101 Romantic Ideas

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101 ROMANTIC IDEAS...........

1. Remember to say I ove you and I need you often.

2. Wak hand n hand n the ran.
3. Wrte a ove poem.
4. Ca a rado staton and dedcate a favorte song.
5. Wrte I Love You n pstck or shavng cream on the mrror.
6. Hde ove notes n a unch box, brefcase or purse.
7. Make heart-shaped cnnamon toast for breakfast.
8. Pace a ove note n the personas secton of the newspaper.
9. Take a carrage rde around the cty.
10. Pan a surprse getaway.
11. Do your mates househod chores.
12. Wrte notes on future dates n ther date book (I ove you, I mss you, etc.)
13. Make reservatons at a favorte restaurant.
14. Let them choose the move.
15. Gve a foot massage.
16. Make a heart-shaped bookmark, and pace t n ther book.
17. Pop n a romantc musc CD and sow dance.
18. Throw a |ust-because surprse party for two.
19. Buy a stuffed anma for your honey.
20. Read each others horoscopes.
21. Make a st of the top 10 thngs you ove about your partner.
22. Dspay t n a promnent pace.
23. Tattoo your mates name on your body.
24. Make an abum or scrapbook of your favorte memores together.
25. Go campng together and ony take one seepng bag.
26. Send a mushy message n a botte.a baoon.a sandwch.
27. Cut out a sy cartoon that you know theyd en|oy.
28. Shower together.
29. Dm the ghts, and snugge together on the couch.
30. Be the frst to say Im sorry and kss and make up.
31. Gve each other a fu-body massage.
32. Kss every hour on the hour a day ong.
33. Send a gft basket of ndugent tems.
34. Wrte Im hot for you n the steam on the bathroom mrror.
35. Rbbon wrap your bed wth a bg bow.
36. F up the gas tank of your partners car.
37. Act ke teenagers. Maybe even perce somethng!
38. Show up wth a bouquet of fowers - for no reason at a.
39. Pay Scrabbe together, usng as many ove words as you can.
40. Run a warm bubbe bath for your partner, wth ots of t candes.
41. Meet n the park for a pcnc.
42. Hod hands.
43. Leave a tra of rose petas through the house, eadng to a romantc candeght dnner.
44. Make a donaton n your mates name to a speca cause or charty.
45. Pck up ther cothes from the foor - wthout sayng a word about t.
46. Watch an od back and whte romantc move and share a bow of popcorn.
47. Reenact your frst date.
48. Surprse your partner wth tckets to a speca event.
49. An unexpected hug can brghten any day.
50. Buy a sy, mpromptu gft.
51. Send an ema |ust to say Im thnkng of you.
52. Brng home a baoon bouquet.
53. Serve breakfast n bed.
54. Make an ornament wth a pcture of both of you for the Chrstmas tree.
55. Pay tag.
56. Wash and wax your partners car, and eave a tte note on the dashboard.
57. Pant a garden together.
58. Leave a mushy message on vocema.
59. Stay at a hote for the nght, |ust because.
60. Make anges n the snow.
61. Every tme you say heo or goodbye, sea t wth a hug and a kss.
62. Take a drve n the country.
63. Spend the evenng ookng at the stars - and make a wsh together.
64. Cast a payfu wnk any tme, anywhere.
65. Thnk up a st of sy tte pet names for tmes when youre aone together.
66. Read poetry to each other.
67. Ceebrate your haf-brthdays together.
68. Put a pcture of both of you n your waet.
69. Buy that favorte book or CD for no reason at a.
70. Send a care package to work fed wth treats ke food, photos, candy, a ove note,
heart-shaped confett, etc.
71. Go out for the evenng and te peope youre on your honeymoon.
72. Take a hke together and carve your ntas n a tree.
73. Wrte a thank you note for a the thngs you take for granted.
74. Make a fre n the frepace and roast marshmaows.
75. Tape your favorte TV show and spend the evenng takng.
76. Do the dshes together, then appy hand oton to each others hands.
77. Wrte a ove etter to your partner and cut t nto |gsaw puzze peces.
78. Decde on secret sgnas and use them to communcate wth each other n arge groups
of peope.
79. Schedue a reguar md-week date nght for |ust the two of you.
80. Do the aundry together.
81. Romance Theater Weekend: reenact each others favorte ove scene - hers on Frday,
hs on Saturday.
82. Ca your partner at work and ask for a date.
83. Pretend you havent seen each other for a month. Act accordngy.
84. Send a wrtten nvtaton to do somethng speca.
85. Take turns readng to each other.
86. Stand outsde the wndow and sng a romantc song.
87. Hde favorte candy n your partners coat pockets.
88. Put a tape recordng of your voce (sayng anythng) n the car stereo and turn t on so
t pays when the car starts.
89. Go to a drve-n move.
90. Get up to turn off the ast ght after youre both comfy-cozy n bed.
91. Hod each other tght durng a thunderstorm.
92. Make a tape recordng of favorte ove songs.
93. Leave a bunch of bananas on the ktchen tabe wth a note, I go bananas over you!
94. Hde ove notes n a magazne.
95. Decare your undyng ove va a teegram.
96. Make a romantc dnner together, and serve t on your fnest chna.
97. Surprse your partner wth a bg kss on the neck.
98. Gve unexpected compments.
99. Share an ce cream cone.
100. Have a pcnc on the vng room foor.
101. Draw a sy pcture of the two of you. Frame t......
1. Touch her wast.
2. Actuay tak to her.
3. Share secrets wth her.
... ...4. Gve her your |acket.
5. Kss her sowy.
Are you rememberng ths?
6. Hug her.
7. Hod her.
8. Laugh wth her.
9. Invte her somewhere.
10. Hangout wth her and your frends together.
11. Sme wth her.
12. Take pctures wth her.
13. Pu her onto your ap.
14. When she says she oves you more, deny t. Fght back.
15. When her frends say I ove her more than you, deny t. Fght back and hug her tght
so she cant get to her frends. It makes her fee oved.
Are you thnkng of someone?
16. Aways hug her and say I ove you whenever you see her.
17. Kss her unexpectedy.
18. Hug her from behnd around the wast.
19. Te her shes beautfu.
20. Te her the way you fee about her.
One ast thng you need to do to show her you actuay do mean t.
21. Open doors for her, wak her to her car - t makes her fee protected, pus t never hurts
to act ke a genteman.
22. Te her shes your everythng - ony f you mean t.
23. If t seems ke there s somethng wrong, ask her - f she denes somethng beng
wrong, t means SHE DOESNT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so |ust hug her.
24. Make her fee oved.
25. Kss her n front of OTHER grs you know!
26. Dont e to her.
27. DONT cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
29. Text message or ca her n the mornng and te her have a good day at schoo, and
how much you mss her.
30. Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesnt need you, |ust
be there so she know that she can aways count on you.
31. Hod her cose when shes cod so she can hod you too.
32. When you are aone hod her cose and kss her.
33. Kss her on the cheek; (t w gve her the hnt that you want to kss her).
34. Whe n the moves, put your arm around her and then she w automatcay put her
head on your shouder, then ean n and tt her chn up and kss her ghty.
35. Dont ever te her to eave even |okngy or act ke youre mad. If shes upset, comfort
36. When peope dss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep nto her eyes and te her you ove her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can sten to the
steady beat of your heart, nk your fngers together whe you whsper to her as she rests
her eyes and stens to you.
39. When wakng next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her, hod her n your arms as ong as possbe.
41. Ca or text her at nght to wsh her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cres and wpe away her tears.
43. Take her for ong waks at nght.
44. Aways remnd her how much you ove her.
45. St on top of her and te her how much you ove her and then bend down to her face
and kss her whe youre sttng on her.
You never know when she needs |ust a tte more ove .. ?!
How to M!"t!" H#$t%& R#$t!o"'%!(
For the most part, peope want the same thng from a romantc partner. Peope want
spouses and partners who are:
Carng and knd
Fun to be around
Reatonshps are dffcut to mantan when they are fed wth confct, negatvty and a
ack of trust.
So, what does t take to mantan a heathy reatonshp?
Peope n ong-term, satsfyng reatonshps tend to do the foowng (ths advce s adapted
from Montgomery, Coe and Bradac, Harvey and Omarzu, and Canary and Stafford's work
on Reatona Mantenance):
Sow, but Consstent - Reatonshps work the best when peope go sow and take ther tme
gettng to know each other. Whrwnd romances usuay end n dsaster. It aso heps to be
consstenty supportve and encouragng. Inconsstent behavor causes msunderstandngs
and uncertanty.
Keep Thngs Upbeat - Reatonshps work the best when partners express a postve and
upbeat atttude towards each other. Genune dspays of happness and affecton go a ong
way when tryng to make a reatonshp work. By contrast, reatonshps fa when
ndfference, anger and negatvty become the norm. In fact, even a tte negatvty can
create a ot of probems n a cose reatonshp. Ths does not mean that peope cannot
express negatve feengs n a reatonshp, but that there are approprate (and
napproprate) ways of deang wth ones negatve feengs (see, tak about probems).
Approach Probems Together - Coupes fee coser and are more satsfed wth ther
reatonshps when they approach probems and dffcutes as a team. Coupes who take an
US versus the PROBLEM, rather than a YOU versus ME approach to confct are much
happer n the ong run.
Don't Take Each Other For Granted - Over tme, coupes typcay take each other for
granted. At the start of a reatonshp peope apprecate a the thngs that ther partners do
for them. However, as tme goes on, peope tend to expect more, but acknowedge a
partner's contrbutons ess often. To keep a reatonshp happy and heathy t s mportant
to show apprecaton on a consstent bass.
Apprecate Dfferences - Reatonshps work the best when partners have a ot n common,
but respect and apprecate the dfferences that do exst. It heps to apprecate someone for
who they are rather than try to change them or how they behave (see, reatonshp
Be Approachabe - Peope need to be abe to tak freey wth a romantc partner. Sharng
what s gong on n ones fe and how one fees about ssues s mportant to do. But, beng
open wth a partner s not aways easy because t requres spouses to te the truth and to
LISTEN to thngs that may be dffcut to hear. Lstenng n an attempt to UNDERSTAND, not
contro, evauate, or |udge s crtca to havng an satsfyng reatonshp.
Express Commtment - Reatonshps work the best when partners reassure each other of
ther ove and commtment. It never hurts to te a spouse that you ove hm or her and that
you w aways be there.
One of the good thng any men want n a reatonshp s fun. He woud ke to share hs
nterests wth you at home as we as out. So make sure you partcpate n hs nterests
otherwse he w be bored soon. Don't beeve a man when he says ooks doesnt matter,
they do matter a ot; because not a ot of men want to be wth a "Grumpy-Frumpy
Krackadoo women" . So dress up we for your man. Obvousy we a know that not
everyone can ook hot and sexy. But one can st ook gracefu wth a good dressng sense.
And you can even dress up a bt naughty (sexy ngere) when you guys are aone, at the
bedroom, vng room ktchen, toet...ths w add more vaue on your part.
Persona hygene n women s aso mportant for men, no matter how unhygenc (...) they
stay themseves. Basc hygene routnes ke mancure, pedcure, waxng,(Men don't ke
women wth bg forest down there), threadng and faca are requred. You mght not know
but some guys hate exagerated make up, actuay when t s done over the board. You can
put up ght make up as you don't want your man to be ogng at your dfferent ayers of
"Starch". They consder women are naturay beautfu and makeup s |ust a farce. nce
perfume can turn any man on!
Men ke to know about the past reatonshps of women- but be carefu teng Hm
everythng about yoursef, specay f you have dated haf of ur ocaty. However he woud
never ke to answer any queston about hs past reatonshps (...) So te hm the btter
truth as he s one who demanded t. Another thng whch s most expected of a women, s
to be good n the Ktchen - cook decous food. There s a great sayng, that "the way to
men's heart s through hs stomach" t s competey true and works aso. Good food s
drecty proportona to more ove &Sex, and n return you get a good work out n the
Bedroom...feed hm we!
Naggng s one thng every woman shoud avod. Men hate to be tod what they shoud do
and what not. Let them free and they w be captured by your ove. And the ast but not
the east a man requres: ove, ot of sex, commtment, fathfuness and dedcaton from hs
15 W&' To K"ow I) A G!*$ Lo+#' ,o- T*-$& B#)o*# S%# S(o!$' ,o-* L!)#........
Boys fee perpexed when they are asked to |udge a gr. They fnd t extremey dffcut to
know whether a gr s nto hm serousy or she s |ust payng wth them. Ths s the matter
of extreme worry f the boy serousy and mady oves that partcuar gr.
Here n ths artce I revea you 15 ways to know and |udge a gr before she runs your fe
and pay wth your feengs. Peope gener...ay fee grs are very senstve and boys are
the tough gong guys. Yes, t's true that boys are tough and strong guys but when t comes
to ove, they are the most senstve about ther over.
A gr's behavor and her atttude towards you, reveas the way she fees about you. It aso
depcts whether she s nterested n you or she s |ust payng wth you. Sometmes what
happens s, the gr oves you but she cannot express her feengs. Ths artce aso heps
you to fnd out the hdden feengs n gr's heart.
If you get the postve answer out of ths, t s hghy advsabe to be oya to the gr who
oves you truy and sefessy but f you fnd the negatve outcome, then I woud strongy
advse you dump that gr before she spos you competey.
Here are the 15 ways to |udge a gr:
1. Ask her what does she ook for nto a boy? Is t money, ooks, power, status or nature?.
Outcome: Her answer w revea a ot about her nature and thnkng. It depcts whether she
gves mportance to ove, ooks, character, money or power.
2. Ask her f she kes you?. Outcome: If she says yes casuay, then she does not ove you
rather f she fnds t dffcut to answer ths, then she ove you.
3. Ask her what does she respect you for? What does she ke about you?. Outcome: If she
sts out the thngs ceary about you, then she reay ove you. If she takes tme to thnk
and say about you, then she's buffng you.
4. Ask her what does she fee about you?. Outcome: If she s cear what actuay she fees
about you then you can move ahead wth ths gr because she s n ove wth you, f not
then eave the topc her tsef.
5. Te her that you w nvte her n your marrage, ask her f she woud come?. Outcome: If
she says no or keep numb, then she s n ove wth you but f she says yes, 'I woud attend
your marrage', that means she s not serous about you.
6. Ask her f you can come to her home or at east ask her to ntroduce you to her parents.
Outcome: If she agrees to ntroduce you to her parents, then she s serous about you and
beeves that may be you want to tak to her parents for marrage. If not then t means that
she doesn't want you to meet her parents.
7. Tak to her on severa topcs n a snge day. The next day you meet, ask her about
somethng that you have dscussed yesterday.Outcome: If she remembers a or at east a
part of what you sad yesterday, then she s nterested n you.
8. Send her messages reguary for 15 days or ca her day wth out mssng out a snge
day. On the 16th day, don't gve her message or don't ca her. Outcome: If she s n ove
wth you and s serous about you, then she woud surey ask you the reason for not
sendng her message. If she doesn't even remember that you dd not send her the
message, then she s not at a bothered about you.
9. Take her frequenty for a cup of coffee. Observe her behavor when t comes to payng
the b.
Outcome: If she fees a tte embarrassed or uncomfortabe that every tme you are payng
the b, then she cares for you because she does not ke your spendng of money
needessy. If she does not fee anythng about your payng off the b, then she does not
ove about you.
10. Take her for some shoppng. Ask her to accompany you n your shoppng. Seect a
beautfu branded shrt for yoursef but pretend as f you are not buyng the shrt because
t's much expensve than your budget.
Outcome: Now, f her ove s true for you and she s serous about you, then she woud try
her eve best to gft that to you. That reveas her sefess and n depth ove for you.
11. Fnd out whether she remembers your brthday, wshes you on every possbe occason,
does not forget to wsh you good mornng etc. a these thngs reveas her ove for you.
12. Ask her whether she beeves n ove marrage or arranged marrage. Outcome: If she
says ove marrage, then you have a chance; f she says arranged marrage, then she s not
nto marrage knd of reatonshp wth you and f she says ove marrages that are
arranged, then she s gvng you a hnt to tak to her parents.
13. Gft her a beautfu, romantc or sexy knd of gft ke a sar or a pears neckace.
Outcome: If she fees shy or smes a tte and accepts that gft then she s n ove wth you.
If she asks you 'why have you gfted me pears, I don't ke pears', then that means she
nether vaue you nor your gft.
14. Tak to her somethng about your departure. Ask her how woud she fee when you
woud depart from her?. Outcome: If she doesn't say a word or smpy stare at you wth
eyes fu of tears but st she s tryng to hde her tears, then that means you are
everythng to her. If she says 'yes, we have to depart one day', then that means she has
never ever taken you serousy.
15. When you are wth her, say that you are mssng your famy or frend or any one who s
mportant n your fe. Shed tte tears n front of her. Outcome: It s sad that f a gr oves
a boy, then she cannot see hm cryng. If she fees bad on seeng your tears and cres for
you and consoes you, then she s mady n ove wth you rather f she tres to consoe you
by sayng, 'don't cry, ths s what caed fe. We don't get what we aways desre' then she
s not serous about you.
Dear frend, know you know whether a gr s n ove wth you or not. I woud genuney
advse you one thng, t's hard to fnd a true ove, f you get someone true ovng, don't ose
that person. Ths woud be your bggest oss.
Learn how to hande a ong dstance reatonshp so the reatonshp w grow. It's true,
absence can make the heart grow fonder. But dstance can aso tear the reatonshp apart.
Wth a ong dstance reatonshp, you may have found the perfect person to share your
tme wth. But theres aways |ust one probem. You cant spend as much tme wth her as
you woud ke, because ts a ong dstance reatonshp. Reatonshps aready have
enough obstaces to overcome wthout compcatng t more. However how often do you
fnd someone near or far that makes your heart skp a beat? If you fee shes worth the
dstance, than here are some thngs you can do to cope wth a ong dstance reatonshp.
1. Communcate wth her every day. Even when ts not a ong dstance reatonshp ts
mportant to have some type of contact each day or the reatonshp w suffer. Whether
ts through phone cas, text messages, emas, web vdeo or wrtng etters, you need to
have constant communcaton estabshed between the two of you.
2. Vst each other often. In order for the reatonshp to thrve you have to spend tme
together. Is the tme you can spend wth her mted, for varous reasons? If so make the
tme wth her memorabe. Be creatve when you pan dates. Make every moment together
3. Form an emotona and menta connecton. The physca connecton w be ess snce ts
a ong dstance reatonshp. So you w reay need to work on strengthenng the emotona
and menta connecton you have. Fnd thngs you have n common and tak about the
thngs that you ke about her and what she kes about you. Meet her famy and ntroduce
her to yours.
4. Acknowedge the benefts of a ong dstance reatonshp. There can actuay be some
postve thngs about havng a ong dstance reatonshp. You probaby w hardy ever
argue what reason you woud have to. Each tme you get to see hm there w be a ot of
exctement and antcpaton n the ar. You w mss and chersh her more snce you want
see her that often. There want be any room to take her for granted. When shes n town
you w want to spend every wakng mnute together. You w aways have somethng to
ook forward to n the reatonshp. You defntey dont have to worry about feeng
5. Remnsce about the tmes you have shared together. Never dwe on dsagreements you
may have had, uness you are sharng a augh about them. Instead tak about how good t
was to be wth hm and how much fun you had together. Make a st of thngs you w ke
to do the next tme the two of you get together.
6. Avod beng too frendy wth the opposte sex. You w have to fght off the temptaton
to date other women. It woud be best to mt your contact, so you wont rsk damagng
your reatonshp. You shoudnt fee ts okay to have casua dates snce you are n a ong
dstance reatonshp. Uness thats agreed upon by both partes nvoved.
7. Be postve and opened mnded about other soutons. Dd the reatonshp start off as
ong dstance? Or dd someone move? That can make a dfference. Dscuss what you both
want out of the reatonshp and what you woud ke to see happen n the future. Dscuss
how the reatonshp has grown. You both have to be on the same page f you want your
ong dstance reatonshp to work.

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