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The National Bank of Moldova The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) is the central bank of the Republic of Moldova.

It is a legal, public, autonomous person responsible to the Parliament. The main objective of the NBM is the achievement and maintenance of the stability of the national currency. The National Bank cooperates with the Government with the view to achieving its objectives and, according to the Law, undertakes the necessary measures to implement such cooperation. The NBM periodically informs the public about macroeconomic analysis, financial market evolution and statistic data, including on money supply, credit granting, balance of payments and foreign exchange market. The National Bank of Moldova was set in 1991. The basic attributions of the bank are as follows: to formulate and to promote the state monetary and to act as banker and to license, supervise and regulate the activity of to supervise the payment to facilitate the efficient functioning of the interbank to issue to establish, through consultations with the Government, the foreign exchange regime of the 8. to manage foreign exchange 9. to settle the balance of 10. to carry out the foreign exchange regulation on the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. financial institutions payment system the domestic currency foreign exchange policy national currency territory of the RM fiscal agent of the state

h. system of the Republic of Moldova i. payments of the country j. reserves of the state

policy law

important financial

interests inflation

independent efficient

stability transition

economy currency

responsible risk

The National Bank plays an (1) role in the process of (2) of the RM to market (3) . Since 1991 the NBM has worked out and implemented a range of (4) measures directed towards the (5) of the monetary and credit environment. The most important step was the introduction on 29 November 1993 of the national (6) - Moldovan Leu and the further promotion of an anti-inflationary monetary and credit (7) . The galloping (8) was stopped and the domestic currency stabilized. In accordance with the (9) the NBM is (10) in exercising its attributions and is (11) to the Parliament. Its target is the formation of a strong and competitive (12) sector, the prevention of an excessive (13) and the protection of depositors (14) .

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