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Conversations on facebook

Oshun's Offerings - Conversations on facebook

The Altar Offering art piece was a transient installation.It was constructed with thought,care and love. It existed for about 5 hours and then it was de- installed.I felt a sense of loss when my altar was no more.I now understand the rationale of Buddhist sand painting. The Altar Offering piece was about the process. This was a lesson about attachment. Have you ever become attached to something? Why do we become attached to stuff?

Martha Limia likes this. Patson Ncube My iPhone 5 November at 01:26 via mobile 1 Yewande Okuleye Why? 5 November at 09:00 Patson Ncube Got my whole digital life in it. One cannot escape it especially if you have another existence within it. its portability is another fact .. It's mini laptop , sound system and etc 5 November at 10:48 via mobile 1 Jenny Adlem I'd really like to see photos from your exhibition - that link is demanding money though. 5 November at 11:28 Yewande Okuleye Conceptual Artist - Yewande's World I'm essentially a curator, interested in people and their stories. I collate sto... See more 5 November at 13:23 Yewande Okuleye Hi Jenny , Apologies about the link.It should be free to download the document. Thanks for letting me know as I will fix that .The document on Scrid is the same as the one I have posted here. There are no additional pictures. I was immersed in making t... See More Conceptual Artist - Yewande's World I'm essentially a curator, interested in people and their stories. I collate sto... See more 5 November at 13:30 1 Yinka Adesina Is there a performance? I see the article but..I couldn't see the pictures. .. 5 November at 13:34 via mobile Yewande Okuleye Hello Yinka. Yes I did have a performance art /artist talk on the night , however I do not have the pictures yet.The article is a reflection on the performance.It is a kind of extension of the ideas generated by the performance. I will be recreating this performance again soon and

the ideas generated by the performance. I will be recreating this performance again soon and maybe you can come and experience the real thing. 5 November at 13:40 1 Yinka Adesina I definitely don't want to miss out next time...reading your story was very inspiring for me.. We still need to have that lunch and chant.. 5 November at 14:14 via mobile Yewande Okuleye Yes.We still need to do lunch and chant. I will inbox you 5 November at 14:36 1

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