After World

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After World By Jake Free

EXT.CITY.EARLY MORNING CAMERA PANS ACROSS CITY LIMITS AT SUNRISE REVEALING CRUMBLED AND DAMAGED BUILDINGS. STOPS AND ZOOMS IN ON BARELY DAMAGED APARTMENT BUILDING. CAMERA MOVES THROUGH EACH ROOM SHOWING DAMAGE THEN FINALLY TO BENS BEDROOM WHERE THE WHOLE WALL HAS BEEN TORN DOWN CAUSING A COLD DRAFT TO COME THROUGH THE ROOM. CU OF BEN IN BED PULLING COVERS OVER HIM AS THE BREEZE KEEPS BLOWING THEM OFF. WS OF BEN SITTING UP IN HIS BED ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE TORN DOWN WALL THEN GETTING UP AND WALKING TO THE HALLWAY. BEN Hello! Mom? What time is it? Ben goes through the damaged apartment down to the kitchen where another wall is torn down... BEN Guess they went to work already. He looks over at the flickering microwave clock that switches from 7:44 to 7:45 BEN Oh no I better get ready for school, the bus will be here any minute. He runs upstairs quickly grabbing clothes that dont match then grabs his backpack and returns downstairs and outside to the bus stop just outside his apartment. WS OF BEN STANDING AT BUS STOP. BUILDINGS BURNING AROUND HIM. LIGHT CHANGING SHOWING TIME PASSING. FADING BEN IN DIFFERENT POSITIONS AROUND THE BUS STOP. Finally a building across the street collapses as Ben watches in awe. BEN ...Wait a minute... he looks around finally noticing everything is on fire BEN If everything is on fire, and the bus didnt come to get me, then that must mean...NO SCHOOL! He runs back inside up to his room CU OF BACKPACK BEING THROWN ONTO THE BED, THEN HAND GRABBING (CONTINUED)



A VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER, THEN GAME CARTRIDGE BEING PUT INTO CONSOLE. Ben goes to grab the remote to turn on the tv. Sparks fly out of the tv and it explodes. Bens face goes from extreme excitement to utter sadness. Suddenly his stomach growls. BEN hungry. Wheres mom and dad? They should have been home an hour ago. Guess I should go see what we have in the fridge. Ben gets up and goes back to the kitchen and looks in the fridge. BEN Hmm Lettuce, tomatoes, sardines...Ugh why dont we have food in this house!?!? He goes over to the pantry BEN Bread. No. Taco shells. No. CAMERA ZOOMS IN ON A BOX OF CAKE MIX IN THE BACK OF THE PANTRY. BEN Jackpot! He starts reading the directions on the box. BEN Lets see. To enjoy delicious cake you will also need 3 eggs and one cup of milk. Ben finds eggs and a half gallon of milk in the fridge, sets them on the table, and continues to read the instructions BEN Alright step two. Mix milk and eggs with cake mix and pour mixture into cake pan and place in oven at 400 degrees. Warning...DO NOT OPERATE OVEN WITHOUT AN ADULTS SUPERVISION!?!?! Awww man what am I gunna do now?...I know Ill just go to grandmas house. She makes the best cake.




Ben grabs his backback and puts the cake mix along with the eggs and milk inside. He Looks out the window and sees that everything is still on fire. BEN Hmm. It still looks pretty bad out there. I better take some protection. he goes back to his room and opens his toy box, and finds a toy sword and a toy laser gun inside. BEN This should work. He slides the sword in his backpack and clips the laser gun to his belt loop, Then heads outside, and starts walking down the street. CITY LIMITS It starts to get dark out and Ben starting to get scared pulls out his sword and walks cautiously through the street. He soon passes a collapsed building on the side of the road and hears a voice behind a large rock. UNKNOWN Stupid bowls. End of the world comes along and I have to be some kind of mutant. BEN H..Hello? UNKNOWN What? Whose there? Dont come over here! BEN Who are you? UNKNOWN My names Doug but thats not important right now just give me a minute. BEN Did you say you were a mutant? DOUG well yeah, but just hold on.


CONTINUED: BEN But if youre a mutant... Then you have to die!


Ben quickly leaps over the rock and swings his sword down just missing Doug, after realizing that Doug is in fact just a turtle with a cereal bowl for a shell, that is continuously spilling out cereal and milk, and who just happens to be in the middle of a poop. BEN What the?!?! DOUG What! No! BEN What are you doing!? DOUG Im trying to go to the bathroom if you dont mind! BEN oh...oh my bad. Ben jumps back over the rock. resting his back on the other side. BEN I thought you were a mutant, but youre just a turtle. DOUG Yes, I know that, but how many turtles do you know (Grunt) with a cereal bowl for their shell. BEN DOUG Thats what I thought. (Grunts) my shell was destroyed last night (Grunts) and ever since Ive had to use this cereal bowl I found as a new one. (Grunt) BEN Oh so thats what you meant by mutant. Doug comes out from behind the rock.


CONTINUED: DOUG Yes BEN Wait but who were you talking to? DOUG Myself of course. BEN You talk to yourself? DOUG Well I was pooping wasnt I? BEN What? DOUG Wait...Wasnt I? BEN Well yeah but... DOUG Oh good. thought I was going crazy again. BEN Wait you talk to yourself when you poop? DOUG Well yeah, dont you? BEN Well no, not usually. cu of doug DOUG ...Well then how do you make it come out? Dont you need the vibrations BEN What? I Dont know it just kind of happens. I mean...I guess I push a little. DOUG Ill never understand you young kids these days.





BEN Look this conversation seems really played out for a simple poop joke. MS BEN AND DOUG BOTH LOOK AT THE CAMERA FOR A COUPLE SECONDS BEN Where are you headed? DOUG Not sure really. I woke up this morning, my whole family was gone along with my shell. I walked all day until I found this bowl over there and then not too long after you came in swingin that stupid sword around like some hooligan. BEN Sorry about that. I woke up without my family too. Im headed to my grandmas now. Wanna come? DOUG Oh I would but theres no way I can keep up with you. BEN Sure you can. Here. Ben picks up Doug and puts him in the side pocket of his backpack. DOUG Hey what are you doing? Let go! BEN There you go. DOUG Hm. Well I guess this is alright. Where too now. BEN We have to go through there. WS CAMERA QUICKLY PANS OVER TO A BRIDGE GOING OVER A RIVER WITH A FOREST ON THE OTHER SIDE. DOUG The Old Forrest? Thats where Im from!




BEN Youre from the Old Forrest? But I thought thats just where old people go when theyre done living and need to rest. How old are you? DOUG Im nearly 60! All turtles are old my parents are 120! BEN Hm well I guess that makes sense. I guess that cereal bowl just makes you look silly. DOUG Hey! BEN I mean younger? DOUG Oh you think so?...Hey maybe well find my family in there too. BEN Yeah maybe. THE OLD FORREST. WIDE AERIAL SHOT FROM BEHIND BEN AND DOUG FOLLOWING THEM FURTHER INTO THE FOREST. SHOWING TREES KNOCKED DOWN AND SMOULDERING FIRES. THEN CUT TO MS OF BEN WALKING THROUGH WOODS. DOUG This place sure has changed. BEN Yeah it sure is dark. DOUG I meant the damage. BEN Oh right. Its ok Ill protect you. Ben pulls his sword back out and holds it in attack position.




DOUG Thats not a real sword BEN Of course it is. Ive killed tons of bad guys with this thing. DOUG Like who?! BEN Well like one time me and my friends were playing pretend and we were protecting the princess in our secret base and this bad guy was all like "move" and I was all like "no way!" and he was like "grrr" and I was like "RAWR!" Then I stabbed him in the face and he was all like "BLAAAAAAAH" dead. DOUG You bafoon! That didnt even happen. That was just pretend! BEN Well yeah, but it was still pretty good practice. Just then a snap of a twig is heard off to the side of the path. Doug yelps and grabs onto the side of Bens head. UNKNOWN H...Hello? BEN Whose there? UNKNOWN Dont hurt me BEN Show yourself! A Twinkie shaped pastry comes out from behind a tree. Doug climbs down from Bens head and onto his shoulder. Ben lowers his sword and bends down to talk to her. BEN Awe. Hey there.




UNKNOWN H..Hello. BEN Whats youre name? UNKNOWN M...Megan BEN Well hey there Megan. My names Ben and this here is my new friend Doug. MEGAN H...Hi Doug DOUG Hello! BEN What are you doing out here? Are you by yourself? MEGAN Yes, Im from the dessert factory on the other side of town. BEN Youre a long ways away from home. MEGAN Ive been traveling all day. I saw you two coming across the brige into the woods and have been following you since. BEN Wait what exactly happened? CU of Megan with slow zoom in. Then fade to flashback. MEGAN I dont know exactly. I was at the factory just about to be packaged up for delivery. I was so excited the other desserts always talked about being shipped out to the stores and being made available for consumer purchase just before being enjoyed by the masses...but just before I was packaged there was an explosion or some kind of loud (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MEGAN (contd) noise and a flash of white light. I couldnt see anything. I heard screams from the other desserts. I started to slowly regain my sight but could only make out the factory workers footsteps and people running around in a panic. I started to panic myself, and I guess I must have passed out. When I woke up everyone was gone, all the employees, the trucks, Even the janitors. Thats when I set out to find them. FADE BACK TO A CU OF MEGAN. MEGAN It all happened so fast. I had looked forward to that day my entire life. I remember waking up that morning being so happy...Thinking this is it...This is my day of purpose...This is the beginning of my journey...My chance to actually bring joy to someone...I hadnt been that happy since the day I got my creme filling... DOUG (wipes away a tear) Thats the saddest thing Ive ever heard. BEN What kind of dessert are you exactly? MEGAN Well obviously Im a Twinki... DOUG (cough cough) You cant say it! MEGAN Excuse me? DOUG You cant tell us what you are.




BEN Why not? DOUG Because obviously shes a Twinkie but due to the copyright and lawsuits that Hostess could file against not only the creator of this stupid show but us as well we can only refer to her as a pastry. MEGAN Well, excuse me but I am not just some pastry for you to objectify and add personification to. BEN ok ok, calm down everyone. How bout we just call you Megan? DOUG That works. MEGAN Fine. BEN It is decided. Ben picks Megan up and places her on his shoulder. Megan looks them over seeing Bens gun and sword and Dougs Cereal bowl which is still spilling milk and cereal crumbs all over. They continue on the path. MEGAN What about you guys? Whats your story, and why are you wearing that bowl? DOUG My shell was destroyed during "The Happening" so I have to wear this thing now. MEGAN You mean that M. Night Shyamalan movie with Mark Wahlberg? DOUG What? No The Apocalypse!


CONTINUED: MEGAN really think this was the apocalypse? DOUG Well what else would you call it? MEGAN Oh my god...but...that means...we might be the only ones left. BEN Well I sure hope not. Im headed to my grandmas house right now to have her help me make this delicious cake. Megan looks at Ben with confusion and concern. DOUG (Sigh) He just doesnt understand. MEGAN Whats your story anyways? BEN Well, I woke up this morning. My parents had already gone to work. then the bus didnt pick me up for school. My video games didnt work. Then I got hungry, and my parents still werent home, and the directions on the cake mix said not to operate the oven without an adults supervision. So now Im headed to see my grandma so she can help me make some delicious cake. CU of megan staring blankly at Ben. Then cut to Doug. DOUG Just go with it. After all he does have a sword. CU OF BEN LOOKING PROUD. BEN And a gun.


Ben takes his toy laser gun out and points it into the air before pulling the trigger. The gun starts making laser sounds.




Doug and Megan then realize the gun is a toy and break out in laughter. CU of Ben Smiling. OLD FORREST PART 2: THE ENEMY The group makes their way deeper into the Old Forrest. MEGAN Where exactly does your grandma live anyways? BEN Im not sure exactly but I think were close. Doug, youre from these parts how close are we from the rest home? DOUG Not too far now, Should be just up the path a ways. BEN Good. Im starving. MEGAN Um... CU OF MEGAN AND DOUGS FACES SHOWING SIGNS OF PITTY FOR BENS ILLINTELLECT. Just then another sound is heard up ahead in the path. MEGAN Wh...What was that? BEN I dont know... Ben puts his hand on his laser gun ready to draw, Doug rolls his eyes. They hear the sound again. MEGAN There it was again. Once again the sound is heard. DOUG Whose there dag nabbit?!? A cockroach comes out of the woods blocking the groups path. (CONTINUED)



BEN What the?... COCKROACH HAHA it is I,...Kevin. King of all cockroaches right hand man and helper of all that is evil! MEGAN youre like a secretary. Maybe he can help us. COCKROACH What? No, Im not like a secretary Im the king of all cockroaches right hand man. BEN But youre not "THE" king of all cockroaches. COCKROACH Well no thats Steve, but I am his right hand man. DOUG Sounds like a secretary to me. MEGAN Yeah, but arent secretaries usually women? COCKROACH Shut up! Im not a woman, or a secretary! Im the king of all cockroaches right hand man! and Ive been sent here to destroy you! MEGAN Why? COCKROACH Well cause Im a cockroach. Were gross, scary and supposedly one of the only species that can live through the apocalypse. Ive been sent to make sure thats the case! BEN Well, I dont know. Youre not that scary.




DOUG Yeah! Whats so scary about a secretary? COCKROACH Im not a secretary! Now I am going to destroy you! BEN Not if I can help it! Ben pulls out his laser gun and pulls the trigger. Laser sounds come out of it and the sides light up. COCKROACH AAAH! A gun! BEN Take this! COCKROACH AAAH! Cockroach runs behind a tree in panic. Ben continues screaming firing shots in his direction. The cockroach then realizes that there are no actual shots coming out of the gun, Then peeks his head out from around the tree. COCKROACH Wait a minute... Cockroach then comes the rest of the way out from behind the tree. COCKROACH Thats not even a real gun! BEN Maybe not, but how bout this! (Pokemon parody begins) artwork switches to a more japanese cartoon style and action music begins to play. Ben grabs Doug out of his backpack pocket and throws him towards the cockroach. BEN Doug, I choose you DOUG Whats happening!?!?




COCKROACH What the?... BEN Doug, Use milk bullet attack! DOUG Do what!? Suddenly the milk dripping out of the cereal bowl Doug is using as a shell starts to morph into droplets of milk floating in air right before speeding off towards the cockroach covering him in milk. DOUG AAAAAAH! Whats happening? COCKROACH AAAAAAH! Im all wet! Is this milk!? BEN Doug, now use bowlerang! DOUG What does that even mean!? The bowl suddenly levitates off of Dougs back and starts spinning rapidly. The cockroach starts screaming and running away.Doug covering himself starts leaping in the air trying to grab his bowl. DOUG Hey cut it out! Im naked! The bowl then takes off, chasing after him, then hitting him in the head knocking him down. The bowl then returns landing safely on dougs back. BEN Good! Now finish him off with a nutritious trap attack! DOUG I dont know whats going on! What do these words mean!?!? Im old and confused! A cheerio shaped peice of cereal comes out of Dougs bowl and shoots off towards the cockroach trapping him in the center of it, still knocked out. Artwork style returns to normal and all japanese effects fade away.




BEN That should do it! MEGAN Whoa... DOUG What was that! BEN We beat a bad guy. DOUG No! What was all of that?! What did you do to me!? BEN Oh, I just released your inner powers. DOUG What?! What inner powers? Im old, I cant have inner powers! BEN Of course you can. Now that youre using that cereal bowl as a shell along with the laws of cartoons and imagination you can have as many inner powers as you want! Dont you ever watch tv? DOUG Who said I wanted any inner powers at all? BEN Why wouldnt you want inner powers? MEGAN It was pretty impressive. DOUG Well I guess so, but a little warning would have been nice. MEGAN At least we got rid of that annoying secretary. BEN And its all because I watched a lot of cartoons. (CONTINUED)



CU OF THE THREE CHARECTORS LOOKING INTO THE FOURTH WALL AND SMILING. THEN WS OF THE THREE WALKING OFF FURTHER INTO THE PATH WITH SHOWING THE COCKROACH STILL KNOCKED OUT AND WRAPPED IN A CHEEREO IN THE FORGROUND. OLD FORREST PART 3: THE BATTLE The group continues down the path then notice an opening up ahead to a large hill. BEN Hey! That must be it. Were so close! DOUG Well Ill be... Megan sniffs the air. MEGAN Whats that smell? Ben and Doug sniff the air becoming disgusted. BEN Ew gross! What is that? MEGAN It smells like spoiled milk. Megan and Ben look down at Dougs bowl spilling milk everywhere. DOUG Hey, dont look at me. This milk is fresh. Megan climbs from Bens shoulder onto his backpack and unzips it and climbs inside. MEGAN Awwww gross! Its in here! Megan pushes the half gallon of milk from Bens backpack out of the pocket. BEN Oh yeah thats the milk for the cake my grandmas going to help us make.


CONTINUED: DOUG Thats disgusting! MEGAN How long has this been in here? BEN Since this morning. MEGAN Gross! DOUG The heat from all of the flames around here must have warmed it up and made it go bad. As the group gets closer to the opening they hear what sounds like a group of voices from up ahead. MEGAN Whats that?


Ben hides the group behind a tree and looks around it. Dozens of cockroaches come from the other side of the hill carrying tiny spears and torches. BEN Its more bad guys COCKROACH 1 We sure showed them! COCKROACH 2 Yeah! Nobody makes it through the apocalypse but us! All the cockroaches cheer. COCKROACH 1 Alright fellas good job! Now spread out and search the area. Make sure we dont leave any behind. Whispering behind the tree. MEGAN What do we do. BEN I got this. Ben reaches for his sword.




DOUG Would you cut it out with the sword! BEN Well what do you suggest we do? DOUG I dont know. My bowls not big enough to take on all of them. Megan looks around the tree from Bens shoulder. MEGAN Theyre getting closer. BEN Ugh. MEGAN What do we do?! What do we do?! Two cockroaches make thier way closer to the tree. The group gets quiet in panic. Ben presses himself against the tree. One of the cockroaches sniffs the air. COCKROACH 1 Hey, you smell something? Second cockroach sniffs the air. COCKROACH 2 Ew. What is that? MEGAN (whispering closer to Bens ear) Oh no! The milk! In a panic Ben steps on a twig causing it to snap. COCKROACH 1 What was that? COCKROACH 2 It came from over there DOUG sigh* COCKROACH 2 (Calling back to the others) Hey! Over here! We heard something! (CONTINUED)



Dozens of other cockroaches run over. COCKROACH 3 Where at? COCKROACH 1 Over there. Behind that tree. MEGAN You gotta get rid of the milk. BEN Wait a minute thats it! DOUG What? What are you doing? BEN Megan hand me the milk. Megan nods and quietly climbs down into Bens backpack then coming back out handing the milk to Ben. DOUG Whats going on BEN Shh. Be quiet. The cockroaches slowly get closer to the tree. BEN Just a little bit closer. COCKROACH 1 Whose there!? Ben lets out a war cry and jumps out from behind the tree, throwing the milk on the ground. The milk jug then splatters covering a majority of he cockroaches causing them to gag and drown. COCKROACH Ew! What is this! COCKROACH 1 Cockroaches attack formation! Dozens of other cockroaches appear from the woods and in trees all holding tiny spears and torches ready to attack.


CONTINUED: MEGAN Now what? COCKROACH It seems you have weakened our forces. But now, as Steve, King of all cockroaches right hand man I will destroy you and take you and your weapons back to the king and claim my prize! COCKROACH 2 Hey, I thought I was the kings right hand man. COCKROACH 1 I thought I was! COCKROACH 3 Youre all wrong. I am the right hand man of the king!


All of the cockroaches start yelling at each other each claiming to be the kings right hand man. DOUG Alright! We get it! Youre all secretaries! The cockroaches yelling comes to a sudden halt. COCKROACH What did you call us? MEGAN Well youre not women but obviously you all want to be this "King" guys secretary but Im sure you can all help him out in some way or another. BEN Yeah! Like Santa and his elves! COCKROACH We are not secretaries or elves! We are an army. Made up of the ultimate race. The apocolypse has come and now we are in control. we will take over this world and destroy anyone who gets in our way! Starting with you. When I take you back to the king I be named his secretary! (CONTINUED)



BEN You mean right hand man? COCKROACH Yes of course I mean right hand man! COCKROACH 2 Excuse me! do you get to be the one to take them back exactly? COCKROACH 1 Hey yeah? COCKROACH 4 Yeah! COCKROACH 5 Why not me COCKROACH 6 Or me! COCKROACH Yes ok ok, whoever kills them will be the one to take them back and be named the kings head elf. COCKROACH 5 You mean right hand man? COCKROACH Yes of course I mean right hand man! Now attack! All the roaches hold their spears and torches in the air and charge the group. Megan jumps back in Bens backpack to hide. DOUG Do something! Ben steps on a group of the roaches killing some but thier tiny spears peirce the bottom of his shoe and prick his foot. BEN OW! DOUG What!?


CONTINUED: BEN They have spears! DOUG Oh right.


Megan emerges from the backpack holding Bens toy laser gun and starts firing shots. COCKROACH Aaaah! she has a gun! A large group of the roaches flee in fear. While others stay to fight. DOUG Would you cut it out with the gun!? MEGAN It got rid of some of them didnt it? A group of roaches with torches charge Ben. Ben bends over and stares them in the face. The roaches stop frozen in fear right in front of his face. Ben smiles and blows out thier torches. COCKROACH Retreat! The roaches with torches flee leaving only a few dozen more with tiny spears left to fight. They charge Ben and poke him in the face with one leaving a small cut. BEN Ow! Hey! Ben stands back up and the roaches start stabbing his legs. BEN Hey cut it out! MEGAN Doug, Do something! DOUG Im Trying! CU OF DOUG Doug closes his eyes and starts grunting trying to trigger his inner powers. MS OF ROACHES (CONTINUED)



The roaches start climbing up Bens pants leg in order to reach them. CU OF DOUG still struggling and grunting eventually letting out a small poo which falls hitting one of the roaches in the face and knocking him to the ground. COCKROACH Get Them! MEGAN Oh no! A horn goes off in the disance. The roaches stop and look off towards the sound. COCKROACH Its the king. COCKROACH 1 He needs me. COCKROACH 3 Pff he needs me! The roaches start climbing down off of Ben and retreating to the sound. COCKROACH You got lucky this time kid, but well be back! Back to destroy you and your friends! You cannot hide from us! The roaches dissapear into the distance. GRANDMAS COOKING MEGAN That was close. BEN Soooo, do we wait here, or are they just going to find us? DOUG No, we dont wait here! They had spears and fires!




BEN But they said we couldnt hide. MEGAN Ben! DOUG This isnt a game kid! This is real! Those guys wanted to kill us! BEN But they were so tiny. MEGAN Ben youre bleeding. BEN Im fine. I can protect us. DOUG Ben, look at me, this is real. Something happened last night. I dont know what but its effecting all of us. Your parents, the other pastries, my family, we dont know where they are. For all we know we could be the last survivors. It could be just us and them left and who knows how many of them there actually are. Eventually our size may not make a difference against their numbers. BEN Would you guys relax. Look my grandma lives right on the other side of this hill. were going to go there, chill with my nana, and have delicious cake. I just hope she has some good milk. Megan and Doug stare at each other. MEGAN Lets just go The group makes their way up the hill and see smoke coming from the other side. BEN MmmMmm, smells like grandmas cooking already!




They make thier way to the top of the hill revealing the rest home engulfed in flames. Megan lets out a cry. The group watches the building burn in terror. DOUG Literally... Slow sad music starts to play. WS CAMERA SLOWLY ZOOMS IN ON GROUP REVEALING A SINGLE TEAR IN BENS EYE THEN ZOOMS INTO HIS PUPIL FADING TO BLACK FOR 3 SECONDS. CAMERA FADES BACK IN FOR CREDITS REVEALING THE GROUP SITTING IN FRONT OF THE FIRE Ben is sitting silently and sad. Megan and Doug making him a the cake he went to she his grandma for in the first place, using the mix and eggs and milk from Dougs shell. Sitting it down infront of Ben. END

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