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December 10, 2013 The Honorable Gary R. Herbert Governor of Utah Utah State Capitol Complex 350 North State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220

Dear Governor Herbert, We are writing to you today to ask you to carefully consider your appointment to fill the Attorney General vacancy. This is an historic moment. You have an incredible opportunity to make a choice that will help restore the publics trust in this important statewide office. As we originally proposed, and as subsequently endorsed by Senators John Valentine and Jim Dabakis, we urge you to appoint an interim attorney general to this position who will work to restore faith in the Attorney Generals office over the next year until the November 2014 election. We believe an intention to run for the office in 2014 should disqualify any prospective appointee. The publics faith in our elected officials has been rocked to its core due to the months of scandal plaguing the Attorney Generals office. We believe that the ideal candidate must be someone who is ethically, morally and legally beyond reproach. Someone who is not seen as a partisan insider who hopes to hold the office for the long-term; rather, someone who will take the reins, roll up his or her sleeves, and do whats necessary to restore integrity to the office. And then leave. Anyone who takes on this responsibility with an eye to the next election will not be capable of committing 100% to the job at hand--restoration of the public trust. Rather, the person will have to balance the immediate and urgent efforts needed against the pressures and demands of a year-long political campaign, a daunting and time-consuming effort. The crucial role this person will play in this interim role is too important to require this tenuous balance of time and energy. The candidate chosen must also have no ties, either directly or indirectly, to the dishonor of the previous Attorney General. This person must be untainted by scandal. If the central committee nominees don't include a person of such character, with no political ambition for the office, you should go outside those recommendations and find a suitable appointee. Governor Herbert, we trust you to make the right choice--the choice that the citizens of this great state want and need. Make the choice that will restore honor and trust to the office of Attorney General. Sincerely, Maryann Martindale Alliance for a Better UTAH Dixie Huefner Utahns for Ethical Government David Irvine Alliance for a Better UTAH & Utahns for Ethical Government


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