrum later) bismuth tri-halogens butyrum/butter of bismuth

Im listed these for good reason this is the academic part of my research and is meant to serve AS A GUIDE not as ABSOLUTES but also to convey HOW DANGEROUS THESE SUBSTANCES ARE AND THEY ARE APTLY CALLED DRAGONS FOR A GOOD REASON

the halogens alone in ANY form are VERY TOXIC\"philosophical dew\"

*if you havent noticed this section is going to be really long* hence the music lol honestly ANY acid pared with a nitrogen group element... you get a very dangerous, poisonous, POSSIBLY EXPLOSIVE substance (hence the feat of alchemist turning THE GREATEST POISONS INTO THE GREATEST MEDICINES) [color=red]many alchemist have either died or blew themselves up in their labs me being one of them i had glass explode in my chest) the real tricky part is the fact that without salt you will accomplish nothing in the art.. And therefore I conclude of this, that every good and perfect medicine of Alchemy and Elixir or powder must be in manner of Salt, and be Salt itself, and have the virtue of Salt in being of slow fusion and penetrating when cast on the bodies of melted or fiery metals.

the question is.... which path is the most wisest one...the one that wont harm you the that's woman's work and child's play... the one where you use one vessel... all of the books you read are literally different methods using these 3 aspects (mercury/ sulphur/ salt) and dissolving them all down into 1 substances and then cooking it into elixir.. the time frame does not matter demand in what time this blessed Stone may be made, to which it is answered as a certain author Lelius the Philosopher witnesses, that his magistery was finished in eight days, and that another did it in seven days, and another in three months, and some in four months, and some in half a year, and some in the space of a whole year, and Maria says she did it in three days. To this I say that the cause of diversity, that is of shortness and length of time, might be defect in the virtue of the water of Mercury or because it worketh of Sol and Luna. And some of the Philosophers added more and some less.

while you guys follow old paths one thing you need to keep in mind is that elements did NOT beging to be isolated and named until about the 1700s...most of these books are PRIOR TO THAT TIME therefore didnt have the names you are looking for for example chlorine Around 1630 chlorine gas was first synthesized in a chemical reaction, but not recognized as a fundamentally important substance. Characterization of chlorine gas was made in 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, who supposed it an oxide of a new element. In 1809 chemists suggested that the gas might be a pure element, and this was confirmed by Sir Humphry Davy in 1810, who named it from Ancient Greek: khlros "pale green".

in the first section which have THE BEST BOOKS ARE ALL 16TH CENTURY AND EARLIER "Artephius is said to have written this in the 12th century" " A Work of Saturn Johann Isaac Hollandus From Of natural & supernatural things. London, 1670." On the true and right Preparation of Stibium / to heal human weaknesses and illnesses therewith, and to improve the imperfect metals. Translated by Kjell Hellesoe 1985. From Friedrich Roth-Scholtz, Deutsches theatrum chemicum, Nrnberg: Adam Jonathan Felsecker, 1731. This was first printed in Latin in 1600, and a number of editions were issued during the 17th century. This short text seems to have been of especial interest to English alchemists. This translation was transcribed from Cheiragogia Heliana. A manuduction to the philosopher's magical gold... To which is added...Zoroaster's cave; or, an intellectuall echo, &c. Together with the famous Catholic epistle of John Pontanus upon the minerall fire. By Geo. Thor. Astromagus. London 1659. This was first published as Triumph-Wagen Antimonii... An Tag geben durch Johann Thlden. Mit einer Vorrede, Doctoris Joachimi Tanckii., Leipsig, 1604. There were further editions in German issued in 1611, 1624, 1676 and 1757. A Latin edition was published in 1646. An English version was first issued in 1660, and there were further editions in 1667 and 1678. This work was much commented upon in 17th and 18th century alchemical works. <

Honestly the list goes on and then you have to keep in mind that the dates are when they BECAME

PUBLICLY PRINTED and if you think about that who knows when these books were TRULY written



so if your going to do alchemy im going to need you all to wise up and become true scientist while knowing hermetic philosophy or your all going to either waste your lives or end up dead 6 feet deep [color=orange]]Geber - The Book of Perfect Magistery: It is necessary for the Artificer of this science to be most subtle of wit, and to know and understand the natures of metals and their generations, infirmities and imperfections in their minerals, before he can come to this Art. Let no workman come to search out this Art, being loaded with gross and dull wit, or being sparing or covetous in his expenses, nor any man of double or variable mind, either over-happy or captious, but the Son of Learning imbued with a subtle and politic wit, sufficiently rich, bountiful, healthful, firm and constant in his purpose, patient, gentle, long-suffering and temperate. [color=blue]ot to be taken lightly but with the utmost seriousness nature does this work all on its own so the only thing you need to truly work on IS YOURSELF THIS WHOLE ART IS LITERALLY AT THE END OF THE DAY A JOURNEY OF SELF DISCOVERY BECAUSE IT IS ABOUT THE CREATION OF ALL OF LIFE AND WHERE YOUR LIFE TRULY COMES FROM AND HOW IT IS MAINTAINED AND IF YOU DON'T CATCH ON TO NATURE IN YOUR YEARS YOU DIE.... YOU DESERVINGLY DIE SIMPLY FOR NOT PAY DUE ATTENTION TO THE LIFE YOU LIVE TO NOT BE INLINE WITH THE LAWS IS TO SIN AND THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH...... RELIGIONS WERE BUILT ON HERMETIC PHILOSOPHY AND ITS INFLUENCE IS SEEN WITHIN ALL TRUE



IT TRULY IS THE POWER OF SORCERY, MAGIC AND THE LIKE SO PLEASE KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING IS YOUR TRYING TO BE TRUE MAGI AND SORCERERS WHICH CAN BE USED FOR THE GREATEST GOOD AND THE GREATEST EVILS "An hundred aphorisms containing the whole body of magic" THIS IS ALL MAGIC while in modern times its just been givin a whole new vocabulary but just know you use and handle magic everyday

magic (n.) late 14c., "art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces," from Old French magique "magic, magical," from Late Latin magice "sorcery, magic," from Greek magike (presumably with tekhne "art"), fem. of magikos "magical," from magos "one of the members of the learned and priestly class," from Old Persian magush, possibly from PIE *magh- (1) "to be able, to have power" (see machine). Transferred sense of "legerdemain, optical illusion, etc." is from 1811. Displaced Old English wiccecrft (see witch); also drycrft, from dry "magician," from Irish drui "priest, magician" (see druid).

so.... do your homework I call my self a Sage by reason that if i felt like it I could write and rewrite LITERALLY VOLUMES I can re-translate and verify every alchemical book which one is true and which one is false and more importantly i can get very very detailed if i so choose to really sit up here and explain the 3 parts of wisdom of the whole world could take me several lifetimes and this is why i explain as wisely and concise AS POSSIBLE

So consider this my first alchemical treatise... i wrote this literally off the top of my head JUST FOR ALL OF YOU because i didn't have to do this......i asked for nothing and gave you plenty.... take what i wrote here..

copy it, save it and ponder on it because this contains THE WHOLE BODY OF MAGIC detailed in such a fashion unlike ever written before let me give you a little back ground I was born august 17th 1988 born in the year of the dragon on the moon calender (chinese zodiac) born in the month of Leo (western zodiac) I am african and native american.... the native americans came from the aztecs... the aztecs before they were aztecs came from the EAST where the sun rises literally i have a natural love for nature and all asian cultures.... Thoth came from that area to the egyptians before they were even egyptians however this is why all of the east has this wisdom embedded in their cultures we are called INDIANS.... we are very very spiritual by nature it is in our blood to be this way.... I can smoke various plants and gain wisdom... lately ive been using tobacco however i can do it without the plants

i used diviners sage (Salvia Diviornium) and witnessed the beginning of the universe in extreme detail.... I can ask questions and get answered immediately from seemingly no where if you ever heard of Ayahuasca in the amazon... a shaman cam up with a mix to allow this to happen that is scientifically perfect yet they had no science to aid them...... if you research them they say flat out that the plants SPEAK TO THEM AND GIVE THEM KNOWLEDGE and you know what i go through the same exact thing..... and just to bring this point home I literally DIVINELY ASKED WHAT I SHOULD TELL THE PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM AND I WAS TOLD TO TELL YOU GUYS EVERYTHING THAT IT WAS THE RIGHT TIME FOR YOU ALL AFTER MY PREVIOUS VISITS

I am not telling you this to show i am better or lesser than anybody but because i wanted to speak to you all and i didnt know i decided to ask divinely and the answer was to tell the whole truth about the art and myself I literally practice all kinds of magic especially chaos magic

you see when you do any type of magic its about using the Soul (Sol, Sun power) within oneself to gain the effects out of life you so desire alchemy is the operation of the sun (sol soul gold) theurgy is the operation of the moon (mind, luna, silver) (wikipedia is wrong) astrology is the operation of the stars (the 7 planets) the magistry is always 3... the stone is 3... 3 aspects of life mind, body, and soul the 3 sacred sciences digging in books, labwork, and community alone will not work you NEED (Sages, Diviners, Seers, Shamans, Priest and the like) or YOU NEED TO BECOME ONE My race is said to have been born of DRAGONS please do not take this lightly this isn't what i believe this is what i DISCOVERED And honestly i kept this all a secret because i didn't think it would be necessary to reveal all of this nor did i want to... I had no intention of revealing all of this to everyone here....I came and just tried to fit in and give a little help here and there.. but then became frustrated with myself mostly I have made it a point to be seen as any pseudonym i can come up with... in my regular life im known as Jay, when i was dancing i was known as Strikez, later on Strikezamilli0n, on here Sunwukong, on my facebook King Jay, at one point I was big homie jay.... and so on and so forth... I swap names but do and speak of 1 person, of one thing.. I NATURALLY ACT LIKE THESE WISE MEN AND ALCHEMIST I honestly understood them so easily... it literally only took me about a less than a year to create azoth.... i understood hermetic philosophy so easily and ive just been afraid to tell anyone I say its hard work or whatever but for me it wasnt and i dont know why.... why has it been so easy for me?

I seriously dont understand why in my whole life i do everything easier than everyone everyone in my life has told me "you make it sound and look so easy" its honestly the biggest problem in my life..... ive been yelled at.. talked fsdafpsduf on and everything..... and then i go and do and learn so effortlessly and i never cared to admit it for the fear of looking arrogant or boastful... yet everyone sees me as arrogant, boastful and full of myself... the very thing im afraid of being seen as and im sure this post will only make it worse........and if i get negative about it im accused of playing victim or wanting attention or wanting people to feel sorry for me i get accused of so much on almost a daily basis no matter where i matter what i do or say then when i get advice im asked to be something i am not..... but the problem is that i can choose to be whoever i so choose and be ok with it... i can chose to become what i am not but the fact i can chose is what has made me who i am and who i am not while from listening to people words they sound as if they are stuck being who they are without choice....which in my eyes isnt life

There is just too much darkness in the world today we are truly living in the kingdom of shadows.......the darkness is the cause of all of my sorrows and your sorrows

Vitriol by Moreh

The following is an extract from Curieuse und rare chymische Operationes, Johan Isaac Hollandus, 1714, Leipzig & Gardesleben, with some additional explanatory pictures and notes in red. Thus is made your olea from Metals Now I will teach you how to make oils from metals, and to turn the innermost outside, which is one of the greatest secrets. [...] Take a large amount of Vitriol Romanum, 12 or 16 lbs., more or less. Note: Blue, or roman, vitriol is cupric sulfate; green vitriol - also called copperas, a name formerly applied to all the vitriols - is ferrous sulfate. White vitriol is zinc sulfate; red, or rose, vitriol is cobalt sulfate; and uranvitriol is a native uranium sulfate. Here a different Vitriol is meant. Dissolve it in Aqua Communa (Note: distilled water), and when it is dissolved, let it settle down.

Pour off the clear from its feces, and set it into a sandbath to coagulate, using a good vessel. Let it evaporate until a skin forms atop. Now let it cool down. In this way the Vitriol sprouts into a beautiful green, which is the best color in the work. Put what has sprouted into a suitable vessel. Note: The term "sprouting" is used, since crystals will sprout from the surface or the bootom. Green is the best color of the work since it is thecolor of generation.

Let the remainder also evaporate and sprout until you have it all together.Now put it into a room for it to dry.

Let it stand in as much heat as the sun gives off in the summer. Then the Vitriol will turn white. Note: The green crystals will turn white and brittle when subject to a gentle heat or sunlight. Best is direct sunlight. A white powder will result. This powdre should be stored in a dry place, otherwise it will slowly attract water again and turn greenish. Dissolve it again, and more earth will drop to the bottom. Decant it, let it evaporate and sprout again, as indicated in the foregoing. This can be accomplished within 3 to 4 days. The Vitriol will become twice as beautiful as before, and much greener, so much so that you will not have seen a more beautiful green color. Therefore Hermes and Geber speak: Preserve well your green, evaporate well the wet until a skin forms on top; then let it sprout again, and continue to do this till you have your Vitriol together again. Put it once more in a room, as before, drying until it turns white. Then dissolve

and granulate again. Repeat until no further feces are left. Put aside until you need it.

Note: Above picture shows the red purified solution, after one cycle of purification in the sun and resolution. From this will sprout crystals with a more transparent vitriolic green color. Now then, someone might say: When the Vitriol has been dissolved, why do you not let it evaporate completely, but you allow it to sprout, and it requires a great amount of time to change it into a white powder? Note, then, that Vitriol has within it, a subtle spirtus, as is described in the Vegetable Work as regards the subtle spirits, which are in all herbs outside. It is the green (or: verdure) of all things that are green outside, for it is the flower of their right essence. If you lose the greenness, I am telling you forsooth, that you are deprived of the essence. Further, whatever work you are doing with it, it is all lost, in vain, for it has been deprived of much, its soul, life and essentia, corpuse, spiritus or roots and everything green outside. Take care then, to preserve that well, for it is so subtle that you can lose it without noticing it, as indicated in the Vegatabiil. There you are taught that the green in all herbs, leaves and roots, is to be extracted from everything that is green on the outside. And when the green has been drawn out and reversed into a beautiful redness, the like of which none has seen, you have the right essentia. Look for further instruction in the Vegatabili. This is the reason why it is necessary to preserve the green of the Vitriol. If you were to coagulate it, part of its greenness would be taken from it; for it would become yellow, yet the green is in the Quinteesentia that we seek in the Vitriol. That is why you must permit it to dry and sprout in a room. Then its greenness is covered with the white, for as soon as it becomes moist again, its greenness will re-appear. Note: This is indeed reproduced when does not store the white powder in a closed dry place. It will slowly attract moisture to itself and reform green crystals. Allthough it may still seem a powder, the green is basically from the (micro)crystals that are being formed. Thus the outermost of the Vitriol must be turned into the innermost, and the innermost must come out, in order to preserve its soul and its spirit and to retain its Quinta Essentia.

This is a great Mysterium or Secretum in our Art. When the Vitriol has thus been cleansed, it is as red as a rose or ruby. It has within itself the four elements in their perfection, and this is the stone which God has given us for nothing. You should now take the white powder which you were told to put aside and place it in a phial and close it with Sigillo Hermetis Set it in ashes and heat it by a lamp, as warm as the sun shines in the midst of summer. Keep it thus, until you see that it begins to turn yellow Let it stand further until it turns completely yellow.

Note: Experience shows that the temperatur needs to be quite a bit higher than "a warm sun in the midst of summer". Increase the temperature slowly upto 200 degrees C. to arrive at a yellow powder. Then, let it stand yet another ten days and see if it does not begin to tinge a red color. Then, increase the fire a little, and if it becomes more red, let it stand in the regimen of the fire as is If however, it does not become somewhat redder in 8-10 days, increase the fire by one lamp until the color increases. If it stays the same, add yet another lamp, thus each time increasing the heat by degrees until the color changes to a rose or ruby red. When it has become a high or deep red color, let it stand yet another 810 days in the same heat and watch if the color does not change into a color different than red.

Note: A regular fire can turn the powder red. Increased heat, for example in a kiln at 800 degrees C. will result in a purple powder. This should be done as a dry distillation, and the milky fluid should be

collected. Now the matter has been reversed and its innermost has been brought outside. In this way, you will not lose the greenness if it has been reversed into redness. This is because it is in the deepest inner parts and can no more be brought out It will forever stay red and unfixed, for if it were fixed, everything would be lost, because it would have to be dissolved in water and coagulated again, and afterwards distilled over the helm. I am telling you that I have never revealed to you greater secrets than this! I am telling you, by my God, that this secret has never been set down into writing by the philosophi except by my hand alone. Moreover, I am telling you that there is no greater secret in art than this. Therefore, I beseech you and all those who will understand it, that you will never bring it to light except where it is right to reveal it, by the damnation of your soul, for it is a Secret above all Secrets, since with this matter all metals can be turned into oil, when they are dissolved in Aqua Fort, when the calx has been beaten to the bottom and processed as required. All Olea Metallorurn turn red as blood, without [...] for all metals are red in their innermost, but one is redder than the other. When they have been brought to redness, you must dissolve them, again coagulate them until they are free from all feces and they have their elements perfectly joined (together); for once they have arrived at this stage, nothing is left but feces.The earth, too, has become subtle and liquid and is dissolved in the other three. When they have thus been made subtle, with dissolving and coagultaing, you can distil it over the helm to a red oil, as you will learn As you are working with vitriol, you must also treat [...]. After it has been dissolved in Aqua Fort, beaten down, decanted from its saltiness and dried, you put it in a glass the same as has been done with the Vitriol. Or you can put a sublimated Mere. into such a glass, proceed in the same way and cleanse it of its feces, and distill it over into a red oil. In the same way can be processed. What do you think? Is this not a great Secret? Never before has anything like it been heard. Open your ears therefore, listen and understand! Now we will return to our work. When you see that your matter remains in an oily state, take it out of the ashes and put it into another, strong, glass. Pour a goodly amount of wine vinegar upon it, and set it into the balneum to boil for 4 days, often stirring it with a wooden spoon. After the fourth day, let it cool down and settle. Decant off the clear liquid and pour more vinegar upon the remaining feces Add more distilled vinegar, and repeat three times Now throw away the feces and put an alembic upon the glass containing the solution; draw off the vinegar, so that the matter becomes quite dry. Now you have the matter at the bottom of the glass and much more beautiful than before. Again, pour fresh vinegar upon it, and treat it as above. Reiterate this until no more feces remain in the Solution. Then coagulate it to a dry powder, put a helm on with a large head (caput) and distill. First you will obtain a yellow spiritus, then red oils and finally a white epiritue. Let the matter cool down, remove the receiver and its contents. It is the blessed Oil. Preserve it well until you need it for your metallic salt. At the bottom of the alembIc you will find a matter that is as white as snow and as clear as crystal. It is the rectified matter of the aforesaid materia. It can be pulverized and imbibed Into the red oil as into its own corpus. Put it in

vitreumapuliarn and hang it in tripodem for 40 days in moderate heat. Now it will coagulate into a Lapis Philosophorum which will dissolve all metals into ~ But we will not do this now, but will work toward our Salt and oil of metals in this manner, as with Vitriol. Thus the element of earth will go over with the oil, red as blood. This the earth of Vitriol does not do, as its oil separates from the earth. Consequently God has given it such Benediction that from it alone can one make the Lapis Philosophorum without any addition. But first one has to fix its oil with its earth. That does not happen in metals, because their earth goes over the helm together with the fire, and the whole body reverses, which tinges the metals into perfect. By the same process, you can make the oil of ~ and , , and the earth also goves over the helm in the oil and stays in the oil for all eternity. With this oil, you can perform such miracles as would be too lengthy to recount here. You well know what is said about the oil VeneriB. Yet the oil from [...] is much better in its effects than the oil Venerie.

The Wet Way

by Moreh

Part of the mystery and confusion around the Philosopher's Stone is a result of different authors describimg different paths to the Stone. Below few lines concern a well documented path which is known as one of the Humid Paths.

The path to the Philosopher's Stone that was fairly recently pursued by Caro and his disciples is one of the better known paths of the Stone. It is often referred to as the Cinnabar Path, or the Wet Way. This is not entirely correct, since there are more than one path that qualify as the Wet or Humid Path, and there are more paths to the Mineral Stone of the Philosophers that utilize Our Oak or Red Dragon as the starting material. ( ), Air ( ), Water ( ) and Earth ( ) can be traced back to the teachings of Empedocles, who lived in the 5th century BC. Empedocles was an initiate in the ancient (Orphic) mystery tradition and was a student of Pythagoras. His teachings were influenced by near-Eastern traditions such as Zoroastrianism and Chaldean Theurgy, and Empedocles in turn was a source for the later Western Mystery Tradition. Empedocles originally called the Elements the four Roots. The following figure shows the motion in the elements between the two polarities of Fire and Water, the intermixing of the four roots, and the descend (from top to bottom) of light into matter.

In addition to the Elements he discerned the currents of Love and Strife. Love (affinity, sympathy) explains the attraction of different forms of matter and their motion towards order and unity, whereas Strife (difference, antipathy) is the current that drives matter to separation and chaos, but which at the same time also is the basis for the multifarious forms of matter and individual identities. Love and Strife (comparable to Coolness and Heat) are the primary agents of change in the world. They are the primary forces which bring about all transformation through their mixing and separation of the Elements. They can be compared with the Pillars of Mercy and Severity. A proper balance of both is necessary in an ordered cosmos. Behold the sun, warm and bright on all sides, and whatever is immortal and is bathed in its bright ray, and behold the rain-cloud, dark and cold on all sides; from the earth there proceed the foundations of things and solid bodies. In Strife all things are, endued with form and separate from each other, but they come together in Love and are desired by each other. For from these (elements) come all things that are or have been or shall be; from these there grew up trees and men and women, wild beasts and birds and water-nourished fishes, and the very gods, long-lived, highest in honour. And these (elements) never cease changing place continually, now being all united by Love into one, now each borne apart by the hatred engendered of Strife, until they are brought together in the unity of the all, and become subject to it. Thus inasmuch as one has been wont to arise out of many and again with the separation of the one the many arise, so

things are continually coming into being and there is no fixed age for them; and farther inasmuch as they [the elements] never cease changing place continually, so they always exist within an immovable circle. (Source: Empedocles) Empedocles taught the Elements are more than material substances, although for the understanding of the nature therefore worldly properties are used: Element Properties flame, blaze, lightning, sun, sunlight, beaming, East heaven, firmament, brilliance, ray, beam, glance, eye, splendor, mist, cloud rain, sweat, moisture, sea water and open sea land, soil and ground

Empedocles presented his teachings in beautiful enigmas in order to prevent his students to take one aspect of these elements as the final truth. As archetypes the elements can only be circumscribed but not described. Fire is not just the terrestrial flame. The Practicus Initiation of the GD beautifully underlines the many aspects of the Fire Element through the metaphor of the Kabiri brothers. One can think of the Elements as states of matter (material substances) as well as spiritual essences. Macrocosmic manifestations for example are the land, the sea, the sky and the sun. Exploring the various physical manifestations of the elements can deepen our understanding of the underlying essence. Microcosmic manifestations can be defined as components of the human mind; mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies. The Elements in our personal lives can be related to the following psychological aspects: Element Positive and negative psychological attribution burning of the gross by trial and self-criticism, intuition, creativity, willpower, passion, flammable (anger), ambitious Energetic, strong, development and change, ability to discriminate, analytical, intellectual, honest, decisive, judgmental and intolerant, selfish, arrogant, dominant, will imposing Flexibility, pragmatism, receptiveness, gentleness, obedience, conforming, understanding, compassionate, unreliability, lack of self-control and determination, passivity, weakness, overly sensitive Realism, responsibility in work and financial moderation, realization and care of physical health, rigidity, laziness

Qualities of the elements

Zoroaster taught there are two primary principles. One is Celestial and associated with the Father, Fire, Light, Warmth, Dryness, Lightness (as opposed to Heaviness) and Swiftness. The other is Terrestrial and associated with the Mother, Water, Darkness, Coolness, Moisture, Heaviness and Slowness. Their powers are primarily Warm and Cold (the dominant powers of Fire and Water). Pythagoras similarly taught that the Cosmos and its harmony result from the union of the Male and the Female, the Light and the Dark, for both are necessary. Neither of these is good or evil, alchemy recognizes that both Light and Dark are divine and deserving of our respect. Spirit needs to be embodied. According to Zoroastrians, the cycle of Light and Dark takes place within Time or Space. Space is not empty or it would not exist; it is full of intangible forces that keep things in harmonic relationship to each other; otherwise it would all collapse in on itself, regardless of the scale. The sub-atomic particles in space appear and disappear thousands of times per second in a scintillating binary dance of on and off, life and death, existence and non-existence. This transcendent Unity differentiates into Light and Dark, which alternates within, creating harmony and Cosmos. Anaximander (6th Century BC) is credited for bringing forward the opposed powers of Warm ( ) and Cool ( ), and Moist ( ) and Dry ( ). The Elements each contain two of these Powers or Qualities. Anaximander was Master of the Milesian school (The Philosophers of Nature), which counted Pythagoras among its pupils. Anaximander succeeded his Master Thales, who is said to have only been instructed by Egyptian priests (though some believe he was taught by Zoroaster). The Warm elements are Fire and Air (heaven and sky), the Cool are Water and Earth (sea and land). The union of Warm and Cool gives birth to all living things. The qualities attributed to each Element are as follows: Element Primary Secondary

These qualities manifest themselves in many ways as Elements, and in various gradations within the Elements. The Pythagoreans identified one of the most important of these, a natural progression that is called the Organic Cycle. The first phase of growth is Moist: spring rains, green shoots, rapid growth. The second phase is Warm: summer sun, flourishing individuality, mature vigor. The third is Dry:

autumn leaves, inflexible stems, stiffening joints. The fourth is Cool: winter chills, loss of identity, death. For Alchemical processes it is good to understand how one Element may be influenced or overcome by another as Raymun Lull explains: If Air and Water are combined, there is two times a moist nature. Since moistness is the primary power of Air, Water is overcome by Air. By analogy Water overcomes Earth, Earth overcomes Fire, and Fire overcomes Air. The Great Work is in principle the quest to marry the opposites of Fire and Water to a fifth Element that is outside the realm of the four Elements: the Quintessence. The creative impulse of Fire (Alchemical Sulphur) working on Water (Alchemical Salt), is brought about with Air (Alchemical Mercury) as catalyst. The material and fixed effect of this marriage is presented by a new Earth (the Philosophers Stone). The Spirit of Lully for example in the first stages lacks aridity and is actuated by circulation over salts, starting with oily salts (warm and moist) and gradually dryer salts (cool and dry) to increase its power to work on minerals. The following paragraphs deal with each of the elements separately.

Central to the character of Earth is its power to give form and to preserve. The Cool and Dry qualities represent passive mixture (cool, connecting) and rigid structure (dry, form imposing). The dominant principle of Dryness is characterized in fixed matter, whereas the other Elements all have some volatility. The cool quality of Earth is a uniting quality. Earth is the crystalline form and material body of life and the foundation of physical being. The Earth is to rigid and inflexible to support life, but can be given this flexibility by water. In that sense Earth is better pictured as cold hard crystal than as moist and warm loam. The Caput Mortem in Alchemical processes is grossest form of the Element Earth, or in principle, the Element Earth and its dominant quality of dryness in its purest physical manifestation.

Central to the character of Water is its power to dissolve and to receive. The Moist quality of the Water Element forms part of its receptive and flexible character and presents the dissolving power (passive loss of form) of Water. The dominant Cool quality presents a unifying power. The coolness allows composite entities to unite. The primary cool character of Water can be related to Winter, whereas for example the primary Moist character of Air can be related to Spring. The essence of water is to mix and cling together while being changeable in shape. The flexibility of Water to reorganize its structure and the passive receptiveness to transformation allows it to be a suitable basis for growth and development. Water is the receptacle and primordial chaos that nurtures growth and development of life. In Alchemical

processes Water is associated with the vegetative soul. Water in combination with Earth is the Primal Mud or Prime Matter which is the basis of the Great Work. The Primal Mud needs to be animated by Air and Fire to become a part of life.

The Elements of Air and Fire constitute the Astral body and soul of life. Earth and Water form the physical body, which is animated by a spirit and a soul. Warmth and Moistness are the principles of generation. The Warmth provides the igneous spirit that introduces motion into inert matter and activates it. In that light Air can be related to Spring. Central to the character of Air is its ability to conform to external circumstances due to its moistness. Warmth is the power of separation. It will concentrate and unite things that are the same, but it will separate all that is different. Warmth is the cause of all processes of differentiation and it leads to the cyclic motion between opposing principles. Warmth is expansive, outward directed and energetic. As was described above, warmth Is the opposite of coolness, which is the quality that can unity things with a different nature. The moist quality gives Air its generative quality. In that light the Element of Air can be compared to warm moist breath rather than a cool dry breeze. Anaximander taught that Air should be considered the first principle of everything: the breath the soul and the principle of life.

Pythagoras is accredited with the idea that the Breath and Soul is a conjunction of opposites. A fundamental principle in the Western Mystery Tradition is that a conjunction of two opposites requires a mediating factor. In Alchemy Sulfur and Salt are united by Mercury. This principle is often pictures as the triangle, which contains two opposing poles and one uniting one. The Elements Fire and Water have no common Qualities. Air however, has one of the qualities of each Element and can therefore function as a bridge between the opposites.

Central to the character of Fire is its power to separate and create (or break down to) new form. Empedocles distinguishes Fire as the Agent of action. In physics Fire corresponds to energy, where the other elements correspond to states of matter

states of lower vibration. Fire strives to actively impose a determinate form on things, and therefore represents the creative impulse in all its varieties. Traditionally four kinds of Fire are distinguished, as symbolized by the four sides of the primordial tetrahedron. Below are listed some associations with each of these fires. 1. Axieros wish, supernals forcing Solar Fire

Will, Life Three Central, 2.

father, of

fountain the fire Tree into

and of

end giving Life fire Fire

Vulcanic/terrestrial Axiokersos

Mind, Tearing Magnetic Left, 3.

intention, away clothing one the fire Astral Axiokersa curtain with of another

desire matter energy fire Fire

Soul, Vital heat Incorruptible Right, 4. Kasmillos Motion Energy Heat Basal

of fire, germ

existence, mistress

life of

of of

passion beings life fire heat


required side


in change, of

heat the


transit transformation tetrahedon

So the fourth type of fire is closest to what we perceive as warmth. Temperature is basically a state of motion (of molecules), whereas heat is energy in transit. However, energy in transit is also change, so it relates to more than just heat. The various degrees of fire that the Alchemist use are related to this fourth type of heat. In the case of the alchemical furnace, it is oftentimes the terrestrial fire that produces this heat. In relation to the aspect of change it should be noted that fire plays a central role in the process of evolution and the cycle of rebirth. Fire is purifying; it burns away the transient and imperfect, thereby freeing the soul and immortalizing it. The Fire in our Souls is akin to the Celestial Fire. Hippocrates says that the soul is an immortal Warmth, which sees, hears and knows everything; most of this warmth is pushed to the outermost sphere, where it is called Aither and forms a kind of Fiery World Soul. Our Souls are akin to this Divine Aither that embraces and supports the cosmos, but might be likened as well to what Heraclitus calls a spark of the essential substrance of the stars. The Divine Fire is found both outside surrounding us and inside us at the center of our being. Mankind is made of portions of the cosmos, and in death like returns to like: the soul goes to heavenly Aither, and the body goes to Earth, each returning to its own element. According to the Orphic golden tablets, when the soul reaches its destination, it should say, "I am a child of Earth and Starry Heaven, but my race is of Heaven alone; this Ye know Yourselves." Empedocles taught that many Fires burn beneath the Earth, that the Solar Fire was born in the bowels of the Earth and that Volcanic Fire shoots to the heavens and licks the stars. Thus Fire is the highest and the lowest Element. The Celestial Fire mirrors the Central Fire as though in a higher octave. The Celestial Fire is symbolized as a cube. The double cubical alter in GD rituals primarily represents this Celestial Fire above the Central Fire. The Central Fire is also known as the Dark Sun, the Black Sun, the Sun behind the Sun and the Volcanic Sun. Franz Hartmann states in Magic, White and Black, 1888. Since Fire is separating (due to its Heat) and inflexible (Dry), the effect of Heat on the Primal Mud is to rarefy the Watery part and to condense the Earthy part. Through its Heat the Luminous Agent causes separation, so the part of the Primal Mud that retains its Moisture becomes Water, and the part that retains its Coolness becomes Earth; thus the two Elements separate.

Part 2 of this article

Part 2 of this article will continue with an overview of the elements in nature, the elements as understood in Alchemy, and the elements in chemistry. The matter of elements in chemistry will be approached from a different paradigm, within the context of the following spiral table of elements.

"Ora, lege, et labora"

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Pictures of Creating the Fire Stone via the Kermes Mineral

This is a small amount of ground stibnite ready for "opening" with sodium hydroxide.

Here I am mixing sodium hydroxide with distilled water. This must be done slowly because the chemical reaction between the water and extremely alkaline caustic soda causes heat.

This is what the mixture looks like just after the sodium hydroxide solution is mixed with the ground stibnite. The stibnite is almost immediately chemically "calcined," causing it to turn an orange colour. The mixture is agitated with a glass stir rod, and the solution is heated for about an hour.

This is what the mixture looks like after an hour of heating. This is then allowed to cool, then it is filtered.

This is what the extract looks like after filtering. It smells very lightly of sulfur, which at this point is eliminated by the action of the sodium hydroxide.

This is the Kermes mineral in its first stages. It was formed by precipitation from the golden yellow extract above by combining it with acetic acid until it reached a near neutral pH (measured using a pH meter). This Kermes now needs to be washed and drained. (Sorry that's me in the reflection.)

The drained Kermes.

Here I am washing the Kermes a few times, in batches, with a Soxhlet extractor to remove the sodium acetate that has formed during precipitation.

Here I am extracting the tincture using a Soxhlet extractor and acetic acid. This takes a very long time and doesn't yield a whole lot of the yellow tincture I'm supposed to get. So what I will do is make a bunch of dried Kermes and circulate that with 50% acetic acid.

I spent weeks making Kermes and then drying it out. It's amazing how much water is contained in the Kermes after it's first formed. With a whole pyrex dish full of the fresh, wet Kermes, only a small amount, maybe a few grams, is yielded of dry Kermes. This one jar took a lot of effort. I will now circulate acetic acid over it for a month, then see if I get a tincture that way. If not, I will dry the Kermes out again.

I'm circulating the acetic acid over the Kermes here. This will continue for about a month.

After a month of circulation, I did get an extract, but it was so small it was almost negligble. When Jean Dubuis was working with this method, he was trying to find a way that didn't involve a whole lot of heat so that more people would be able to do this work. Unfortunately, although this method does provide that, one needs a lot more stibnite to make any practical quantities. As of now (Sept. 14/10), I have switched to Valentine's method of making the Fire Stone. June 2, 2011: I am currently working on a method of creating antimony acetate that facilitates the use of agua regia. If it works, I will post it on the website.

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