How To Top in Civil Service Exam

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FOR IASdetailed analysis on mains step FOR IAS, reference books journals and str ategy by kalyayan sundaram sir (ex IAS and director of excell career institute f or ias in chennai, )MAINS GENERAL STUDIESPAPER - II (IndianHeritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society) TOPICS BOOKS & JOURNALS 1. Indianculture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature andArch itecture from ancient to modern times. References: Indian Culture and Herit age NIOS: Indian Freedom Struggle of Independence Bipin Chandra Facets of Indian Culture - Spectrum Pub. Indian Culture Chapter of Indian Year Book Journals/Websites: The Hindu,, Yojana, The Indian Express, EconomicPolitical Weekly, Frontline 2. ModernIndian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until th e presentsignificant events, personalities, issues. References: Indian Freedom Struggle of Independence Bipin Chandra A Brief History of Modern India Spectrum Pub. Indian Culture Chapter of Indian Year Book Modern India History B. L. Grover 3. TheFreedom Struggle - its various stages and important contributors orcontrib utions from different parts of the country. References: 12th NCERT Politics in Indian after Independence. 4. Post-independenceconsolidation and reorganization within the country. References: India since Independence Bipin Chandra India After Gandhi Ramchandra Guha 5. Historyof the world will include events from 18th century such as industrialr evolution, world wars, redrawal of national boundaries, colonization,decolonizat ion, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialismetc. - their fo rms and effect on the society. References: 9th & 10th NCERT India and thecontemporary world Mastering Modern World History Normal Lowe 6. Salientfeatures of Indian Society, Diversity of India. References: 12th NCERT: Indian Society, Social change andDevelopment in India Indian Social System Ram Ahuja Journals/Websites: The Hindu,, Yojana, The Indian Express, EconomicPolitical Weekly, Frontline, Kurukshetra 7. Roleof women and women s organization, population and associated issues, povert yand developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies. References: IGNOU-ESO-12: Society in India Indian Social Structure & Change K L Sharma 8. Effectsof globalization on Indian society. References: IGNOU ESO-16: Social Problems in India 9. Socialempowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism. References: Indian society & Culture Nadeem Hasnain Social Problems in India Ram Ahuja

10. Salient features of world s physicalgeography. References: 11th NCERT: Physical Geogrpahy, World Geography by MajidHusain Journals/Websites: The Hindu,, Yojana, Down to Earth(, The In dian Express, Economic Political Weekly,Frontline, Kurukshetra 11. Distribution of key natural resourcesacross the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent); factorsresponsible for the location of primary, se condary, and tertiary sectorindustries in various parts of the world (including India). References: Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong, Around the World (Geography): ICSE Board Class (6, 7 & 8) or OLD NCERT Books Class (6, 7 & 8) 12. Important Geophysical phenomena such asearthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activi ty, cyclone etc., geographical featuresand their location - changes in critical geographical features (including waterbodies and ice-caps) and in flora and faun a and the effects of such changes. References: Orient Longman Atlas MAINS GENERAL STUDIESPAPER - III (Governance,Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations) TOPICS BOOKS & JOURNALS 1. IndianConstitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments ,significant provisions and basic structure. References: 11th NCERT Indian Constitution at work & IndianPolity by M. Lakshmi Kant, Consti tution of India By PM Bakshi. Journals/ Websites: THE HINDU, PIB, Yojana, Kurukshetra,The Indian Express, Economic & Political Weekly, Frontline. 2. Functions and responsibilities of theUnion and the States, issues and challen ges pertaining to the federalstructure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challengestherein. 3. Separation of powers between variousorgans dispute redressal mechanisms and i nstitutions. References: Introduction to the Constitution of India by DD Basu. IGNOU MPS-003 India: Democ racy and Development, Indian PublicAdministration 3rd Edition by Rajni & Goyal. Journals/ Websites: THE HINDU, PIB, Yojana, Kurukshetra,The Indian Express, Economic & Political Weekly, Frontline. 4. Comparison of the Indian constitutionalscheme with that of other countries. 5. Parliament and State Legislatures -structure, functioning, conduct of busines s, powers & privileges and issuesarising out of these. References: Political Science by ND Arora, Public Administration By LakshmiKant. 6. Structure, organization and functioningof the Executive and the Judiciary Min istries and Departments of theGovernment; pressure groups and formal/informal as sociations and their role inthe Polity. References: 12th NCERT: Politics in India After Independence, 2ndARC REPORT, Sarkaria Commis sion Report. Punchi Commission Report. 7. Salient features of the Representationof People s Act. 8. Appointment to various Constitutionalposts, powers, functions and responsibil ities of various Constitutional Bodies. 9. Statutory, regulatory and variousquasi-judicial bodies. 10. Government policies and interventionsfor development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design andimplementation. References: 8th NCERT- Law & Social Justice, 9thNCERT- Economics, 11th NCERT- Economics: Ind

ian EconomicDevelopment. 12th Five Year Plan 2012- Planning Commission. Journals/ Websites :, Kurukshetra, The Indian Express, Economic & Political Weekly,Frontline. 11. Development processes and thedevelopment industry- the role of NGOs, SHGs, v arious groups and associations,donors, charities, institutional and other stakeh olders. References: IGNOU MPS-003 India: Democracy and Development. 12. Welfare schemes for vulnerable sectionsof the population by the Centre and S tates and the performance of theseschemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bo dies constituted for theprotection and betterment of these vulnerable sections. References: Indian Year Book, Economic Survey, Annual Reports: Ministry ofSocial Justice & E mpowerment. Journals/ Websites: THE HINDU, PIB, Yojana &Kurukshetra. 13. Issues relating to development andmanagement of Social Sector or Services re lating to Health, Education, HumanResources. 14. Issues relating to poverty and hunger. 15. Important aspects of governance,transparency and accountability, e-governanc e - applications, models,successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charter s, transparency &accountability and institutional and other measures. 16. Role of civil services in a democracy. References: Governance In India By Lakshmi Kant, 2nd ARC REPORT, DevelopmentAdministration b y Mohit Bhattacharya, New Horizons of Public Administration 7thEdition by Mohit Bhattacharya, Indian Public Administration 3rd Edition by Rajni & Goyal. Journals/ Websites : THE HINDU, PIB, Yojana, Kurukshetra,The Indian Express, Economic & Political Weekly, Frontline. 17. India and its neighborhood- relations. References: M IGNOU - EPS- 07- InternationalRelations, IGNOU -MP-001-India &the World, IGNOU PS-002- InternationalRelations: Theory and problems. Journals/ Websites: THE HINDU, PIB, World Focus, TheIndian Express, Frontline. 18. Bilateral, regional and global groupingsand agreements involving India and/o r affecting India s interests. References: NCERT Class 12th: Political Science Contemporary WorldPolitics, India s Foreign Po licy- Retrospect and prospect By Sumit Ganguly. 19. Effect of policies and politics ofdeveloped and developing countries on Indi a s interests, Indian diaspora. References: Foreign Policy of India By V N Khanna, India s Foreign Policy-Retrospect and prosp ect By Sumit Ganguly. 20. Important International institutions,agencies and fora- their structure, man date. References: Manorama Year Book , Ministry of External Affairs, Online Website. MAINS GENERAL STUDIESPAPER - IV (Technology,Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and Disas terManagement) TOPICS BOOKS & JOURNALS 1. IndianEconomy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, gro wth,development and employment. References: 11th NCERT: Economics: Indian Economic Development Economic Survey of India Report: 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 Documents (PlanningCommission)

Journals/Websites: The Hindu,, Yojana, The Indian Express, Economic Times. 2. Inclusivegrowth and issues arising from it. References: Indian Economy R. Dutt & Sundaram Journals/Websites: Economic Political Weekly 3. GovernmentBudgeting. References: Indian Economy R. Dutt & Sundaram The Penguin Dictionary of Economics Journals/Websites: Economic Political Weekly 4. Majorcrops cropping patterns in various parts of the country, different types ofirrigation and irrigation systems storage, transport and marketing ofagricult ural produce and issues and related constraints; e-technology in theaid of farme rs. References: India since Independence Bipan Chandra (Land Reform) 12th NCERT: Geography: India People and Economy 11th NCERT: Economics: Indian Economic Development Report: 12th Five Year plan 2012-17 Documents (PlanningCommission) Journals/Websites: The Indian Express, Economic Times, Economic & Political Weekly 5. Issuesrelated to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support price s;Public Distribution System- objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping;is sues of buffer stocks and food security; Technology missions; economics ofanimal -rearing. References: Economic survey of India Indian Economy R. Dutt & Sundaram Indian Economy Since Independence Uma Kapila India Year Book Journals/Websites: Frontline Kurukshetra Ministry of Agriculture website Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Website 6. Foodprocessing and related industries in India- scope and significance, locat ion,upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management. Journals/Websites: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Website Ministry of Food Processing Industries Website 7. Landreforms in India. References: India since Independence Bipin Chandra (Land Reform) Journals/Websites: The Hindu,, Yojana 8. Effectsof liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and the ireffects on industrial growth. References: Indian Economy Since Independence Uma Kapila 2nd ARC Report (Strengthening Financial managementSystems) India Year Book Journals/Websites: Frontline 9. Infrastructure:Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways, etc. 2nd ARC Report (Strengthening Financial managementSystems) Journals/Websites: Kurukshetra

10. Investment models. 11. Science and Technology - developmentsand their applications and effects in e veryday life Achievements of Indians inscience & technology; indigenization of t echnology and developing newtechnology. References: Science & Technology: TMH Publication or Spectrum Publication Science Reporter Journals/Websites: Wikipedia, The Indian Express, Frontline,, International Journals and Magazines 12. Awareness in the fields of IT, Space,Computers, robotics, nano-technology, b io-technology and issues relating tointellectual property rights. References: The Hindu Journals/Websites:, 13. Conservation, environmental pollutionand degradation, environmental impact a ssessment. References: Our Environment NCERT (VII) Ecology: Unit 10th Class 12th Biology(NCERT) Ecology & Environment (India Year Book) Ecology & Environment P D Sharma Journals/Websites: Down to Earth (, The HinduSurvey of the Environment 14. Disaster and disaster management. References: IGNOU: MPA 018- Disaster Management 2nd ARC Report (Crisis Management) Journals/Websites: 15. Linkages between development and spreadof extremism. References: 12th NCERT: Political Science: Contemporary WorldPolitics (Chapter : Security in the Contemporary World) Annual Report 2011-12: Ministry of Home Affairs Journals/Websites: The Hindu,, Yojana 16. Role of external state and non-stateactors in creating challenges to interna l security. References: 12th NCERT: Political Science: Contemporary WorldPolitics (Chapter : Security in the Contemporary World) 2nd ARC Report (Public order Capacity Building forConflict Resolution, Combating Terrorism) India Year Book Journals/Websites: The Hindu,, Yojana, The IndianExpress, Economic Political Weekly, Frontline 17. Challenges to internal security throughcommunication networks, role of media and social networking sites in internalsecurity challenges, basics of cyber sec urity; money-laundering and itsprevention. References: 2nd ARC Report (Public order Capacity Building forConflict Resolution, Combating Terrorism) India Year Book Manorama Year Book Journals/Websites: Ministry of Home Affairs (

18. Security challenges and their managementin border areas; linkages of organiz ed crime with terrorism. 19. Various Security forces and agencies andtheir mandate. MAINS GENERAL STUDIESPAPER - V (Ethics,Integrity, and Aptitude) TOPICS BOOKS & JOURNALS This paper will includequestions to test the candidates attitude and approach to issues relating tointegrity, probity in public life and his problem solving appr oach to variousissues and conflicts faced by him in dealing with society. Questi ons mayutilise the case study approach to determine these aspects. The following broadareas will be covered. 1. Ethics and Human Interface: Essence,determinants and consequences of Ethics i n human actions; dimensions of ethics;ethics in private and public relationships . Human Values lessons from thelives and teachings of great leaders, reformers a nd administrators; role offamily, society and educational institutions in inculc ating values. References: 2nd ARC REPORT - 4th Report & 10thReport. New Horizons of Public Administration 7th Edition byMohit Bhattacharya. Ethics a nd Accountability in Government and Business byRamesh K Arora. Ethics & Integrit y in Public Administration: Concepts &cases By Raymond W. Cox. Journals/Websites: THE HINDU, PIB, Yojana, The IndianExpress, Economic & Political W eekly, Economic Times. 2. Attitude: content, structure, function;its influence and relation with though t and behaviour; moral and politicalattitudes; social influence and persuasion. References: Social Psycology by Baron, Ethics by William K. Frankena. Understanding Ethics by Noel Preston Journals/Websites: THE HINDU, PIB, Yojana, The IndianExpress, Economic Times. 3. Aptitude and foundational values forCivil Service, integrity, impartiality an d non-partisanship, objectivity, dedicationto public service, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-sections. References: Indian Public Administration 3rd Edition by Rajni &Goyal. IGNOU: MPA-011- Ethical Concern In public Administration. Journals/ Websites: Frontline. 4. Emotional intelligence-concepts, andtheir utilities and application in admini stration and governance. References: Emotional Intelligence By Daniel Goleman. Journals/ Websites: Economic Times, Economic & Political Weekly, Frontline. 5. Contributions of moral thinkers andphilosophers from India and world. References: 2nd ARC REPORT 1st Report & 12thReport. Journals/ Websites: Frontline. 6. Public/Civil service values and Ethicsin Public administration: Status and pr oblems; ethical concerns and dilemmas ingovernment and private institutions; law s, rules, regulations and conscience assources of ethical guidance; accountabili ty and ethical governance;strengthening of ethical and moral values in governanc e; ethical issues ininternational relations and funding; corporate governance. References: IGNOU: MPA-011-Ethical Concern In public Administration. 7. Probity in Governance: Concept of publicservice; Philosophical basis of gover nance and probity; Information sharing andtransparency in government, Right to I

nformation, Codes of Ethics, Codes ofConduct, Citizen s Charters, Work culture, Qu ality of service delivery,Utilization of public funds, challenges of corruption. 8. Case studies on Above Issues

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