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Westward Expansion 1783-1853 1803- Louisiana purchase -extends western boundary of U.S.

To the Rocky Mountains -bought from France for $15 million -the purchase doubled the size of the nation 1818- Northern boundary -treaty between United States and United Kingdom established the northern boundary of the Louisiana purchase at 49 degrees north 1819- Florida -ceded to the United States and purchased from Spain for $5 million -Adams- Onis Treaty 1820- Maine -carved out of Massachusetts -northern boundary of Maine was disputed between the United States and Canada -King of the Netherlands was brought in as an arbiter and settled the dispute in 1829 Texas -Americans keep moving west into the Louisiana purchase -Mexico had invited Americans to settle in Texas -Stephen Austin lead settlers into Texas in the 1820s -by 1835, 35,000 Americans a large portion from the US Southeast (Tennessee) -General Santa Anna launches a coup and at takes over the Mexican government beings emperor -stops American immigration to Texas in 1835 and abolished the English language -1836, Texas revolts and proclaims its independence from Mexico -America declares "neutrality" -Santa Anna invades southern Texas, he is slowed down at the battle of the Alamo -185 Texans vs. 3,000 Mexicans took 13 days for Santa Anna to take the mission and kill all 185 defenders -Sam Houston's army catches Santa Anna at the battle of San Macintosh, defeats the Mexicans and captures Santa Anna -Santa Anna is forced to sign the A treaty recognizing Texas as an independent nation in 1836. -Texas wishes annexation to the United States but cannot until a non-slave, partner can be found 1845: Republic of Texas -the independent country of Texas (1836-1845) is annexed to the United States -the territory of Texas extended north to 42 degrees north (Into modern Wyoming and south to the rio grande) "Manifest Destiny" 1846- Oregon Territory -ceded to the United States from Britain after an 1818 joint claim on the territory (resulted in the phrase) "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!" -the treaty of Oregon establishes the boundary at 49 degrees north

The Doomed Donner Party -of the 83 members of the Donner Party, only 45 survived to California (cannibalism) 1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo -signed after war between the Mexico and United States -Mexico cedes to the purchase of Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and western Colorado -United States paid Mexico $15,000,000 for the area Gold at Sutter's Mill, 1848 California Gold Rush 1849 1853- Gadsden purchase -the land purchase that completed the 48 contagious states of today -southern Arizona and southern New Mexico were purchased for $10 million from Mexico -named for United States minister to Mexico, James Gadsden Overland immigration to the west -between 1840 and 1860, more than 250,000 people made the trek westward The Pony Express -between April 1860 and November 1861 -delivered news and mail between st.Louis and San Francisco -took 10 days

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