Housatonic Horizons December 2013

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ow much are we willing to pay
Ior our Ieet to look good? Ap-
parently, that number Ior young
people today is a price tag well into the
hundreds. Men and women, mostly in the
younger generation, seem to have upgrad-
ed their passion Ior stylish Iootwear in the
recent years.
Women fock to designer brands Ior
their heels and fats, and young men battle
the Ireezing cold Ior hours waiting outside
oI retail stores Ior the Ireshest new basket-
ball shoes. People spend thousands oI dol-
lars on shoes a year and it begs the question
oI, 'Why?
The most interesting trend oI late, is
the younger generation oI American males
who have begun to gravitate towards
brands oI expensive basketball shoes.
These brands, such as Jordans, Nike, and
Adidas have shoes that carry price tags
even to the thousands.
Brandon Hubbard, an HCC student,
is what they call a sneakerhead. Sneaker-
heads collect these types oI shoes at astro-
nomical rates.
'I have about fIty pairs oI shoes, and
Iorty-fve are basketball shoes, he said.
He collects these colorIul shoes and loves
the thrill oI purchasing brand new pairs.
'There`s nothing like opening a Iresh box
oI Jordans. It`s like Christmas every time.
Hubbard has a passion Ior the craItwork
and style oI these shoes and somehow
brings himselI to pay ridiculous amounts
oI money on the hottest new pairs.
Sneakerheads are known Ior fnding the
the Limited Edition pairs because it makes
them more unique iI there are only a hand-
Iul oI people who have access to the same
shoes. These are also the people who wait
in endless lines outside oI stores to get a
jump on the short stocked sales.
'The most expensive pair I own are
limited edition 1985 Air Jordans. They
cost me about $800. I Iound those on Ebay,
but I waited in line Ior six hours one night
to get a brand new edition oI Nike Dunks,
said Hubbard.
To put it in perspective, those Air Jor-
dans cost about the same as one month`s
rent Ior a decent apartment. Women oI all
ages have jumped on this craze as well.
Females have been classically known Ior
their Iootwear preIerences, but it has got-
ten more severe as oI late.
Jordan Weiss, an HCC student, works
part time as a waitress while she goes to
'I go shoe shopping once every couple
months and get about two or three pairs.
It`s usually about $500 Ior everything. But
iI I see something at the fea market or on
sale I`ll buy them. I would probably say I
own like Iorty pairs oI shoes, said Weiss.
Weiss owns all kinds oI shoes includ-
ing her most expensive pair, a $500 pair
oI Marc Jacobs boots, as well as Nikes
and Jordans basketball shoes. That`s right,
young women have started to purchase
these basketball shoes also.
Neither Weiss or Hubbard play basket-
ball in organized Iashions, so what is the
reason Ior them purchasing such expen-
sive shoes Ior other than their intended
'So many people collect useless things
like stamps, said Hubbard, 'I collect
shoes that I actually wear, so they do serve
some purpose. These shoes are defnitely
more than a hobby Ior Hubbard and the
shoes aren`t sitting in a basement collect-
ing dust. 'I just Ieel more relaxed when I
like what`s on my Ieet and I see people`s
eyes go to my shoes when I`m around in
public. It gives me anxiety almost when I
don`t like the color or Iabric oI my shoes,
said Hubbard.
'The colors on basketball shoes are so
diIIerent than other shoes and they go great
with all my clothes. Plus they`re comIy,
said Weiss
ComIort and appearance seem to be the
driving Iorce behind these shoes, but that
doesn`t seem like enough reward to oIIset
the sacrifces people make Ior them.
'It is all about status. I think that young
males see these basketball shoes as status
symbols, much like today`s tattoos. They
are representatives oI a higher status to
males and their peers, and so these young
men choose to wear them, said Henry
Schissler, a Sociology proIessor at HCC.
Weiss has bills every month Ior things
like her car, her phone, and school. 'It`s a
long and agonizing process to scrape up
money every month Ior shopping, but it`s
worth it iI I can be more confdent when I
walk into a bar or a party, said Weiss.
Schissler said, 'For women and men oI
all ages, nice shoes in general are the sta-
tus symbols. Basketball shoes seem to ca-
ter specifcally to the younger generations,
but with older people, it is Iancy shoes oI
any brand or type. These brands show oth-
er people that the person wearing them can
aIIord such costly shoes.
Hubbard lives in an apartment, so he
has countless utility bills as well as rent to
pay Ior. With average price tags oI $400 Ior
his shoes, it`s amazing how he can aIIord
'I actually just built a cubby in my
room Ior all my shoes because my closet
wasn`t big enough anymore, so that put me
back another couple hundred dollars,said
Hubbard. 'It only hits me sometimes that
I spend a little too much, when I can`t buy
certain things Ior my girlIriend or stuII I
need around the house. It eventually gets
easier though when I wear a new pair, and
I realize that I use my shoes every day and
I might only use the other things a Iew
It is astounding to think that these shoes
are put so high on the list oI priorities
among people who do not have so much
extra cash to spend.
Schissler said, 'People want Iood to
survive, shelter Ior protection, and shoes
to keep warm in the cold. However, these
marketing divisions oI shoe brands have
advertised to convince people that they
need ridiculously expensive basketball
shoes, when any $20 dollar pair oI shoes
Irom Target would do the necessary job
just as well.
SelI-esteem seems to be what has Iueled
this trend the most. Apparently people Ieel
more confdent and better about their status
when they can look down at their Ieet and
like what they see. It doesn`t look like this
trend is going anywhere anytime soon, so
don`t be surprised when you see hundreds
oI shoes around you adorned with that Ia-
mous Nike swoosh.
From the ATM to Your Closet: Why We Spend So
Much on $hoes

ometimes the unexpected hap-
pens and there`s a slight change
oI plans, and that`s exactly what
happened to HCC students as they head-
ed to the Beacon Hall Events Center last
Thursday Ior 'Wings and Karaoke Night.
Brendan Taylor, Secretary oI the Stu-
dent Senate was standing watch at the
Events Center door, inIorming students
that the event had been cancelled because
the caterer was 2 hours late.
This was not the frst time this event had
caterer issues as Wings and Karaoke night
was cancelled once beIore because oI is-
sues with a diIIerent caterer.
'It`s unproIessional, Taylor said in a
Irustrated tone.
But students didn`t seem too Iazed by
Taylor`s news and the lack oI Iood.
About 25 students hung around and
bobbed their heads to the music beIore the
crowd began to disperse.
'I understand things happen, but I`m
disappointed the wings didn`t come, but
we still had Karaoke, Catherine Williams,
a member oI the Student Senate said.
'I was kind oI upset that the caterer
didn`t come because I was looking Iorward
to the wings, Jason Hall, an HCC student
'They don`t have a lot oI song selec-
tions and they need more, but people come
Ior wings, to chill and socialize, Hall said.
Another student Tyriese Hairston
agreed. He stuck around school just Ior
this event, even though his last class ended
at 5 p.m.
'I wanted to socialize and have Iun and
I was disappointed, Hairston said.
'I came Ior wings, maybe do Karaoke
too, iI they had good songs, he added.
For HCC students interested in attend-
ing this event in the Iuture, it may be re-
scheduled Ior another date, to be deter-
mined at the next senate meeting.
Wingless Karaoke Night Saddens Students
Horizons Staff
David Weidenfeller
Prof. Steve Mark
Managing Editor
Sherly Montes
Katelyn Avery
News Editor
Emma Tecun
Opinions Editors
Neil Knox
Online and Social Media Editor
Joshua Hamel
Staf Writers
Lindsey Baldassare, Jocelyn Battle,
Zachery Champagne, Mary Clark,
Victor Dawson, Shannon Duf, Sekinah Erskine,
Tyler Heche, Juan Hernandez, Jenna Iacurci,
Franklin Jusino, Ryan Lahif, Nicole Lazariuk,
Raphael Leite,Brenna McIntyre, Ashley Seeto, S
tacy Shippee, Matt Wood
Senior Staf Writers
Kathryn Hanrahan, Tifany Harvey, Justin Quinn
Art and Design Directors
Vanessa Morales, Carolina Trinidad, Minerva Tabor

Art and Design Staf
Guy Charles, Carl Dorvil, David Enriquez,
Angel Gonzalez,Brandon Hatcher, Craig Leachman,
Kurton Lewis, Isadora Lopez, Anthony Marsilio,
Orlando Martinez, Dawitt Pearcy, Mathew Pham,
Leigh Tomas, Jhon Vergara, Shawn Walsh
Design Advisor
Prof. Andy Pinto
Cover Design
Dawitt Pearcy
Illustration by Brandon Hatcher
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From the ATM to Your Closet: Why We Spend So Much on $hoes ....................3
Wingless Karaoke Night Saddens Students ..........................................................3
Three Generations Under One Roof: .......................................................................4
An Old Fashioned ~History Lesson .......................................................................4
Final Family Holiday .................................................................................................5
Spice Up Your Holiday Cooking .......................................................................5
How to Ace the Interview ....................................................................................6
SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder .......................................................................6
eDating Goes Mainstream ....................................................................................7
Where Did the Time Go? ....................................................................................7
Managing Your Time Before the Holidays ...........................................................8
Perfect Romantic Gift It`s the Thought That Counts
Breaking Silence: A Young Girl`s Story ...........................................................8
A Critical Thought .................................................................................................9
First Generation to the Next Generation: Making the Grade .................................9
What`s The Dilemma with HCC Sports? .........................................................10
Do You See What I See? ..................................................................................11
Compassion Or Security ..................................................................................11
Student Debt Crisis, Part 3 ..................................................................................12
State Colleges Are The Best Bet ..................................................................................12
~Slut-Shaming is Still an Issue .....................................................................13
Best Holiday Movies ...............................................................................................14
Cabin Fever and Cold Weather Got You Down? ............................................14
Movie Review: ...............................................................................................14
Chuck Close in Bridgeport ..................................................................................15
Three Generations Under One Roof:
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hree generations all under one
rooI is not just a living arrange-
ment Ior Christyna Stanburry,
23, her mother, Tanya Harvin, 43, and her
grandmother, Diane Harvin, 61. It`s also
their academic liIe at HCC.
They understand their situation is a bit
unusual, but, Diane admitted, 'We do ev-
erything together. Going to college was
just a natural progression.
Diane Harvin started it all. She began at
HCC in 1990 when the college was locat-
ed on Barnum Avenue. She described the
campus as 'close knit. She said that was
howshe knewHousatonic was the place Ior
her. Being in a caring environment helped
her to be a caring proIessional, which was
especially important given her chosen feld
was Early Childhood Education.
Diane was also dedicated to her Iami-
ly. She took classes 'oII and on she said,
depending on the job and Iamily commit-
ments. During this time, she completed her
Childhood Development Associate (CDA)
and an ECE certifcate, but never her de-
gree. 'That`s the one thing I hope to do in
the near Iuture, said Harvin, as her Iace lit
up. Memories oI her early years at Housa-
tonic helped to inspire Iuture generations
oI Harvins to attend.
Diane loved her Iaculty advisor, Joyce
Gerber, who was 'such an inspiration.
Diane knew working with young children
would be her liIe`s work. This included her
own children. Tanya learned Irom an early
age the importance oI education Irom her
mother. She also knew she had to live up
to the high expectations her mother had oI
By the time granddaughter, Christinya,
was ready Ior college, Iamily expectation
went into Iull throttle. The Iamily dynam-
ics evolved into synchronicity. All three
currently attend HCC with graduation well
within reach Ior all oI them.
An Early Childhood Education major,
Dianne only needs Iour more classes. 'I`m
thinking about taking one class per semes-
ter, she said. Her hope is they can all grad-
uate 'together.
Fulflling the Iamily dream will soon be
a reality.
Tanya, who was greatly infuenced by
her mother`s dedication to others, Iound
her path to parallel her mother`s. She is
also an ECE major with a Iocus in Special
Education as well as a Human Services
major. She started at HCC in 2006 and with
only two more classes until she graduates,
she has a decision to make. Will she wait
Ior the others?
The three just looked at each other and
smiled when asked this question. They`re
keeping it quiet Ior the time being.
Tanya refected on her beginnings and
what it was like to be Diane Harvin`s
'We were agency` babies because we
grew up at the job, Tanya recalled.
Diane worked at Care Around the Clock
Ior 37 years, taking care oI inIants, toddlers
and preschoolers.
'We took care oI them all, Diane said,
'Irom inIants to toddlers, around the clock,
but the times have changed.
Both Diane and Tanya were aIIected
by the government shutdown in October
'It was tough, Tanya said. 'We didn`t
knowwhat was going to happen. They are
back to work Ior the time being, but there
are no guarantees.
'I know I`ll have a job until Jan. 17,
Tanya acknowledged.
Looking to each other Ior support has
been the main reason Ior their success.
At one point during the shutdown, grand-
daughter, Christinya, was the only one
Christyna is a Human Services major.
She also suIIers Irom Sickle Cell Anemia.
She originally wanted to be a nurse so 'I
could help people like me. She is current-
ly a work/study student in the Academic
Advising Center. She started taking class-
es at HCC in 2007 through the college`s
High School Partnership program and the
Bridge Academy. She also went to the Uni-
versity oI Bridgeport Ior a while because
she wanted 'to experience campus liIe but
decided it made more sense fnancially to
earn her Associate`s at HCC. She intends
to return to UB to complete her Bachelor`s
degree aIter she graduates.
All three ladies have taken classes Irom
Scott Empric, ProIessor oI Developmental
English. Others include Joanne Butler, and
Carol Hampton.
Empric had Iond memories oI the Iam-
ily, yet, the Iamily admitted it wasn`t al-
ways easy to fgure out they were related
even though they oIten took classes to-
Tanya said the trick was they never
arrived to class together, nor did they sit
together, but Empric fgured out the con-
'I love these girls, he said with a
smile. 'The positive infuence on moth-
er and daughter by the grandmother was
astounding. They infuence and push each
other to do well. They support each other
through everything.
Empric said he loved the way the
grandmother passed down the knowledge
to her Iamily.
It was as iI they 'automatically knew
what to do.
Tanya didn`t want to disappoint her
mother, and Christinya had high expecta-
tions Irom the both oI them she had to live
up to. 'I had to come to class prepared to
do well.
Apparently they did, according to Em-
pric. 'They brought thunder, he said
with a smile. 'The Iamily pull to succeed
was remarkable. Empric believed that
each successive generation raised the
standards just as each successive genera-
tion Ielt more at ease with their ability to
'This is truly a success story`, said
uccessIul, Ambitious, Diverse,
Unique: All oI these are words
many students associate with
'HCC is enjoyable, innovative, and
helpIul. I love HCC! said Nyrasia Lomax.
All oI these words and expressions are
used to show why the school oI Housa-
tonic is such a popular choice Ior students
to attend.
Housatonic has morphed Irom a local
school that was just an extension to Nor-
walk Community college to one oI the top
community colleges in the United States.
Eshter Watstein, Public Relations As-
sociate, reports that HCC was created and
Iounded in 1967, and has developed in so
many diIIerent ways.
In 1977, HCC only contained 2,700
students, which is around the range oI a
maxed out high school. However, in 2013
Housatonic now holds 5,813 students in
all. The diIIerence in the population has
shown the growth that this school has
made. It all started oII as one building aon
Barnum Avenue beIore moving to our cur-
rent location. When HCC moved here, it
started with just 'LaIayette Hall, which is
where all classes were held up until Bea-
con Hall was created in 2008. Beacon Hall
added an additional 174,500 gross square
Ieet used Ior classrooms, student activi-
ties, a huge Event Center Ior all commu-
nity activities, a bookstore, and a Wellness
Housatonic was created to be a two
year college, which created an opportunity
to transIer to a Iour year university aIter
obtaining an associates degree. But what
were the contributing Iactors that allowed
Housatonic to become a truly successIul
According to American schoolsearch.
com, HCC was always a much cheaper
school, in order to make it possible Ior
those who are not as Iortunate to aIIord
a college education. The annual tuition
is currently $3,360 Ior in-state students.
UnIortunately, since the U.S economy has
been struggling to fnd stability through
these last Iew years, state schools and out
oI state schools have been hard to pay Ior.
HCC provides diIIerent options Ior stu-
dents to pay their tuition such as: paying
upIront, using fnancial aid, or a payment
plan that will allow students to pay a cer-
tain amount oI money at diIIerent times.
Coming up with diIIerent ways Ior stu-
dents to pay their tuition has played a huge
role in making this establishment such an
attractive school to attend.
Not all parents can aIIord to send their
kids to in-state and out oI state schools, so
a community college has become a main
option and, a great option Ior that matter,
according to students and teachers.The
college is close by, well located and ap-
pointed Ior its Iacilities, and a good value
Ior the money and this is more than any-
thing else what probably helps us a lot,:
said David Koch, a history proIessor at
The option oI doing two years at
Housatonic has become an intriguing idea
because not only are you getting the same
education but.wait Ior it...you`re saving
HCC has been known to be a useIul
tool and a great start Ior incoming students
to start their college careers.
Additionally, HCC provides students
with an outstanding tutoring program that
deals with main subjects such as: math,
english, science and reading.
There are tutors around the department,
all days oI the week and theres a online
program that help students who may work
Iull-time. Students can make a set appoint-
ment with whatever tutor he or she preIers
to work with.
'I like the HCC academic center be-
cause its easy to fnd things and tutors are
always there and I like that they give you
notifcations oI events happening, said
Shantal Wright, a Iormer HCC student
now attending Norwalk Community Col-
Not only does HCC have a great tu-
toring program but this schools personal
shows that they generally care about the
students and will do anything to help those
them earn a college education.
'I like my proIessors, especially my
English proIessors, because they actually
take time to get their message across and
not in a boring way and classes are really
engaged in conversations. I like that there
are a lot oI resources which can help you
get your work done there, said Courtney
'Servicing a population generally con-
sidered marginal by most institutes oI
higher education, the college makes an
honest eIIort to get people into the higher
ed system who are on their second- some-
times third- chance, Ior instance. It can be
Irustrating, but exceptionally rewarding,
too, said Koch.
Watstein reports, that HCC oIIers over
21 diIIerent majors to obtain and diIIerent
types oI programs Ior students at HCC to
become better prepared Ior their career.
HCC oIIers diIIerent types oI programs
such as Accounting, Business Administra-
tion, Business OIfce Technology, Allied
Health Programs, Technology Pathway
programs, Computer InIormation, Early
Childhood Education, Fine Arts, General
Studies, Graphic Design, Human Services,
Liberal Arts, Nursing, and Theater Arts.
For those who have Iull-time jobs, and
do not have time to attend school, Housa-
tonic has created a distance education
program and an evening- weekend study
These are all programs and classes to
take Ior those who have already started
their careers and would like to earn pro-
motions. As see you can, Housatonic tries
to give their students plenty oI options to
succeed and that is what attracts so many
people to attend.
For example, the nursing feld has be-
come a trending career Ior people and
HCC can provide those that option Ior
people who decide to go that route. Housa-
tonic has one oI the top nursing programs
in the state.
Overall, Irom the outstanding programs
to the all great proIessors, HCC has been
elevated to new levels and will continue to
thrive and rise to new heights as long as
these things continue.
An Old Fashioned ~History Lesson
Housatonic has morphed from a local school that was
fust an extension to Norwalk Communitv college to one
of the top communitv colleges in the United States.
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HORIZONS News You Can Use
'It`s a little bit oI work but my Iamily is
supportive. They ask me iI i need anything
and how I`m doing. They want to see me
do well, said Roberto Cuevas, a student
at HCC. Roberto has things pretty down
pat. The holiday season and fnals seem to
unIortunately lin eup at the same time, so
oI course some students Ieel overwhelmed.
However, there are ways to survive this
hectic time.
So what is a good way to get through
this oIten diIfcult time? The frst step is
to take a deep breath and let it out. Okay,
now just relax. It`s not as diIfcult as it all
seems. You can make it through what may
be the most stressIul time oI the year.
Students have Iamilies and obligations
that they must meet. But at the same time
students need to Iocus on their school. A
popular saying is that Ior every hour oI
class a student should spend around three
times that studying. This means Ior a stu-
dent taking Iour classes they could be look-
ing at at least eightteen hours oI studying.
This is only iI all oI their classes are ninety
minutes long. Add in the Iact that some stu-
dents work outside oI school, and a Iright-
ening amount oI time can be tied up in just
school and work.
And this stress builds as fnals come
closer and closer. Students who haven`t
opened the book since the frst day are pan-
icking and spending time trying to cram as
much oI a semester`s worth oI knowledge
into the brains in just a Iew days. And then
they fnd out that creepy Uncle Fester is
coming over Ior a week. It`s enough to push
any sane person over the edge. Luckily you
may have supportive Iamily members that
can help you through diIfcult times.
But what iI you don`t have the most
supportive oI Iamilies? What iI every Iam-
ily member is creepy Uncle Fester.'Don`t
just keep it to yourselI. Look somewhere
else; Iaculty, church, a good Iriend, even a
Iriend, says Analie, HCC student.
She welcomed the break, saying, 'It`s
good to have the |Thanksgiving| break. It
gives you time to spend time with the Iam-
ily and catch up on school work.
This leads to the second major step oI
having a stress Iree fnals: time manage-
ment. II you have to cram inIormation
at the last second, you`re doing college
wrong. Even iI you work and go to school
all day, it`s possible to study and not lose
sleep. That halI hour while you eat dinner,
bust out some notes and glance at them.
You may hate being busy now but it`s im-
portant not to Iorget that the end oI all the
stress, pain, and work is your dream liIe.
Thanksgiving break is an excellent time to
begin studying. Around fve days and two
weeks beIore fnals begin it`s the perIect
time to start reIreshing your memory on
things you learned in September. So maybe
take a break in between cooking, or spend-
ing time with the Iamily; they should un-
derstand. It won`t even take long just halI
an hour here and there and it`ll add up.
And the third and perhaps most im-
portant step is to just relax. II you`ve been
working the whole time just imagine its the
same as any other time. It`s not fnals time.
It`s just another test that you`re going to
ace and move on Irom. Don`t psych your-
selI out. Sure it might seem hard to do but
iI you relax it`ll make your liIe easier. II
you have been able to make it this Iar you
will be able to get past this last hump.
Final Family Holiday
re you tired oI that same old
holiday turkey and sweet pota-
to pie? II you want to spice up
your holiday menu and give your guests
something new and exciting to quench
their palettes, then these tasty lemon fa-
vored dishes are sure to get those taste
buds in action.
As most oI us know, it`s really hard
to convince people to give up their secret
Iamily recipes.
But aIter lots oI prodding and 'pretty
pleases, the expert baker in my Iamily,
Tracy Tanner, 64, aIIectionately known as
'Aunt Tray has decided to share some oI
her Iavorite holiday recipes with HCC stu-
dents and staII.
'These recipes seem hard, but they are
really simple and easy to prepare, Tanner
'II you have 60 minutes to spare, this
delicious lemon cake is sure to make a
wonderIul treat that your holiday guests
will rave about Iorever, she added.
On a chilly Sunday aIternoon, in her
cozy kitchen with cupboards overfowing
with every spice imaginable, Tanner gives
up the 'goods on what makes her lemon
cake so moist and delicious.
'The secret to making the cake melt
in your mouth is swapping out the water
and replacing it with lemon juice, Tanner
'This is a great way to give your guests
the taste oI a homemade cake without
spending all day in the kitchen, she add-
Just ask my co-worker, Trish Clark, a
North Haven resident who recently got a
taste oI the cake at a party. She has been
talking about it ever since.
'Can you please ask your 'Aunt Tray
iI she can make me one oI those cakes,
Clark said.'That lemon cake is so deli-
'It is so rich and creamy, she added.
As Ior the baked chicken recipe, Tanner
suggests marinating the chicken overnight
in brine made oI kosher salt and brown
'Using the brine mixture makes this
chicken juicy and the texture oI the chick-
en is diIIerent, Tanner said. 'By putting
the ingredients inside and outside the
chicken you can taste the favors through
and through.
'II you want chicken that`s juicy and
tender Iollow these instructions and you
won`t go wrong, she added.
'I hope you all enjoy, Tanner said.
Best Boxed Lemon Cake
Serves 8-10 people
Prep time: 15-20 minutes
Baking time: 40 minutes (or as directed
on box)
Decorating time: 10 minutes
Items Needed:
1 box oI Pillsbury (or your choice oI
lemon cake mix)
1 cup oI lemon juice
ConIectioners` sugar
3 eggs
/ teaspoon oI vegetable oil (or Iollow
box instructions)
1 Bundt cake pan
In a large mixing bowl, prepare the
cake mix according to the directions on
the box; replace the cup oI water with
lemon juice. Stir in eggs, vegetable oil
and lemon juice until mixed and then pour
batter into the Bundt pan. Bake according
to the directions on the box. Let cool and
sprinkle sugar on top or Irost the cake with
your choice oI Irosting.
Lemon Thyme Succulent Baked Chick-
Serves 6-8 people
Prep time: 24 hours
Baking time: 1 1/2-2 hours
Items needed:
1 whole chicken
1 1/2 Iresh lemons (thinly sliced; 1
lemon, cut halI oI it in quarters)
1 medium onion cut in halI
6-10 sprigs oI Iresh lemon thyme (rose-
mary or thyme can also be used)
2 tablespoons oI extra virgin olive oil
Brine Ingredients:
1 cup oI kosher salt
1 cup oI brown sugar (packed tightly)
1 chicken roasting pan
1 large pot
Fill the large pot about / Iull with wa-
ter, add sugar and salt. Stir and bring to a
boil. Remove Irom heat and let cool. AIter
brine has cooled, put chicken in pot, cov-
er and reIrigerate overnight. The next day,
remove chicken Irom the brine and pat dry.
Insert halI oI the onion inside the chick-
en. Put halI oI the lemon, cut into quarters
inside the chicken and also put 3 sprigs oI
thyme (or rosemary) inside the chicken
too. Gently liIt skin on breast oI chicken
and insert the remaining sprigs and sliced
lemon under the skin and between the legs
and thighs.
Put chicken in baking dish, brush with
olive oil, sprinkle with salt and Ireshly
ground pepper. Cook Ior 1 1/2-2 hours or
until done and remove Irom oven, let cool
beIore serving.
Spice Up Your Holiday Cooking
Courtesy of 1umping cheese at en.wikipedia
)' ),(# #" 2',/ 3/"& *"+4
Write to housatonichorizonsgmail.com
6 7 HORIZONS News You Can Use
n interviewer once asked me,
'How would you solve a diI-
fcult problem? I stuttering-
ly answered, 'I like to look up the how
to videos on YouTube...Is that what you
mean? It was interview mistakes like this
one that inspired me to seek out advice.
These interview tips can help HCC stu-
dents avoid easy mistakes and get hired.
JeII Wood, an expert on corporate
training and a recent speaker at the Mock
Interview Workshop held on November 6,
at HCC, says initiative is the number one
thing employers are looking Ior, and you
can show you have it by practicing beIore
the interview. JeII said to practice until
you are an expert and rehearse with your
mom, classmate, or in Iront oI a mirror iI
you have to.
Kimberly Wood, the presenter oI the
Mock Interview practice session and
HCC Career and Transitions Coordinator,
is also always available by appointment in
Career Services located in LH-A108 to
run through a practice interview. She will
rehearse with you and give you pointers
on what needs improving. Practice will
help build your confdence so when you
go on the interview you`ll be able to say,
'Bring it on, as JeII put it, instead oI be-
ing IearIul.
Two subjects you need to be well-
versed on beIore the interview are your
strengths and weaknesses.
When asked to tell about yourselI,
Iocus on strengths a potential employer
would be looking Ior. Maybe go into work
history, school or volunteer work. Kim
gave this as an example oI what not to say,
'I`m on hard times and I really need this
job. I hope it`s on the bus route because I
don`t have a ride otherwise. I have three
kids so I deal with emergencies a lot.
JeII added that employers can`t ask
you questions like, 'How old are you?
and 'How many kids do you have? un-
less it`s a special circumstance, so don`t
volunteer too much personal inIormation.
JeII and Kim explained at the work-
shop that most employers are looking to
see iI you have the skills they want, like
the ability to work with a team, analyti-
cal skills and adaptability. But don`t just
tell them you have good communication
skills, show them with an example.For in-
stance Two examples JeII gave are retail
and customer service. He said iI the job is
in retail, maybe emphasize you can work
weekends. II it`s in customer service,
point out you are calm and a good listener.
This is why researching the compa-
ny is really important. 'And understand
what the job entails, Theresa Eisenbach,
Director oI Human Resources and Equal
Opportunity Employment at HCC, said.
She explained you want the company to
know you want to work Ior them, not just
What is your greatest accomplish-
ment is another Ieared question, but JeII
points out that this doesn`t have to be a
huge achievement. There must be some-
thing you set out to do and did that you
are proud oI. For example, going back to
school is defnitely an accomplishment,
JeII said. So don`t just say 'I`ve always
worked successIully on teams. Say
something like, 'I don`t mind covering
Ior coworkers and I always did at my
old job.: Don`t downplay anything. You
stuck around and helped that shows a lot,
JeII explained.
You also always want to emphasize
you work well with people. You probably
don`t want to say something like this, 'I
had a really bad experience with a super-
visor, and I quit on the spot, Eisenbach
said. What she does suggest is being au-
thentic and relating answers to past job
However, you never want to lie. 'Yes,
they are going to know. A good recruit-
er will know iI you are lying, Eisenbach
Watch out Ior babbling too. Interview-
ers love to stare at you and let you go on.
Their waiting Ior you to slip up. It can be
especially tense when they ask you those
unexpected questions to throw you oII.
Eisenbach had this advice, 'Take a min-
ute, they want to see how you are going to
react. The organization only has a halI an
hour to see iI someone is a good ft...It`s
okay to say, Can you clariIy?` or Repeat
the question?` Think how does this relate
to the company?
When you are done with strengths they
will want to know your weaknesses. We
all have weaknesses. It`s about what you
are doing to fx it. Saying I have none
makes you look arrogant, according to
So how do you answer this question?
JeII says to shape your answers according
to the company and let them know you are
working on the issue. II you are going Ior
a job as a car salesmen you probably don`t
want to say, 'I hate working with the pub-
lic or 'I`m bad at public speaking, ' Kim
JeII added it looks good iI you ask
about classes the company provides to
help brush up on skills.
So you can say something like, 'I have
had issues with time management in the
past, but I am working on it and am look-
ing into ways to better manage my time.
Kim fnished the workshop by explain-
ing the importance oI the thank you note.
She said you should send it within 48
hours and make sure it`s short and person-
alized. An email works fne too. It`s just
a quick thanks Ior you time and why you
are very interested in the position. Only
10 oI applicants bother to send one, so
you will stand out.
She also said you should Iollow up
one to two weeks later to fnd out what
the next step is. Be persistent but not an-
One fnal tip Eisenbach gave was to
practice breathing and or yoga exercises
beIore the interview to help settle your
How to Ace the Interview
ith the holiday spirit flling
the air, couples everywhere
are cozying up to one anoth-
er by a warm fre, walking hand in hand
drinking Starbucks gingerbread lattes, ice
skating in Central Park, and ringing in the
new year surrounded by couples sharing
that special frst kiss doesn`t help either.
All oI this can sound like a winter wonder-
land, except Ior those who fnd themselves
lonely and lovelorn this holiday season.
This is an opportunity Ior online dating
sites to beneft Irom those experiencing the
holiday blues. Online dating websites and
even dating phone apps have become more
popular these days than your traditional
ways oI asking someone out to dinner and
a movie.
HCC ProIessor oI Psychology and So-
ciology Edward Keane, who is also Coor-
dinator oI the Human Services Program,
agrees that social networking has become
the new portal Ior dating. 'I think now in
2013 it`s become mainstream and actual-
ly probably the most widely used way oI
meeting people and deciding iI there`s any
compatibility. it`s become more oI the
normal than ever beIore.
A Pew Research Center study reports
that one in ten Americans have used an on-
line dating site or mobile dating app, and
that 23 oI these online daters have met a
spouse through these networks. The birth
oI Facebook and MySpace in 2005 created
a window oI opportunity Ior online dating
sites like Match and eHarmony to make
their debut.
Sites like these have gained more pop-
ularity with technology at the IoreIront oI
society today, in part because there is a
site Ior everyone. There is JDate Ior Jew-
ish singles looking Ior others who share in
their belieIs, Christian Mingle Ior Chris-
tians seeking other Christians, and Our-
Time.com Ior people over the age oI 50
who desire companionship. These dating
websites are only Iocused on the typical
heterosexual relationship. There are web-
sites like Grindr and ScruII that cater to
gay singles, too.
An online dating user who wishes to
remain anonymous gives his opinion oI
the cyberspace dating world, 'You have to
siIt through a lot oI people beIore you fnd
someone who is dateable. It`s like a candy
store, he says. 'You have so many |more|
people to choose Irom than you normally
There is the obvious red fag that comes
to mind when thinking oI meeting a poten-
tial soulmate on the Internet, and that is iI
you can trust the person in cyberspace is
the same as the person you will eventually
meet Iace to Iace.
Dr. Barbara Richards, an HCC Sociol-
ogy ProIessor, assumes the worst when
dealing with people via the Internet. '...II
people want to meet in person, arrange to
meet in a public place, and remember that
most sexual assault does not happen on the
frst date and you need to be careIul Ior a
little while, until you Ieel you know and
trust the person. she advices.
Keane also agrees that when it comes
to the internet it is best to tread lightly, 'I
think anyone who uses the Internet to share
any kind oI personal inIormation has to be
very cautious and careIul oI what they put
on there and what they respond to, Keane
explains. '...People can mislead you and
deceive you.
The NewYork Magazine article 'There
is No DiIIerence Between Online and Re-
al-LiIe` Dating notes that the Pew Re-
search Center says 21 oI people think
that using an online dating website shows
signs oI desperation, and 13 oI people
who use these websites believe that by do-
ing so, they themselves are desperate. But
according to Match.com, 40 million Amer-
icans are using online dating services,
which is about 40oI all the single people
out there. So despite some hesitation, on-
line dating seems a positive way oI meet-
ing other people Ior a lot oI singles, too.
Dating via the Internet has not only
gone viral, but it`s gone mobile as well.
Phone apps like ICupid and Tinder allow
singles to search Ior a date or just a one-
time fing simply by scrolling through their
iPhones. Tinder has especially gained more
users among the younger crowd. Accord-
ing to the New York Times article 'On
One Phone App, Looks Are Everything,
Tinder, where people rate nearby singles in
a 'hot or not Iashion, has had 2.4 billion
profle ratings and has successIully made
21 million matches.
HCC alumna Kristen Kudravy Irom
Fairfeld County, uses the site Ior initial
dating and then connects with potential
dates through Instagram, Twitter and Face-
book. 'So one oI the cons is that you ob-
viously don`t really know the person until
you meet them and that may mean that you
have to sit through an awkward dinner or
drink with them.
'A pro however, Kudravy continues,
'is you can meet a bunch oI new people
and it may even be someone you could
possibly Iall in love with.
eDating Goes Mainstream
'Work with your brain, and not against
it!, says George J. Muhs, clinical nutri-
tionist at the University oI Bridgeport, in a
guide titled 'Enhanced Learning: A Func-
tional Neurophysiological Approach.
The holidays are right around the
corner! Most college students have
Iull plates oI school, work, Iamilies,
boyIriends, pets, and a social liIe. The
holidays only add to the chaos and can be
quite time consuming. Time management
is a term which is too oIten disregarded.
A little planning beIore the holiday spirit
starts to kick in can surprisingly decrease
the craziness.
Managing a Iull time school schedule,
a part time job, Iamily obligations, and a
social liIe is not an easy task. There have
been countless workshops, websites, and
pieces oI advice passed on Irom one to
another to create a 'balanced schedule,
but it is never as easy as it seems.
Planning your day and prioritizing
your tasks is essential to a well balanced
As a Iull time college student myselI,
I have had plenty oI cram sessions, and
weeks go by with lack oI sleep. As I have
recently acknowledged that this was all
due to lack oI preparation and managing
my time.
'Knock out the biggest obstacles frst,
the obstacles which are going to take up
the biggest amounts oI time, said Dr.
Noel H Sepulveda, who teaches nutrition
at HCC and is a practicing physician.
'You need to get tasks which are going
to need a lot oI attention over with frst,
says Sepulveda.
I Iound this technique incredibly useIul
in the past Iew days when my assignments
have been piled high.
With less time in class and more
time out oI class, a fexible schedule is
created, which seems to be piled high
with work and extracurricular activities.
The tasks which help to manage your
time are quite simple, which may be why
students disregard time management as
For most, it is diIfcult to eliminate
all Iorms oI distractions. Do not think
that because you are prioritizing and
keeping on task with your most important
assignments and meetings, that you will
not be distracted.
Allow yourselI the time to be distracted
and have a break aIter a regimented
amount oI study time.
According to Sepulveda, 'You will
only retain the frst and last 20 minutes oI
your study time.
This simple trick is going to narrow
in on very specifc study time, as well as
retaining the inIormation which is being
studied. Give yourselI a 10-minute, guilt-
Iree relaxation period. But don`t Iorget to
get back to studying aIter that time is up.
Arecent study done by the Mayo Clinic,
a medical education and research non-
proft organization said, 'You probably
know that managing your time eIIectively
will help you get more done each day. But
it has important health benefts, too. By
managing your time more wisely, you can
minimize stress and improve your quality
oI liIe.
The Mayo Clinic also explains that
iI one time managing strategy does not
work Ior you, change it up and choose a
diIIerent route.
'IdentiIy your learning styles. You
might need background noise or you
might need to look at more graphs and
charts, said Sepulveda. 'You can`t
Iorever be stuck on one kind oI learning
style, because you won`t always have time
or the opportunity to study that way.
According to Fox Business, 'Many
students are working during college to
support themselves fnancially, something
experts say is like working two Iull-time
Fox Business explains that with so
much going on between work and school
alone, the other Iamily obligations,
Iriends, clubs, or social events should be
highly evaluated and considered whether
your schedule allows Ior these things. II
the answer is no, students should know it
is okay.
Experts say, learning how to multi-
task is a skill which transcends all
work environments and creates more
productivity with less idle time.
Commuting is a great time Ior students to
read up on some material Ior class, or get a
head start on studying Ior next week`s test.
Most college students are quick to
overrule sleep by cramming Ior a test, but
experts agree that this is not a good idea.
'Sleep saves time, says Beverly
Coggins, proIessional organizer and
author oI the e-book, Three Steps to Time
Management Ior the College Student.
'Sleep deprivation has the same aIIect
on you as alcohol, adds Coggins. 'Your
reaction time is slow, you can`t think
clearly, you gain weight, and you can get
II you are like most college students
who are exhausted aIter a long day oI
school and have homework to do, consider
a power nap! Take naps in 1 and a halI hour
intervals. According to Muhs, this will let
your brain complete the processing cycle.
The one rule which should always be
considered is time oII and away Irom all
classroom assignments, and work stress.
'Always plan time oII, plan Ior
relaxation, because you can`t learn
anything when you are stressed out, said
Where Did the Time Go?
Managing Your Time Before the Holidays
HORIZONS News You Can Use
SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder
hy do people develop
Seasonal AIIective
Disorder? SAD is a type oI
depression that occurs during the Iall and
winter months every year. Winter will
soon be upon us, and some oI us can start
Ieeling a bit low. Don`t let the seasons
bring you down! But iI they do, you
may be developing Seasonal AIIective
Disorder. SAD is very common in the
Northeast and aIIects a large segment
oI society. However, here are steps we
can take in order to cope with the 'winter
blues and get out oI our seasonal Iunk.
Ryan Groenstein, a nursing major
here at HCC, moved to Connecticut Irom
Santa Monica, CaliIornia just a Iew years
ago. Since the move here, Groenstein has
begun to recognize a substantial drop in
his energy levels every winter since he
arrived here. Groenstein thinks he knows
why people develop SAD during the cold
seasons. 'Because in the winter, it`s dark
and gloomy and everything is basically
dead, |the trees and fowers.| he said.
'You can`t go to the beach or do anything
outside |like he used to in CaliIornia|
because it`s too cold.
Groenstein was used to 70 degrees
all year round in CaliIornia and realized
that here on the East Coast, the winter
is completely diIIerent. 'In the winter, I
Ieel the cold and death oI nature brings
sorrow... he added. Although Groenstein
does not have this disorder, he still Ieels
down much more in the colder seasons.
UnIortunately, some people who
have these symptoms do not seek the
help they may need to prevent this
Irom blossoming into a case oI Iull
blown depression. It`s better to seek out
inIormation immediately when you start
Ieeling these types oI emotions because it
could lead to something worse.
Some symptoms may start in the
Iall when the temperature drops a bit,
continue throughout winter and improve
greatly in the spring. Symptoms include
depression, lethargy, low aIIect, and
a lack oI interest in things that usually
make them happy. Although symptoms
occur in these months, people do not
develop the Iull Ieatures oI this disorder
in order to be classifed as SAD. People
who have this disorder have more than
just the winter blues. However, there are
many ways to help improve symptoms oI
SAD iI you are diagnosed.
Dr. Edward Keane, ProIessor oI
Psychology and Sociology at HCC, is
very Iamiliar with the symptoms. Keane
says that the best therapy Ior coping with
SAD is light therapy. Light therapy is
sitting in Iront oI a specially designed
bright light Ior a bit oI time each day.
This includes getting a light box, which
is a light that transmits the same light
as the sun would. Putting this light on a
desk where you do your work or reading
can help alleviate some oI the symptoms
oI this disorder.
Keane also recommends a midday
walk every day when there is natural
sunlight. Natural light Irom the sun
aIIects the brain by interacting with
the chemicals melatonin, serotonin and
vitamin D. Sunlight aids your body in
producing these chemicals. Melatonin
is a hormone that helps you sleep,
serotonin is a hormonal neurotransmitter
that increases a person`s positive mood
swings, and vitamin D helps produce
serotonin. It is understandable that low
levels oI these chemicals can result in
various types oI depression.
In order to prevent SAD Irom
developing, it is crucial to understand
these symptoms and talk to someone
immediately. Don`t brush oII these
Ieelings and use the suggestions listed
above in order to get your mood back on
For more inIormation on SAD, you
can visit http://www.mayoclinic.com/
heal t h/ seasonal -aIIect i ve-di sorder/
For light box purchase, you can visit
[ ]
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10 11 HORIZONS Opinions
ow that the holiday season
has reached its peak, the most
cheerIul time oI the year, you
guessed it, Christmas! We`ve all enjoyed
the bells and whistles that come with this
holiday. Right? Wrong.
Has anyone else taken the time to step
back and notice how insane people get
around Christmas? Maybe you`ve noticed
a Iriend, Iamily member, or someone you
passed by in the mall--they all have that
wild look in their eyes!
They`re all looking Ior the best sales
they can fnd.
'I love the holidays, but working in the
mall, it kind oI slows my mood down a
little because it`s stressIul working during
the holiday season. There are a lot oI peo-
ple and sometimes they aren`t nice, said
HCC Sophomore Elizabeth Figueroa.
This time oI year people Iorget all the
good graces that they were brought up
with. People get so rude! People shove,
cut in line, yell, and beep their car horns
more Irequently. The holidays make ev-
eryone rush. I personally cannot stand it.
And what`s worse is that this holiday has
become all about the presents, and the
'Something that is supposed to be
about spending time with Iamily and
Iriends has turned into shopping, said
Don`t get me wrong. I love this hol-
iday and everything that it entails, but I
could do without the crazy people that
seem to multiply during this season.
What good are the holidays iI you
don`t take the time to enjoy them with
your loved ones because you`re out try-
ing to get ahead oI other people when it
comes to holiday shopping?
I don`t really know when the holidays
got to be such a greedy time because
when I was growing up, my siblings and I
learned that Christmas wasn`t about pres-
ents and I certainly don`t remember peo-
ple being this chaotic when the holidays
In Iact, we didn`t always have stacks
oI presents under the tree, and I remember
this time oI year being a little more calm
because people would actually put their
Iamilies frst rather than shopping. The
holidays were so simple when I was a kid.
What changed?
'Christmas has changed a lot since I
was a kid. It was much more Iun when I
was younger. Now that I`m older, I`m less
prone to get into the Christmas spirit. It`s
kind oI like birthdays, the older you get,
the less exciting they become and they
don`t seem as special anymore with each
year that goes by, said HCC Freshman
Franz Mcdonald.
'People don`t value what`s important,
they`re more concerned with how much
money they`re spending which is really
sad, agreed Figueroa.
I partially blame the media because
they try to teach us that the holidays are
about the big extravagant giIts, and we
buy into all oI it so easily too! 'Save 10
on your entire purchase when you spend
$100! 'Come in and save on your holi-
day shopping today! 'Buy a new Sam-
sung tablet, get a second one FREE! This
is probably why the malls are so packed
right now.
'There are plenty oI people who get
caught up in the commercial hype oI the
holidays and it gets messy. We just need
to remind ourselves what the holiday sea-
son means to us, said HCC student Chris
The pictures that are painted Ior us
about the holiday season that make us
think this time is all about Iamily, hot
chocolate, and a white Christmas are
not at all realistic because they push Ior
Iamily values, but they don`t highlight
the realities oI the holiday season. They
don`t highlight the Iact that this season
is getting more chaotic each year, or the
rude behavior that seems to be contagious
among people, or the Iact that Christmas
has become this huge commercial and ex-
cuse to blow a ton oI money just because
you`re 'supposed to.
'Christmas will always be a commer-
cial event just like every other holiday, but
it doesn`t really matter iI the holidays are
commercialized, just as long as you know
the true meaning behind them and are
aware oI what it means to you personally
then you should be fne, said McDonald.
The holidays can be so crazy to the
point where some people can`t wait Ior
the New Year to arrive, because that`s
when the insanity is over and laid to bed--
at least until next year.
Do You See What I See?
The Homeless Presence On Campus
Compassion Or Security
he vast majority oI students, Iac-
ulty, and other staII members
never use the LaIayette Hall en-
trance on State Street, but Ior those who
take public transportation or are dropped
oII at that entrance, the sight is unavoid-
able. In the main lobby just outside oI
the Financial Aid OIfce, the Registrar`s
OIfce and Admissions window, potential
students, oIten accompanied by their par-
ents, are presented with the plight oI the
homeless. Not exactly the kind oI thing one
would expect to see when entering an insti-
tution oI higher learning.
So, perhaps it was synchronicity or
just plain coincidence that I happened to
be standing in line one day outside the Fi-
nancial Aid OIfce. The line was relatively
short ,but just in Iront oI me was a young
man and someone I assumed to be their
parent engaging in an animated discussion
pertaining to the the sight inside the lobby
oI LaIayette Hall. One oI the regular home-
less people who Irequents the lobby was
aimlessly rummaging through her push
wagons, sorting out her belongings. She is
just one oI the several regulars who stop
by LaIayette Hall on an almost daily basis
to warm up or cool oII depending on the
weather conditions and to use the Iacilities.
Mom was emphatically making her
case to junior as to why she thought his
attending school here was not looking to
be such a good idea. Junior was doing his
best to oIIset mom`s concern,s emphatical-
ly countering with, 'My Iriends go here. I
won`t be coming through here anyway. I`ll
be parking in the garage when you let me
use your car to get here, and, oI course,
the old standby, 'They have a great math
program here, Mom.
Mom hardly seemed swayed by his
arguments, but she decided that standing
on line in the lobby was not the place to
engage in such a conversation. 'We`ll talk
about this when we get home. Wait till your
Iather hears this, she said.
Granted, this was just a random sit-
uation that I happen to overhear on that
particular day, but it planted a seed that
blossomed into several relevant questions.
What kind oI image is this to present to par-
ents and potential students who are consid-
ering coming here to HCC and what about
concerns Ior student saIety? Parents and
students are very attuned to school saIety
issues these days, and frst impressions do
have a way oI lasting no matter how much
time passes.
While most oI us are aware and sensitive
to the plight oI the homeless, the situation
doesn`t appear to be getting any better here
in Bridgeport, but is this the place Ior them
to be stopping oII to tend to their personal
hygiene, creating unease in the school li-
brary and becoming an unnecessary cause
Ior concern to an already stretched security
department? It would probably be a saIe
bet they aren`t hanging out in the LaIayette
Hall lobby when there is some Iunction or
presentation being made in the Chernow
Gallery or when state dignitaries or other
notables stop by to visit administration oI-
It is critical to be realistic about the Iact
that some oI these people do have serious
mental disorders, which is not exactly a
reassuring thought when you consider re-
cent events in the news and with the frst
solemn anniversary oI the shootings in
Sandy Hook soon upon us this month. It
is and remains legitimate cause Ior con-
cern to everyone on this campus. II one oI
the most prestigious colleges in the world,
Yale University, can become a target Ior
threats oI violence, should an open small
community college like HCC be leaving
itselI wide open by deciding to take a blind
eye approach to the transient presence on
campus? Yale was Iorced to enact its Shel-
ter-in-Place measures just beIore Thanks-
giving, when a telephone tip concerning a
possible gunman on campus caused their
saIety oIfcials, city and state police to
scramble and do a room by room search oI
the entire school. And while this incident
happened aIter IOdecided to write this col-
umn, it lends credence to my concerns and
is another recent example oI the increas-
ing number oI threats that schools across
America are Iorced to live with now.
In all Iairness, and to be as accurate as
possible neither HCC President Anita T.
Gliniecki nor I were aware oI the threats
made at Yale when we sat down to dis-
cuss the matter oI the homeless presence
on campus. With these questions in mind,
I decided that this would be the proper Io-
rum to present both school policy towards
the homeless on campus, and to express
my concerns, and also to attempt to gain a
proper perspective on the matter.
Gliniecki was kind enough to sit down
with us in an eIIort to clariIy policy and
help alleviate these concerns.
'While we would preIer that they
weren`t here, this is an open campus, and
our security people are well aware oI their
presence, she said.
When she was asked about the impres-
sion this sight might make on visiting par-
ents and potential students, Gliniecki reit-
erated her original statement, but added '
We are conscious oI their being here and
again this campus is open to the public.
We were curious about the policy Ior
dealing with transients on other state cam-
puses in Connecticut/. Aat the time oI this
interview we were under the impression
that Gateway Community College required
students to pass through metal detectors, so
we asked Gliniecki. 'Nobody really wants
to have to come to work or class and pass
through metal detectors, she said.
Further checking revealed that we at
Horizons had been misinIormed. Gate-
way Community College in New Haven
does not utilize metal detectors at their fve
entrances, according to Gateway`s Public
SaIety Director Brian Higny.
e told us, 'Since the move to 20 Church
Street we have set up checkpoints at all oI
our entrances. Students present their ID
cards, visitors have to show a valid Iorm
oI picture identifcation which is checked,
and, iI suitable, they will be issued a visi-
tor`s pass to get on the campus.
With the recent outbreak oI school
shootings leading to lockdown procedures
being implemented here at HCC as well as
other state colleges, Gliniecki was asked
just how Iar onto the
campus someone who
homeless photo by neil K.
What`s The Dilemma with HCC Sports?
ot having sports in college, is
like trying to drink Kool-Aid
without sugar. bitter and
plain. Well,that`s what Housatonic is like
with the absence oI sports in the school.
Students who attend Gateway Community
College, all have the opportunity to play
sports. Norwalk Community? Manches-
All those schools have athletics avail-
able Ior their students to play, all except
Ior one school which is Housatonic. Why?
Well, you are about to fnd out. First
let`s discuss the importance oI school
sports and why it`s needed. Does a term
called 'school spirit sound Iamiliar?
It is probably something that you all
have heard oI or experienced Irom your
old high school pep rallies or those Iunny
unrealistic jock vs nerd high school movie
ficks. School spirit does exist in college,
but, unIortunately, Housatonic does not
oIIer that to its students.
Without sports added to the equation,
there would not be any school spirit,
which would make it just 'school, right?
Having athletics gives schools a chance
to show oII their athletes and also show
that academics is not the only thing these
organizations have to oIIer.
It also gives students an opportunity to
show oII their love and support Ior their
appointed schools and not to mention their
unique colors, and loud chants that can
blow out a person`s ear drums.
School spirit is one oI the things thats
makes college so great, whether it means
a student going to a Iootball game in the
Ireezing cold or attending a basketball
game Ieeling as iI you`re going to pass out
Irom all the body heat.. it is all the same.
Being a college athlete can bring so
much excitement and joy because you can
have Iun and and earn an education at the
same time. This goes Ior any sport thats
played, whether it`s basketball, Iootball or
Now community colleges may not be
able to provide all oI those sports but just
having one would do the trick.
Being on a team can help students
make new Iriends and establish them-
selves around the school. It can give stu-
dents the opportunity to travel to diIIerent
states and schools. One student that has
attended Gateway in the past, had this to
' There are many perks that come with
being a college athlete. Study hall really
helped me to utilize my academic abil-
ities, which is the most important. Trav-
eling to diIIerent states and cities was
also an impressive experience. I created
a plethora oI brotherhood bond with most
oI my teammates and guys who are Irom
diIIerent cities that I still contact up until
this day, Devaughn Murphy said.
Going to school should not only be a
place Ior students to excel academically
but to blossom socially, especially in col-
As a student oI HCC, you may be ask-
ing yourselves, why don`t you experience
this? That can be answered with one
word - 'fnances.
'Housatonic used to be Iamous Ior
their athletics, said Esther Watstein, Pub-
lic Relations Associate at HCC.
In the past, beIore HCC was moved to
its current location oI 900 LaIayette Blvd
in Bridgeport, this school was known Ior
their sports. Starting Irom 1966, HCC oI-
Iered Iour sports to its students such as
basketball, Iootball, baseball and cheer-
leading. HCC basketball was also oIIered
Ior both genders. II you happen to have
classes that are held in the LaIayette build-
ing, go check out all the sports awards
next to the caIeteria on the frst foor.
Housatonic sports eventually became
extinct in 1996 because it became ex-
tremely diIfcult trying to pay Ior it. Base-
ball was the last sport that was held at
Housatonic beIore they relocated.
'We ran out oI money, physical spac,
and it was very expensive. You need room
Ior physical space to host your games.
You have to pay coaches, and Ior spaces.
We had had to keep borrowing gyms. Its
always the cost that shuts these programs
down, Watstein added.
Playing sports comes with a huge cost
Irom having to pay Ior the coaches, re-
cruiters, equipment, and spaces to play
games along with practicing. UnIortunate-
ly, money is the root oI all and without the
cash fow, it will be become very diIfcult
Ior Housatonic to do anything.
'OI you are going to go into a varsi-
ty league, I would want a winning team.
In order to do that, you need trainers,
coaches, recruiters, and equipment and
that cost, said College President Anita
Gliniecki oI HCC.
Now let`s take a look at how anoth-
er community college such as Gateway,
gives their students the opportunity to par-
ticipate in sports.
Since 1972, GCC has had one main
sport that they allow their students to
play and that is basketball. Finances have
not been a problem Ior them because the
school has had certain ways oI how they
can ft into their budget year aIter year.
'A |line item| is in our budget so that
each year we can Iund the sports into our
budget, Wilson Luna, the Dean oI Stu-
dent AIIairs at Gateway, said.
'We have a recruiter, tryouts, sched-
ules, and practices and the coach is respon-
sible Ior all these activities. Having sports
is a question oI priority and our president
is really committed to providing opportu-
nities Ior student athletes, he added.
Having sports in schools is not just
something that takes money but has to be
a priority to make it happen.
Athletics brings such a diIIerent dy-
namic to a college and makes it that much
more exciting to attend on a everyday ba-
sis. Remember that term called 'school
Well, that what makes sports so im-
portant because it allows students oI their
appointed schools to come alive and put
the Iunky colored shirts on, allows them to
scream their lungs out, and it allows them
to take their Irustration oI having mid-
terms and fnals out on the opposite teams.
'It`s very exciting to see the spirit oI
the school come alive, said Luna.
'The atmosphere is good, we average
about 125 kids at our home games but our
crowded games are at Lincoln College, a
rival school that always flls up the seats,
Coach John Stewart, oI the Gateway Lions
'Having games at the school helps be-
cause it gives the students something to do
on a Iree day. The games are all Iree to stu-
dents and Iaculty. We are here to provide
an opportunity Ior the students. It`s not
about the money, Luna said.
For those people who are reading this
article and who attend HCC that would
have a concern with whether or not stu-
dents would attend the games...well the
blueprint is all there Iolks. Students and
Iaculty at other community colleges such
as GCC come out and support their school.
There may be some people who asked,
'Since Gateway has sports, where do they
have their home games and practices?
PerIect question.
Gateway happens to have an agree-
ment with Wexler Middle School to use
the schools gym Ior their usage and Gate-
way has been doing so since 1972.
'We have a middle school in New Ha-
ven that we use Ior practices and home
games Ior which is called Wexler Grant
Middle school, by Luna.
Also, when Gateway does host their
games, they are all Iree Ior the students
along with Iaculty to attend, and those
game always catch pretty good attendance.
II there`s that last nagging person that
usually always raises their hand Ior ques-
tions says, 'Well, would we have enough
good players that would be willing to try
out Ior the team and play?
The answer to your questions is yes.
Gateway has had a food oI players Irom
Bridgeport and StratIord to come com-
mit to the basketball team in New Haven.
Players such as Carmine Santorelli (Strat-
Iord), and Nate Campbell, Jerome Par-
kins, Davon Pratt, who were all Irom the
Bridgeport area.
Those Three guys Irom Bridgeport all
ended up being named All- Americans Ior
frst and second team Division III.
To even add more icing on the cake,
there were more players Irom Bridgeport
that commuted: Moriba Keita, Diontay
Washington, Troy Brunson and Lamar
II people Irom Bridgeport would com-
mute to travel to New Haven every day,
then why wouldn`t they commute to
Housatonic, which is fve minutes away?
As Iar as HCC is concerned, iI they had
a team it wouldn`t be a problem trying to
persuade players to play, and good players
Ior that matter.
'Yeah, I probably would have chose
Housatonic over Gateway iI they had a
good program, since its more convenient
to drive to Bridgeport instead oI New Ha-
ven agreed Carmine Santorelli, who is
the starting point guard Ior GCC Lions.
Coach Stewart added, 'Carmine usual-
ly picks up and drops oII a lot oI the play-
ers who are Irom the Bridgeport area. II
we have games, he usually drops them oII
aIter because alot them have to take the
train up here every day.
It`s also important to know that, when
a school is trying to create a sports team,
it is not going to always start oII as a great
team Irom the jump.
There is a process that comes with
trying to develop a great program, just
ask the Gateway basketball coach: 'We
weren`t always a good, we had to earn our
stripes as a team, Stewart said.
'I would love to come see a game, iI
Housatonic had sports. That would be
great!Courtney Clark, a student at HCC,
Now that you readers have had a small
background Irom Gateway and how things
work, maybe HCC can take some notes
and put the 'Spirit back into 'School
Spirit. Please bring Housatonic sports
56',%' /'-*-6' #27% (')%5,5'/
Most of the classrooms at HCC have both a garbage bin and a blue recycling bin.
There are onIy two things that you shouId put in those bins:
- Printer Paper/Notebook Paper
- Newspaper
These items CANNOT go in the recycIing bins:
- Food
- Plastic of any kind, including bottles
- Other packaging
Any non-paper items that you throw out while in class must go in the regular trash. The cleaners will not separate our waste for us.
Any time you dispose of regular garbage in the recycling bins, the entire contents of that bin goes to the landfll.
Horizons remains committed to assisting in efforts that will result in a cleaner campus and community.
Please help us help you by recycling responsibly.
continue on p.12
12 13 HORIZONS Opinions
'I Jenna promise to never judge you
by the color oI your booty shorts and how
much titty tatas you got hanging out oI
your shirt piece but only by the contents
oI your mouth, butthole, and vagina.,
Jenna Marbles states.
Why are women`s sex lives still being
judged by anyone?
That quote is Irom Jenna Marbles`s
YouTube video, 'Things I don`t under-
stand about girls Part 2: Slut Edition. She
goes on in the video to say, 'Like John
Mayer said your body is a wonderland...
it`s your choice iI you want wonderland to
be an exclusive club...or you want won-
derland to be like a theme park...Anyone
can be a slut, but it takes some logic and
reasoning to be like, I think I`m just gonna
be with one person and not sleep with the
Logic and reason should have led her to
realize John Mayer is no one to be giving
advice on chastity.
AIter watching the video, Katherine
Williams Irom the HCC Womens Cen-
ter said, 'I was kind oI oIIended by her
she could have gotten her message across
without being so demeaning to other wom-
en...There is already a lot oI judgement on
us in society.
Betzabeth Castro, a student at Housa-
tonic had this to say in an e-mail aIter
watching the video, 'To me, it was kind
oI like she was trying to show how bad the
logic oI sleeping around |is|...I applaud
her attempt at trying to get girls to calm
down with the casual sex.
OI course it`s smart to make saIe choic-
es, but why all the negativity around Ie-
male sexuality? It`s hard not to notice that
men don`t get the same condemnation Ior
having active sex lives.
Linda WolIson, Coordinator at the HCC
Women`s Center and Counselor, speaking
about the double standard and why there
are not really any negative words Ior a
man who has a lot oI sex, said, 'Men are
not considered promiscuous they are just
considered, a man. The word is used with
Queen Elizabeth knew the value oI ap-
pearing virginal. It seems women have to
be careIul oI how they are perceived sex-
ually while men are allowed to be sexual,
'Look at it time wise you use to have chas-
tity belts. The burqa...A man is allowed to
have lust, it`s up to the woman to wear a
chastity belt or wear a burqa, WolIson
pointed out.
The message seems to be everywhere,
even in romance novels written Ior women
by women. The heroine is almost always
a virgin. Even iI she has had one or two
lovers in the past she would never chase a
man or have casual sex Ior Iun.
Tom Jacobs talks about a study done
on stigmas and sex by The Department
oI Psychology at the University oI Mich-
igan in his article, 'Study: Slut-Sham-
ing` Won`t Go Away, published on Sa-
lon.com, 'In contrast, |To the idea that
women are biologically wired to want
monogamy|, Conley`s research suggested
that, under the right circumstances--That
is, when the experience promises to be
saIe and pleasant--women are just as like-
ly as men to engage in casual sex. Her
new paper adds stigma and the prospect oI
backlash to that equation, and fnds they
inhibit women`s choices.
There is a danger in demonizing wom-
en Ior having a natural interest in sex.
WolIson remembered the Iamous 'Preppy
Murder Case Irom the eighties. Acollege
woman was raped and killed and the de-
Iense wanted to use the murder victim`s
diary to prove she had, had many sexual
experiences. The logic seemed to be that
her sexual past meant she somehow de-
served what happened.
In the end the judge made a decision
not to use the diary, Ieeling it had no rele-
vance to the case. The trial shined a light
on how a woman`s sexuality was viewed
and judged.
The New York Times ran a story not
more than a year ago written by Juliet Ma-
cur and Nate Schweber titled, 'Rape Case
UnIolds Online and Divides Steubenville,
about a girl who was allegedly raped while
passed out. Incriminating photos and vid-
eo were taken and they ended up online
and the town is divided in their opinions.
The article quotes the accused`s best
Iriend as testiIying that he tried to con-
vince him to wait until she woke up to do
'stuII to her. He said his Iriend told him
it was all right.
The New York Times also quoted one
oI the boy`s coaches as saying, 'The rape
was just an excuse, I think...What else
are you going to tell your parents when
you come home drunk like that and aIter
a night like that?...She had to make up
something. Now people are trying to blow
up our Iootball program because oI it.
So where does that leave women iI even
while supposedly passed out our sexuality
is judged while the man`s is ignored?
At the Women`s Center, Williams said,
they believe in the importance oI open
conversation. 'We want to educate. We
have the right to talk about sex. I enjoy sex
and iI I want to talk about it I will. I protect
myselI and I enjoy myselI. Right now I
have a boyIriend and I enjoy him. Nothing
wrong with anyone having a strong and
healthy sex liIe, she said.
Dawn Manely added she didn`t Ieel she
should be worried about other women`s
sex lives: 'I`m worried about what I`m
Tammie V. Smith Irom the Women`s
Center is proud oI the Iact that she is
choosing to not have casual sex.
'I`ve been celibate Ior six years. I Ieel
that, that is special...The next man I`m
with will be my husband, she added.
All points oI view deserve respect and
as women we should be allowed to make
up our own minds about our sex lives with-
out the added pressure oI being judged.
Nayab Ali agreed with Williams Ieel-
ings that as women we should support not
disrespect each other, 'I agree iI we as
woman stop calling each other slut. it`s
as iI we are giving men permission to use
the word.
~Slut-Shaming is Still an Issue
is obviously not a student and may be suI-
Iering Irom a mental disorder is allowed
wander. 'This being a state Iacility makes
this is an open campus and we can`t stop
anyone unless they are behaving in an ir-
rational manner. They can access the li-
brary as long as they do not bring their
belongings in there with them. The librar-
ians have to monitor what is brought in,
she said.
While we were unable to get any oI
the school librarians to give us a state-
ment Ior the record regarding their being
charged with monitoring homeless people
in their workplace, we are pretty sure it
isn`t in their job description.
There have been occasions when irra-
tional outbursts by one particular home-
less woman who is a Irequent visitor there
have upset students and become a cause
Ior concern. Michael Benedetto, 28, a
veteran oI the Iraqi confict and a student
here at HCC ,was in the library when just
such an episode occurred. ' I wasn`t sure
at frst what was going on, but you have
to wonder why they are allowed to sit
amongst students and behave like this. I`m
not worried about it, but I`m sure some
oI the kids coming out oI high school are
wondering about it. Gliniecki cited the
Iact that this one particular woman who
Irequents LaIayette Hall and created that
particular scene in our library has 'obvi-
ous mental issues. Exactly!
She also took time to cite a recent arti-
cle written in the Connecticut Post where
it was quoted as saying that 'one third oI
the Iamilies in Fairfeld County are just
one paycheck away Irom homelessness.
Furthermore, she added,'When the
staII or Iaculty become aware oI a partic-
ular student is homeless, we will take the
proper procedures to connect them with
social service agencies to try to get them
the help they need.
This is important to note when the
topic oI homelessness is discussed, espe-
cially the Iact that some oI our classmates
and their Iamilies are struggling economi-
cally these days, as Gliniecki pointed out.
However, there is a large segment oI the
student body being exposed to unneces-
sary security risks here at HCC. On the
same note, it is important to add that there
are many those very same social service
agencies set up to provide resources to the
homeless The question remains though, is
a college campus the place unstable tran-
sients to wander about aimlessly?
With all state colleges struggling f-
nancially due to recent state budget cuts
it would seem that a school would want
to make a decent impression on parents
coming here to look over the Iacilities
with security being one oI the Ioremost is-
sues on their mind. An inIusion oI private
money certainly couldn`t hurt any state
school`s bottom line.
Altruistic as school policy may ap-
pear, the Iact remains that the presence
oI individuals who have obvious mental
disorders on this or any school campus
would be cause Ior concern. As the na-
tionwide breakdown in school security
becomes more and more a legitimate
cause Ior concern to students, parents and
Iaculty alike the issue oI a secure work-
place and learning environment should
be Ioremost on the mind oI all concerned.
Could it be that because not many Iaculty
or staII members come into HCC through
the State Street entrance that this concern
is not openly addressed? None oI the
Iaculty who were asked admitted to be-
ing aware oI the issue when questioned.
This makes one wonder iI a resolution to
the issue would have been brought about
by now iI more oI them were aware oI
the matter. II Iaculty and the majority oI
staII members were conIronted with it ev-
ery day, wouldn`t they think about their
own saIety?
This is a state school, and according
to school oIfcials it is an open campus.
However where is the line to be drawn
when considering student saIety as op-
posed to compassion Ior the homeless.
Mr. Higny oI Gateway CC told us 'The
state Board oI Regents has hired a pri-
vate security frm to perIorm an evalua-
tion oI all state campuses. This is very
gracious oI the state, but considering the
Iact that they are in the process oI giving
the University oI Connecticut an obscene
amount oI money in order to enhance
their recruitment program, why would
they hold oII on adding much needed se-
curity staII and security measures to the
smaller community colleges? That an-
swer is obvious, we don`t matter.
So while we await the results Irom the
Board oI Regents security inquiry, it ap-
pears as iI it`s every school Ior itselI. The
'what iI`s must be addressed. There has
to be a middle ground or even an outright
solution to the problem, and it is a prob-
lem despite what school oIfcials might
want us to think. We are being instruct-
ed to lock ourselves inside classrooms
and huddle into corners iI there is ever
an intrusion on campus Ior our saIety. I
don`t know about you, but how about not
having to hide and cower at all? Is it un-
reasonable Ior students to ask questions
or provide suggestions regarding school
saIety? Yes, these security measures are
unIortunately necessary in this day and
age, but just how prudent is it to allow
transients with mental disorders to wan-
der the campus unattended? Doesn`t this
'keep one eye on them policy counter
whatever security measures any school
might enact?
Legislators need to reminded oI this
school`s importance, oI the importance oI
our vote. Student government should fnd
the topic an important one, and iI need
be we the student body should make our
Ieelings known through the proper chan-
nels in a proper manner.
ou should be Ied up with read-
ing and listening to the hor-
ror stories associated with the
student loan issue by now. Now that you
know just how bad paying oII a college
loans can be, in the conclusion oI our three
part series we will point out some import-
ant things students need to do beIore decid-
ing on which school they want to attend.
First, though, here`s just one more re-
minder oI how bad it can get iI you do not
take the necessary precautions. 'They
called me at work, sometimes two to three
times a day, doing all the stuII they aren`t
supposed to do: threats, et cetera, says
41-year-old Shawn Fitzgerald, who owes
$300 a month and says he expects to be
paying oII education loans into his sixties.
'They told the receptionist at my job that
I was in legal trouble. Remember this
story because there is $1.7 trillion dollars
foating around out there waiting to be re-
claimed by lenders, and those charged with
getting it back haven`t any regard Ior your
privacy, home, job or Iamily boundaries.
That`s a lot oI do-re-me waiting to be paid
The frst and simplest solution would
be to try and avoid overborrowing Ior your
education. It`s obvious, but it needs to be
noted. An excellent rule oI thumb is your
total education debt Ior your entire col-
lege education should be less than your
expected starting salary aIter graduating.
In a perIect world, your total student loan
debt should be less than halI your annual
starting salary. II you borrow more than
your expected starting annual salary, you`ll
probably have to repay your loans with an
alternative payment program. This may re-
duce your monthly payment plans to more
aIIordable levels, but they increase the
term oI the loan. This can lead to your in-
terest payments being doubled.
Secondly, try to avoid being awed by
the big name universities. Don`t get hung
up on big and shiny State colleges are just
as good as the big name schools and a heck
oI a lot more aIIordable. You get out oI an
education only what you put into it. Facul-
ty members at the biggest name universi-
ties oIten work at state colleges, and their
resources are oIten comparable to those oI
some oI the bigger name schools.
Research the process, take a basic f-
nance course to get a grip on how the sys-
tem works, and to learn how to make small
changes in a budget that can end up provid-
ing signifcant savings. Seek out legitimate
websites like Iastweb.com, fnaid.org, the
projectonstudentdebt.org. These websites
are chock Iull oI valuable tips, suggestions
and success stories shared by Iormer stu-
dents who have managed to either keep
their debt minimal or managed to pay them
oII in a timely manner.The projectonstu-
dentdebt.org will actually help you deter-
mine just how much you will owe upon
graduation. These websites are invaluable
to students looking Iorward to college and
will lead you to other sources that will put
you on the right road.
Remember the better prepared you are,
not just Ior obtaining a college loan, but
in any matter related to borrowing money,
the better your decisions will be when you
do sign on the dotted line. Ask questions.
Utilize the sources here on the campus at
HCC. Talk to members oI the Iamily who
have graduated college. Even iI you don`t
normally talk to them, they have already
been through the process. Learn Irom the
mistakes others have committed. It re-
quires patience, it also requires dedicated
persistence on the student`s part. AIter all,
would you sign on to a mortgage aIter just
strolling by a house and seeing Irom only
the outside? or buy a car without seeing the
CarFax or havnig driven it?
Get to know how interest rates accrue
over a period oI time. These rates are key
to just howmuch you will have to pay back
when you graduate.
Be humble, be willing to listen, most oI
all be willing to sacrifce when your fnish
school. Meghan LoItus graduated Irom
Syracuse University, who is now 26 years
old, paid oII her student debt in just Iour
and a halI years instead oI the usual 10-
year term. She says she made a series oI
liIe decision that helped her reach her goal.
'I didn`t want |college loans| hanging
over my head, she said. 'Someday I want
to get married and have kids and all that
jazz, and I didn`t want these loans crushing
Meghan had two Iederal loans both oI
which were at 6 per cent interest rates. ' I
lived according to my means. I shared an
apartment and worked out oI my place.
Mary Hynes, a recent graduate oI New
York University was willing to share some
ideas with Horizons regarding some oI the
things she was willing sacrifce in order
to pay her loans oII in a fve-year period
oI time aIter graduation. ' It wasn`t easy,
believe me, but I don`t have that albatross
around my neck anymore. Hynes is 29
nowand managed to pay oII her loans Irom
Sallie Mae and a private lender by avoid-
ing some oI the basic mistakes students oI-
ten make when they leave school.
'I`m Irom a small town in upstate New
York, Aat frst I wanted to move to New
York |City| right aIter I graduated, living
on campus at NYU gave me a taste oI that
city liIe, she said. Hynes managed to hold
oII by moving back to her small town up-
state. 'I moved in with two other girls and
we lived in a two bedroom apartment, the
rents were signifcantly cheaper than New
York, she said.
One oI her smartest moves however
was taking a paid online internship with a
major magazine in New York. ' I was able
to avoid those daily fnancial layouts that
go along with living in the city, just the
price oI Iood and transportation helped me
big time. I`m Iree now and I`ve been living
in Mamaroneck, NY, I commute to work,
and I`m not burdened anymore by those
loans, she said.
Student Debt Crisis, Part 3
State Colleges Are The Best Bet
II you are Iortunate enough to have
private Iunding available Irom parents
or relatives then oI course you are Iree to
choose the school you`ve always wanted
to attend. II, however, you Iind yourselI
in the position that many high school
graduates Iind themselves in, borrowing
Ior college may be the only choice.
Depending upon your current Iinan-
cial situation there are grants available
that do not need to be paid back. Schol-
arship programs are another way into
college. That`s where talking to the re-
sources here on campus come into play.
Knowledge, determination, along
with a common sense approach to your
particular situation, are the keys to suc-
cess in dealing with your needs. The
stronger the Ioundation you lay, the bet-
ter oII you will be aIter it is all said and
done. Our country was built by people
with dreams and hopes oI making a bet-
ter liIe Ior themselves and their Iamilies.
Nothing in this world worth having is
easy to come by, so take the time now to
prepare, take the time to educate your-
selI, utilize the available resources here
at HCC. There is no such thing as a stu-
pid question. It is your Iuture; live your
Photo courtesy of GSU Georgia State University
14 15
HORIZONS Arts & Entertainment
anhattan-based artist
Chuck Close recent-
ly made an impact on
Bridgeport with his help at Roosevelt
School as a part oI President Obama`s
Turnaround Arts Initiative and an ex-
hibit oI Iive large-scale prints at the
Housatonic Museum oI Art.
Close is a world-renowned artist
who specializes in painting human
Iaces. His work is displayed all across
the world in many diIIerent galleries
such as Tate Modern in London and
the Museum oI Modern Art in New
York City.
'They love it, says Rachel Mons-
am, art teacher at Roosevelt School.
'They are excited to do work, excited
to be in art, excited to go to school.
Roosevelt School, which teach-
es grades K-8, is one out oI eight
schools in the country that are a part
oI the Turnaround Arts Initiative,
which works with schools that are in
in the lowest-perIorming 5 percent oI
their state.
Turnaround Arts tests the hypoth-
esis that high-quality and integrated
arts education can be an eIIective
tool to strengthen school reIorm eI-
Iorts-boosting academic achievement
and increasing student motivation in
schools Iacing some oI the toughest
educational challenges in the coun-
try, says Lydia Viscardi, the media
coordinator and collections manager
at the Housatonic Museum oI Art, in
a press release.
'We inIuse it instead oI using it
as an enhancement, says Monsam.
'What I really like about it is the sup-
port we get Irom organizations.
Large companies such as Crayola
even participated in the Arts Initia-
tive. Their donation oI art products
prevented a strain on Roosevelt
School`s budget and helped make
their participation in the program
Close mentored the students.
'He talks about his struggles, his
learning disability, says Monsam.
'He talks to the entire population oI
the school. He says iI you can put
your mind to it you can accomplish
'It helped me so much. It is what
I want to do when I grow up, says
Stella Alexander, a student at Roos-
evelt School. 'We had many chances
to create what we wanted to create.
'My Iavorite part oI the program
is to get involved with people who
are Iamous, says student Chunjamg
Bruynder. The program inspired him
to make more anime. He wants to be
an animator when he grows up.
Art Irom the students that were in-
volved in the program were a part oI
an exhibit at the Housatonic Museum
oI Art, along with Iive large-scale
watercolor prints by Close.
'The massive portraits by Close
are impressive as both likenesses oI
the individual sitters and Ior their
abstract quality that is achieved by
means oI painting using an apparent
grid system to isolate colors and val-
ues. The student work is playIul and
rich in color and concept, a joy to
view, says Viscardi.
'...Our communities beneIit when
we are supportive oI education that
supports thinking creatively. We
hope the statistics being gathered, as
mentioned during the event speech-
es, will be able to support this idea,
says Deborah Bachard Irom The
Werth Family Foundation, which
helped Iund the exhibit at Housa-
tonic. 'I hope everyone present will
take away the sense oI creating posi-
tive moments Ior each other, that the
giIt oI being mentored by the unique
vision oI Chuck Close will be one oI
those memories that continues to in-
spire the students, their parents, and
thus the entire community into the
'One thing that Chuck Close Ieels
strongly about is that art oIIers many
students something that they can Ieel
good about, especially when their ac-
ademic perIormance is not outstand-
ing. He says that art saved him.
II I didn`t go to Yale, I might have
gone to jail!`, says Viscardi, 'Chuck
Close is also a great example oI suc-
ceeding despite obstacles. He is in
a wheelchair due to a medical condi-
tion, and paints with the aid oI brush-
es strapped to his hands and with the
help oI studio assistants.He became
disabled when he was already a suc-
cessIul artist living in NYC.
'Well, I think people, they can
just appreciate the natural talent,
says Close. '...II it is not beaten out
oI them they can really accomplish
anything. Don`t let anyone else ever
deIine you.
Chuck Close in Bridgeport
Photo by Andrew Pinto
Kara by Chuck Close photo credit: Chuck
Close in association with Magnolia Editions,
Oakland, courtesy Pace Gallery
Sienna by Chuck Close photo credit: Chuck
Close in association with Magnolia Editions,
Oakland, courtesy Pace Gallery
!"#$ & '(#'"#!)(*'(# !"#$ & '(#'"#!)(*'(#
here are tons oI holiday movies
in theaters or on tv. There are
channels such as ABC Family
that have 25 Days oI Christmas, where
they play a diIIerent holiday movie during
the week and marathons oI movies on the
weekend. There are also channels such as
TBS that play classic movies Ior 24 hours
in a row. Starting on Christmas Eve TBS
has a 240hour marathon oI 'A Christmas
Story. People have traditions where they
sit with their Iamily on or near Christmas,
and watch Christmas movies all day and
into the night. The best Christmas movies
are the classics, such as 'It`s a WonderIul
LiIe, 'AChristmas Story and 'AChrist-
mas Carol. These holiday movies are
never going to get old.
'My Iavorite holiday movie is A
Christmas Story` because I love watching
it with my Iamily. It has been a tradition
to watch that with my Iamily Ior years,
Lisa Damons, a HCC student, says. Other
students that I interviewed about their Ia-
vorite Christmas movie said 'AChristmas
Story hands down.
'It`s a close tradition in my Iamily to
watch AChristmas Story` on every Christ-
mas and it`s never gotten old Ior me, said
HCC student Sabrina Lorch.
Sitting together as Iamily to watch
Christmas movies has been passed down
Irom generation to generation. My Iather
told me that as a kid his Iamily would sit
and watch 'A Christmas Story together,
just as me and my sisters did with him
and my mom. I would mostly do the same
when I have kids. The classics are the
movies that a person can`t stop watching.
It relates to almost every generation. Peo-
ple back in the 60s and 70s were trying to
stick their tongue to fag poles. People to-
day are still doing the same thing.
'My Iavorite holiday It`s a WonderIul
LiIe.` A well told story oI a fawed human
being who learns to fnd values in little
actions taken over a liIetime, explained
ProIessor GeoIIrey Sheehan, coordinator
Ior the Theatre program here at HCC. It is
one oI those movies where it shows what
values are really important like Iamily. It is
also a movie that you can liIe lessons over
and over again.
Most holiday movies that are coming
out today such as the Santa Claus 1 and
2 are not as good as the classics. You can
predict what will happen. I believe that
the classics are the best because they are
movies where you know what is going to
happen, but they are also movies that you
can learn lessons Irom. Most holiday mov-
ies that come out today are about love and
how Christmas can bring a person closer
to that person or they fnally get the guy or
girl that they have been longing Ior. In the
movies made today it is very obvious what
is going to happen in the end.
'The Best Man Holiday is a great
movie to go see Ior the holidays. It`s not
really a Iamily movie movie. It`s a movie
that has comedy, but it is also sad. It`s one
oI those movies you should see with your
patner or one you love.
It is a sequel to 'The Best Man. Mal-
colm D. Lee directed and wrote both mov-
ies. Most oI the original cast such as Sa-
naa Lathan, Taye Diggs, Nia Long, Morris
Chestnut, Harold Perrineau, Terrence
Howard, Monica Calhoun, Melissa De
Sousa have reunited Ior another flm.
The flm is about how Iriends come
together Ior Christmas. It is Ior the most
terrible time in someone`s liIe, but it helps
them. One oI the best surprises also hap-
pens which helps them get over the worst
time in their lives.
The main themes oI the movie are be-
trayal, love, Iriendship, and being true to
yourselI around the people that care about
you the most. I have learned Irom the
movie that Iriends will come and go, but
the ones that stick around Ior the worst oI
times and the best oI times are the ones that
are worth keeping.
A person can relate to the movie be-
cause the situations that happen in the
movie happen every day in everyone`s liIe.
I can guarantee you one oI the situations
has happened to you, such as a Iriend going
behind your back or people using you Ior
something. It truly does showhowthis can
bring out both the best and worst in people.
Even though you Ieel bad Ior one oI the
main characters because something that is
horrible is happening, you also have to re-
alize, she knew that it was her time and did
everything Ior a reason. I believe that the
reason Ior her doing what she was doing
was Ior other main characters to do what
they had to do.
It is a movie I would recommend see-
ing. I honestly would love to see a Iew
more times with people that I care about.
However, some oI the things that they do
and the language that is used would not be
suitable Ior children. It is a good movie to
go to iI you are going out with your Iriends
or you`re having a girl`s night.
I don`t want to give too much oI the
movie away because than i would spoil
it Ior you. but the ending is the best part.
Young and older adults would truly enjoy
this movie.
Best Holiday Movies
Movie Review:
'6/*" 7+2 $-839+:5
s the cold weather creeps in,
oIten so does 'cabin Iever and
the 'winter blues. II you`re like
most students at HCC, the winter season
can be quite challenging. Being cooped
up in the house with lots oI homework
can defnitely drive a person insane, but
there are ways to keep your spirits up until
spring comes knocking again.
'My stress has gone up, like I can`t
sleep as well, Kirianeth Anderson, an
HCC student, said.
II you`re Ieeling down and need a
boost, here are some great indoor and out-
door activities you can do alone or with
So put away that sad Iace, grab your
coat and boots and make the best oI this
II you love an outdoor challenge and
don`t mind braving the cold and snow,
then Ski Down ski resort in New HartIord
might be just the place Ior you. All you
winter daredevils and enthusiasts can ski
and snowboard to your heart`s content.
There are lots oI trails to choose Irom
and they even oIIer ski lessons. And iI you
decide to stay overnight and ski Ior a Iew
days you can fnd lodging at Chapin Park
Bed and BreakIast, located less than a mile
II skiing is way too much Ior you to
handle, but you`re not aIraid oI a little ice,
then an aIternoon oI ice skating is sure to
keep you on your toes.
Wonderland oI Ice in Bridgeport and
Ralph Walker Ice Skating Rink in New
Haven both have skating hours available to
the public.
'II it`s cold, I hardly go out as much as
I would when the weather is warmer, An-
derson said.
'The only place I like going during the
winter would be movies or the mall, she
added. 'Anywhere not too cold.
For students like her, there`s always
some good old Iashioned Iun to be had
right at Roller Magic in Waterbury. There`s
plenty oI music, Iood and games to keep
you busy Ior hours.
While in Waterbury make sure to hop
on over to CoCo Key Water Resort Ior
some great 'summertime inspired indoor
water Iun, where it`s warm and sunny year
'Bowling is Iun too because it`s in-
doors. Jonelle Stanley, an HCC student,
'You can`t go wrong with movies, go-
ing out to eat, or a trip to the casino, she
And Stepping Stone Museum Ior Chil-
dren in Norwalk is also a great way to get
the whole Iamily involved in some winter
Iun. They are open every day and it`s the
perIect place Ior HCC students with kids,
with both indoor and outdoor activities.
'One oI the best things about Stepping
Stones is that kids come and learn a lot
but they don`t realize they`re doing it be-
cause they`re having so much Iun, Rob-
ert Townes, Public Relations Specialist at
Stepping Stones, said.
For those oI you who enjoy history and
culture, spending the day at the Mashan-
tucket Pequot Museum in Mashantucket,
might be just the outing Ior you.
Visitors can view the exhibits and Ieast
on authentic Native American cuisine.
There`s also Lamothes Sugar House in
Burlington where you can experience the
art oI watching maple syrup being made
and enjoy complimentary hot cider.
II you`re a nature enthusiast then Bart-
lett Arboretum & Gardens in StamIord
might pique your interest or Audubon
Greenwich which has guided nature tours.
Or perhaps you would like to spend an
evening out on the town enjoying a live
concert or theater perIormance. There are
lots oI places to choose Irom.
There`s the Klein Theater in Bridge-
port, and Curtain Call, Inc. in StamIord.
You can also check out classic perIor-
mances oI 'Mamma Mia and the 'Nut-
cracker Suite at the Shubert Theater in
New Haven or the Bushnell in HartIord.
And maybe you would like to venture
out oI Connecticut Ior the day and in that
case, New York City is just a train ride
away, where the options are endless.
You can catch a show at Radio City
Music Hall, have a good laugh at the Com-
ic Strip Live, or dance the night away at the
Copacabana Nightclub in Times Square.
There are plenty oI things to do, so
don`t let the winter get the best oI you.
Cabin Fever and Cold Weather Got You Down?
Courtesy of Daily news local
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