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Constitution of Cuon Scout Group




Prepare by: Scouter Gavin Pah Wen Xiang

Assistant Group Scout Leader

Prepare on: 22 September 2007

Passed on: 12 April 2008 during Troop Council

Add on: 2 August 2008 during Troop Council

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1. Mission and Fundamentals of Scouting

2. Mission and Vision of Cuon Scout Group

3. Group Insignia

4. Group’s Colour and Section’s colour

5. Group Organisation

6. Adults In Scouting

7. Junior Appointment Holders and Membership

8. Financial Policies

9. Public Relations

10. International activities- Protocol

11. Risk Assessment Management (RAM)

12. Awards

13. Uniforms

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1.Mission and Fundamentals of Scouting

1.1 The Mission
The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a
value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where
people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
This is achieved by involving them throughout their formative years in a non-formal
educational process using a specific method that makes each individual the principal
agent in his or her development as self-reliant, supportive, responsive and committed
person assisting them to establish a value system based upon spiritual, social and
personal principles as expressed in the Promise and Law.

1.2 The Scout Method

The Scout Method provides an enjoyable and attractive scheme of progressive
training, based on the Scout Promise and Law. In practice the method is best seen
when young people, in partnership with and under the guidance of adults, are:-
· enjoying what they are doing
· learning by doing
· participating in varied and progressive activities
· making choices for themselves
· taking responsibility for their own actions
· working in groups
· taking increasing responsibilities for others
· taking part in activities outdoors
· making and living out their Promise
· sharing in prayer and worship

1.3 The Scout Promise

On my Honour,
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God
And the Republic of Singapore
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law

1.4 The Scout Law

A Scout is to be trusted
A Scout is loyal
A Scout makes friends, establishes and maintains harmonious relations
A Scout is disciplined and considerate
A Scout has courage in all difficulties

1.5 The Scout Motto

The Scout Motto is to “Be Prepared”.

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2.Mission and Vision of Cuon Scout Group

2.1 Group Mission

The Group is the spark that ignites the minds of our Scouts and encourages them to
motivate themselves to strive for glory and excellence. This self-motivation will enable
the Scouts to be innovative, creative and courageous.

2.2 Group Vision

To nurture every Scout to be responsible and caring and to be able to develop his
potential to face challenges, ready to serve and to lead

2.3 Cuon Values

 Commitment

 Co-operation

 Courtesy

 Compassion

 Creativity

 Courage

 Integrity

 Self-Reliant

 Self-Disciplined

 Responsible

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New Official Title

7 August 2008

Attention: Troop Level

We will be introducing a new official title that better represent us. With the approval at the last
Troop Council (2 August 2008). We will be known as CUON SCOUT GROUP
And all the units will also known as

1.CUON SCOUT GROUP-Cub Scout Pack --Formerly Cadet Scout Unit

2.CUON SCOUT GROUP-Scout Troop --Formerly Scout Unit

3.CUON SCOUT GROUP-Venture Scout Unit

4.CUON SCOUT GROUP-Rover Scout Crew

The Troop Council will adopt the new title and shall be known as Group Council.

With the directive set by Group Scout Leader, this will takes effect from 1 January 2009.

Scouter Gavin Pah
Assistant Group Scout Leader
(Operations & Logistic)

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3.Group Insignia

2002 till 2004 (Obsolete) 2004 till Present

3.1 Specifications
The Insignia must always be reproduced to strict specifications as follows:
The main motif and proportion of the insignia cannot be altered.

For printing, the colour specification of the following colour

a) Boarder and Wording-Red, Pantone No 186
b) Background-Blue, Pantone No 274
c) Background-Yellow, Pantone No 116 2X
d) WOSM Emblem-Purple, Pantone No 527
e) Cuon-Brown, Pantone No 1815

Official Group Badge Dimension: 5cm by 5cm

Material: Twill, fully embroidery
Commission date: 15 May 2002
Design by: Gavin Pah Wen Xiang

3.2 Authorised Use

Section 5 of The Singapore Scout Association-P.O.R states that:

"No person other than the Group shall distribute or sell or expose for sale
(a) any badge, token or emblem specifically adopted by the Group for use by Scouts; or
(b) any badge, token or emblem containing the word 'Cuon Scout Group' or the design.

Permission must be granted by Group Scout Leader or designated Assistant Group Scout
Leader/ Leaders before commence the usage of the Insignia in any forms.

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3.3 The Definitions

3.3.1 W.O.S.M Emblem

We are member of World Orgainsation of Scout Movement

3.3.2 Cuon
Cuon symbolises Team-spirit and Courage

3.3.3 Blue Background

Blue symbolises the virtues of Integrity and Dedication.
We aspire to produce Scouts of integrity, and always ready to serve the

3.3.4 Yellow Background

Yellow symbolises the Courage and Loyalty. Always prepared to serve
and lead at all times.

3.3.5 Red Boarder

Red symbolises Universal Brotherhood and esprit-de-corps

The badge is halved diagonally across, being equal and balanced. It represents the fact
that Cuon Scouts Group values integrity and dedication, courage and loyalty, equally.

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4.Group’s Colour and Section’s colour

Group Colour, officially awarded on 15 March

2003 by Mr Andrew Chew

Cub Scout Pack Colour, officially Scout Troop Colour, officially awarded
awarded on 28 August 2008 by Ms on 7 June 2008 by Mr Pong Wen Long

Venture Scout Colour, officially

Rover Scout Crew Colour, officially
awarded on 7 June 2008 by Mr Pong
awarded on 14 June 2009 by Mr Tan
Wen Long
Cheong Kiong, Deputy Chief
Commissioner, Singapore Scout
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Before the commence of any Ceremony or Parade. Colours will be draw out by the
respective Leader-in-charge. All members are to position and formed a horseshoe
formation and face the Colour party. Colours will be carried and handed over to the flag
bearer, in which the junior appointment holder such as ( Troop Leader, Venture Chairman)
will do the uncasing.


Colours are always accorded the highest honours and compliments. When Colours are
uncased, the Colours Party are not to pay compliments except to those entitled to the
compliment of having the Colours dipped or “let fly”.

Individuals are always to salute the uncased Colours when passing or being passed by it.

When not in use on ceremonial occasions, Colours are retained or kept in the Scout Den,
secured in a suitable place.. Colours are always to be displayed, uncased and attached to
their own staff. The custodian of the Colours is the Unit chairman who is responsible for
the care and maintenance of the Colours.

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4.3 Group Flag and Sections Flag

When the flag is displayed outside a building, it shall be displayed on or in front of the
building. It must be flown only from a flagpole, and if it is displayed or flown at night, it
should be properly illuminated.

The display of the Flags

Group Cub Scout Scout Venture Rover

State Flag School Group Cub Scout Scout Venture Rover

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5.Group Organisation

5.1 Organisation Chart

Sponsoring Authority

Group Scout Leader

Assistant Group Scout Leader

with portfolio

Cub Scout Pack Scout Troop Venture Scout Unit Rover Scout Crew

Cub Scout Leader Teacher-in-Charge Scout Leader Venture Scout Leader Rover Scout Leader

Assistant Cub Scout Leader Assistant Scout Leader Assistant Venture Scout Leader Assistant Rover Scout Leader

Sixer Council Patrol Leaders' Council Venture EX-CO Rover Crew

Cub Scouts Scouts in

in Six Patrols

5.2 Composition

The complete Group consist of Cub Scout Pack, Scout Troop, Venture Scout Unit and
Rover Scout Crew.

Cuon Scout Group represent as whole

Cuon Scout Group with respective section. Such as,

Cuon Scout Group - Cub Scout Pack or Scout Troop or Venture Scout Unit or Rover Scout Crew

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5.3 Group Council

The Group council co-ordinates the operation of the individual Units. And the council is
chaired by the Group Scout Leader, he / she may appointed any one of the operation
Assistant Group Scout Leader to chaired the council.

Council consist of:

-Chairman / Chairperson

-Vice-Chairman(s) / Vice-Chairperson(s)

-Group administration and public relations

-Group Logistic

- Cub Scout Leader and Assistant Cub Scout Leaders

-Scout Leader and Assistant Scout Leaders

-Patrol Leaders Council members

-Venture Scout Leader and Assistant Venture Scout Leaders

-Venture Executive Committee members

-Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leaders

-Rover Scouts

Each section are entitles with 2 voting allocation for all matters in Group Council.
Group Level Leaders are not entitled to any voting allocation.

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6.Adults In Scouting
6.(a) Group Scout Leader
Outline: To ensure the effective operation of the Scout Group and the development of Scouting within
the Group in accordance with the Purpose, Principles and Policies of The Scout Association.

Responsible for: All Section Leaders and Assistant Group Scout Leaders in the Scout Group. The
GSL also has an overview of the other roles within the Scout Group and the Group Executive

Responsible to: District Commissioner and Sponsoring authority.

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, completion
of a wood badge, which includes the achievement of the ULTAC specific Modules as detailed in the
Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Group Scout Leader not less than 25 years old and shall be fully appointed as Volunteer Adult
Leader by Ministry of Education through Sponsoring authority.

General Tasks:
 Delivering a balanced programme for the Group taking account needs interests and abilities of the
members within the Group.
 The appointment of Units Leaders.
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Actively co-operate with the District commissioner.
 Actively support and promote with other Leaders of the Group, to achieves the Group’s Mission and
Vision. To sustain and maintain the Frank Cooper Sands Award.
 Follow the Group financial procedures which must be in accordance with P.O.R.
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Make and retain relationship with parents of the members
 Comply to all instructions given by Sponsoring authority.

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6.(b) Assistant Group Scout Leader

Outline: To ensure the effective operation of the Scout Group and the development of Scouting within
the Group in accordance with the Purpose, Principles and Policies of The Scout Association.

Responsible for: All Section Leaders and members in the Scout Group. The AGSL also has an
overview of the other roles within the Scout Group and the Group Executive Committee.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader and Sponsoring authority.

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, completion
of a wood badge, which includes the achievement of the ULTAC specific Modules as detailed in the
Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Group Scout Leader not less than 25 years old and shall be fully appointed as Volunteer Adult
Leader by Ministry of Education through Sponsoring authority.

General Tasks:
 Delivering a balanced programme for the Group taking account needs interests and abilities of the
members within the Group .
 The appointment of Units Leaders.
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Actively co-operate with the District commissioner.
 Actively support and promote with other Leaders of the Group , to achieves the Group ’s Mission and
Vision. To sustain and maintain the Frank Cooper Sands Award.
 Follow the Group financial procedures which must be in accordance with P.O.R.
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Make and retain relationship with parents of the members
 Comply to all instructions given by Group Scout Leader and Sponsoring authority.

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6.(c) Cub Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Cub Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and
delivery of the Balanced Programme to the Section, with the help of Assistant Cub Scout Leaders,
and members of the unit.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader, Assistant Group Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, in the mid
of completion or completion of a wood badge, which includes the achievement of the ULTBC specific
Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Scout Leader not less than 21 years old and shall be fully appointed as Volunteer Adult
Leader by Ministry of Education through Sponsoring authority.

General Tasks:
 Delivering a balanced programme for the Cub Scout Section taking account needs interests and
abilities of the members within the Group .
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Actively co-operate with the District Cub Scout Leader to promote the Akela Award.
 Actively support and promote with other Leaders of the Group , to achieves the Group ’s Mission and
Vision. To sustain and maintain the Frank Cooper Sands Award.
 Follow the Group financial procedures which must be in accordance with P.O.R.
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Make and retain relationship with parents of the Cub Scouts.
 Comply to all instructions given by Group Scout Leader and Assistant Group Scout Leaders.

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6.(d) Assistant Cub Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Cub Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and
delivery of the Balanced Programme to the Section.

Responsible to: Cub Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, completion
of the ULTBC specific Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s
Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Assistant Scout Leader not less than 21 years old.

General Tasks:
 Aid the Scout Leader in the delivery of a Balanced Programme for the Cub Scout Section taking into
account needs interests and abilities of the Cub Scouts
 Agree responsibilities with the Cub Scout Leader and other members of the Group Leadership Team,
taking into account when appropriate, the development of the individual’s Personal Learning Plan
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (P.O.R) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Support the Cub Scout Leader in promoting the programme
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Comply to all instructions given by GSL,AGSL and ULs.

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6.(e) Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and delivery of
the Balanced Programme to the Section, with the help of Assistant Scout Leaders, and members of
the unit.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader, Assistant Group Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, in the mid
of completion or completion of a wood badge, which includes the achievement of the ULTBC specific
Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Scout Leader not less than 21 years old and shall be fully appointed as Volunteer Adult
Leader by Ministry of Education through Sponsoring authority.

General Tasks:
 Delivering a balanced programme for the Scout Section taking account needs interests and abilities
of the members within the Group .
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Actively co-operate with the District Scout Leader to promote the Chief Commissioner’s Award.
 Actively support and promote with other Leaders of the Group , to achieves the Group ’s Mission and
Vision. To sustain and maintain the Frank Cooper Sands Award.
 Follow the Group financial procedures which must be in accordance with P.O.R.
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Make and retain relationship with parents of the Scouts.
 Comply to all instructions given by Group Scout Leader and Assistant Group Scout Leaders.

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6.(f) Assistant Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and delivery of
the Balanced Programme to the Section.

Responsible to: Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, completion
of the ULTBC specific Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s
Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Assistant Scout Leader not less than 21 years old.

General Tasks:
 Aid the Scout Leader in the delivery of a Balanced Programme for the Scout Section taking into
account needs interests and abilities of the Scouts
 Agree responsibilities with the Scout Leader and other members of the Group Leadership Team,
taking into account when appropriate, the development of the individual’s Personal Learning Plan
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (P.O.R) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Support the Scout Leader in promoting the programme
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Comply to all instructions given by GSL,AGSL and ULs.

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6.(g) Venture Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Venture Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and
delivery of the Balanced Programme to the Section, with the help of Assistant Venture Scout Leaders,
and members of the unit.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader, Assistant Group Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, in the mid
of completion or completion of a wood badge, which includes the achievement of the ULTBC specific
Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Scout Leader not less than 21 years old and shall be fully appointed as Volunteer Adult
Leader by Ministry of Education through Sponsoring authority.

General Tasks:
 Delivering a balanced programme for the Venture Scout Section taking account needs interests and
abilities of the members within the Group .
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (P.O.R) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Actively co-operate with the District Venture Scout Leader to promote the President’s Scout Award.
 Actively support and promote with other Leaders of the Group , to achieves the Group ’s Mission and
Vision. To sustain and maintain the Frank Cooper Sands Award.
 Follow the Group financial procedures which must be in accordance with POR.
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Make and retain relationship with parents of the Venture Scouts.
 Comply to all instructions given by Group Scout Leader and Assistant Group Scout Leaders.

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6.(h) Assistant Venture Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Venture Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and
delivery of the Balanced Programme to the Section.

Responsible to: Venture Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, completion
of the ULTBC specific Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s
Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Assistant Venture Scout Leader not less than 21 years old.

General Tasks:
 Aid the Venture Scout Leader in the delivery of a Balanced Programme for the Venture Scout Section
taking into account needs interests and abilities of the Ventures Scouts
 Agree responsibilities with the Venture Scout Leader and other members of the Group Leadership
Team, taking into account when appropriate, the development of the individual’s Personal Learning
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (P.O.R) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Support the Venture Scout Leader in promoting the programme
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Comply to all instructions given by GSL,AGSL and ULs .

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6.(i) Rover Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Rover Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and
delivery of the Balanced Programme to the Section, with the help of Assistant Rover Scout Leaders,
and members of the unit.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader, Assistant Group Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, in the mid
of completion or completion of a wood badge, which includes the achievement of the ULTBC specific
Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Scout Leader not less than 25 years old and shall be fully appointed as Volunteer Adult
Leader by Ministry of Education through Sponsoring authority.

General Tasks:
 Delivering a balanced programme for the Rover Scout Section taking account needs interests and
abilities of the members within the Group .
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Actively co-operate with the District Rover Scout Leader to promote the Baden Powell’s Award
 Actively support and promote with other Leaders of the Group , to achieves the Group ’s Mission and
Vision. To sustain and maintain the Frank Cooper Sands Award.
 Follow the Group financial procedures which must be in accordance with P.O.R.
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Make and retain relationship with parents of the Rover Scouts.
 Comply to all instructions given by Group Scout Leader and Assistant Group Scout Leaders.

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6.(j) Assistant Rover Scout Leader

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Scout Unit. In particular, the planning and delivery of
the Balanced Programme to the Section.

Responsible to: Rover Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, completion
of the ULTBC specific Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s
Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Assistant Scout Leader not less than 21 years old.

General Tasks:
 Aid the Rover Scout Leader in the delivery of a Balanced Programme for the Rover Scout Section
taking into account needs interests and abilities of the Rover Scouts
 Agree responsibilities with the Rover Scout Leader and other members of the Group Leadership
Team, taking into account when appropriate, the development of the individual’s Personal Learning
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (P.O.R) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Support the Rover Scout Leader in promoting the programme
 Attend District Council Meeting.
 To Carry out self review
 Comply to all instructions given by GSL,AGSL and ULs.

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6.(k) Auxiliary Scout Leader

Outline: Assists the Group operation at a Ad-Hoc basis.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader

Appointment Requirements: To understand and accept The Scout Association’s polices, completion
of the ULTBC specific Modules as detailed in the Adults In Scouting and The Scout Association’s
Adult Training Scheme.
Age for Auxiliary Scout Leader not less than 21 years old.

General Tasks:
 Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
rules in Policy, Organisation and Rules (P.O.R) that govern meetings, events, and other adventurous
 Support the Group Scout Leader in promoting the programme
 To Carry out self review
 Comply to all instructions given by GSL,AGSL and ULs.
 Auxiliary Leader(s) doesn’t hold any voting power at the Group Council

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7. Junior Appointment Holders and Membership

7.1 The Cub Scout Pack

7.1 A Cub Scout Pack may consist of not more than 48 Cub Scouts. There must be at
least 12 Cub Scouts to form a Cub Scout Pack.

7.2 Where a Cub Scout Pack is part of a Sea or Air Scout Group, the members of the Cub
Scout Pack must receive only the Cub Scout training.

7.3 The Cub Scout Pack is divided into Sixes, each consisting of six Cub Scouts including
theSixer and the Assistant Sixer.

7.4 A Sixer is a Cub Scout appointed by the Cub Scout Leader to lead a Six of Cub

7.5 A Senior Sixer may be appointed to take overall charge of Sixers where the size of the
Pack warrants it.

7.6 An Assistant Sixer is a Cub Scout appointed by the Cub Scout Leader in consultation
with the Sixer concerned. He assists the Sixer and takes his place during the latter’s

7.7 The “Sixers’ Council” is an informal body composed of the Cub Scout Leader and
Assistant Cub Scout Leaders, the Sixers, and the Assistant Sixers where preferable.

7.8 The Sixers’ Council deals with matters of internal administration.

The Cub Scout

7.9 A child becomes a Cub Scout by investiture during which he makes the Scout Promise
and understands the Scout Law.

7.10 To become a Cub Scout a child must have attained the age of 7. A Cub Scout should
leave the Cub Scout Pack at the age of 12.

7.11 Before being invested a child must pass the requirements of the World Scout Badge.
The testmust be taken within three months of registration.

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7.2 Scout Troop

7.2.1 A Scout Troop may consist of not more than 60 Scouts. There must be at least 24
Scouts to form a Scout unit.

7.2.2 The Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) is a body composed of the Patrol Leaders. The
Scout Leader / Assistant Scout Leaders of the Scout unit should act in an advisory
capacity only.

The Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) js responsible for guarding the honour of the Scout
unit, for arranging the programme of Scout unit activities and for internal administration. It
is also one of the methods by which PLC are trained

7.2.3 The Patrol In Council (PIC) is a meeting of all the Scouts in a patrol for the
discussion of its affairs under the leadership of the Patrol Leader.

7.2.4 Troop Leader is appointed by the Scout Leader to take overall charge if the Patrol
Leaders and PLC where the size of the unit warrants.

7.2.5 Senior Patrol Leader is appointed by the Scout Leader to assist the Troop Leader
in carry out the duties.

7.2.6 Patrol Leader is appointed by the Scout Leader with the recommendation of Troop
Leader, to overall charge the Patrol operations.

7.2.7 Assistant Patrol Leader is appointed by the Scout Leader with the
recommendation of Patrol Leader, to assist the Patrol Leader

7.2.8 Unit Scribe is appointed by the Scout Leader with the recommendation of Troop
Leader, to overall charge the Scout unit administrations.

7.2.9 Unit Quartermaster is appointed by the Scout Leader with the recommendation of
Troop Leader, to overall charge the Scout unit logistic.

7.2.10 Assistant Unit Quartermasters is appointed by the Scout Leader with the
recommendation of Troop Leader, assist the Chief-Quartermaster.

7.2.11 The Scout, a boy / girl becomes a Scout by investiture, during which he / she
makes or re-affirms the Scout Promise.

To become a Scout, he / she must have attained the age of 11 years old. A Scout should
leave the Scout unit at the age of 16, unless he / she receives the Chief Commissioner’s

7.3 Venture Scout Unit

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7.3.1 The Venture Scout Unit may consist of not more than 30 Ventures. There must be
at least 10 Ventures to form a Venture Scout unit.

7.3.2 The Venture Executive Committee. The internal management of a Venture Scout
unit is vested in an executive committee composed of 6 members with the Venture Scout
Leader as advisor.

7.3.3 Venture Executive Committee Chairman/Chairperson is appointed by the

Venture Scout Leader to take overall charge the EX-CO.

7.3.4 Unit Scribe is appointed by the Venture Scout Leader with the recommendation of
EX-CO, to overall charge the Venture Scout unit administrations.

7.3.5 Unit Quartermaster is appointed by the Venture Scout Leader with the
recommendation of EX-CO, to overall charge the Venture Scout unit logistic.

7.3.6 The Venture Scout a boy / girl becomes a Scout by investiture, during which he /
she makes or re-affirms the Scout Promise.

To become a Venture Scout, he / she must have attained the age of 15 years old. A
Venture Scout should leave the Venture Scout unit at the age of 18, unless he / she
receives the President’s Scout Award.

7.3.7 Requirements, before being invested as a Ventures Scout, he / she hold the
minimum of Advanced Scout Standard. And successfully completed the Venture
Conversion Course.

7.3.8 Recruitment, Venturing is open to all existing Cuon Scout members, any interested
individual which wish to join the Venture unit are to be interview by Group Scout Leader
for case to case basis.

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7.4 Rover Scout Crew

7.4.1 The Rover Scout Crew may consist of not more than 30 Rovers. There must be at
least 10 Rovers to form a Rover Scout Crew.

7.4.2 Rover Chairman/Chairperson is appointed by the Rover Scout Leader to take

overall charge the crew.

7.4.3 The Rover Scout a man / woman becomes a Rover Scout by investiture, during
which he / she makes or re-affirms the Scout Promise.

To become a Rover Scout, he / she must have attained the age of 17 years old. A Rover
Scout should leave the Rover Scout unit at the age of 25, unless he/ she receives the
Baden Powell’s Award.

7.4.5 Requirements, before being invested as a Rovers Scout, he / she hold the
minimum of Venture Scout Standard.

7.4.6 Recruitment, Rovering is open to all existing Cuon Scout members, any interested
individual which wish to join the Rover crew are to be interview by Group Scout Leader for
case to case basis.

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8.Financial Policies
8.1 Group ’s Fund (School)
Every year the School will credit a sum of money to the funds for the operations of the
Group . The funds is manage by Assistant Group Scout Leader (Finance) and Group
Scout Leader .

8.2 Group ’s Fund (HQ)

50 % of the Annual Jobweek and Donation Draw earning will be credit to the funds for the
operations of the Group . The funds is manage by Assistant Group Scout Leader
(Finance) and Group Scout Leader .

8.3 Unit’s Fund (Individual Units)

The individual unit fund is managed by the respective Unit Leaders. Assistant Group
Scout Leader (Finance) will oversee all the transactions.

8.3 Letter of Undertaking

All participants are to submit the letter of undertaking to Assistant Group Scout
Leader(Operations) before the course or event commence.

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9.Public Relations
Refer to The Singapore Scout Association – P.O.R

10.International activities- Protocol

Refer to The Singapore Scout Association – P.O.R

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