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History of English Literature What is literature? Written works especially those regarded as having artistic merit. Books and writing on a particular subject. English Literature: Anglo-Saxons or old English period (670-1100) The earliest literature was start from the Anglo-Saxon of the Angles and Saxons. Before they occupied Britain, they lived along the coasts of Sweden and Denmark. They were fearless, adventurous, and brave. They kept the British coast in terror. They were lived in tribes. They sang at their battles, gods and their heroes like Beowulf. This was the starting of the English literature. Widsith describes continental courts visited in imagination by a far wandering poet. Beowulf: It is a tale of adventurous of Beowulf, the hero, who is a champion and slayer of a monster. The incidents in it are such a great references and allusions to great event of the fortunes king and nations. Chief Characters of Anglo-Saxon periods people: Love for personal freedom Responsiveness to nature, religion, Love for womanhood Struggle for glory They were full of emotions and aspiration They loved music and songs Important Religious poets of the Anglo-Saxons Caedmon Cynewulf o Caedmon sang in series, the whole story of the fate of man, from the creation and fall to the redemption and the last judgment. o Cynewulfs poem crist, a metrical, full of events of Christs ministry upon earth, including the return to judgment, which is treated with much grandeur. Important prose writer of Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the great Aelfric (a priest) o King Alfred was king of wessex, and he translated a number of Latin chronicles in English. o Aelfric, a priest, wrote sermons in a sort of poetic prose. Characters of Anglo-Saxon poetry: Parallelism and repetition Use of metaphorical phrases Full of sea and spirit of adventure Use great variety of compound words Adventures and ancient battles of their fore fathers. Characters of Anglo-Saxon prose Most of the prose work was translated to English from Latin. Middle English or Anglo-Norman period: (1100-1500) The Normans, who were residing in Normandy (France) defeated the Anglo-Saxon king at the battle of hasting in 1066 and ruled over England. The Norman Conquest inaugurated a distinctly new epoch in the literary as well as political history of the entire England. The conquest of France carried the literature which they brought with themselves was French, French language, French civilization. This literature is consist of tales of love and adventure from history of native background Chivalry and spirit of romance blossomed. New sympathy for woman and poverty and adversity was felt. Main characteristics of Anglo-Norman poetry: A variety of themes historical, religious, didactic and romantic, Mingling of romantic and religious elements Development of the rhymed meter, Poetry had developed national element at the end of this period. Supernatural elements are freely woven with the story.

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

Main writers of this age: William langland (1332-?) John Gower (1325-1408) (83) Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) (60) The age of Chaucer: It was the period of revival of English literature Moreover, era of departure of medievalism and birth of an era of rational inquiry and critical understandings. Main features of the age of Chaucer. Rise of national consciousness The corruption in the church Decline of feudal system Rise of middle class and progress of trade Advancement towards new learning Drama form: Miracle plays were become very popular Morality plays were flourished in this age of time 1. William Langland (1332-?) He was a poet, a satirist, a satirist on the corruption of religious practices. He encouraged men to aspire to a higher life. He gave his own views on political and social question. He was a feudalist. He was as also a realist. His work: o A vision of piers the plowman (poetry) 2. John Gower: (1325-1408) Gower represents the English culmination of that courtly medieval poetry. He is a narrative poet. He was a moralist but he was inferior to Chaucer. He had a greatly contribution in the promotion of the English literature. His work: Confession Amantis 3. Geoffrey Chaucer: (1340-1400) He is called a father of English poetry language and meter in poetry. He introduced a variety of highly-finished characters into a single action. He fulfilled every requirement of the dramatist. His work 1. 1st period of his work: In his first period he imitated French models and wrote his literary work. Le roman de la rose (French long poem). He translated this work in his title; romaunt of the rose. This poem gives an intimate introduction to the medieval French romance and allegories of courtly love Book of Duchess, (an elegy). A shorter poem and abc, in which each opens with a letter of the alphabet in order 2. 2nd period of his work: (1373-84) His second period of literary work was influenced by Italian literature, especially Dantes divine comedy and Boccaccios poetry. The parliament of Fowls-it contains very dramatic and satiric dialogues between the assembled birds. Troilus and crisey de-which narrative the story of the Trojan prince Troilus and his love for a damsel The story of Griselda,-in which is given a pitfall of womanhood. The house of fame, it is a masterpiece of comic fantasy, with a graver undertone of contemplation of human folly. 3. 3rd period of his literary work (1384-90) He wrote English work and showed native originality. Legend of good woman-in which he employed for the first time the heroic couplet. Canterbury tales-a greatest poetic achievement, here we find his gentle, kindly humour, which is Chaucer's greatest quality at its very best. Important events of the 14th century: Beginning of hundred years war between English and French language (1337-1453) Black death (1348-1349)

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

Beginning of religious movement Peasant revolt (1381) Use of English language in school, law courts a parliament. In 1362 it became parliament language and in 1399 it became national language of the England. Important historical events of the 15th centuries: Battle of Agincourt (1415) Fall of Constantinople (1453) Columbus discovered America (1492) Vas code gamma discovered Indian rout (1498) It is called barren period Literary decline was due to-political confusion, revival of learning. 16th century the time of modern English The renaissance (1516-1578) General characteristic of the renaissance age: Renaissance means- rebirth of knowledge Factors responsible for this new movement Humanism Development of printing press Co-operation of system of the astronomy New geographical discovery The reformation Chief characteristics of renaissance: Rise of nationalism Spirit of adventures A belief in dignity of man Love for beauty and sensuousness Some minor writers of renaissance: Sir Thomas more (1478-1535) His work: of the dignity of man (1486) encomium moriae (1507) (is was a Latin work and dedicated to his friend) utopia based on the Aristotelian Republic history of king Richard iii Sir Thomas Wytt (1503-1542) He was influenced by Hanoc in Latin and only translated the sonnets of Petratch and alamams. The Earl of Surrey (1517-1547) he wrote songs and sonnets Henry 3rd Virgil fall of troy in Anied 2 Religious prose In the religious prose, there is only bible is translated into English Authorized Version. Instructive Prose: To say something advisely to anyone in simple dialogues or paragraph. It is also called secular prose. Le Marter Darther He was a poet, perfect storyteller and 15th century prose writer. He proposed the ideal secular role, in some shapes like, in his work the prince the governor the courtier the school master Sir Thomas Elyot (1490-1564) He wrote his governor in 1531 at Wesley fall and dedicated to Henry third due to his work Henry third praised and he made Elyot an ambassador. His work: o The Governor (1531) Roger Ascham (1515-1566)

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

Roger ascham wrote Toxophilus in 1545 and dedicated to Henry viii, which earn him a pension. Ascham became tutor in 1548 to Princess Elizabeth and served Queen Mary and Elizabeth as Latin secretary. Drama of the Period: 1. Mystery play: the term mystery may be derived from two words metier ( French) or ininis terium (Latin) mean craft a mysterium (Latin) performed in churches. 2. Miracle plays: miracle plays are the plays which are based on the saints miracles like Hazrat Noah (A.S) and it is performed in the church yards. Sacrifice of Hazrat Ishaq (A.S) story of Abeel and Abraham. 3. Morality Plays: the morality plays of 15th and 16th century were played by traveler companies. The castle of perseverance (1405) is a spectacle with a castle of thirty six and it is performed in a large arena. Morality plays are the plays in which at the end of the performance a moral lesson is advised, by the performers, to the audience and it is performed out of the church in some plain place and some characters are introduced in morality plays. The first English comedy play was Ralph Roister Doister By Nicolas Udall (1504-1556) The Elizabethan Age (1567-1603) General Characteristics of the age: Religious tolerance and formation of English church Social progress Rise of commerce and trade Rise of nationalism and patriotism New discoveries and explorations Individual liberty and independence Love for pleasure in beauty and sensuousness Main Features of literary work: Imagination Idealism Rich imagery Satire Colloquial language Major poets of the age: Philip Sidney Edmund Spenser Sir Walter Raleigh William Shakespeare Major Dramatists of the ages: University wits John lily (1554-1606) Robert Greene George Peele Thomas lodge Thomas Nash Thomas Kyd Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare Ben Jonson 1. Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586) (32yrs) He was the son of Henry Sidney and Mary Dudley. He got educated from oxford. He made a wide range of travels to Germany, Italy, Poland, and Australia. Sidney plays a role model to Spenser. His working Style: Sonnet sequence Poetry Allegory Prose work Aristotelian theory Romance Pastoral poetry

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

Moralist Humour Tragedy comic apology to poetry His works: Arcadia (1570) The defence of poetry (1579) Astrophal and Stella (early 1581) 1. Arcadia (1570) o He started his work at twenties. This work was humble; his work was only to entertain his sister. Arcadia is divided into verses, drama and prose terms. o The elements of politics, chivalry, romance, nature, tragedy, humor, and poetry, ideal heroic, pastoral poetry, comic and as well as morality is found in this work Arcadia. 2. the Defence of poetry (1579) The defence of poetry is one of the more important contributions of literary theory written in English during Elizabethan age. The work of poetry was a diversion of readers mind to virtues action, classical model of oration was adopted in it. (Oration meansart of speak), sugar coated points are found in it. Thats inside is very ugly and it can be in shape of poetry instructional and delightful methods are provided this king of poetry. It is also called apology to poetry. 3. Astrophel and Stella (early 1581) It is a poetry work of Philip Sidney. It contains 108 sonnets and 11 songs. It is also dedicated to his sister Mary Sidney. Edmund Spenser: (1552-1599) His Work: Shepherd calendars ( a pastoral allegories) The faerie Queene (a romantic allegory) Hymnes in honour of love and beauty Elizabethan sonnets (describing the wooing of Spenser with Elizabethan boyle with whom he contrasted 2nd marriage in 1594) His Working Style: Pastoral poetry Epic Allegory Romance A musician of words A great moralist Spenserian stanza (9lines) He made experiments with the versification A master of language and versification He was a satirist of contemporary society. He was also a sonnet writer He was regarded as a word painter. 1. pastoral poetry: it is also related to rural side-nature, country side life, in which shepherd and sheeps are included almost on very aspect of human life is discoursed and presented through he elemental activities of the shepherd Rural work has always been a prototype of all humour activities because it is related to primal human activities. Work of shepherd also includes the element of guardianship which make easy to discourse everything either political, rulers or spiritual leaders in pastoral form. Pastoral poetry form was an accepted poetic form, established in renaissance and it was not ranked below then epic or heroic poetry. Pastoral poetry is in the form of eclogues which means pastoral dialogues (rural dialogues) This poetic form was appropriate for a poet who was beginning his career

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

In pastoral poetry it was a fashion to discuss all characters as shepherd, in an amiable artificial allegories form in which they were either loves breathing out their love joys or woes ( sadness), or by a traditional metaphor, priests of pastors whose sheeps were their parishnouss Eclogues or pastoral dialogue had it origin in Sicilian ( place name) folk song and come first into literature in the work of the Oritus, a Greek Sicilian poet of the 3rd century BC. Shaphered Calendar: This work contains 12 eclogues (dialogue). Which are proportions able to the 12 months of the year. These purelene eclogues are entitled to the twelve noble and victorious gentlemen, who were worthy of all tittles both of learning and chivalry. In this poem Spenser united his humanism to his love of the land He poured into the work the much of himself as a rejected lover and an aspirant to the priesthood One of the merits of the poem in its style. In this poem there is a union of varies lines with metre which was at once new. Structure of the poem is also important as Spenser grouped his twelfth eclogues corresponding to the twelves months of the year. Decorum, which was an important renaissance ethical idea, its mean virtuous and fitness of tone, diction and verse form the sutting of the style to the metre, the deliberate avoidance of anything, inappropriate or incongruous Faerie Queene: An allegory Romance and Epic Phantasm migorical, fantastical words. Mystery of atmosphere is pervading at every table It is an allegorical poem. Which has a surface meaning as well as under surface meaning. The elements of romance is also found in this poem Knight round table also called red table, certain characters as symbolic. Poem is also an epic, some epic characters are emotional, the grand poor, myth, historical hero, knight had fight with evils to reach the monster. He is a painter of word and musician of magical He wrote this poem in the 9 lines stanza, which was became the famous artistic work of Edmund Spenser The characters, types of virtues, monk, and friar are the types of church, ploughman individual trade, wise and virtue, evil and bad, combat between good and evil. He was a moralist as well as all the character designs for moral represent. Faerie Queene is a complex due to double meaning and table of understanding meaning. It has two, three and more types of meanings. The characters are symbolic and abstract ideas Faerie land, strong and deep connotations, allegory at political, moral, social, and personal level. The central theme, combat, conflict, tussle, fight, opposition, between good and bad. Character are represented as following as 1. Queen Gloriana ----- Queen Elizabeth 2. She Dragon ----- stand for monster 3. Lady Una ----- Truth for monster 4. dwarf ----- common sense 5. Ass ----- humanity 6. Archinago ----- hypocrisy 7. Red Cross Knight ----- Stand for virtue, holiness 8. Lamb ----- Innocence. It has personal, political, social, moral, religious allegories. In the personal allegory, Red Cross knight presented earl of Leicester as well as Spenser. Spenser was one of the apples of discord for Elizabeth. In political allegory, Spenser was liked by Queen Elizabeth. Social allegory prevailing in court, fall of chivalry, at moral level poem bringing the focus propagate the fight and clash between good and evil, wise and virtue. At religion level, fight between Red Cross knight and the monster show Roman Catholic and Protestants. Red Cross knight stands for protestant church. When red cross knight fought with big she monster , it vomit its children (serpents) Elizabethan dramatists During the period of Elizabeth, the most memorable achievement in literature was in the field of drama. One of the results of the humanist teaching in the schools and universities had been a great development of study of Latin

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

drama, and the growth of the practice of acting Latin plays, and of contemporary works both in Latin and English. These performances were the work of ameature actors, students of universities and inns of the courts. First of all university wits are concerned then growing popularity, become secularize that is called nonreligion due to class rising of the writers. When scholar started writing, it became tradition to write pays for the sake of money and these writers were secular play writers. University wits: They all were graduated from oxford and Cambridge. They were not patronized by any court or queen. They were not courtly. They had never desire to go in church. They were professional, adopted writing drama as their career, and became popular in high rate. These dramatists wrote drama in the better way than before. They were men of letter. They were seven in number. 1. john Lyly 2. Robert Greene 3. George Peele 4. Thomas lodge 5. Thomas Kyd 6. Thomas Nash 7. Christopher Marlowe Christopher Marlowe was very impressive and popular dramatist among the university wits. John lyly (1554-1606) o He was a dramatist of Elizabethan age and one of the university wits play writers. o Main characteristics of his dramas He worked in blank verse, humour, comedy, court comedy; he borrowed plots and stories from old Latin models and myths. o Works: Euphues it was in an artificial prose form, it was a sort of court comedy, and it was meant Saint Paul chap bells children, also performed in court of Queen Elizabeth. Later Shakespeare adopted it. All the plots were taken from myth, history hero and from old Latin models Alexander the Great it was the excellent work by lyly. Moreover, its plot was borrowed from Greek myth and from history. It contains the material like Character + themes + myth + legends Sapho and phao (1584) Endmion (1591) Midas (1592) o His pastoral plays (which contains natural scenes and pastoral allegories) Loves metaphorses it contains comedy Gellothea The woman in the moon it was in shape of blank verse Robert Greene (1558-1592) o He was known as graphical autobiographic details. o He was famous for prose work in plays o He earned his money by writing drama o He was not patronized by anyone o In the prose work, his famous work is the groatworth of wit. o His famous drama was the honourable history of friar bacon and friar bungay. o As his own life history is shown in this drama o His chronicle was the Scottish history of James 4 th George Peele (1558-1596) o His career was as a dramatist o His work was courtly mythological pastoral plays o His plays were like john lylys pattern His working style o He got plots and stories from old Latin myths and stories o He wrote in blank verse o He was also a pastoral writer

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

He wrote biblical stories also He also wrote on love His works o The arrangement of Paris was a famous one. It was about the children of chapel for charity in court. Charity children in the court of queen also perform it in court. In which, Paris is as character, familiar mythological story, julus is god in it. This play is a complaint again Queen. It is almost a political drama and in the form of blank verse. o Oldwifes tale was another play, based on magic on craft, it was related with love and true love, the tale is about lost in jungle. It is a well manner prose and partly blank verse. o The love of King David and fair Bathsheba is based on biblical story. In which Bathsheba is a woman. Thomas lodge: o He was not patronized by any one o He was not famous as other dramatists nor was his dramas famous. His style o He worked on misc, prose work, sonnets, composed collaboration for gene, o He was moralist as well o A looking glass for Condon and England. His work o Euforia it was a aphoristic prose romantic work, whose character is Rosalande. A place, where every time enjoyment. It was a comedy source for Shakespeare. This was a dramatic work and composes as morality play. In this, there is a cruel and evil ruler, but in the end, he repents on his work. o Moons of civil war was a complete play. There were seven wars between two countries. He handles all scenes of roman history and war. The play is seen as to confusion. Thomas kyd (1558-1594) o He wrote romantic tragedy plays o Theme of love, revenge, blood shed, violence, murder, all Seneca influence shared in it. o Bible was also written by Thomas kyd. o The other work was Spanish tragedy. It was not so accepted by people. In this play, the elements of revenge, tragedy, play in a play and feints characters are presents. Thomas Nash (1567-1601) o Collaboration writing was common on that time. o However, he write and compose his work self. o His allegorical work was summers last will and testament. It is a satirical work. Satire, on the courtly antique work. o It has some songs, some incidents, which are considered as strange. o The characters of the story were very weak, so it could not become as a famous work of the Nash. o His second work was a picaresque tale in which many characters are present. It is based upon journey. o Unfortunately, the traveller has another name and play has another name. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) o He was born in 1564 in Canterbury. He was educated in Cambridge University, got the degree of graduation, and became a scholar there. He also got education of anthology and became a parson by profession. Later he resigned and joins theatre as a dramatist and university wits. He wrote drama for the elite, educated people. He wrote drama for earning money and became rich in little time. o His dramas represent the renaissance elements like lust for education, power, money, wealth and ambition. o Marlowe was predecessor of Shakespeare. His famous works are o Tumberlane 1 & 2 his first work was tumberlane in episodic shape; it shows the ambition of writer and the lust for knowledge. In tumberlane, there was a shepherd, he was a sign of terror for the world, which was daring and hated for the coward. He also killed his own son due to his o o

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

cowardly manners. There was arranged proud ambition even he challenged the god and was punished by god (retribution) o Jew of Malta it shows the ambition of the barbarous and lust for the power and money. In Jew of Malta, there is a barbarous, Who is a cunning man, hated Christianity, and did not obey the city authorities. He wanted to kill the entire nuns in bomb blast. Even he killed his own daughter in that blast. In addition, he got the money of the church. Then he became the governor of the Malta. He planed to kill the Turkish commander but failed. o Dr. Faustus this drama is on the base of ancient German myth Faust that was written by Goethe. It was s sickle element, tragic, comedy, humour, and comic play. o Perfect tragedy, there is a conflict between good and evil. It is symbolic presentation. o In the play, dr. Faustus wants to achieve the unachievable, desires the undesirable, want to make possible the impossible, o It shows the renaissance elements, lust for knowledge, power, wealth and ambition, romance, and adventure elements are present in this drama. To fulfill his desire, Dr. Faustus sold his soul to Mephistopheles. His desires were joy, magic, power and to meet the Helen of troy as living being. o It is also a morality and miracle play of Christopher Marlowe. o Edward 2nd All the university wits writers were self-producer materials. William Shakespeare: (1564-1614) o Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford. At the age o f15 he got education and left the education. o He was not a high literal person. He married with Anne Hathaway. After two children, he went to London. He wanted to acting in theatre but he got job of horse tender. o After it, he worked as a humble servant in theatre. At that time, Christopher Marlowes career was at peak as play writer. o As a side actor, he got a chance to performance in theatre, but he could not mark as well. Therefore, he started writing drama to encourage and promote it. At first, he wrote some interpolations (gap between two scenes) in drama. After it, he selected drama as a profession and for career. o Marlowe was a dramatist, but he wrote drama for polite people, but Shakespearean plays for common man and every one in the society, and these dramas were called masala plays o Stories and characters were borrowed from histories that have already acted before. o He wrote for any kind au audience, scholar, philosopher and common persons were read its plays. After a long time be became success and famous. o At that time producers, directors and writers had to join the some company to promote and work for, so Shakespeare joined land Chamberlain Company, which was called black friar company. He earned his living and honour as well. When he became famous, he got high rank and status and respected by company. o At the peak of his career, suddenly he retired from the company and went back to the native town. Every one wished to come back and join the theatre again but he did not. o After some time he came back to London and made Glove Theatre in London as a partner but later, he bought it and became its owner. Main features of his work; o Music, laughs, vulgar, crude jokes, cynicism jokes,, murder, violence, blood shed on stage is present in his plays o Inter play on emotions also based on myth and history. o In Shakespearean plays, his motto of the characters is character is destiny and destiny is character. o He said man is responsible for all his actions and deeds. Man is responsible to do what he did. o There is providence in the fall of a sparrow. o There is divinity that shapes on end (Hamlet) o Universality is also theme of his plays. Element in human remain in human. Like, bad and good. His characters and themes are universal. They showed as real human. Jealousy, revenge is common and his characters are also universal.

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

Supernatural elements, fairies, ghost are also present. Seneca elements are presents by the roman writers. o Revenge theme is present in his tragedy plays o Scenes of comic relieve by fools in Shakespearean plays, who presents apparently by fools but wise. Fools are wise persons in his plays (philosophical idea) o Disguise has been used as a device and theatrical importance in the plays o Disguise is the main plot. This element was in focus in Shakespearean tragedy. Theme of appearance and reality o The theme of love is the theme of comedy. Very often, he discussed the theme of love. He was not sentimental. Love makes one wise. He always chariest the idea of love. This emotion should experience by everyone. To make fun off over sentimentality over love. o He focuses the love affair of a single person. That he should fall in love with one. The experience is very important. Ben Jonson (1572-1632) o He born in Jan 11, 1572. He was son of a clergyman. As career he joined theatre as an actor and play writer in 1597. o In 1597 he was empresent for involvement of satire work title isle of dogs which he along with collaborate with a writer. o He killed 2 actors. He passed through trial. He escaped due to his father was clergy. He escaped from gallows. He was impresent 2 times. o He became Anglican. Then he became Roman Catholic. Later in 1610 he became Anglican again. o He wrote against government. o He was proud and root fellow. He think is root person. Here is my play and good. It is your fault if you are not understand it, and its theme. His work o Every man in his humour (1598) o Every man out of his humour (1599) o Cynthia (revels) (1600) o The poetaster (1601) o Sajanus his fall (1603) it is a classical tragedy base on roman history and offering an astute way of dictatorship o Epicene, the silent woman (1609) o The alchemist (1610) o Volpone the fox (1606) o Bartholomew fair (1614) o He also written some masques in a play, with pure dramatical music and entertainment characters. Features of his work o He was famous due to his humorous plays o He was a master of comedy; humour is disbalance in human being. o Humour a humour meant a quality made into a person, special foolishness and chief strong feeling in a man. o Each character represents the flaws. Flaws are shows comedy. o Each character is walking humour. For example katlie is a merchant, and has a pretty wife, but humour is jealousy. Jealously with knowell, knowells father has another anxiety; he always worries against regarding to his sons future. Alchemist (epicuremerry making, mammona symbolic character)central character is sir epicure mammor, the alchemist. In that medieval time there were certain chemical reactions were discovered. And that time many of the disease were cure by these alchemists. In the story he would take enjoy, all the luxuries and his aim to enjoy the life in others view, that is a satire element. He wanted to enjoy the life every time. Volpone the fox (know as animal fable) (1606) (comedy play) characters are as follows Valpone (a big fox) a greedy, childless nobleman Mosca (the fly) his servant Votore (the vulture) a lawyer o

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

Corboccio (the raven) an avaricious old miser Bonario (carboccios son) Cawino (the crow) a merchant Celia (cawinos wife)

Stuart Literature/ The puritan age (1603-1660) It is also called the age of Milton. The whole age was dominated by civil war. The war was between the king and the parliament. This war led to the execution of Charles Main characteristics of the age. o It was an age of transmission, standing midway between age of Shakespeare and the Jacobean age (1582-1631) o An era of prolongation of Elizabethan age (1603) o Many changes were brought about -- colonialism, materialism o Improved humanism. o Peace and prosperity of queen Elizabethan age. o Puritan and Catholics militant. o Pessimism and optimism in the age of Milton (pessimism and optimism played a role of science) o Conflict of church and state. Poetry of puritan age o The literary forms of the poetry were The lyric The epic The ode The descriptive o Some important poets of the age Milton Donne Cowley Herbert Suckling o Some prose writer of puritan age Milton Francis bacon Burtan Thomas Burton o Characteristics of metaphysical poetry Display of learning Farfetched images Predominance of fancy rather than imagination Use of conciest John Donne (1572-1631) o Metaphysical poet, who deals with the beyond the physical realities like, death, soul, life etc. o He belonged to a school of thought called metaphysical school o This is a style of writing in which metaphysical poets gave a certain sort of treatment to the subject. Characteristics of Donnes poetry: o Obscurity, o Wit, o Paradox / juxtaposition o Questioning o Use of conceit o Use of hyperbole o Philosophical handling of an issue which includes o Thesis antithesis and synthesis

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

o o o o o o o o o Use of colloquial language Works Donne has written love poems and divine poems as well Characteristics of his love poetry His love poetry is basically an expression of his own personal experience His loves poems are a rebellion against the petrarchan model Womens treatment is different in his love poetry Donne give importance to spiritual love thoughts, he does not deny the reality of physical love Women are not portrayed as idealized creature rather they are considered as fickle minded, floritious, disloyal and heaven creatures. He does not idealize as the worship the beloved in his poems rather he keeps on criticizing the fair sex. In his love poems Donne discusses three aspects Aspect of love Spiritual aspect Conjugal or sensual aspect In the beginning there is a dramatical touch in his poems He used first person grammatical touch I, we, in the poems Spiritual/ inspirational poets of john Donne: This poetry is an example of the stanch believe and a passionate, Christian john Donne himself. He reflects in his divine poetry the basic Christian ideology i.e. crucification, resurrection, day of judgment and holy trinity God

o o o o

Christ the son the Holy Spirit He has used death imagery along with sensual imaginary in his divine poetry/ songs. I.e. the words likebetrothed spouse groom, bright, ravish etc. o In his religious poetry Donne reflects his belief that god will ultimately bring his salvation o There is self-accountability in his religious poetry. He considered himself as mysoginist. o Element of repentance is to be found in his religious poetry o He was scaptic person. He has doubt in religion. His scapticism due to two regions in Christ. He became protagonist, but after some time he became catholic. Dramatic touch of john Donne The sun rising (dramatic touch) Dialogue form busy, old fool, unsurly sun Questioning why dost thou thus, Use of I through windows, and through curtains call me now o Sir Francis bacon: (21.1.1561-9.4.1626) o He was the writer of 16th century and its background was renaissance age. o He was man of letter, master of English prose, lawyer and Member of Parliament, essay writer, philosopher and as well a great thinker. o Essay writing is a genre. Montage was a French essay writer, but bacon was the first writer in English essay writer. Due to it he is regarded as father of English prose. He was influence by Montage. o He also wrote on science as Noam organum and represented the scientific methods. o As philosopher: in 1621, he was charged by barberry and downfall. o He is still regarding as a great thinker. o After the great ancient philosophers like William of Ockham (1347), john Wycliffe died in 1384, there was a philosophic gap occurred and the gap was finished by Sir Francis Bacon. o His first stain was Italian humanism and then Christian Platonism. Bacons style of writing: o Aphorism/ aphoristicall style/

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

Questions Maxims Worldly wisdom Short, compact, condensed, crispy sentences Pragmatic approach A man of renaissance lust of power, education, and money A well learned man Dispersed (scattered, shattered, not composed) meditation (segregated) deep thinking, to enclose, to reflect. o He gave prose and cones/ both the ridges of an issue. He presents both sides of the issue. o He was influenced by a philosopher Machiavellis book The Prince Objectivity o His essays are hand book of worldly wisdom for the practical man, who wanted to attain successors in his life (worldly wisdom) o Utilitarian approach o Historical and biblical references o Metaphoric language o He does not draw conclusion/ or the conclusion is up to reader Aphoristic style is a style in which he wrote in quotations Bacons Essays o Of revenge o Of parents and children o Of death o Of great places o Of marriage and single life o Of friendship o Of studies some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and few are to be chewed and digested. o Of discourse o Of truth All quotations are aphoristic style Readings make the full man, conferences makes a man ready, and writing makes one a exact man. Example of three fold sentence o It is heaven upon earth to move mans mind to charity, rest on providence, and moves upon the poles of truth (of truth) o For a lie faces god (objectivity) and shrink form man (of truth) o Revenge is a wild justice (for revenge) (aphoristic style) o For the crowed is not the company and faces are but, a gallery of picture, talk but a tinkling symbol (drum, music instruments) where there is no love (for friendship) o A mixture of lie with ever add pleasure (of truth) (worldly wisdom) o Wives are young mens mistresses, companion to middle ages and old mens nurses (of marriage and single life) (utility approaches) Disperse meditation o Mixture of falsehoods is like alloy in the coin of gold and silver, which make the metal work the better but it embaseth it. o A mixture of lie doth ever add pleasure John Milton (1608-1674) o He is the one of the well-known poets of the age. o He was a pure Christian and puritan. Puritans were those who hate the drama, but drama was the main genre, concerned by the puritans. o Milton was the great scholar of classical as well as Hebrew literature. o He was also called a child of the renaissance. o He became blind later His working style o He has concern of blank verse o He was a poet of his personality and work o He made combination of many things, like o o o o o o o o

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

He made blend of Puritanism and renaissance Pagons and Christianity is also in his works He gave extreme absolute ideas in his work, those ideas which were not beneficient. o He told that change is very necessary. o Ht took Homeric similies in his work, he took hamour (greek bridal) and he used this model in paradise lost o He wrote some sonnets o His one or two works are on criticism o In fact no other English poet was so profoundly religious and so much an artist. o In all his poetry, Milton sings about himself and his own lofty soul o He also wrote on epic style o He criticise because of use of concede, concede is a far faced ideas. He praised that they are witty, intelligent, and well learned. His work: o Paradise lost (epic) from Homeric similies. o Paradise regain o LAllegro (in cheerful moods) short poem o IL Penseroso ( in sad mood) (1632) o Comus (1634) o Lycides (pastoral elegy) (1637) o From the lives of the poets ( he wrote of metaphysical poets from the lives of the poets as critical ) ( a critical work) (1624)( he wrote on wit especially about Cowley ) Paradise lost is a biblical story. In paradise lost justified ways of god to man. There is a war between heaven and hell, Satan & god. The role of Satan is very important he regarded as a hero. Lycides Milton has written it at death of his friend king Edward. It fulfilled the form of pastoral. There is a criticise the church and clergymen of that time. He also gave many mythological references in his work. He seems very sad at his friends death. o Dr. Johnson criticise his lycides due to sad and death of his friend . Comus marks the development of the Milton's mind form the merely pastoral idyllic to the more serious and purposive tendency. The puritanic element antagonistic to the prevailing looseness in religion and politics becomes more prominent. But in spite of its serious and didactic strain, it retains the lyrical tone which is so characteristic of Miltons early poetry. Metaphysical poets of the age: o Henry king (1592-1664) o George Herbert (1593-16330) o Thomas Carew (1574-1640) o Henry Crashaw (1612-1644) o john Claveland (1613-1658) o Abraham Cowley (1618-1667) o Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) o Henry Vaughan (1621-1695) o Thomas Traherns (1637-1674) o john Donne (1572-1631) George Herbert is the most widely read of all the poets belonging to the metaphysical school, except of course, Donne. This is due to the clarity of his expression and the transparency of his conceits. In his religious verse there is simplicity as well as natural earnestness. Mixed with the didactic strain there is also a current of quaint humour in his poetry. Thomas Carew, on whom the influence of Donne was stronger, was the finest lyric writer of his age. Though he lacks the spontaneity and freshness of Herrick, he is superior to him in fine workmanship. Moreover, though possessing the strength and vitality of Donnes verse, carews verse is neither rugged not obscure as that of the master. His persuasions of love is a fine piece of rhythmic harmony Devotional poets

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

George Herbert (1593-1633) Henry Vaughan (1621-1695) Thomas traherne (1637-1674) Richard crashew (1613-1649) winchilsea (1661-1720) a. Henry Vaughan, though a mystic like Crashew, was equally at home in sacred as well as secular verse. Though lacking the vigour of Crashaw, Vaughan is more uniform and clear, tranquil and deep. The restoration age (1660-1702) General characteristics of the age: Restoration ----- restoration of monarchy Execution of Charles 2 1649 Oliver Cromwell became the lord protector of England He was also overthrown from throne in 1660 Light heartedness in social and moral life of people French influenced encouraged it. Political scene dominated by the conflict between Whigs and Tories In religious field, toleration was advocated Formation of the royal society. It is also called the age of Dryden. Because Dryden was the dominating and most representative literary figure of the age. o Main poets of the age John Dryden (1631-1700) o Main prose writer of the age John Bunyan (1628-1688) o Restoration drama: In 1642 the theatres were closed by the authority of the parliament which was dominated by puritans and so no good plays were written from 1642 till the restoration in 1660 when the theatres were re-opened. The drama in England after 1660, called the restoration drama, showed entirely new trends on account of the long break with the past. The most popular form of drama was the comedy of manners. In tragedy, the restoration period specialised in heroic tragedy, which dealt with themes of epic magnitude. The heroes and heroines possessed superhuman qualities. The chief protagonist and writer of heroic tragedy was Dryden. John Dryden and john law: o They are regarded as key figure in British history. o John log main work was inspired philosophy. inspirical philosophyknowledge which collected without experience. o He tried to deduce Christianity reason from these resolutions. o Idea domination in 17th and 18th century. Imperial philosophy Tested even religious to tested Role of mind o Mind was aesthetic receiver of impression, mind can divide an active role o Mind is a creative role o Mind is used as a static rule o Mind as a source of creativity and abroad of god o Mind capacity is much larger than I consider Static impression: -- he follows Platos theory. There is no mind creativity. Aristotles theory Cordinal theory An assemplastic power Gods abroad Creative and sensibility John lock: o Human understanding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

o He believe action of reaction John Dryden o Essays of dramatic poesy o These comedies are comedies of manner o Comparative sturdy of French and English drama o He favoured English drama and criticise French drama o He thought English vocabulary have great word to explain the feelings William Congreve: o Double plot o Disguise o Issue of marriage and money o Fun of the fools manners of upper class society o 17th century drama is the comedy of manners Central themes of all the writers of the age Love of virtue Double dealings Lover name are not cleared Wit Humour Love of affairs Money Obestinity Age of sensibility / age of pope / Augustine literature / the enlightenment / 18 th century literature / age of novel (1705-1745) It is also called classical age/ neo-classical age/ pseudo-classical age/ age of good sense/ the restoration period/ age of Johnson/ o It is characterised by Restraint central over feelings Reason Order A zealous pursuit of the ideal of wit and common sense Absence of the passion for lyricism Slavish imitation of ancients Desire for neatness, sharpness and correction in style Devotion to heroic couplet o Poetry of Augustan age Satirical Rational Intellectual Artificiality o Lacks with Inspiration Enthusiasm Romantic fervour of Elizabethan age o Chief poet was Alexander pope. Chief prose writers of the age o Richard steel o Joseph Addison o Jonathan swift

Babar Sultan M.A English B.Ed (Education University), PGD in Linguistics (Punjab University), M.A English Sargodha University

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