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Incest, Lit(t)erally: How Joyce Censored The Wake Linceste, la lettre et la libert : Joyce pre ier et dernier cense!

r d! Wake "tphane Jo!sni #bstract $ Inde% $ &!tline $ Te%t $ 'iblio(raphy $ )otes $ *e+erences $ #bo!t the a!thor #bstracts ,n(lish -ran.ais

#ll his li+e lon( as a writer, Joyce had to battle a(ainst censorship / be it political, oral or aesthetic / and censors, be they Irish, 'ritish, # erican, or e0en -rench1 Censorship delayed the p!blication o+ 2!bliners +ro 3456 to 3437 (Joyce was ada antly re+!sin( to delete the ad8ecti0e 9bloody: in one o+ his short stories)1 Censorship p!t an abr!pt end to the seriali;ation o+ <lysses that had started in The (# erican) Little *e0iew in 343=1 <nder the char(e o+ obscenity, the book was prosec!ted by The )ew >ork "ociety +or the ?re0ention o+ @ice in 34A5, be+ore bein( banned in the <nited "tates +or the s!bseB!ent thirteen years1

C!rio!sly eno!(h, Joyces last op!s, -inne(ans Wake (34C4), did not inc!r any le(al tro!ble1 >et, this 'abelic on! ent re0ol0es aro!nd incest and 0ario!s 9acts o+ i orality: that co!ld, in other ti es or other places, ha0e bro!(ht Joyce to co!rt1 2oes the Wakes alle(ed ille(ibility acco!nt +or the +act that it was not the caseD This paper, which +oc!ses on #nna Li0ias 9re0ered letter: (s!pposedly clearin( her h!sband HC, o+ all in+a o!s acc!sations), ai s at reassessin( Joyces lin(!istic boldness, a !ch co ented !pon +eat!re that i(ht 0ery well be another na e +or sel+Ecensorship1

Top o+ pa(e Inde% ter s Inde% de otsEcls : ot, pFre, tabo!, Tristan G Ise!lt

Joyce E a!te!r, a!torit, inceste, lettre, Inde% by keywords :

Joyce E a!thor, a!thorship, +ather, incest, letter, taboo, Tristan G Isolde, word

Top o+ pa(e #ds not by this site &!tline -inne(ans Wake: the Word, the Letter and Trans(ression In the 'e(innin( was the ?!n Incest to the Letter Top o+ pa(e -!ll te%t ?2- "end by eE ail

3H This +ellow has heresy in his essay I1

AThis sentence is the petri+yin( acc!sation that yo!n( "tephen 2edal!s, then a p!pil at 'el0edere Colle(e, has to +ace in chapter two o+ the ?ortrait / "tephen, not Joyce hi sel+, ass!redly1 >et, in +oc!sin( on the boys de+eat, the episode, whose a!tobio(raphical nat!re is attested, sheds li(ht on Joyces own ishaps in later and real li+e1 In the ?ortrait, "tephen indeed a(rees to s!b it to the a!thority and / contrary to Joyce / to disown his initial ar(! ent:

3 Ja es Joyce, # ?ortrait o+ the #rtist as a >o!n( Jan (343K), introd!ction and notes by "ea !s 2ean (111)

&n a certain T!esday the co!rse o+ his tri! phs was r!dely broken1 Jr Tate, the ,n(lish aster, pointed his +in(er at hi and said bl!ntly: L This +ellow has heresy in his essay1 MNO L WhereD asked "tephen1 Jr Tate withdrew his del0in( hand and spread o!t the essay1 L Here1 Its abo!t the Creator and the so!l1 *r N rr Nrr N #h: witho!t the possibility o+ e0er approachin( nearer1 Thats heresy1

"tephen LI

!r !red:

eant witho!t a possibility o+ e0er reachin(1

It was a s!b ission and Jr Tate, appeased, +olded !p the essay and passed it across to hi , sayin(: L &N #hP e0er reachin(1 Thats another story13

A The occ!rrences the sel0es, which wo!ld hardly B!ali+y today as 9 ild oath:, read : C The in!tiae o+ the battle o+ words can be +o!nd in ,ll anns bio(raphy o+ Joyce1 In one o+ his +a (111) 7 Terence 'rown, introd!ction to 2!bliners, London: ?en(!in, Jodern Classics, 344A, 0ii1

C#ltho!(h not entirely s!ch 9another story:, the +irst tro!ble Joyce had with censorship was not with a reli(io!s a!thority on a spirit!al or do( atic iss!eQ it was with his p!blisher on oral and political (ro!nds1 In -ebr!ary 345K, the ,n(lish p!blisher Rrant *ichards, who had accepted Joyces an!script o+ 2!bliners, started ob8ectin( to the !se o+ the ad8ecti0e bloody in se0eral stories1 <sed in 9Two Rallants:, the word is also present / once / in 9The 'oardin( Ho!se:, and se0eral ti es in 9Rrace:1A The real o++ence tho!(h was +elt in its presence in 9I0y 2ay in a Co ittee *oo :, where bloody was re+errin( to late S!een @ictoria: the !se o+ the word was 8!d(ed 9indecent and blasphe o!s:1 #s ti e went by,C Rrant *ichardss ob8ections beca e ore and ore n! ero!s while Joyce, who had a(reed to so e chan(es to be(in with, was t!rnin( ada ant on speci+ic passa(es1 ,0ent!ally, a+ter what Terence 'rown calls a 9protracted correspondence Min 0ain searchO o+ a co pro ise between artistic inte(rity and co ercial p!sillani ity:,7 when 2!bliners was +inally p!blished in 3437, the te%t read: 9Heres this chap co e to the throne a+ter his old other keepin( hi o!t o+ it till the an is (rey: when Joyce had initially written: 9Heres this +ellow co e to the throne a+ter his bloody owl other keepin( hi o!t o+ it till the an is (rey1: (Jy italics)

T ,ll ann entions that the prospect a !sed Joyce1 9#s he wrote to Jiss Wea0er on -ebr!ary AT, 34A5: (111)

7The p!blishin( history o+ <lysses, which is well known and has been thoro!(hly doc! ented, belon(s indeed to the history o+ censorship, i+ only in # erica1 The book, which was eant to be p!blished by the ,n(lish re0iew The ,(oist, was act!ally seriali;ed / thanks to ,;ra ?o!nd / in the # erican 8o!rnal The Little *e0iew +ro Jarch 343=1 '!t the <" postal a!thorities, which controlled the circ!lation o+ the onthly iss!es o+ the 8o!rnal, started ob8ectin( to the te%ts obscenity, with the conseB!ence that they stopped the ailin(1 "!ccessi0ely in Jan!ary 3434, Jay 3434, Jan!ary 34A5 and J!lyE #!(!st 34A5 / correspondin( respecti0ely to episodes =, 4, 3A and 3C, na ely 9Lestry(onians:, 9"cylla and Charybdis:, 9Cyclops: and 9)a!sicaa:/ the iss!es o+ The Little *e0iew were con+iscated, which eant b!rnin(T1 ,pisode 3C / 9)a!sicaa: / also +ell into the hands o+ the "ecretary o+ the )ew >ork "ociety +or the "!ppression o+ @ice who, in &ctober 34A5, lod(ed a co plaint a(ainst the Little *e0iew +or p!blishin( obscenity:

K Jeri Johnson, introd!ction to <lysses (34AA te%t), &%+ord: &%+ord <?, Worlds Classics, 344C, %li1 (111)

Citin( 0irt!ally e0ery pa(e o+ )a!sicaa, the co plaint char(ed that it was Uobscene, lewd, lasci0io!s, +ilthy, indecent and dis(!stin(1MNO The case was lost in -ebr!ary 34A3, which eant +or Joyce the loss o+ any possibility o+ <lysses appearin( in book +or in the <nited "tates1K

TThe ban was not li+ted be+ore the end o+ 34CC / interestin(ly eno!(h, the period d!rin( which <lysses was le(ally censored e%actly co0ers the period o+ ?rohibition1 This is how <lysses ca e to be p!blished in -rance, in 34AA1 #ds not by this site

6 "o e critics ha0e ar(!ed that on acco!nt o+ its the passa(e ay ha0e been o0 (111)

etaphorical dis(!ise

K#ct!ally, the ention in the 9)a!sicaa: episode o+ Rerty Jc2owells e%hibition o+ her drawers on "andy o!nt "trand / one o+ the a8or e%a ples o+ obscenity that were sti( ati;ed / was +ar ore innocent than its i ediate conseB!ences, i1e1 Leopold 'loo s ast!rbation16 # on( the n! ero!s ele ents that helped ytholo(i;e <lysses in ter s o+ p!blication,

one can sin(le o!t two anecdotes1 &ne is related to the copyEeditin( in # erica o+ the an!script o+ <lysses: in what he clai ed later was erely an atte pt to circ! 0ent the s!ppression o+ the whole o+ episode 7 (9Calypso:), ,;ra ?o!nd hi sel+ had c!t n! ero!s passa(es +ro Joyces te%t, in partic!lar all re+erences to 'loo s de+ecation, on which the episode ends1 The other +eat!res / at a later sta(e / the an!+act!rin( o+ the book: while the process o+ typin( and printin( <lysses/in 2i8on, at Ja!rice 2arantiFres / was procedin( +airly s oothly, the last o+ a series o+ is+ort!nes with the 9Circe: episode / episode +i+teenth / saw the h!sband o+ the typist, a+ter (lancin( at the an!script and +indin( it !tterly scandalo!s, throw the o++ensi0e passa(es into the +ire1 #s Joyce had no spare copy, the b!rnt pa(es had to be rewritten entirely111 -inne(ans Wake: the Word, the Letter and Trans(ression

6Whereas +or Joyces earlier works the identi+ication o+ the act!al censor(s) / typist or printer, p!blisher, le(al a!thorities N/ is an essential atter, in the case o+ -inne(ans Wake it ceases to be rele0ant, pro0ided we consider the essa(e / i1e1 the work o+ art L in its entire process, incl!din( all inter ediary sta(es between the a!thors creation and its reception by the reader1 Indeed -inne(ans Wake, which is alle(edly !nintelli(ible, cannot be censored by any a!thority precisely on acco!nt o+ its ille(ibility1 This is +ar less a Jes!itical state ent than it ay see Q with the Wake, the only two instances that can in any case inter0ene in ter s o+ censorship are the a!thor and the reader1

= "ee Colin JcCabes analysis in Ja es Joyce and the *e0ol!tion o+ the Word, 'asin(stoke: ?al(ra0e J (111)

=Jy contention in this paper is that the link is B!intessential between censorship as a notion and -inne(ans Wake1 Censorship, at least in literat!re, indeed con+ronts the taboo and the word1 The con+rontation ay lead to the physical act o+ deletin( the o++ensi0e ite s, incl!din( by / literally / crossin( o!t or blackenin( passa(es, +ro one sin(le word to whole se( ents, so as to render the ille(ible1 In letters, +or e%a ple, this is a co on practice o+ ilitary censorship d!rin( wars1 ?recisely, what Joyce does with -inne(ans Wake is B!estion the word, in the sense o+ challen(in( its 0ery notion1= Jy !se o+ the ter 9word: here ob0io!sly re+ers both to the lin(!istic notion and its n! ino!s 0al!e1 These +or the two lines o+ ar(! ent o+ y paperQ they are based on two ele ents that no lon(er ha0e

to be pro0en: +irstly, the poetics o+ -inne(ans Wake is the poetics o+ the p!nQ secondly, -inne(ans Wakes a8or / aybe only / topic is incest1 #nd that which represents the !t ost trans(ression in all c!lt!res is essentially re+erred to by eans o+ a ysterio!s letter, alwaysEalready e0oked, ne0er shown, in other words alwaysEalready censored1 In the 'e(innin( was the ?!n4

4 'eckett places the phrase in J!rphys J!rphy (34C=)1

o!th in the epony o!s no0el

35 < berto ,co, The #esthetics o+ Chaos os, The Jiddle #(es o+ Ja es Joyce, T!lsa, &klaho a, 34=A1 -r (111) 33 Ja es Joyce, -inne(ans Wake, London: -aber G -aber, 34C4, 7K51A51 "!bseB!ent re+erences (-W) are t (111)

4In his st!dy o+ Joyces works entitled The #esthetics o+ Chaos os,35 < berto ,co de0otes a part o+ his close readin( o+ -inne(ans Wake to the analysis o+ the p!n, 9a +i(!re lar(ely i(nored by classical rhetoric:, which he de+ines as a sort o+ 9pse!do parono asia: (#C, KT), sophisticated in the case o+ the Joycean p!n by its !ltilayered, !ltilin(!al character1 # on( the 0ario!s e%a ples ,co (i0es, one can sin(le o!t 9J!n(+ra!ds Jesson(e book:33 a se( ent in which the Wakes readers e0en only sli(htly +a iliar with psychoanalytic theory will be able to detect / or dete%t / si !ltaneo!sly: J!n( V -re!d V yo!n( V +ra!d V J!n(+ra! V essa(e V son(e V enson(e1 #ds not by this site

3A To which we can also add scher;o (the probably so e ore1


o0e ent) N and

35,co concl!des his analysis with this se( ent, which is no less than a patchwork o+ ele ents scattered in the Joycean te%t: 9-inne(ans Wake Mthe open work par e%cellenceO is a scher;arade ((a e, charade, tale o+ "hehera;ade)3AN eanderthale and, +inally, a work o+ do!blecrossin( two+old tr!ths and de0isin( tailEwords: (#C, KK)1 &r, to B!ote the te%t in its proble atic synta( aticity, the Wake is a:

preprono inal +!n+eral, en(ra0ed and reto!ched and ed(ewiped and p!ddenpadded, 0ery like a whales e(( +arced with pe ican, as were it sentenced to be n!;;led o0er a +!ll trillion ti es +or e0er and a ni(ht till this noddle sink or swi by that ideal reader s!++erin( +ro an ideal inso nia1 (-W, 3A5135)

3C The +ollowin( lines are partly rewritten +ro in -rench !nder the title (111) 37 When the s!r0i0al in Cornwall o+ a L datin( back to the si%th (111)

an article which appeared

e(alith known as the 9Tristan "tone

3T Isolde is o+ten called -air IsoldeW Ise!lt (Ise!ltElaE'londe, also Ise!ltElaE 'elle)1 "he was the d (111) 3K I+ Isoldes na e is 0ario!sly spelt accordin( to the periods and the a!thors (one can also +ind >s (111)

33The e%a ples selected in this paper will ostly be se%Eoriented, as be+its the story o+ Tristan and Isolde, at least accordin( to Joyces apparently !northodo% interpretation1 In act!al +act, the +a o!s #rth!rian le(end, which +or s the basis o+ one o+ the +irst sections o+ -inne(ans Wake / Joyce be(an writin( the in J!lyE#!(!st 34AC / and reads as one o+ the a8or interte%ts o+ the Wake,3C has lon( been considered an epito e o+ tra(ic !ncons! ated lo0e137 Joyces readin( r!ns co!nter to that tradition1 His erotic bias leads to any a deli(ht+!l coina(e s!ch as, +or instance, "e%caliber (-W, 37), playin( on the na e o+ #rth!rs a(ical sword ,%calib!r, to aptly re ind the reader that the 0ery early te%ts o+ #rth!rian literat!re were +ar sa!cier than the 0ersions which circ!lated d!rin( the @ictorian a(e1 The occ!rrence appears in the 0ery +irst pa(es o+ the te%t, clearly settin( the tone o+ Tristan and Isoldes ro ance1 Later on, the reader co es !pon a pse!do topony , L!0illicit, the 0illa(e which Isolde s!pposedly co es +ro (-W, C=T1AT), which de+initely con+ir s hisWher s!spicion o+ the notEsoEchaste nat!re o+ the relationship between the blond Irish aiden3T and her #r orican cha pion aka Tristan13K

3A# on( the ost re arkable passa(es helpin( -inne(ans Wake B!ali+y as a (reat erotic no0el stands the section !s!ally labelled 9the Tristan and Isolde 0i(nette:1 It akes !p ost o+ episode 7 o+ 'ook II, d!rin( which Tristan takes

Isolde away +ro her nati0e Irish ho e to escort her and, literally, deli0er her to Xin( Jark o+ Cornwall to who she is to be arried1 The passa(e lists as the ain e0ent o+ the 8o!rney 9the bi( kiss o+ Tristan and Isolde:, a +act that had lon( been kept a secret / i1e1 censored / on acco!nt o+ its scandalo!sly i odest nat!re:

-or it was then a pretty thin( happened o+ p!re di0ersion ayhap, when his +latterin( hend, at the 8!stri(ht o ent, like perchance so e cook o+ cora(e i(ht clip the lad on a poot o+ pora(e handsh!t his d!ckho!se, the 0i0id (irl, dea+ with lo0e, (ah s!re, yo! know her, o!r an(el bein(, one o+ ro ances +adeless wonderwo en, and, s!re now, we all know yo! dote on her e0en !nto date P) with a B!eeleetlecreee o+ 8oysis crisis she ren!lited their dis!nited, with ripy lepes to ropy lopes (the dear odears P) and the (olden i port!nity o+ aloo+ers lea0eti e, when, as B!ick, is (reased pi(skin, # oricas Cha pi!s, with one ara(an thro!st, dr!0e the assi0e o+ 0iril0i(to!ry +lshpst the both lines o+ +orwards (,b!rneas down, boys P) ri(ht8in(ban(shot into the (oal o+ her (!llet1 (-W, C4T)

36 9Like #rth!rian literat!re in (eneral, the Tristan story saw a re0i0al in the @ictorian a(e:, #lan (111)

3C#ct!ally, a on( the 0ario!s 0ersions o+ the le(end that circ!lated in the nineteenth cent!ry36 and that Joyce had access to, "winb!rnes treat ent o+ the story +oc!ses on the +a o!s kiss in the poe 9?rel!de:1 #s L!pack states, B!otin( +ro the poe :

3= Ibide , 3TK1

MtheO U?rel!de de+ines and (lori+ies lo0e as a power+!l and essential +orce MNO The irresistible power o+ lo0e is sy boli;ed by the lo0e potion1 #+ter !nwittin(ly drinkin( the potion, the lo0ers kiss: U#nd their +o!r lips beca e one b!rnin( o!th (7K)1 This i a(e, which closes the +irst o+ the poe s nine sections, is part o+ a pattern o+ i a(es o+ +ire and heat that s!((est the b!rnin( passion and the ele ental nat!re o+ their lo0e1 The passion e%ists !ntil their deaths when, in a line that echoes the description o+ their +irst kiss, Ise!lt +inds Tristra dead and dies hersel+ as she kisses hi one last ti e, a kiss in which Utheir +o!r lips beca e one silent o!th13=

34 In L!ca Crispi and "a "lotes 9Chapter by Chapter Renetic R!ide:, Jikio -!se notes that as ti e w (111) A5 The italics are ine while the parentheses are Joyces1 2C and 27 stand +or dra+t nYC and dra+t nY (111)

37Joyce, who chose a ariti e etaphor in contrast to "winb!rnes +iery one, ay well ha0e drawn !pon the poets ro antic 0ision to deli0er his own, !ch ore risB!1 #t any rate, it is worth notin( that between the +inal 0ersion / Joyces rather (raphic description o+ a 9downEthe throatE-rench kiss: / and the earlier dra+ts, dra atic chan(es ha0e taken place1 They all (o +ro the ore e%plicit to the ore cryptic,34 which co!ld be 0iewed as a sel+Ecensorin( process1 Let !s si ply scr!tini;e what trans+or ations a++ect Isoldes teeth: +ro 9the do!ble line o+ i0oryclad +orwards: (2C) they beco e 9the do!ble line o+ eb!rnean +orwards: (27) to end !p in the +inal 0ersion as 9the both lines o+ +orwards (,b!rneas down, boys P):A5 #ds not by this site

A3 To be con0inced o+ the erotic char(e o+ Joyces words, one only needs to e%a ine the description o (111)

3T<ndeniably, the Latin ter eb!rnea W eb!rnean / eanin( 9i0ory: or 9 ade o+ i0ory: / is eant to rin( a bell to any Irish anWwo ans ear or indeed to anyone aware o+ Irelands Latin na e / Hibernia /, pro0ided heWshe drops the Uh and sp!rns the diphthon( in the +irst syllable1 It also re0eals the -rench slan( word b!rnes (balls), whose presence is consistent with the o0erall erotic B!ality o+ the passa(e1A3 Th!s, i+ we a(ree with ,cos analysis, identi+yin( the a8or +orce o+ the te%t as residin( in 9its per anent a bi(!ity and in the contin!o!s reso!ndin( o+ n! ero!s eanin(s which see to per it selection b!t in +act eli inate nothin(:, (#C, K6) +or a poly(lot reader with so e co and o+ -rench to discard the presence o+ b!rnes in this ,b!rnea can only ean that heWshe is / whether conscio!sly or !nconscio!sly / censorin( hisWher own readin(1

AA "ee #1 de Jandach, 9Le trian(le JarcEIse!tETristan : !n dra e de do!ble incest:, t!des CeltiB!es (111)

AC Insect appears only +o!r ti es in the whole book, one in the sin(!lar +or /-W, 3A61C / and three (111) A7 &ne i(ht ob8ect that insects are not partic!larly +a o!s +or etaphorically pointin( to se% or se (111)

3K"o +ar, we ha0e been dealin( with se%1 >et the Wake is not concerned so !ch with se% per se as with incest!o!s se%1 This re ark applies +irst and +ore ost to the lo0e a++air between Tristan and Isolde, since ost researchers in Celtic st!dies ake Tristan Jarks son rather than his nephew1 "o e theories e0en ake Tristan the son Jark had with his own sister, which wo!ld t!rn the trian(!lar relationship between Jark, Tristan and Isolde into 9a tra(edy o+ do!ble incest:1AAThe word incest as s!ch ne0er appears: the closest the te%t (oes to the na in( o+ the thin( is the !se o+ the word insect, which reads both as parono asia and ana(ra 1 Tho!(h not partic!larly rec!rrent,AC it is literally o nipresent, ainly thro!(h the 0ario!s +or s taken by the re+erence to the earwi( a+ter which ,arwicker, the hero, the -ather /aka HC,, +or H! phrey Chi pden ,arwicker / is called1 &ne o+ these +or s is the pleasantly Hibernici;ed 0ersion o+ its -rench translation 9perce oreille:, which leads to ?ersse &*eilly, one o+ ,arwickers a0atars1A7

AT Ribbons The 2ecline and -all o+ the *o an , pire (366KE36=4) was a a8or work on the syllab!s o+ (111)

36 -!rther on, the deed with no na e is entioned / or rather all!ded to / 0ia deri0ed words, so e e%istin(, so e totally +or(ed, s!ch as incest!o!s or incest!ish1 The (en!ine ter incest!o!s appears when the plot is transposed to the last years o+ the *o an , pire1AT <nder the (!ise o+ *o an senators and e perors the real identities o+ the characters are easily ade o!t: they are no less than ?orter W ,arwicker the -ather, #nna Li0ia (#L?) the Jother, and the three children, "he and "hawn the twins and Isobel W >soEbelle1 Incest to the Letter #ds not by this site

AK That is, debated !pon within the te%t itsel+1 A6 It has also been labelled by Joycean critics 9poly orpho!s cri inality:,

9?rotean se%!al o++ence:1 (111)

3=The preEte%t o+ the Wake happens to be a !ch debated !pon 9act o+ indecency:,AK s!pposedly co itted by +ather ,arwicker a(ainst two anony o!s innocent (irls in ?hZni% ?arkQ these two !nna ed aidens are b!t the two +aces o+ one wo an, Isobel, ,arwickers da!(hter1 The nat!re o+ the a+oresaid act o+ indecency beco es transparent when the na e o+ ?hoeni% ?ark aptly chan(es into -orni% ?arkQ or perhaps it does not, since HC,s se%!al isde eano!rA6 is still 0ario!sly read as an act o+ e%pos!re, act!al se%!al interco!rse, or erely 9peepin(: at two (irls ict!ratin( !nder a b!sh1 ,0erythin( / so the reader is told / is said and e%plained in aWthe +a o!s Letter, which co!ld be described as +ollows:

A= The phrasin( is Jikio -!ses in the chapter entitled 9The Letter and the Rroanin(: de0oted to chap (111)

Mit isO a doc! ent o+ the +a ily dra a, p!rportin( to de+end (b!t yet betrays) the Ucri e or cri es (-W, 3561AK) alle(edly co itted by HC,1 It was s!pposedly written by "he and carried by "ha!n on behal+ o+ #L?, and, at ti es, it appears to be an incest!o!s essa(e addressed by Issy to HC,1A=

A4 9'elinda o+ the 2orans, a "erni edal, Cheepali;;ys (111)

ore than B!inB!a(intarian (Ter;iis pri;e with

C5 The be(innin( o+ Chapter T de0elops into three pa(es, thereby listin( the 0ario!s na es that were (111)

34#t +irst / i1e1 in chapter 7 'ook I / it is only entioned, yet it already appears as a doc! ent o+ para o!nt i portance1 The Letter is then disco0ered / and s!bseB!ently described, analysed and co ented !pon / in chapter T 'ook I1 The latter is o+ten re+erred to as the 9Letter Chapter: and co!ld 0ery well stand as the real incipit o+ the Wake1 The doc! ent is d!( o!t o+ a d!n( heap by a hen: 9and what she was scratchin( at the ho!r o+ klokkin( twel0e looked +or all this ;o(;a( world like a (oodishEsi;ed sheet o+ letter paper ori(inatin( by transhipt +ro 'oston (Jass1):1 (-W, 33316E35) The (eo(raphic ori(in o+ the Letter, the identity o+ its disco0erer whose +!ll

pedi(ree is (i0en,A4 are clearly established1 Its (en!ineness cannot be denied: 9It is not a hear or say o+ so e ano oro!s letter:, (-W, 33A1C5) and its a!thor is identi+ied: #nna Li0ia, then called 9#nnah the #ll a;i+!l, the ,0erli0in(, the 'rin(er o+ ?l!rabilities: is the one who initially concei0ed it1 The Letter is no less than her declaration o+ lo0e to HC,, her h!sband and princepsQ it constit!tes 9MHOer !ntitled a a+esta e orialisin( the Josthi(hest MthatO has (one by any na es at dis8ointed ti es:1 (-W, 35717)C5

C3 This is no less than the de+inition o+ bo!strophedon, that biEdirectional +or o+ writin( which wa (111) CA 'io(raphic as well as (enetic criticis "lote, -!se s! s !p: 9Tin (111) con+ir s the +actQ in Crispi and

A5Jany +astidio!s details are pro0ided, all o+ the de0oted to the +or al characteristics o+ the Letter1 #ll are pointed as abEnor al and (eneratin( con+!sion: 9>o! is +eelin( like yo! was lost in the b!sh, boyD >o! says: It is a p!lin( sa ple 8!n(le o+ woods:1 (-W, 33A1C) 'e+ore bein( co0ered with written si(ns, the sheet / 9we note the paper with her pretty yo!n( water ark: )otre 2a e d! 'on Jarch: (-W, 33A1C3) / has been r!led: 9 ore than hal+ o+ the lines r!n northEso!th in the )e ;es and '!karhast directions while the others (o westEeast in search +ro Jali;iies with '!l(arad:1 (-W, 3371AET) The 0is!al res!lt / 9a pretty checker: / is +ar +ro bein( co +ortable to the eye1 &b0io!sly, care was bein( taken to sa0e paper: 9It is serio!sly belie0ed by so e that the intention ay ha0e been (eodetic, or, in the 0iew o+ the cannier, do estic econo ical1: (-W, 337137E3T) '!t in the end, co0erin( e0ery sB!are inch o+ the piece o+ paper, lea0in( no blank space whatsoe0er / or nearly / ends !p r!inin( the intelli(ibility o+ the essa(e: 9'!t by writin( thithaways end to end and t!rnin(,C3 t!rnin( and end to end hithaways writin( and with lines o+ litters slitterin( !p and lo!ds o+ latters sletterin( downN where in the waste is the wisdo D: &ne co!ld carry on B!otin( +ro chapter T, which arks the startin( point o+ the books etate%t!al di ension1 Clearly, the writin( !nder scr!tiny is Joyces and the doc! ent is no less than the Wake itsel+1CA

A3# on( the n! ero!s cr!cial points that relate to o!r iss!e in this paper stands the B!estion o+ a!thorship1 &+ co!rse the a!thor o+ the Letter is #nna Li0ia, #L?, the Jother, the Wi+e1 #t the end o+ the book (-W, K3TEK34) she e0en a!thenticates the an!script, by appendin( three words that lea0e no

do!bt whatsoe0er: #l a Li0ia ?olabella1 Howe0er, prior to this a!thentication, the concept o+ si(nat!re has been shown as none%istent: 9MNO ne0er +or(ettin( that both be+ore and a+ter the battle o+ the 'oyne it was a habit not to si(n letters always:1 (-W, 337E33T) The lack o+ +or al e%istence hardly pre0ents the identi+ication o+ the a!thor tho!(h: 9"o why, pray, si(n anythin( as lon( as e0ery word, letter, penstroke, paperspace is a per+ect si(nat!re o+ its ownD:(-W, 33T1KE=) What atters !lti ately is that

while we ay ha0e o!r irre o0able do!bts as to the whole sense o+ the lot, the interpretation o+ any phrase in the whole, the eanin( o+ e0ery word o+ a phrase so +ar deciphered o!t o+ it MNO we !st 0a!nt no idle d!biosity as to its (en!ine a!thorship and hol!bol!s a!thoritati0eness (-W, 33=13E7)1

CC The irony shows in the presence o+ 9hol!bol!s: (h!llabaloo V toh!Eboh! V Latini;ed endin()1 C7 The Latin a!ctoritas directly re+ers to the a!ctor, i1e1 the +o!ndin( +ather1 'oth words point to (111) CT &ne has to re e ber how the +irst pa(e o+ the Wake reprocesses the story o+ H! pty 2! pty1 CK I a here ob0io!sly +ollowin( 2errida in his indirect co -inne(ans Wake in ?latos ?har (111) entary o+

AAThe !nencrypted !se o+ s!ch ter s as 9a!thorship: or 9a!thoritati0eness: ironicallyCC and yet !neB!i0ocally re+ers to the -ather,C7 s!ccessi0ely and synecdochically: ,arwicker, Joyce, Rod, th!s pointin( to the Wake as asB!eradin( as the Holy Writ1 The innocent reader who wo!ld be rel!ctant to 8! p to that concl!sion !st then be re inded o+ the +ollowin( two ele ents: one is that 0ia the i a(e o+ the hen / and the e((CT / -inne(ans Wake e0idences that its ain preocc!pation lies in the B!estion o+ the ori(in1 This leads !s to hi(hli(ht the +act that once disco0ered, the te%t re0eals a stain / literally, the letter disco0ered on the d!n( heap is +ilthyQ a stain / the ori(inal sin / which eB!ates the ori(in Nwith incest1 Here is !ndo!btedly a +irst heresy1 The other lies in a now +a o!s phrase: 9in the b!(innin( is the woid: (-W, C6=1A4)1 This play+!l parody o+ the "cript!res B!ali+ies as another heresy since it can be / and has been / eB!ated with the re8ection o+ the Lo(os1CK

C6 #s a p!nish ent to en who had b!ilt a tower a bitionin( to reach Hea0ens, >ah0e sentenced the inh (111)

ACHeresyD N to say the least the deed atches what #ristotle +irst labelled h!bris, a sin +or which >ah0e de0ised a speci+ic retrib!tion, na ely 'abel1C6 &ne then co!ld interpret the Wakes babelis as Joyces albeit parodic sel+E censorship, by which he was chastisin( his own trans(ression1 &ne indeed sho!ld ne0er o0erlook the +act that Jes!itEed!cated Joyce, howe0er anticlerical, ne0er ceased to be a belie0er1 "o +ar +or the a!thorial aspect o+ censorship, whate0er credit we (rant the hypothesis1

A7#s +or the other instance able to censor the te%t o+ the Wake / the reader / hisWher only way to do it is to dis iss it1 That was the stance )aboko0 once adopted:

C= # pastiche o+ Joyces own phrasin( (-W, 3A5135)1 C+ s!pra1 C4 @ladi ir )aboko0, "tron( &pinions, )ew >ork: JcRraw Hill, 346C1 Inserted as epi(raph to his 9#+ter (111)

<lysses towers o0er the rest o+ Joyces writin(s, and in co parison to its noble ori(inality and !niB!e l!cidity o+ tho!(ht and style the !n+ort!nate -inne(ans Wake is nothin( b!t a +or less and d!ll ass o+ phony +olklore, a cold p!ddin( o+ a book, a persistent snore in the ne%t roo , ost a((ra0atin( to the inso niac that I a C=N -inne(ans Wakes +a.ade dis(!ises a 0ery con0entional and drab tene ent ho!se, and only the in+reB!ent snatches o+ hea0enly intonations redee it +ro !tter insipidity1 I know I a (oin( to be e%co !nicated +or this prono!nce ent1C4

ATHowe0er, in order to ad0ocate the nonEreadin( o+ the Wake / what )aboko0 is see in(ly ai in( at here /, any censor !st ha0e read it +irst, albeit in +ra( ents1 This a o!nts to a +or o+ aporia o+ which only way o!t is to start readin( the te%t all o0er a(ain: 9MNO ri0err!n, past ,0e and #da , +ro swer0e o+ shore to bend o+ bay, MNO:1 Top o+ pa(e


',CX,TT "a !el, J!rphy, London: *o!tled(e, 34C=1

'*&JWICH *achel (ed1), Trioedd >nys ?rydein, The Triads o+ the Island o+ 'ritain, Cardi++: < o+ Wales ?, A55K (Crd edition)1

CH&CH,>*#" JacB!es, Tristan et Ise!t, RenFse d!n Honor Cha pion, 344K1

ythe littraire, ?aris:

C*I"?I L!ca and "L&T, "a (eds1), How Joyce Wrote -inne(ans Wake, # Chapter by Chapter Renetic R!ide, Jadison: < o+ Wisconsin ?, A5561

2, J#)2#CH #ndr, 9 Le trian(le JarcEIse!tETristan : !n dra e de do!ble inceste:, t!des CeltiB!es, [[III, ?aris, 34=K1

2,**I2# JacB!es, La diss ination, ?aris: Le "e!il, 346A (,n(l1 transl1 34=3)1

2,TTJ#* Xe0in J1 H1, The Illicit Joyce o+ ?ost odernis , Jadison: < o+ Wisconsin ?, 344K1

,C& < berto, The #esthetics o+ Chaos os, The Jiddle #(es o+ Ja es Joyce (trans ,1 ,srock), <ni0ersity o+ T!lsa, &klaho a, 34=A M34KAO1

,LLJ#)) *ichard, Ja es Joyce, &%+ord: &%+ord <?, re01 ed1 34=A M34T4O1

J&<")I "tphane, 9,b!rneas down boysP Le baiser +o!(!e!% de Tristan et Ise!t 0! par Joyce:, "&-,I* Con+erence, Lille, Jarch A554, http:WWcecille1recherche1!ni0ElilleC1+rWa%esEdeErechercheWirlandeE


J&>C, Ja es, 2!bliners (3437), intro Terence 'rown, London: ?en(!in, Jodern Classics, 344A1

\\\\\\\\\\\\, # ?ortrait o+ the #rtist as a >o!n( Jan (343K), intro and notes "ea !s 2eane, Har ondsworth: ?en(!in 'ooks, 344A1

\\\\\\\\\\\\, <lysses (34AA), intro Jeri Johnson, &%+ord: &%+ord <?, Worlds Classics, 344C1

\\\\\\\\\\\\, -inne(ans Wake, London: -aber G -aber, 34C41

L<?#CX #lan, R!ide to #rth!rian Literat!re and Le(end, &%+ord: &%+ord <?, A55T1

JcC#', Colin, Ja es Joyce and the *e0ol!tion o+ the Word, 'asin(stoke: ?al(ra0e Jac illan, And re01 edition A55C M346=O1

)#'&X&@ @ladi ir, "tron( &pinions, )ew >ork: JcRraw Hill, 346C1 Top o+ pa(e )otes

3 Ja es Joyce, # ?ortrait o+ the #rtist as a >o!n( Jan (343K), introd!ction and notes by "ea !s 2eane, Har ondsworth: ?en(!in 'ooks, 344A, =CE=71 , phases Joyces1

A The occ!rrences the sel0es, which wo!ld hardly B!ali+y today as 9 ild oath:, read :

M111O #t dinner, yo! know1 Then he has a bloody bi( bowl o+ cabba(e be+ore hi on the table and a bloody bi( spoon like a sho0el1 (9Rrace:)

C The in!tiae o+ the battle o+ words can be +o!nd in ,ll anns bio(raphy o+ Joyce1 In one o+ his +a o!s letters to Rrant *ichards (Jay A5, 345K, in Letters, I, K3), Joyce wrote: 9The points on which I ha0e not yielded are the points which ri0et the book to(ether1 I+ I eli inate the what beco es o+ the chapter o+ the oral history o+ y co!ntryD I +i(ht to retain the beca!se I belie0e that in co posin( y chapter o+ oral history in e%actly the way I ha0e co posed it I ha0e taken the +irst step towards the spirit!al liberation in y co!ntry:1 *ichard ,ll ann, Ja es Joyce, &%+ord: &%+ord <?, re01 ed1 34=A M34T4O, AA31 -ro here on, this work will be re+erred to as ,1 +ollowed by the pa(e n! ber1

7 Terence 'rown, introd!ction to 2!bliners, London: ?en(!in, Jodern Classics, 344A, 0ii1

T ,ll ann entions that the prospect a !sed Joyce1 9#s he wrote to Jiss Wea0er on -ebr!ary AT, 34A5: UThis is the second ti e I ha0e had the pleas!re o+ bein( b!rned while on earth so that I shall pass thro!(h the +ires o+ p!r(atory as B!ickly as y patron "1 #loysi!s1 With his penchant +or liti(ation he drea ed o+ a trial as s!ccess+!l as that o+ Jada e 'o0ary:1 (,1, T5A)

K Jeri Johnson, introd!ction to <lysses (34AA te%t), &%+ord: &%+ord <?, Worlds Classics, 344C, %li1

6 "o e critics ha0e ar(!ed that on acco!nt o+ its etaphorical dis(!ise the passa(e ay ha0e been o0erlooked or e0en +ailed to be !nderstood1

= "ee Colin JcCabes analysis in Ja es Joyce and the *e0ol!tion o+ the Word, 'asin(stoke: ?al(ra0e Jac illan, And re01 edition A55C M346=O1 "ee also the 34A4 odernist procla ation o+ the 9*e0ol!tion o+ the Word: as was

theori;ed in the 8o!rnal transition1

4 'eckett places the phrase in J!rphys J!rphy (34C=)1

o!th in the epony o!s no0el

35 < berto ,co, The #esthetics o+ Chaos os, The Jiddle #(es o+ Ja es Joyce, T!lsa, &klaho a, 34=A1 -ro here on, this work will be re+erred to as #C +ollowed by the pa(e n! ber1 Italics ,cos1

33 Ja es Joyce, -inne(ans Wake, London: -aber G -aber, 34C4, 7K51A51 "!bseB!ent re+erences (-W) are to this edition1

3A To which we can also add scher;o (the probably so e ore1


o0e ent) N and

3C The +ollowin( lines are partly rewritten +ro an article which appeared in -rench !nder the title 9,b!rneas down boysP Le baiser +o!(!e!% de Tristan et Ise!t 0! par Joyce:, "&-,I* Con+erence, Lille, Jarch A554, ]http:WWcecille1recherche1!ni0ElilleC1+rWa%esEdeErechercheWirlandeE internationalisationEetWp!blicationsEenEli(neEK4W^1

37 When the s!r0i0al in Cornwall o+ a e(alith known as the 9Tristan "tone L datin( back to the si%th cent!ry L s!((ests that the le(end ay ha0e had so e basis in +act, the ro ance itsel+ or rather the ro ances be(an to circ!late in the twel+th cent!ry1 The early edie0al Tristan aterial is ro!(hly di0ided into two traditions: the co on or pri iti0e one by 'ro!l and the co!rtly one by Tho as o+ 'ritain1 The latter ore partic!larly acco!nts +or the noble bash+!lness which is s!pposed to ha0e dictated the beha0io!r o+ the two !n+ort!nate lo0ers1 "ee #lan L!packs R!ide to #rth!rian Literat!re and Le(end, &%+ord: &%+ord <?, A55T1

3T Isolde is o+ten called -air IsoldeW Ise!lt (Ise!ltElaE'londe, also Ise!ltElaE 'elle)1 "he was the da!(hter o+ the kin( o+ Ireland1 "he !st be distin(!ished +ro Isolde W Ise!lt o+ the White Hands (o+ 'rittany)1 'oth aidens were

wooed by Tristan who act!ally arried the latter1 The spellin( Isolde ainly appears in Rer anic lan(!a(es, ,n(lish and Rer an incl!ded, as well as in Wa(ners 0ersion o+ the le(end, the opera Tristan !nd Isolde (co pleted 3=T4, +irst per+or ed 3=KT) which Joyce 0ery !ch ad ired and e0en called a 9 a(ical work:1 (,1, 7T4)

3K I+ Isoldes na e is 0ario!sly spelt accordin( to the periods and the a!thors (one can also +ind >sold, >solt, Isolt, >se!t, >se!lt, Ise!lt, Ise!t, ,s(s)ylltN), this is no less the case +or Tristan, who has been 0ario!sly re+erred to / +ro the si%th cent!ry onward / as 2rystan, 2r!stan (in Welsh), Trystan, Tristra (in ,n(lish), Tristran, Tristrant, Tristan (in -rench)N "ee JacB!es Chocheyras, Tristan et Ise!t, RenFse d!n ythe littraire, ?aris: Honor Cha pion, 344K (7CETC) and *achel 'ro wich (ed1), Trioedd >nys ?rydein, The Triads o+ the Island o+ 'ritain, Cardi++: < o+ Wales ?, A55K (Crd edition), CC3ECC71 -or the whole le(end, see L!pack, op1 cit1, chap1 6, C63E7AT1

36 9Like #rth!rian literat!re in (eneral, the Tristan story saw a re0i0al in the @ictorian a(e:, #lan L!pack writes1 Three a8or poets reprocessed the edie0al aterial: Jatthew #rnold (9Tristra and Ise!lt:, a poe , 3=TA), Tennyson (9The Last To!rna ent:, 3=6A) and "winb!rne (UTristra o+ Lyonesse, 3==A)1 &p1 cit1, C47EC4T1

3= Ibide , 3TK1

34 In L!ca Crispi and "a "lotes 9Chapter by Chapter Renetic R!ide:, Jikio -!se notes that as ti e went by, Joyces co positions were ore and ore co ple%: 9by M34AKO Joyce had reached a perhaps per0erse pro+iciency in his distorted and distended Unat lan(!a(e (-W: =C13A) and was now able to co pose new passa(es directly in his Uersebest ido (-W: ATC153) o+ translin(!istic port antea!%1 #s a res!lt, the +irst dra+ts +ro this point on are ore and ore co ple%, +ar ore than the essentially +irst dra+ts +ro a +ew years be+ore:1 L1 Cripsi and "1 "lote (eds1), How Joyce Wrote -inne(ans Wake, # Chapter by Chapter Renetic R!ide, Jadison: < o+ Wisconsin ?, A556, 4=E3AC1 )ot to ention the trans+or ation o+ the 0ery early +irst dra+ts into their s!bseB!ent 0ersions1

A5 The italics are

ine while the parentheses are Joyces1 2C and 27 stand

+or dra+t nYC and dra+t nY71 'oth dra+ts ha0e been dated #!(!st 34AC1

A3 To be con0inced o+ the erotic char(e o+ Joyces words, one only needs to e%a ine the description o+ Isoldes bea!ty which i ediately precedes the kiss itsel+1 The te%t reads: 9nothin( !nder her hat b!t red hair and solid i0ory and a +irstclass pair o+ bedroo eyes:1 (-W, C4K) The phrase is al ost i ediately / yet a+ter the kiss / co ple ented with the ention o+ the lo0ers postEcoit! sadness (90olatile 0ol!pty, how brie0ed are thy l!n(!in(s P: (C4KEA4), which is itsel+ +ollowed by their ens!in( sleepiness: 9how they !sed to be in lethar(ys lo0e: (C46E=)1 The whole se( ent helps consider that lon( prepared kiss as both a etaphor and a etony y o+ the se%!al interco!rse which is s!pposed to ha0e been nobly eschewed by Tristan and Isolde1

AA "ee #1 de Jandach, 9Le trian(le JarcEIse!tETristan : !n dra e de do!ble incest:, t!des CeltiB!es, [[III, 34=K, 34T and *1 'ro wich (ed1), op1 cit1, CCA1

AC Insect appears only +o!r ti es in the whole book, one in the sin(!lar +or /-W, 3A61C / and three in the pl!ral: -W, C5K1C3Q -W, CC41AAQ -W, 7371A61

A7 &ne i(ht ob8ect that insects are not partic!larly +a o!s +or etaphorically pointin( to se% or se%!al interco!rse1 "e0eral idio s in 0ario!s ,!ropean lan(!a(es !se the i a(e tho!(h1 #s +ar as the ear is concerned, thin(s read di++erently: in #+rican ytholo(y +or e%a ple, the ear sy boli;es ani alityQ a on( the 2o(ons and the 'a baras / two #+rican peoples +ro the Western part o+ the continent / its sy bolis is two+old: the a!ricle stands +or the penis and the a!ditory canal represents the 0a(ina1 Incidentally, this se%!al sy bolis is related to a le(end datin( +ro the early a(es o+ Christianity which has the @ir(in Jary concei0e thro!(h the ear1 ?res! ably Joyce was aware o+ so e, at least, o+ these details1

AT Ribbons The 2ecline and -all o+ the *o an , pire (366KE36=4) was a a8or work on the syllab!s o+ a schoolboy in the last decades o+ the nineteenth cent!ry1 Joyce had read the book o+ co!rse, ost probably st!died it1 It has o+ten been ar(!ed that Joyce was drawin( a parallel between the *o an and the 'ritish e pires, partic!larly in -inne(ans Wake1

AK That is, debated !pon within the te%t itsel+1

A6 It has also been labelled by Joycean critics 9poly orpho!s cri inality:, 9?rotean se%!al o++ence:111

A= The phrasin( is Jikio -!ses in the chapter entitled 9The Letter and the Rroanin(: de0oted to chapter T 'ook I o+ the Wake, in Crispi and "lote, op1 cit1, 4=1 The Letter is !ch ore !ltip!rpose than it appears, tho!(h: in the introd!ction to that sa e work, Crispi, "lote and @an H!lle note that Joyces initial dra+ts (dated early 34AK) 9elaborate on "ha!ns deli0ery o+ the letter and incl!de Ua lon( abs!rd and rather incest!o!s Lenten lect!re to I;;y, his sister1: Whether the incest is perpetrated with the +ather, the brother(s) or all three will +ort!nately re ain !nsettled +ore0er1

A4 9'elinda o+ the 2orans, a ore than B!inB!a(intarian (Ter;iis pri;e with "erni edal, Cheepali;;ys Hane ,%position):1 (-W, 3331T)

C5 The be(innin( o+ Chapter T de0elops into three pa(es, thereby listin( the 0ario!s na es that were ascribed to the doc! ent1 The reader is led to in+er that the list is not e%ha!sti0e1

C3 This is no less than the de+inition o+ bo!strophedon, that biEdirectional +or o+ writin( which was the co onest way o+ writin( on stones in ancient Rreece (be+ore the Hellenistic period)1

CA 'io(raphic as well as (enetic criticis con+ir s the +actQ in Crispi and "lote, -!se s! s !p: 9Tindall obser0ed that Uthe letter represents all literat!reN, especially -inne(ans Wake1: *ose and &Hanlon conc!r, ar(!in( that the Letter is, 9synecdochically, the Wake:, b!t they (o +!rther, pointin( o!t the analo(y between the 9r!led barriers: o+ the doc! ent and so e o+ Joyces notebooks, the pa(es o+ which are literally r!led1 "ee L1 Crispi and "1 "loti, op1 cit1, 3551

CC The irony shows in the presence o+ 9hol!bol!s: (h!llabaloo V toh!Eboh! V Latini;ed endin()1

C7 The Latin a!ctoritas directly re+ers to the a!ctor, i1e1 the +o!ndin( +ather1 'oth words point to the law1

CT &ne has to re e ber how the +irst pa(e o+ the Wake reprocesses the story o+ H! pty 2! pty1

CK I a here ob0io!sly +ollowin( 2errida in his indirect co entary o+ -inne(ans Wake in ?latos ?har acy1 JacB!es 2errida, La diss ination, ?aris: Le "e!il, 346A (,n(l1 transl1 34=3)1

C6 #s a p!nish ent to en who had b!ilt a tower a bitionin( to reach Hea0ens, >ah0e sentenced the inhabitants o+ the tower to speak di++erent lan(!a(es in order to pre0ent the +ro !nderstandin( one another1

C= # pastiche o+ Joyces own phrasin( (-W, 3A5135)1 C+ s!pra1

C4 @ladi ir )aboko0, "tron( &pinions, )ew >ork: JcRraw Hill, 346C1 Inserted as epi(raph to his 9#+terword: by Xe0in J1 H1 2ett ar, in The Illicit Joyce o+ ?ost odernis , Jadison: < o+ Wisconsin ?, 344K, A541 Top o+ pa(e *e+erences ,lectronic re+erence

"tphane Jo!sni, H Incest, Lit(t)erally: How Joyce Censored The Wake I, *e0!e LI"#WLI"# eE8o!rnal M&nlineO, @ol1 [I E nYC $ A53C, &nline since AA )o0e ber A53C, connection on 54 2ece ber A53C1 <*L : http:WWlisa1re0!es1or(WT7KK Q 2&I : 3517555Wlisa1T7KK Top o+ pa(e

#bo!t the a!thor "tphane Jo!sni

"tphane Jo!sni, a(r(e dan(lais, est a_tre de con+rences ` l!ni0ersit *ennes A1 "pcialiste de Joyce, s!r B!i elle a crit de no bre!% articles ainsi B!!n o!0ra(e (Lect!res de # ?ortrait o+ the #rtist as a >o!n( Jan, ?<*, A554), elle concentre a!8o!rdh!i sa recherche s!r -inne(ans Wake, s!r leB!el elle prpare !ne ono(raphie1 #! no bre de ses derniers articles se tro!0ent : H Le (enre de L#!tre dans -inne(ans Wake I in La -abriB!e d! (enre, ?<*, A55= Q 9,b!rneas down boysP Le baiser +o!(!e!% de Tristan et Ise!t 0! par Joyce:, Lille, A554 ]http:WWcecille1recherche1!ni0ElilleC1+rWa%esEdeE rechercheWirlandeEinternationalisationEetWp!blicationsEenEli(neEK4W^, o! encore H Les 0acances de J1 Joyce en 'reta(ne, U ar pliche P I, in La -rance et lIrlande, destins croiss (3KFEA3F siFcles), ed1 C1 Jai(nant, Lille, ?resses <ni0ersitaires d! "eptentrion, A53C1 Top o+ pa(e Copyri(ht

a ?resses <ni0ersitaires de *ennes

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