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!"#$%&' (' ' Russell Hutson Dr.

Erin Dietel-McLaughlin WR13300 Section 09 13 September 2013 Dance Narrative Essay Script The sun was beaming overhead. I stared up at the towering skyscrapers, hoping that one might shield me from the suns harsh rays. Returning back to eye level, I gazed through the thousands of people standing around me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my smartphone. With one touch of the screen, the schedule for who was preforming on the main stage appeared. Another swipe, and my weather app revealed that the hot temperature would continue into the evening. I could see the sweat glistening on the forehead of the man in front of me. It was 2 in the afternoon on a steaming summer Saturday in Chicagos Grant Park, which could only mean one thing. We were at Lollapalooza, a three-day music festival where crowds of over a hundred thousand swarm the streets of the city to see their favorite artists and bands preform live. Not only is it one of my favorite festivals to go to, but the atmosphere and reputation that surrounds the name itself is enough to make me love it. I walked through the entrance gates with my two best friends, David and CJ. My heart pounded with anticipation. I was too eager to see some of my favorite artists preform. As we walked down the crowded streets of the festival, CJ looked over to me: I think Im going to pass out, He panted, taking a sip of water from his camelbak. Being from Texas, I was not one to complain about hot weather. However, this particular day was extremely humid. Stepping out of our air-conditioned condo, we were promptly slapped in the face with a sweltering gust of wind. I knew everyone in attendance that day was feeling the same way, but the thought of endless sweat and water

!"#$%&' )' ' deprivation began to erode my high spirits. I guess I really didnt have a choice; we were already walking into the crowd. There was no turning back. Extravagant LED screens the size of billboards hovered effortlessly above the stage. Millions of pixels produced images in vibrant colors, mesmerizing anyone who dare gaze into them. Looking at this structure, my eyes were drawn to a raised platform surrounded by flashing, circular screens. I stood below, in the dirt, with sweaty bodies brushing against my sides. The sun continued to beat down on my neck. As I grew anxious waiting in this uncomfortable position, a shadowed figure appeared atop the stand. The crowd began to cheer. Countless speakers and subwoofers began to communicate frequencies to one another, breaking the silence with monotone noises and crackles. My friends and I looked at one another. Something was about to happen. In a sharp instant, a deafening bass kick boomed across the crowd and everything fell silent once again. Zedd, a world-renown DJ jumped onto the platform and music began to play over the crowd. Thousands of cameras rose high into the air as melodies started to echo off buildings and throughout the city. Behind the platform, Zedds attention was focused on the flashing buttons of his turntables and computer. The music that was currently causing an entire city to dance was being produced by one, simple, screen. As I stood in the crowd listening to this performance, I felt an ecstatic euphoria rush over my being. A feeling so great that cannot be described by words, but only by experience. All of my worries washed away with the sweat of the crowd, and I was released from the suns vicious torture. All that mattered then was the music that entered through my ears and coursed through my veins. Experiences like this are not foreign to me. I have been to many different concerts like this in the last couple of years, but one thing is always present wherever I go, and thats the way I

!"#$%&' *' ' feel when I hear music live. At most of the festivals I attend, dance music is the prevalent genre. This kind of music is unique from others because it is made almost entirely on computer screens, with prerecorded instruments and effects being organized into beats and melodies. Not only do screens play the main role in creating this genre, but also the means by which most music is listened to today on computers, iPods, and live performances. Whenever I listen to this kind of music, whether it be on my phone or at a concert, it always puts me in a good mood no matter what is happening to me. So far in my life, I havent had many worries that could not be resolved by the upliftment and energy of this music. From being more accepting of people for who they are to becoming a more joyful person in general, dance music has impacted my life in a positive way. Since screens play such a big role in this genre of dance, I can definitely say that they have, and will continue to have, a large influence on who I am as a person.

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