INDO 3010 Third Year Indonesian-1 Course Description and Syllabus Fall 2009

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INDO 3010

FALL 2009

INDO 3010
Third Year Indonesian-1
Course Description and Syllabus
Fall 2009
Contact Information:
Time: TR (10:00-11:15 am)
Place:KOBL 355
Instructor: Margaretha Sudarsih
Office: S120 IBS5
Office Phone: 303-492-5936
Office hour: M 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment

This is the fifth semester of Indonesian instruction—the first two
semesters of advanced level. By now students have been able to read
newspaper and magazine articles, classic and contemporary
Indonesian short stories, write three pages of essay in formal
Students will continue to read texts with more linguistic and
stylistic complexities: op-ed, classic and contemporary novels, song
lyrics and its social and political background, and poems). Students will
also improve their listening skill by listening to newscast and
interviews, and lead discussions. Students will write 6 (six) responses
to the reading and listening materials, and one final paper.

Course objectives:
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Read classic and modern Indonesian novels.
2. Listen to Indonesian newscast and interviews.
3. Write responses in formal Indonesian about the reading.
4. Lead and participate in formal discussions in Indonesian based on
the reading and listening materials above.

Echols & Shadily, An English Indonesian Dictionary (Cornell
University Press, 1975).
Echols & Shadily, An Indonesian English Dictionary (Cornell
University Press, 1989).
Additional online texts.

Margaretha Sudarsih
Deparment of Asian Languages & Civilizations
University of Colorado at Boulder
INDO 3010
FALL 2009
Course requirements:
1. Reading, attendance and participation in class activities (25%)
2. Leading discussions (25%)
3. Written responses (including final paper) (50%)

Course evaluation:
Leading discussions (25%)
Students will choose any short article in Indonesian for the discussion. Articles
should be sent to all by Monday at 5 PM at the latest, a week prior to the discussion. If
you send the material later than Monday at 5 PM, you will lose a chance to lead the
Students leading the discussion should prepare a list of vocabulary from the
article, and at least 10 (ten) comments or questions about the article, to which the class
will respond. Please make copies of these for the class, and bring them to class on the day
you lead the discussion. Each student will lead 1 discussion throughout the semester.

Written responses (50%)

There are 7 (ten) listening and 7 (seven) reading materials that
students are going to work on this semester. Students are required to
write 6 responses and a final paper, which may include responses on
the style, vocabulary, clarity, cultural aspect, or questions that may
arise during the reading.
This response should be 3-5 pages, double space, written in
formal Indonesian. The reading responses are due by 5 PM on Monday.
I will read it and return it to you in a week’s time, and will expect you
to return a revised copy of your response on the following Monday after
you receive my correction. This will be the response that I will grade.

Links to sources on Indonesia

There will be a session in class to develop a list of sources on Indonesia
using zotero.


FALL 2009

Week 1 Discussing the syllabus and getting the vocabulary

back. On traditional food
Margaretha Sudarsih
Deparment of Asian Languages & Civilizations
University of Colorado at Boulder
INDO 3010
FALL 2009
Tuesday, Aug 25 Listening 1: Nek Amah Penjual Nasi Uduk
Thursday, Aug 27 Reading & Discussion 1: Wawancara
dengan Nek Amah (transcript from the

Week 2 Grammar exercise and discussion on Reading 1

Tuesday, Aug 31 JCross & JMatch on Reading 1
Thursday, Sept 1 Switching from colloquial to formal
--text-based exercise from Reading 1
Assignment 1 Write a 3-5 page response on either
Listening 1 or Reading 1

Week 3 On Tradition: Learning about the traditional “home

visit” during the Moslem holiday and the arduous
task in getting public transportation
Tuesday, Sept 8 Listening 2: Enak Naik Kereta Tidak
Macet dan Bertaruh Nyawa Untuk
Sampai Ke Kampung dan Pemudik
Pengguna Kereta Api di Stasiun
Thursday, Sept 10 Reading & Discussion 2: transcript
from the video clips

Week 4 Grammar exercise and discussion on Reading 2

Tuesday, Sept 15 JCross & JMatch on Reading 2
Thursday, Sept 17 Switching from colloquial to formal
--text-based exercise from Reading 2
Assignment 2 Write a 3-5 page response on either
Listening 2 or Reading 2

Week 5 On Music: Learning about the political singer Iwan

Fals through one of his famous songs
Tuesday, Sept 22 Listening 3: Iwan Fals’s Bapak Oemar
Thursday, Sept 24 Reading & Discussion 3: Iwan’s
Fals’ biography
Iwan Fals Menurut Iwan Fals: http://iwan-

Week 6 Grammar exercise and discussion on Reading 3

Tuesday, Sept 29 JCross & JMatch on Iwan Fals’ song

Thursday, Oct 1 - kan and –i affixes from Fals’ biography

Assignment 3 Write a 3-5 page response on either
Listening 3 or Reading 3

Margaretha Sudarsih
Deparment of Asian Languages & Civilizations
University of Colorado at Boulder
INDO 3010
FALL 2009
Week 7 On History: Learning about the Japanese occupation
in Indonesia through an interview with Bapak
Sudarmanto and a short story by Idrus
Tuesday, Oct 6 Listening 4: Wawancara dengan Bp
Thursday, Oct 8 Reading & Discussion 4: Pasar Malam
Jaman Jepang by Idrus (Part 1)

Week 8 Grammar exercise and discussion on Reading 4

Tuesday, Oct 13 JCross and JMatch on Reading 4
Thursday, Oct 15 Reading & Discussion 2: Pasar Malam
Jaman Jepang by Idrus (Part 2)
Assignment 4 Write a 3-5 page response on either
Listening 4 or Reading 4

Week 9 On Health: Learning about the increase of HIV/AIDS

patients in Papua
Tuesday, Oct 20 Listening 5: Kasus HIV/AIDS Papua
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep
Thursday, Oct 22 Reading & Discussion 5: news script of
the interview

Week 10 Grammar exercise and discussion on Reading 5

Tuesday, Oct 27 JCross and JMatch on Reading 5
Thursday, Oct 29 ke-an and pe-an affixes
Assignment 5 Write a 3-5 page response on either
Listening 5 or Reading 5

Week 11 On Labor: Illegal Indonesian migrant workers in the

Tuesday, Nov 3 Listening 6: Wawancara dengan tenaga
kerja ilegal
Thursday, Nov 5 Reading & Discussion 6: Tenaga Kerja
Ilegal Indonesia di Belanda

Week 12 Grammar exercise and discussion on Reading 6

Tuesday, Nov 10 JCross and JMatch on Reading 6
Thursday, Nov 12 ter- and di- prefixes
Assignment 6 Write a 3-5 page response on either
Listening 6 or Reading 6

Week 13 On tradition: Learning about traditional textiles

from Sumba Island
Tuesday, Nov 17 Listening 7: Kain Sumba
Thursday, Nov 19 Reading & Discussion 7: Kain Sumba
Terpanjang di Dunia
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep

Week 14 Nov 23-27 Fall and Thanksgiving break

Margaretha Sudarsih
Deparment of Asian Languages & Civilizations
University of Colorado at Boulder
INDO 3010
FALL 2009
Week 15 Leading discussions: students take turns leading a
discussion based on texts or audio files of their choice.
Depending on the number of students in the class, their
turn(s) will be determined accordingly.
Thursday, Dec 3 Final paper due: Write 6-8 page essay
on any important issue in Indonesia. Take
a stand and support your arguments.
Week 16 Leading discussions

Margaretha Sudarsih
Deparment of Asian Languages & Civilizations
University of Colorado at Boulder

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