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SurveyMonkey - Survey Results

survey title:
Requirement gathering

current report: Default Report

Displaying 5 of 5 respondents

Response Type: Normal Response Collector: Requirement gathering link (Web Link)

Custom Value: empty IP Address:

Response Started: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 5:23:38 PM Response Modified: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 5:50:45 PM

1. Your Details

No Response

2. What is your current website address?

3. What is the primary objective for your website?

Provide platform to increase business opportunities in all sectors for new customers.

4. What is the secondary objective for your website?

A tool which broadcasts recent developments at i-KOS and encourages communication with new and existing clients

5. Please tell us about any other objectives for your website.

Raise profile of the following services: Design, Print, Drupal House, Business Strategy, Marketing Agency, The team (individuals). It must
also show off our technical prowess (via jquery etc), our design and wireframe applications, and our approach to social media for small and
medium sized business

6. Who is your target audience? (e.g. Demographic, industry or persona)

SME's, Drupal Organisations, Other agencies (with no technical support)

7. What do you believe are the key reasons why customers choose your company/products/services?

Word of mouth

8. Use three adjectives to describe how the site should be perceived by the user. (examples: conservative, progressive, friendly,
formal, casual, serious, energetic, humorous, professional)

1. - Professional

2. - Accessible

3. - An expert

9. Is this different than current image perception?

Yes, in part

10. What do you feel has been the biggest hurdle getting this image across to customers?

Lack of motivation for content, and a poor platform for emerging technologies

11. Are there any brand / marketing guidelines which need to be followed? If so, please briefly state what these are.

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SurveyMonkey - Survey Results

Logo, red grey colour scheme

12. List 3 websites you like, and briefly state what you find interesting about each

1 - BBC - grid, great structure of content

2 - School Digital - a seemingly perfect agency site

3 - Dubble vision - nice clean style

13. List 3 websites you dislike, and briefly state why

1 - Google Answers - poor heirarchy of structure and devoid of design

14. 1. Briefly, what are your short-term marketing goals (in the next 1-2 years)

Increase i-KOS' presence as a Drupal House

15. What is the primary action you wish your target user to take from your site? (examples: download, browse, move along a
specific path, email, order, explore, click button, call via phone, etc.)

Read white paper on development, contact member of staff for discussion, fill a requirement quote / form

16. What methods of distributing the URL already exist within the company? (tick all that are appropriate)


Affiliate marketing

Email broadcasts

17. Who are your 3 biggest ONLINE competitors (with web addresses)

1. - school digital

2. - don't know

3. - don't know

18. List your 3 biggest OFFLINE competitors

1. - N/A

2. - N/A

3. - N/A

19. Who is the primary contact for this project? (Please list name, title, email address and phone numbers if applicable)

Simon or Dereck

20. Do you already have a domain name in mind? Is it registered?

Yes I have a registered domain

21. Would you like i-KOS to be responsible for the resultant site hosting?


22. Do you have an existing database?


23. If yes, please include specific information about software and platforms used

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24. Will you require eCommerce?


25. Do you wish to take credit card payments online?


26. News/Events (do you want date-sensitive or date-triggered information published on your site as typically used to publish
News and/or Events?)


27. Diary/Calendar Manager - Do you wish visitors to be able to book an appointment or book a place at an event? If yes should
the system be able to take the booking?


28. If so, would you like this to be RSS compliant? (so visitors can subscribe to its feed)


29. Do you require a forum?


30. Do you require a blog?


31. Would you like visitors to be able to rate your products, company or services (e.g. a 5 star rating system against a set

Undecided, more information required

32. Would you like visitors to be able to leave comments on your products or services?

Undecided, more information required

33. Would you like to offer social bookmarking and tagging for users of the website?


34. Does your website need a structured catalogue as typified by most product-based website?


35. How many products do you intend to list?


36. Are your products single items with a single stock-code or configurable? (e.g. a t-shirt available in multiple colours and

Combination of both

37. Do you want to offer related products?

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38. Do you have firm rules for shipping and handling costs? If so what are they?

No Response

39. Would you consider reviews/comments on products?


40. Video: Is this to embedded on the site?


41. What is the basic structure of the content and how is it organized? (examples: is the text now on disk or will it need to be

Text documents

42. What format are the images in?


43. Do you have access to the original source files?


44. Are other file types to be used? (Sound, video, Flash, PDF files)




45. Would you like i-KOS to input content as part of the project?


46. Are particular, logos, graphics to be provided?


End of sept

47. Who will manage content updates in future?


48. If the site is to be updated by yourselves, how often and by whom?

Every week, but probably more regularly, dependent on blog postings.

49. Will additional training be required (for image, video or text editing), or is the CMS (content managed system) built to deal
with this?

CMS to deal with it

50. Do you require multi-language services from i-KOS? If so please provide more information

Maybe in the future

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51. What is the budget for this project?


52. Are there any specific budget limitations which need to be taken into consideration


53. Support: Will you require a support contract or prefer support to be biled on a per-hour basis?

Support contract

54. What are the timescales for this project?

8-16 weeks

55. Is the target launch date connected to a fixed event?


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