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Name : Vijayasankar Palanivel Date: 11.20.13 Assignment submission to Prof. Charles Vance Hilton Business School


This paper focuses on the planning of my career in the business program of LMU. It provides insights to my various inquiries and findings on the opportunities to develop my career and the experience and information gained through the semester. It also encompasses a foundation to aid me in laying a plan for my career. The paper briefly talks about my intentions and the possible future choices of classes, student organizations and various other building blocks of my career.


CAREER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: The Career Development Services offers numerous support services for career progress. I found the Career counseling really helpful and provided a sense of direction as to how to efficiently use the college life to build a strong career. The Career Development services also helped me greatly in creating and polishing my Resume. This boosted my confidence as my resume is my first impression and with a strong first impression, I can go places. In the future I also hope to use the Career Development Services to aid me in my search for an Internship. The Career Development Services Mock Interview was extremely helpful as I was really nervous about my interview for my on campus job. The mock interview made me comfortable and confident about attending the interview, as I now

knew what an interview would feel like. This was the first interview that I had attended but I was extremely confident when attending it. Career Development Services job fair helped me find my on campus job. I work as a Photographer for the Tower Year book now and this provides a sense of independence for me. This was possible through CDS.

INSIGHTS: The classroom enriched my knowledge on the numerous aspects of business. I greatly learnt about the various types of business based on their ownership, the methods and sources of financially supporting a business, the ethical ways to conduct business practices etc. This information increased my liking for the subject by numerous folds as the classroom gave me an insight to the subject and its grace. Prior to the first semester at LMU I was very unsure about my career plan. The BADM 1010 class shed light on the various branches of business such as accounting, management, entrepreneurship etc. And through the combined classes, I obtained a feel for each of these branches. Those classes greatly helped me understand the path I had chosen and also would play an integral role in helping me choose my area of specialization. I also attended a session by a guest speaker who was the CEO of Trader Joes. He helped me understand the entrepreneurship aspect of business but my main focus continues to be in the management side but I would not be wrong in saying he has created an interest in me to explore entrepreneurship.

SKILL AUGMENTATION: Interpersonal skills are one of the skills that I should focus on developing. I am very stage shy and communication shy, which makes my list of, contacts incredibly puny. If I manage to successfully cultivate the mentioned skill, I can reach greater heights of success. I will utilize every opportunity available to build my communication ability so that I would be able to convey my ideas and also meet new people with ease.


CLASSES: During my years in LMU, I will take classes in all spheres of education whereby I would posses a commendable amount of information on any topic but at the same time I would focus greatly on business, as it will be my Career. I would like to strengthen the management aspect of business as it has greatly motivated my to purse business as career.

STUDY ABROAD: I would also try to enroll in the Study abroad program, as it would be a wonderful platform to imbibe the various cultures of the world and also make new friends and acquaintances. I plan to visit countries in the continent of Europe and study about Business in those countries. Through this I could have a

feel of the American approach to business as well as the European approach. I would prefer to do a business program in Germany or London as they have greatly influenced in taking up business. German and English businessmen have always been an inspiration for me. Also moving to another country can expand my horizon of knowledge as well as opportunities. By meeting new people, I automatically have an opportunity to learn a great deal. I would be exposed to new ideas and I could also change the way I think and approach situation.

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: I am looking for an opportunity to join a Greek student organization, which can help me develop myself as these organizations cover various aspects of development such as community service, leadership quality, interpersonal skill and efficient management. Being a part of a Greek organization would help me to prioritize my needs. Also being in this organization would present an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. It would teach me in a better way to approach people and also successfully working with people. I would learn how to work in a group and how to navigate successfully through any conflicts in a team. I think that this would be a very useful trait in future when I begin working.

INTERNSHIP: I will actively search for internships in business firms. Through this I can gain hands on experience that cannot be compared to learning from a textbook. Also the knowledge gained through these internships would have a relatively higher retention ratio compared to knowledge from textbooks. I had already done an internship in India in a firm called Kavinkare. It had greatly helped me understand the working mechanism of a corporate industry. I would greatly like to have an experience similar to that. Through internships I hope to learn a great deal about business especially business management but I would also be interested in taking up an internship that could improve my entrepreneurial ability.

Vijayasankar Palanivel
1LMU Drive, MSB 4055 Los Angeles, Ca 90045 Phone: 310-895-8421 E-Mail:,

At the end of the day all I hope is to earn the experience and knowledge about being in a system and working in a fashion

where the operation is polished and peaceful and the result is breathtaking. Through the oppurtunities explored I yearn to better than what I was yesterday.

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course of the program we learnt to coexist and finally create a firm with running capabilities and earn the approval of vent

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I am a musician and a performer. I have completed 5 levels of musical examination conducted by the Trinity College of Lon for the Keyboard. I have been the school photographer for various events in my High School. My portfolio can be found at

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