New Giam Civilization Book

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Grace Fried
Fried, Grace Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:38:19 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:fb:53


This image displays the location that the great civilization Giam build on, rise, and thrive.
Fried, Grace Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:38:19 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:fb:53

The rst thing I notice about the place before me are the yaks. Big, tall, yellowish- brown animals dot the green plain. I can smell them too. Their scent overpowers the fresh smell of newly fallen rain mixed with a little pine. It must rain a lot, because everything is green. The pastures and hills, and even a little bit of the mountains are all covered with grass and the occasional bush. Picture perfect mountain streams leave outlines in the rock that loom over everything. Mist surrounds, the mountain but barely dims
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the bright orange sky left over after the sun slowly sinks behind the mountain. Birds shriek and yell at each other in the distance. I feel a cool wind on my face; a slight hollering sound as it bounces off of the mountains. The temperature starts to feel cooler and the mist and fog become more prominent, outlined against the darkened sky. I can feel more moisture in the air. Soon, the only warmth in this environment are the little clouds of steam from my mouth, but they quickly dissipate into the air, leaving me with nothing.




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Human Changes to the Land

Figure 1.1 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur

Insert caption later

Part I ~ Analysis of the Problem The rst step in building a successful civilization is to secure basic human needs

such as food and water. Due to its geography, the major challenges the civilization of Giam faces in achieving a basic food and water supply include the following:

Fried, Grace

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:38:19 AM Pacic Standard Time


1) ! To get food, the people of my civilization would have to get seeds for farming. The land is rich and lush, but we have nothing to plant. Our civilization would need to get necessary tools to farm with like a shovel, hoe, and a plow. Since the civilization relies on the yaks for food and warmth, we would need to protect them from other predators. If we cant farm, or the yaks perish, the people would starve and Giam would crumble.

2) ! Water is a completely different issue. There is no natural surface water, so we would have to use the rain. There is a lot of rain, but rain is not reliable. There might be droughts for a long period of time and then the people couldnt get water. We would also need a way to hold the rainwater and to keep it sanitary. If we dont keep the water sanitary, then the people will get sick and it may be fatal.

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Part II ~ Proposed Solutions

! To secure food, the civilization of Giam

use the rainwater. The civilization of Gaim would need tons of water for back up in case there are droughts where the people cant get water. We would also need even more water for the crops. Since rainwater is unpredictable, the best way to do this is storing the water some way where it is accessible at all times. Like the people of the Arabian Peninsula, we would conserve the natural rainwater in canals and reservoirs (Frey 78). By digging canals, wells, and reservoirs, we would be helping our civilization by making modications (changes) to the land.

would rely on farming and trade. We would have to trade to get seeds, and things to plant, or to help us plant. The ground is already lush and fertile. Like the Greeks, we would grow and heavily rely on crops and fruits, like melons and pomegranates, (Frey 79). We would also have to trade with other cultures like the Arabian Peninsula who controlled valuable trade routes (Frey 77)! ! ! ! !

To get clean water, we would have to

Fried, Grace

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:38:19 AM Pacic Standard Time



Law and Government


Fried, Grace Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:38:19 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:fb:53


Maintaining Civil Order

! Part I ~ Lessons on Democracy In Giam, I think that the best government

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would be a form of Direct Democracy. I learned from Greece (Athenian and Spar-

tan Government) that people should have power. Athens tried 4 different forms of government and found that letting the citizens rule and govern themselves is the best for the civilization. We still have this government over 2,000 years later. I per-

pose laws because they represent a greater percent of Giams population. ! In Sparta, they have a combination of

a Democracy and Oligarchy. I personally dont like this form of government because it gives a lot of power to the Coun-

sonally like the Athenian government a lit- cil of Elders and not that much to the Astle better because they give more rights to sembly (the people). The Assembly could the Assembly, and there are more people involved. When the Assembly met, 6,000 citizens had to be present for a meeting to take place (Frey 261). In Giam, I want as many people as possible to vote and proonly vote yes or no and could not propose laws. The Assembly had no say in decisions because Important decisions were made by a much smaller group Council of Elders. (Frey 265) I do not
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think that is fair because sometimes the people that live everyday lives have the best ideas about how to change the civilization. They need to express their ideas and thoughts, and hopefully will change the civilization for the better. ! In Rome they learned that they

power, the Plebeians marched out of the city and camped on a nearby hill. They refused to come back until the Patricians met their demands. The Patricians nally gave the Plebeians Veto Rights and they posted The Twelve Tables (written laws) so that the Patricians could no longer change them as they pleased. In Giam, I will give everyone equal rights. Every one in my civilization needs to be happy and feel involved in the government and law making.

needed to give everyone rights, rich or poor. The Patricians (rich) and the Plebeians (poor) had a struggle over political power called the Conict of Orders. The Plebeians decided to take action in 494 B.C.E. They were angry over the lack of
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I will take all of these lessons and use

laws and ideas to the Assembly. The Assembly is made up of all citizens that are willing to come. They can come to hear and vote on proposed laws, or even propose their own. All citizens must be 16 years or older to vote.

them for my new democratic government in Giam. In Giam, a group of 10 people will run the government. They will come up with and pass laws, tally votes, and be judges in the courtroom. The next most powerful group is the Council of 100. 100 educated people of any age (over 10) or gender will be chosen at random to be in this group. This group proposes laws based on problems in society, and they serve as jurors or defendants in a courtroom. They serve for 1 year and present

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the people. I have created ve basic laws Part II ~Code of Laws ! Since a growing population imposes for all of Giam. They are as follows: ! The rst and most important is that

threats to the civilization, there must be a code of laws to help protect the citizens of Giam. There are many threats to civilizations, some of which being harassment, murder, unlawful death, money issues, ending partnerships, criminal activity, women and childrens rights, and unequal treatment of the people. Civilizations have tried their best to address all of these issues by making laws that protect
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People cannot be owned, all people have equal rights and opportunities towards education, employment, and the pursuit of happiness. Since education is important in my society the second law states, You may not have a high position in government or a company unless you are well educated. The third law targets fairness, and says, If any form of partnership (marriage or business) is

ended, all possessions will be split equally unless both partners agree on a different solution. Peace is a great value in Giam, hence the fourth law, Any form of harassment towards humans (verbal or physical) or abuse of animals is considered a serious crime. Lastly, Any crime committed must result in jail time (if over 16) decided by the appropriate courtroom (consisting of a un-biased judge, jury, defense, and a prosecution) ! These laws and penalties will help

ful civilization. I have addressed ve things that I think are important values in a civilization in hope that people will follow and obey these laws. I have taken some of the values from Hammurabis Code, The Twelve Tables, and American laws that we have today. ! The rst law was inspired by the

American Constitution. I thought that this was a good law because it is not fair to discriminate by race or gender, and everyone should have an equal chance at leadership and happiness. The second

keep order so that there can be a success-

Fried, Grace

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:38:19 AM Pacic Standard Time


law wasnt from any code of law but since I think education is very important I decided to incorporate it. The third law has to do with fairness and ending partnerships. In Hammurabis code, the law about ending partner ship is, If she had been a bad wife, the Code allowed him to send her away, while he kept the children and her dowry; or he could degrade her to the position of a slave in his own house, where she would have food and clothing. She might bring an action against him for cruelty and neglect and, if she proved her

case, obtain a judicial separation, taking with her her dowry. No other punishment fell on the man. If she did not prove her case, but proved to be a bad wife, she was drowned. This law is not fair because it does not give rights to women. The woman might die, and the man gets to keep the children and the money that was hers in the rst place. The fourth law is a protection law. I dont want harassment to be legal, and I view it as a serious crime to beat up on someone equally strong, or weaker than you. Finally, the

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fth law has incorporated ideas from all of the civilizations we have studied. In Hammurabiis Code it states, If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if it be a capital offense charged, be put to death. The Twelve Tables say, When anyone who has been summoned to court is guilty of evasion, or attempts to ee, let him be arrested by the plaintiff. Both law codes have a basic court system. I also took some ideas from the justice system we

have in America, since I felt like it was more developed and more recent then the others.

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needed to focus on the poor and was intent on improving the their life quality. Part III ~ Political Leadership Lessons from Julius Caesar He staged gladiator ghts that the poor could view for free. He also gave thousands of poor people work by starting projects that would benet the govern! The most important lesson that Giam ment like new roads and buildings. He put an end to slavery in agricultural terrain when he passed the law stating that 1 in 3 farm workers had to be roman citizens. This means that poor people who were unemployed could work for a ranch or farm. Lastly, he expanded the territory

can learn from the reign of Julius Caesar is to try to keep all groups of the civilization happy. The Senate of Rome gave Julius Caesar a ten year dictatorship (even though he was only alive for one). With this new power, Julius Caesar decided he

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of Rome by giving land to peasants and soldiers who had worked hard and worked for him. ! While he was trying his best to please

to pay people instead of enslaving them. The aristocrats (wealthy) didnt like his behavior and began plotting a way to put an end to his rule. ! On March 15, 44 B.C.E, (1 year after

the poor, the rich were not happy. He strutted around wearing purple (royal color) and red sandals (shoes of the last line of kings). He stamped his face on coins and had statues built in his honor. He made poor choices in appointing government ofcials because he chose all of his friends and put them in high power spots. The rich farmers didnt like having
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his dictatorship began) Caesar was backstabbed (literally). He walked into the senate building and a group of senators, including his best friend, attacked him with daggers and stabbed him 27 times. ! Caesar had been a great and very gen-

erous ruler, but his aw was overlooking a group of citizens. The civilization of

Giam can learn from this and the leaders of Giam will do their best to keep every one satised.

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