September 2013

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A Note From Mrs. Robinson


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Dear Parents,
First of all, your children are wonderful. I am really enjoying this great group of students. Thanks for sharing them with me I can already tell its going to be a fabulous year. Hopefully you enjoyed the rst three-day weekend of the year. I spent Saturday watching plenty of college football, including the highlight - the UCLA Bruins beating UNR in the season opener at the Rose Bowl (thank goodness for friends with Comcast and the Pac-12 Network!) Im looking forward to a great month with your children - so far were off to a great start. Keep A Football Season Song in your Heart! ~Kati! Robinso"

With the knowledge that a whole year stretches out in front of us, September brings with it the hope for a fresh beginning. Each year I see students that are somewhat hesitant, yet hopeful for what lies ahead. This class is no exception. We are all looking forward to the traditions of Green Valley fourth grade, such DONT FORGET! During Back to School Night I will give a detailed explanation of all of our curricular areas. In the meantime, please know that if you have a question at any time, please dont hesitate to e!mail or call me at school. You can also write a quick note in the planner and Ill do my

as the Overnight Field Trip and the Gold Rush Day... all the things theyve heard about from former students. In addition theyre excited to experience the day!to!day learning that goes on in room 18 in Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Art, and Music... and I am, too!

best to respond. This year will be one of transition for your child as they learn to navigate the world of daily homework, long!term projects, and reading to learn. Theyll grow by leaps and bounds as we cheer them on. I look forward to working with you to help your child reach their full potential!


BREAKFAST BOOK CLUB Breakfast Book Club Please mark your calendar for our rst meeting on Wednesday, September 25th at 7:45am ! dont miss it! Your participation and enthusiasm in Breakfast Book Club are very important. I will discuss the program in detail at Back!to!School Night. In the meantime, please save the date! I will announce the rst book selection at our meeting on the 25th. For the rst meeting, there is no book to read ahead of time, all you need to do is show up and bring a breakfast item to share. Here is a link to to sign up to participate. Thanks!


CURRICULUM NOTES During the past week weve been learning classroom procedures to help make our experience in 4th grade run smoothly. I typically spend several weeks teaching and reviewing these procedures so that the students are able to really internalize my expectations. The class has also started becoming familiarized with my readers and writers workshop program. This week I will begin teaching math from our adopted curriculum. At Back!to!School Night you will receive a letter regarding the enVision on!line math system. Please be sure to put this in a safe place as it contains your childs personal username and password for our on!line math program. There will be regular on! line math assignments, so its important for your child to have this handy. You will hear more about all of these programs, and be encouraged to ask questions, at Back to School Night. Please come! "Do you detect a theme, here?#

ARRIVAL TIME Please do your best to have your child arrive at school by 8:25. Students are expected to arrive a few minutes before the rst bell rings in order to unpack their belongings and prepare for our day of learning. We line up at 8:37 and begin our day at 8:40.


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